Posted on Sep 20, 2017
What is the difference between stolen valor, false valor, impersonating a military veteran?
Responses: 20
They all are part of a larger picture. Impersonating tends to crop up most frequently when illegally attempting to obtain benefits, i.e. VA loan. On the other end of the spectrum, it's some oxygen thief grabbing something from the flea market and wearing it, such as an old BDU blouse. "Stolen" tends to gravitate towards non MILs who peacock themselves up. "False" tends to be focused on MILs and Vets who claim more than what they are. There obviously can be overlap amongst the terms.
LTC Russ Smith
The number of vets who exaggerate their own service or flt out lie about is staggering.
SPC Rick LaBonte
If they’re claiming it, ok. However I see no purpose in verbally berating a kid like my nephew for wearing an old woodland camouflage BDU top without any insignia. It’s outdated, he isn’t making a claim, yet it happens.
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