SPC Private RallyPoint Member 3932017 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Last week I was having a conversation with an NCO (SGT) and during that conversation he was trash talking my NCOIC, First Line, and input how thing need to be ran and we need to be reminded that we work for our NCOICs and he lets us do to much and doesn’t make us work for him. He was referencing the fact that currently four soldiers, myself included, are working on going to selection (CID, SF, CA, or CI).<br /><br />I notified my first line about this conversation and how it was unprofessional. My first line agreed and said he’d handle it. <br /><br />Today I got an ass chewing from that NCO for “lying” about things he said and was warned to keep his name out of my mouth or else he’d make my life difficult and would take further action. My first line was present and after the fact just told me to continue to do what I need for my career. <br /><br />I don’t care about he ass chewing but I do care that I was called a liar when I’m not. Is there anything else I can do or is it not worth my time? What should I do about dishonest NCOs? 2018-09-02T19:03:21-04:00 SPC Private RallyPoint Member 3932017 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Last week I was having a conversation with an NCO (SGT) and during that conversation he was trash talking my NCOIC, First Line, and input how thing need to be ran and we need to be reminded that we work for our NCOICs and he lets us do to much and doesn’t make us work for him. He was referencing the fact that currently four soldiers, myself included, are working on going to selection (CID, SF, CA, or CI).<br /><br />I notified my first line about this conversation and how it was unprofessional. My first line agreed and said he’d handle it. <br /><br />Today I got an ass chewing from that NCO for “lying” about things he said and was warned to keep his name out of my mouth or else he’d make my life difficult and would take further action. My first line was present and after the fact just told me to continue to do what I need for my career. <br /><br />I don’t care about he ass chewing but I do care that I was called a liar when I’m not. Is there anything else I can do or is it not worth my time? What should I do about dishonest NCOs? 2018-09-02T19:03:21-04:00 2018-09-02T19:03:21-04:00 CPT Jack Durish 3932041 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Are we talking about &quot;dishonest NCO&#39;s&quot; or &quot;Whistle Blowing&quot;? Sure, it may be the same thing but looked at from different directions. Dishonesty is a manifestation of cowardice and there is nothing more dangerous than a coward. They must be handled carefully. (I guess I should defend my premise) Dishonesty, or lying, is hiding or hiding from the truth. Either way, cowardice. How do you handle such a situation &quot;carefully&quot;? Well, it&#39;s best handled by more than one person who witnessed the act. I&#39;m sure others will have comments. Whistle blowing is even more fraught with danger. Just look at the news to find stories of whistle blowers who suffered even though they were proven correct. For some reason, tattling or ratting, has always been viewed as wrong. We&#39;re supposed to be loyal to others even when they don&#39;t deserve it. It seems strange just writing that, but it&#39;s true. Of course, you can &quot;blow the whistle&quot; anonymously, but that rarely produces any good results. Indeed, it may launch a vigorous search to ferret out the rat - uh, whistle blower. Not much help, am I. I suppose that situations like these gave rise to the belief in Karma or &quot;what goes around, comes around&quot;, or some cosmic force will set things right, some day. (Just don&#39;t hold your breath). If I think of anything more constructive, I&#39;ll return, but I&#39;m beginning to bore myself. Response by CPT Jack Durish made Sep 2 at 2018 7:15 PM 2018-09-02T19:15:39-04:00 2018-09-02T19:15:39-04:00 SGT Jim Ramge, MBA 3932171 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Having been in your very shoes, tread lightly... The fact that your First Line didn’t cease the conversation speaks for itself! As your NCO, I would have jumped his/her ass and stated, “We need to take this offline... You are my troop!” Totally unprofessional by his actions. There is obviously something more there... My suggestion, wait for some of the Sr. NCOs to jump on here, and take heed to their guidance. Other than that, sounds like one or both actually have morales/integrity/honors issues going on, so watch your ass and get promoted fast - then you will be on a more level playing ground for the stupidity! Until then, keep your nose clean and lay low. If it gets worse while there, consider volunteering to work on Staff for a change of pace! Response by SGT Jim Ramge, MBA made Sep 2 at 2018 8:13 PM 2018-09-02T20:13:46-04:00 2018-09-02T20:13:46-04:00 SGT Tomas "Huey" Husted 3932304 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>We took it off