SGT Joseph Gunderson 7111483 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The entire United States is seemingly being torn apart by several opposing ideologies. One could be easily forgiven for believing the situation as is stands presently is untenable, that something will certainly have to give, one way or another, to keep this nation together. In the culture wars, what is it that you believe stands above all else? And how do you believe the situation will be resolved? What matters the most to you? 2021-07-16T01:56:48-04:00 SGT Joseph Gunderson 7111483 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The entire United States is seemingly being torn apart by several opposing ideologies. One could be easily forgiven for believing the situation as is stands presently is untenable, that something will certainly have to give, one way or another, to keep this nation together. In the culture wars, what is it that you believe stands above all else? And how do you believe the situation will be resolved? What matters the most to you? 2021-07-16T01:56:48-04:00 2021-07-16T01:56:48-04:00 SPC Jesse Davis 7111601 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It is untenable.<br />Lincoln&#39;s biggest mistake was showing mercy to the Confederates. Response by SPC Jesse Davis made Jul 16 at 2021 5:02 AM 2021-07-16T05:02:40-04:00 2021-07-16T05:02:40-04:00 SFC Michael Hasbun 7111972 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If history is any indicator, then the side most willing to commit violence to advance their ideology wil be the victor. Once in power, the revision of history will begin, and the subsequent propagandized history will imply that they were always in the right, and that the opposition was &quot;evil&quot;.<br /><br />A tale as old as time.. Response by SFC Michael Hasbun made Jul 16 at 2021 9:15 AM 2021-07-16T09:15:23-04:00 2021-07-16T09:15:23-04:00 Capt Jeff S. 7113446 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This country is on the fast track to Socialism. We The People have lost control of our government. It is no longer serving our interests but its own. We go through the motions of voting but are no longer guaranteed free and fair elections. This country is dealing with the consequence of electing leaders that are neither qualified nor legit. Obama was not qualified, and his wingman Biden is not legit. Election fraud has practically become SOP for the Democratic Party. We have a puppet leader that was installed with the help of election fraud and the @#$@# we elected to Congress sits on their hands pretending like there&#39;s nothing they can do about it. If you want to know who&#39;s running this country, find out who is making Biden&#39;s notecards out for him. <br /><br />The Democratic Party has been hijacked by Progressives (aka Socialists) and they are shredding our Constitution and chipping away at the foundations of our democracy. Progressive moles have infiltrated our government agencies, universities, and have been for the last 100 years worming their way into power while America was distracted by wars, economic issues, and most recently, pandemics. They have weaponized political correctness and we are so obsessed with obeying the rules of political correctness we have become hostage to it. It is being used to silence any who disagree with the Democrats&#39; Socialist platform.<br /><br />Our Founding Fathers were against a strong federal government where power was centralized and instead had a vision where power was vested in the States and the role of the Federal Government was limited. We have ignored the advice of Thomas Jefferson, who advised that each generation be responsible for its debt and not pass on the burden of its debt to future generations. Consequently, we are $28.5 Trillion in debt and it&#39;s growing exponentially. Our Congress abdicated its responsibility to manage the nation&#39;s money supply to the Federal Reserve, which is no more federal than Federal Express. It is a private group of international banksters that prints our money and then lends it back to us. We pay them the interest on loans that they have zero of their own capital invested in... Imagine that?!! <br /><br />Besides a need to return to the Constitutional vision of our Founding Fathers, I&#39;d say our National Debt &gt;NOT GLOBAL WARMING!&lt; is the greatest threat to the continued existence of our nation as we know it. Social Justice, Diversity and Inclusion, and Climate Change are all distractions made by Progressives to divide the public. Since they can&#39;t sell their ideas on their merits, they have to discredit our government and the history of our nation. We should be proud of this country and the freedoms we enjoy, not apologizing for it. SMH Response by Capt Jeff S. made Jul 16 at 2021 7:37 PM 2021-07-16T19:37:49-04:00 2021-07-16T19:37:49-04:00 MAJ Ken Landgren 7113511 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>We need to protect the constitution and democratic principles. Response by MAJ Ken Landgren made Jul 16 at 2021 8:02 PM 2021-07-16T20:02:48-04:00 2021-07-16T20:02:48-04:00 2021-07-16T01:56:48-04:00