SGT Jesse Walton 879819 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div> What is your opinion on your children committing a crime while you are at work. Should you be responsible for your children's actions? 2015-08-10T20:46:12-04:00 SGT Jesse Walton 879819 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div> What is your opinion on your children committing a crime while you are at work. Should you be responsible for your children's actions? 2015-08-10T20:46:12-04:00 2015-08-10T20:46:12-04:00 SN Greg Wright 879827 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Of course not. Unless you're speaking of minors? You just are, then. Response by SN Greg Wright made Aug 10 at 2015 8:49 PM 2015-08-10T20:49:31-04:00 2015-08-10T20:49:31-04:00 CPT Chris Loomis 879832 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hell yes. If they're you're kid then you're on the hook. Response by CPT Chris Loomis made Aug 10 at 2015 8:50 PM 2015-08-10T20:50:47-04:00 2015-08-10T20:50:47-04:00 SSG Trevor S. 879837 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You shouldn't serve jail time for them, but you are overall responsible for your kids. Response by SSG Trevor S. made Aug 10 at 2015 8:53 PM 2015-08-10T20:53:05-04:00 2015-08-10T20:53:05-04:00 COL Mikel J. Burroughs 879844 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>@SGT Jesse Walton back in the day when we ere growing up (up through a certain age - usually 13) parents were held responsible, because they were still in charge of disciplining their children back then (40, 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80&#39;s) then it seemed that disciplining your children was taboo. Because we have some deranged parents out there that took punishment to a new extreme we can’t really discipline our kids anymore without being turned in for child abuse. I think we have to get back to the traditional ways of bringing up our children again and then we could hold them responsible in the question you just posed. My firm belief is the parents will remain responsible for the action of their children until the reach the age of 13 or 14 years of age, and then they can be treated like an adult for crimes. Up till then the parents will l have to cart them off the juvenile court! Just my humble opinion on the matter! Response by COL Mikel J. Burroughs made Aug 10 at 2015 8:55 PM 2015-08-10T20:55:57-04:00 2015-08-10T20:55:57-04:00 MAJ Ken Landgren 879849 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>There are kids who have perfect parents, but they want to disregard the tutelage and do stupid things on their own volition. Response by MAJ Ken Landgren made Aug 10 at 2015 8:56 PM 2015-08-10T20:56:47-04:00 2015-08-10T20:56:47-04:00 CPT Jack Durish 879863 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How come your children are unsupervised while you're at work? I'm assuming that they are young enough to require supervision inasmuch as you are responsible for their acts. I'm assuming that they are unsupervised if they have committed a crime while you are at work. I know that's a lot of assumptions, but they're needed to answer the challenge that inspired this discussion thread... Response by CPT Jack Durish made Aug 10 at 2015 9:00 PM 2015-08-10T21:00:16-04:00 2015-08-10T21:00:16-04:00 SSgt Alex Robinson 879890 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As parents we are responsible for our children until they reach adulthood. The problem with kids today is parents would rather be friends with their kids than parent them. Response by SSgt Alex Robinson made Aug 10 at 2015 9:06 PM 2015-08-10T21:06:26-04:00 2015-08-10T21:06:26-04:00 Sgt Kelli Mays 879928 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No. I do not believe the parent should be responsible. I personally have been put into this situation....where I though my kid was at school, but instead he was out there getting himself into trouble. It all started with Drugs and went down hill from there.<br /><br />I raised him right. I was probably way too strict... He was never allowed to spend the night at someones else s house...they had to stay here....Only I could take him places and he could either meet his friends there or I would pick up his friends and be chauffeur for the night. I went to EVERY parent teacher conference...volunteered for cross walk crossing...went to school to have lunch with him....participated in everything possible.......<br /><br />He was never a latch key kid....I made took him to school till one day he said it was embarrassing for me to take him to school....this was in elementary...then he went to middle school...and all of the sudden it was KEWL to be driven to school in mom's Escalade....and be picked up....but I was always home when school was out... He never wanted for anything..... It's hard to believe how many kids come from a well educated good family with good morals...go to church and always do the right day we were walking out of the grocery store and we got to the car and he had a pack of gum....I marched him right back into the store, found the manager and made him tell on himself...Oh my Gosh he hated me for that and you would have thought it was the end of the world for that 8 yr old.....<br /><br />.and the second he discovered that he was old enough to take off and do what he wanted...that he was bigger and taller and stronger than me...he did just that. He was in and out of JUVI....and I would actually get into trouble with the country and his probation officer and the JUDGE when I couldn't track him down and practically pull him by his hair and get him to either court of probation.<br /><br />I had to waste three summers taking him and going with him and attending classes that were mandatory from the judge/court....I had to take him twice a week for three years to probation and once every other week to be drug tested. You have NO LIFE of your's completely surrounded with your kid and the crap he puts you's NOT FAIR TO THE PARENT whose life is turned upside down and inside out....holes in the walls, doors broken...many other broken things...neighbors calling the cops over shouting/yelling's crazy....<br /><br />it should NOT be the fault or responsibility of the parent...A parent can only do so much....other than chaining him up and locking him can't do much more. I even went as far as to GLUE and SCREW SHUT both of his bedroom windows so he could not sneak out....<br /><br />People who have not gone through this HORROR will never understand what we parents go through with a problem child. It's don't are always worried and a nervous wreck.... YOU HAVE NO get to the point where you start thinking why did I have this kid....or I wish he was never born....or I wish they would lock him up and throw away the's an awefull HORRIBLE experience I would not wish on son is now locked up in prison....he graduated high school in there and is now taking college classes....and I pray and hope everyday that he'll be different when he finally gets out.<br /><br />NO! absolutely not! a parent should NOT be held responsible...unless it can be proven without a doubt that the parent is a NO GOOD DEAD BEAT ...otherwise NO! It's not right and it's not fair to blame the parent and or hold them responsible....especially when they are at work or anytime or place.<br /><br />NO! Response by Sgt Kelli Mays made Aug 10 at 2015 9:18 PM 2015-08-10T21:18:03-04:00 2015-08-10T21:18:03-04:00 SGT Jesse Walton 880059 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would truly like to say I appreciate the tremendous input I have received tonight. I know there are some parents out there who would like to express there concern on the rearing of our kids. Response by SGT Jesse Walton made Aug 10 at 2015 9:48 PM 2015-08-10T21:48:38-04:00 2015-08-10T21:48:38-04:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 880275 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>ABSOLUTELY! Your children are a direct reflection of your parenting. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 10 at 2015 11:24 PM 2015-08-10T23:24:22-04:00 2015-08-10T23:24:22-04:00 2015-08-10T20:46:12-04:00