Zachary S. 1473107 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div> What's life like as a Marine Combat Cameraman (COMCAM)? 2016-04-23T02:38:50-04:00 Zachary S. 1473107 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div> What's life like as a Marine Combat Cameraman (COMCAM)? 2016-04-23T02:38:50-04:00 2016-04-23T02:38:50-04:00 SSgt Frank Lee 1479748 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Being a Marine Combat Cameraman is NOT for the faint of heart. By that meaning it is the only military occupation that mandates you to run towards the firefight armed with only your camera and (if video camera) guts to stand steady enough (at least 10 seconds) to capture the action before a sniper dials you into his cross-hairs.<br /><br />You will inherit a proud legacy created by many distinguished Marine photographers, including Sgt. Gene Gestalt (Iwo Jima), Corporal William Perkins (Medal of Honor), and countless others who "went before you." As a Marine Combat Cameraman you stand high among our little Band of Brothers. <br />PM me if you need more info.<br /><br />Semper fi,<br />Frank Lee<br />Staff Sergeant, USMC<br />The Hill Fights, Con Thien, Khe Sanh, I Corps, DMZ, Helicopter Valley, Quang Tri, Rock Pile, A Shau Valley Response by SSgt Frank Lee made Apr 26 at 2016 11:07 AM 2016-04-26T11:07:34-04:00 2016-04-26T11:07:34-04:00 SSgt Justin Huett 2054307 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As a Marine I held both 4641 &amp; 4671 MOS. we are one of the smallest and misunderstood MOS. Early in my career most young 0311 would talk trash. They simply didn&#39;t know what we did and as many 0311, they believed they were True Marines and everyone else was just playing. <br /><br />I recall when I was out with Fourth Force Recon for the first time, these hard charges didn&#39;t have much respect for me b/c I hadn&#39;t proven myself to them. What most didn&#39;t know or realize we carry everything they do, plus our gear. In my early years we didn&#39;t have the small gear we have today. Prior to digital 4671&#39;s had 3/4&quot; tapes or SVHS, huge batteries and 4641&#39;s had rolls of film and accessories. Long story short upon returning the hard charging Recon group had a different oppinion of what we did, even more so when they were able to see the end results. In my opinion it&#39;s the best MOS there is, you&#39;ll get to see and do thing few people will ever see or do. I&#39;ve worked recon and sat with dignitaries. We get to see people at their best and worst. It&#39;s not a job for the weak at heart.<br /><br />In the end I wouldnt trade the experience for anything. You&#39;re bound to have stories that much is for sure. Response by SSgt Justin Huett made Nov 9 at 2016 8:16 AM 2016-11-09T08:16:50-05:00 2016-11-09T08:16:50-05:00 2016-04-23T02:38:50-04:00