What is the one thing that you wish you had done differently in the military?
dont have any regrets with my service. I made all the choices I made with the
best knowledge that I had at the time, but given the opportunity I would have
taken charge of my own career much sooner, instead of waiting on my leadership.
Simply I would have not been so lazy with ACCP and other career progression
that I either knew or should have known to do.
I understand your point Mason, but look at the duties and
responsibilities of an MP at different levels. Then look at the duties and responsibilities
of the equivalent rank in other MOSs. Yes all NCOs have some of the same
general duties; however, being a SGT as a MP is far different than being a SGT
in the infantry, or tankers. If you think of each MOS as a pyramid most of the combat
arms have a very short wide pyramid. MPs have a narrow tall one. Not saying
that any MOS is better than the other, but I think that being a SGT as infantry
or tanker, you would be treated more like a senior SPC; where as a MP SGT you
are given more responsibility. I come to this with a logical thought of
numbers. With the infantry you have more SGTs per squad, or team. With MPs you
have fewer. This is also the reason the points are so low within these MOSs,
more are needed. So in regards to you answer I think the question I would ask
is do you want to promote quickly with others, or do you want to be more of a
expert in your field and promoted as a individual? Again this is just a
comparison in face value. The same could be said for any other MOSs just using
examples that are common, and easy to see.