post and off duty. But if the guy was a real pussy and got his butt whipped he&#39;d still go whining to the Platoon Sgt. But the Platoon Sgt knew his troops. He knew the guy deserved it. Beside he threatened you, make him throw the first punch. Can&#39;t count the number of fights that went on around the PT Platform. Got my butt kicked there but I let the SOB know I wouldn&#39;t be walked on. Sorry probably too old school for today&#39;s Army. From what I read in here there&#39;s alot going on that I don&#39;t understand how it could even happen in the Army period. Response by SGT Tomas "Huey" Husted made Sep 2 at 2018 9:08 PM 2018-09-02T21:08:12-04:00 2018-09-02T21:08:12-04:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 3932365 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Honestly, the military is like high school all over again. In my opinion, unless someone’s life is at risk just let things like that go in one ear and out the other. Your NCOIC doesn’t really have time for petty drama that’s probably why it was dismissed. Focus on yourself and your career progression. Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 2 at 2018 9:30 PM 2018-09-02T21:30:14-04:00 2018-09-02T21:30:14-04:00 Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS 3932403 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You learned a valuable lesson. Who you can trust with valuable information. You NOW know not to escalate that information through that specific chain. Take it for what it&#39;s worth. Response by Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS made Sep 2 at 2018 9:40 PM 2018-09-02T21:40:46-04:00 2018-09-02T21:40:46-04:00 CSM Darieus ZaGara 3932513 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>First of all dispense with multiple acronyms or abbreviations as they can mean so many things. Next, if anyone is wrong and you have facts stand up and be heard. If you are o. The right and you have proof nothing can be done negatively. Thank you for your service. Response by CSM Darieus ZaGara made Sep 2 at 2018 10:14 PM 2018-09-02T22:14:28-04:00 2018-09-02T22:14:28-04:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 3932727 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It is going to happen from time to time. Whether you work on the civilian side where the military side you will eventually get caught up in some petty little politics. At some point someone will call you a liar, or accuse you of being unethical, or just generally question your moral compass.<br /> The thing is, even after years of Stellar service some little turd somewhere is going to question you. You could have been awarded the Medal of Honor and someone will eventually question your moral standing.<br /> Don&#39;t let your ego be the deciding factor. Right now, your ego is bruised because someone called you a liar. Your NCO is smart, they understand that this person is unimportant and trying to instigate with you so that they can take you down. Just ignore this person and their insults <br />You can learn a lot from these bad leaders. They are a shining example of the type of leader you should not be. You can learn just as much from Bad leaders as you can from good leaders. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 3 at 2018 12:38 AM 2018-09-03T00:38:55-04:00 2018-09-03T00:38:55-04:00 LCpl Cody Collins 3932756 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You should have never said anything to your NCOIC . People talk trash all the time, and when you go repeate something that was said in confidence, you seem petty . Response by LCpl Cody Collins made Sep 3 at 2018 1:02 AM 2018-09-03T01:02:34-04:00 2018-09-03T01:02:34-04:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 3932854 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My approach to this is to keep everything on the table. You should have said “SGT, let talk to our NCOIC and let him or her know about our concerns.” It is always good to bring issues to light at a round table instead of having side bars. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 3 at 2018 4:34 AM 2018-09-03T04:34:21-04:00 2018-09-03T04:34:21-04:00 TSgt James Lacey 3933537 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Let it slide, he hurt himself more than he did you. Chances are that he is just jealous about the opportunities you take advantage of. Response by TSgt James Lacey made Sep 3 at 2018 10:40 AM 2018-09-03T10:40:58-04:00 2018-09-03T10:40:58-04:00 SSgt Jeanne Wallace 3934640 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>ummm..is it just me or is this youngster being too chummy with those that rank him, and then went and tattled about it and got butt hurt when the NCO in question jumped his sh*t. Granted the NCO shouldnt have been airing his views with a junior...but tattling on him to the boss is just seriously grade school protocol Response by SSgt Jeanne Wallace made Sep 3 at 2018 5:43 PM 2018-09-03T17:43:42-04:00 2018-09-03T17:43:42-04:00 2018-09-02T19:03:21-04:00