MSgt Robert Pellam778691<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Okay. We have been all over the world and tasted some of the best food out there. From Military cooking, to off instillation eateries at home or abroad. We all have had some darn good grub. <br /><br />What was your favorite? (I know I have a problem choosing just one)<br /><br />What was your favorite recipe you ever learned? <br /><br />One of my favorite was a small place in Turkey, out side the gate at Incerlik AB. It was a Italian place that served Lasagna in a stone bowl. I have no idea why I remember it (ate there in 1995). But if food can make you remember it for that long, means it was good.<br /><br />Favorite recipe. A salsa recipe given to me when I was in Korea by another Airmen. I have altered it over time but still use it today.<br /><br />3/4 cup Chopped Jalapinos (seeds removed)<br />3/4 cup Chopped Serrano peppers. (Seeds removed) (Pro tip..use a metal measuring spoon to remove seeds)<br />4 vine ripe tomatoes <br />about 4 Red Chili's.. If none I use a half of can of Chopped green chilis<br />2 Tbls of Garlic or 1 clove<br />One 1.25oz. package of Ortega Taco mix<br />1/2 cup of loosely cut Cilantro<br />Blend. <br />This is a sweet version with a little kick. IF you want a hotter version, you can leave the seeds in some of the peppers, or just use more peppers.<br /><br />This is great alone, on sandwiches, or mixes well with cheese for some hot queso dip. <br /><br />EnjoyWhat is the best food you have ever had? What is the best recipe you have ever learned?2015-06-29T15:37:38-04:00MSgt Robert Pellam778691<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Okay. We have been all over the world and tasted some of the best food out there. From Military cooking, to off instillation eateries at home or abroad. We all have had some darn good grub. <br /><br />What was your favorite? (I know I have a problem choosing just one)<br /><br />What was your favorite recipe you ever learned? <br /><br />One of my favorite was a small place in Turkey, out side the gate at Incerlik AB. It was a Italian place that served Lasagna in a stone bowl. I have no idea why I remember it (ate there in 1995). But if food can make you remember it for that long, means it was good.<br /><br />Favorite recipe. A salsa recipe given to me when I was in Korea by another Airmen. I have altered it over time but still use it today.<br /><br />3/4 cup Chopped Jalapinos (seeds removed)<br />3/4 cup Chopped Serrano peppers. (Seeds removed) (Pro tip..use a metal measuring spoon to remove seeds)<br />4 vine ripe tomatoes <br />about 4 Red Chili's.. If none I use a half of can of Chopped green chilis<br />2 Tbls of Garlic or 1 clove<br />One 1.25oz. package of Ortega Taco mix<br />1/2 cup of loosely cut Cilantro<br />Blend. <br />This is a sweet version with a little kick. IF you want a hotter version, you can leave the seeds in some of the peppers, or just use more peppers.<br /><br />This is great alone, on sandwiches, or mixes well with cheese for some hot queso dip. <br /><br />EnjoyWhat is the best food you have ever had? What is the best recipe you have ever learned?2015-06-29T15:37:38-04:002015-06-29T15:37:38-04:00SFC Private RallyPoint Member778732<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Bulgogi and kimchi from Korea, schnitzel and bratwurst from Germany.Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 29 at 2015 3:53 PM2015-06-29T15:53:05-04:002015-06-29T15:53:05-04:00SFC Private RallyPoint Member778737<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Doner kabob from Turkey.Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 29 at 2015 3:53 PM2015-06-29T15:53:51-04:002015-06-29T15:53:51-04:00CMSgt Private RallyPoint Member778762<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Mom's. End of story. ((She is always listening.)) :)<br /><br />OOO, so hard to pick, but I just had this discussion the other day. It seems that some my "best" restaurants irrespective of genre, were in Germany! One of the best Greek and best Mexican places was in Oberammergau... Best Italian was in Frankfurt... Best Chinese in Berlin. What is happening there?? Lol :)Response by CMSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 29 at 2015 4:00 PM2015-06-29T16:00:32-04:002015-06-29T16:00:32-04:00SGT Kristjan Rahe778793<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Jagerschnitzel MIT pom frits under eine bier!Response by SGT Kristjan Rahe made Jun 29 at 2015 4:10 PM2015-06-29T16:10:18-04:002015-06-29T16:10:18-04:00Sgt Packy Flickinger778900<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>In Japan, I couldn't read or speak Japanese. Some of the restaurants had mock ups of their food in the front window you could point to, some didn't. The restaurant outside Iwakuni didn't. I would go in, get the menu and just point at something random. I had no idea what is was but I never had a bad dish. I wound up leaving Japan with a love of Danbury. Damn that is good stuff. Haven't found a place here that can make it good. Well thats the best in the Military.