What is your Interpretation of the Slogan "Black Lives Matter"?
2024 update: I wrote the above in 2016 when I was only focused on what happens within the Black community, not the white supremacy and systemic anti-Black racism that are well proven to have kept Black Americans/ADOS at a huge disadvantage for centuries. I don't remember what JP said, but SFC (Join to see) was right to call me out on the fact that my initial response doesn't "correlate to whether or not someone is getting harassed or gunned down by law enforcement." I didn't mention the 13th Amendment (watch the Netflix documentary) , school to prison pipeline, racial profiling stats, or anti-Black misandry as the primary target of White supremacy (watch Dr. Tommy Curry's video on this), all which underline the BLM movement.
Updated answer: "Black lives matter" is a complete sentence that means exactly that and nothing more or less.
I fully explained my stance on the BLM phrase, organization, and movement, and issues with common counter-arguments, in a 2022 blog post:
RP thread for that blog post: https://www.rallypoint.com/shared-links/complex-layers-of-racism
"We’re not saying Black lives matter more, we’re saying they matter too." - Melissa DePino, co-founder of From Privilege to Progress
"What's the f****** point of contention?" - Will Smith
Complex Layers of Anti-Black Racism - Jt Spratley
Jt Spratley's blog posts on Black culture, music, cybersecurity, and free open-source software (FOSS).
Rough edit for a friend. May do a polished edit later. http://golivelively.com/2016/12/13/attn-blacks/ http://golivelively.com/2016/06/06/black-unity-essay/
My essay from 2016: https://jtspratley.com/blog/black-unity-essay
A related thread I created:
Podcast Weekly 20170906 - Micronamin, Racism, and Branding
Very late. So late there are things I'll need to readdress regarding BLM Micronamin Supplements - https://micronamin.com/shop/?ref=8 Black Lives Matter artic...
Podcast 20171220 - Black Lives Matter Revisted
I wanted to revisit #BLM and elitism after fact-checking things. My last podcast covering BLM - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixTR89SWkRM
RP Threads with other blogs I've written:
When non blacks counter with All Lives Matter a fight starts.
It seems that to most people using this statement only Black Lives Matter.
It seems to be starting a new race war. The media builds up black deaths by any other race but does not speak of the black on black deaths which are exponentially higher.
And this will seperate our country even more.
All Life Matters.
I DO strongly agree with you that "all lives matter" in that context.
Why don't we see black people in front of media outlets protesting their lack of coverage regarding black on black crimes plaguing cities like Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore?
Why aren't black people protesting in front of the planned parenthood clinics where more black babies aborted than any other ethnicity?
Why aren't black people protesting the politicians who support planned parenthood, an institution created by the eugenic racists who advocated the forced sterilization of black people during the early 20th century?
Why aren't Woodrow Wilsons' schools being attacked the same way confederate mementos are when he segregated the government and the first film to debut in the white house was a KKK recruitment film, "Birth of a Nation." under his watch?
Why is it OK for white democrats to attack republicans like Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas, Alan West, Condoleeza Rice, Tim Scott et. al. when it's not OK when the roles and politics are reversed?
If Black Lives Matter, why are some excluded because they are in the womb or adhere to a different political ideology?
Last question prefaced by a statement, if I was black and I was told that a law (Affirmative Action) had to be created so that I can succeed in society, I would ask those advocating that law, do you not believe I have the ability or initiative to succeed without a law, are we not equal under the Equal Protection Clause? If you aspire to the democrat party, why support a political group that doesn't have faith in you as an individual?
Lastly, the CDC stats are extremely telling of a plan laid out over a century ago and I find the support by those American's of African decent for the D party disheartening. I love my family and I love my brothers and sisters in arms no matter their ethnicity. Personally, I do not believe the D's and R's reversed roles. I believe the D leadership changed their tactics and they teach division and hatred since they are in charge of our schools thanks to Jimmy Carter's Department of Education. If I am to be called racist due to the color of my skin, so be it, my family and I know different.
1. Individuals are responsible for their live choices and actions, not society.
2. It is unacceptable to have money taken from working people, in the form of taxes, to support those who are able to work but choose not to.
3. We are a society of laws that promotes equality but understands that the life is not far. Social justice and Social equality are ideal in a perfect world but our world is imperfect and providing the same outcomes for different levels, under the guise of equality (affirmative action, equal pay, etc.) only promotes inequality.