<br />The best ever is the tortilini at BACI in Queen Creek, AZ.Response by Sgt Packy Flickinger made Jun 29 at 2015 4:45 PM2015-06-29T16:45:25-04:002015-06-29T16:45:25-04:001SG Private RallyPoint Member779000<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Chateaubriand at The Empress in Victoria, BC Canada. Exquisite beyond words.Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 29 at 2015 5:28 PM2015-06-29T17:28:22-04:002015-06-29T17:28:22-04:00CPT Private RallyPoint Member779051<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My Grandmother's "Depression" Cherry/Pineapple cobbler.Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 29 at 2015 5:53 PM2015-06-29T17:53:38-04:002015-06-29T17:53:38-04:00SFC Maury Gonzalez779258<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I was stationed in schweinfurt, 79-81, there was this restaurant down the street from ledward Barracks, next to a movie theater that had a killer cordon bleu.Response by SFC Maury Gonzalez made Jun 29 at 2015 7:30 PM2015-06-29T19:30:28-04:002015-06-29T19:30:28-04:00SFC Nikhil Kumra779491<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Butter Chicken!!! Any descent Indian buffet will have it!Response by SFC Nikhil Kumra made Jun 29 at 2015 9:24 PM2015-06-29T21:24:52-04:002015-06-29T21:24:52-04:001SG David Lopez781653<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Blueberry Pancakes, Camp Merrill Messhall, Mountain Ranger Camp, Dahlonega, GA. The very best.Response by 1SG David Lopez made Jun 30 at 2015 6:26 PM2015-06-30T18:26:43-04:002015-06-30T18:26:43-04:00SPC Candace Leach784779<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I loved Japanese curry restaurant Coco's when I was stationed in Okinawa. But I enjoyed Goya champuru as well!Response by SPC Candace Leach made Jul 1 at 2015 10:00 PM2015-07-01T22:00:09-04:002015-07-01T22:00:09-04:00SFC Private RallyPoint Member784802<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The absolute favorite food I've ever eaten had to be from Spain. The simplicity of just a Margarita Pizza and Sangria will forever stand out as the best.<br /><br />The best restaurant has to be J. Alexander's in San Antonio in the Quarry Market. The problem of that restaurant is that you cannot decide which dish to order.<br /><br />The best food I have prepared has to be a soul food dinner. Fried Catfish, Sweet Potatoes, spinach and Cabbage mix, ooweee gooey macaroni and cheese, and corn bread muffins<br />mmmm aren't you hungry.Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 1 at 2015 10:08 PM2015-07-01T22:08:58-04:002015-07-01T22:08:58-04:00CAPT Kevin B.785972<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Real Thai food on one of the boats going around the Nan River near Phitsanulok.<br /><br />Believe it or not, my favorite do it yourself is real bread/rolls I started making after a month on Adak with frozen/shrunk bread from the commissary. Been baking that ever since. That and my wood fired BBQ that's so good it'll make you want to slap your grandma.Response by CAPT Kevin B. made Jul 2 at 2015 11:44 AM2015-07-02T11:44:20-04:002015-07-02T11:44:20-04:00MSgt Private RallyPoint Member786740<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Currywurst mit pomfrets---fresh from any street vendor in Frankfurt or HeidelbergResponse by MSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 2 at 2015 4:06 PM2015-07-02T16:06:42-04:002015-07-02T16:06:42-04:00MSgt Jim Wolverton820400<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I've had food all over the world and while there are many foods I enjoy, I will have to go with German food. Schwenkbraten or a nice bratwurst on broetchen with spicy mustard, Trierer gefuellte (potato dumpling filled with ground pork with a cheese sauce on top), schnitzel, deer gulasch, I could go on and on. I could always find something that I wanted anywhere I went in the country.Response by MSgt Jim Wolverton made Jul 16 at 2015 3:21 PM2015-07-16T15:21:08-04:002015-07-16T15:21:08-04:00SN Jennifer M.855312<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Flammkuchen. OMG YUMMY!Response by SN Jennifer M. made Jul 30 at 2015 2:47 PM2015-07-30T14:47:39-04:002015-07-30T14:47:39-04:00PO3 Alan Haynes855383<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Shipboard: Midrats Wienie Wagon<br />On-station: Thanksgiving Supper - NAF Atsugi, Japan Mess Hall<br />Out in Town: Chinese Food - R66 Restaurant, Hong Kong<br />Best Recipe Learned: Smoked Northern California Fresh Caught Wild Brook TroutResponse by PO3 Alan Haynes made Jul 30 at 2015 3:15 PM2015-07-30T15:15:46-04:002015-07-30T15:15:46-04:00Sgt Michael Hearne5410691<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Iwakuni, Japan. Once or twice a month at noon chow; the Chow Hall served their "most expensive" meal. "Cold Cuts" meats of many varieties to choose from. A make or build it yourself "Sub" sandwich with all the " trimmings or fixings". The Mess Sgt in charge told me it was the most expensive meal the Corps served. Strange; you would never believe that "cold cuts" were that expensive. Sgt M.B. USMCResponse by Sgt Michael Hearne made Jan 4 at 2020 12:07 AM2020-01-04T00:07:50-05:002020-01-04T00:07:50-05:002015-06-29T15:37:38-04:00