LTC Private RallyPoint Member 1025597 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-63201"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWhat is one thing you wish you were issued at CIF?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="9ca249ffc6a9e75e96d39c37fdbe6ec2" href=""><img src="" alt="4a0b8970" /></a></div></div>We all had to buy something for our jobs at one point in time that we wished was issued instead. What are your items? What is one thing you wish you were issued at CIF? 2015-10-08T08:02:08-04:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 1025597 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-63201"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWhat is one thing you wish you were issued at CIF?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="3a54062f1fe4c8046f4876eb9d27ee29" href=""><img src="" alt="4a0b8970" /></a></div></div>We all had to buy something for our jobs at one point in time that we wished was issued instead. What are your items? What is one thing you wish you were issued at CIF? 2015-10-08T08:02:08-04:00 2015-10-08T08:02:08-04:00 PO1 John Miller 1025627 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><br />Believe it or not, I&#39;ve had to buy 6v batteries for use in portable battle lanterns used on ship before, because my ship &quot;ran out of money.&quot; Response by PO1 John Miller made Oct 8 at 2015 8:18 AM 2015-10-08T08:18:14-04:00 2015-10-08T08:18:14-04:00 SFC Michael Hasbun 1025657 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Briefcases full of money? Response by SFC Michael Hasbun made Oct 8 at 2015 8:32 AM 2015-10-08T08:32:32-04:00 2015-10-08T08:32:32-04:00 LCDR Private RallyPoint Member 1025679 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Of all the gear issued to me at Ft. Dix-the one thing missing was a reliable, practical, knife. <br /><br />It seems to me that the most important implement I think of carrying, aside from a source of fire, when I go into the wild...should be "item number one" on any sea-bag list.<br /><br />In my case, I got lucky-A Vietnam Vet and former Army officer friend of mine handed me a Boker-Applegate before I shipped out. That knife has proven to be the most useful tool I own. Response by LCDR Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 8 at 2015 8:43 AM 2015-10-08T08:43:01-04:00 2015-10-08T08:43:01-04:00 Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS 1025824 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I was in before we had good 3 point slings. Would have loved to have been issued a reliable 3 point. I got caught up in the hell-hole once because of the standard 2pointer. Was not a good day. Response by Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS made Oct 8 at 2015 9:40 AM 2015-10-08T09:40:04-04:00 2015-10-08T09:40:04-04:00 1SG Private RallyPoint Member 1025876 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>A decent pair of 10x spotting binoculars for a closer look at IED hiding places. The little folding kind that you can stash in a grenade pouch. Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 8 at 2015 9:57 AM 2015-10-08T09:57:14-04:00 2015-10-08T09:57:14-04:00 Capt Mark Strobl 1026086 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-63224"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWhat is one thing you wish you were issued at CIF?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="59a315cd7d8e686b555acd0e224ef1b6" href=""><img src="" alt="87ed63de" /></a></div></div>I always had a roll of TP in my cargo pocket. But one of these babies would have been nice! Response by Capt Mark Strobl made Oct 8 at 2015 11:18 AM 2015-10-08T11:18:02-04:00 2015-10-08T11:18:02-04:00 SSG Ricardo Marcial 1026196 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>A LT that will listen to his NCO' <br /><br />Again if the Army wanted you to have one it would be issues to you. Response by SSG Ricardo Marcial made Oct 8 at 2015 12:08 PM 2015-10-08T12:08:34-04:00 2015-10-08T12:08:34-04:00 1SG Private RallyPoint Member 1026277 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>some sort of multi-tool. Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 8 at 2015 12:31 PM 2015-10-08T12:31:57-04:00 2015-10-08T12:31:57-04:00 SSG Warren Swan 1026322 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Knowing what I know now about how CIF works, a blank hand receipt would&#39;ve been great. I walk in with nothing and walk out the same way. If I HAD to pick up something, just give me a PT belt. That way I won&#39;t have to fuss and argue over how clean it has to be when I turn it in. EVERYONE has a bad CIF story. But in all fairness, I&#39;d love to see the CIF inspector tell GEN Dempsey &quot;Sir, your TA-50 isn&#39;t clean. Please go back wash it and make another appointment to turn it in.&quot; Response by SSG Warren Swan made Oct 8 at 2015 12:44 PM 2015-10-08T12:44:39-04:00 2015-10-08T12:44:39-04:00 SFC Mark Merino 1026462 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-63237"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWhat is one thing you wish you were issued at CIF?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="58ac0a24fa125072c7c568459d7bcf6d" href=""><img src="" alt="B31f1c2a7550" /></a></div></div>It gets tiring making your own BS flags. Response by SFC Mark Merino made Oct 8 at 2015 1:17 PM 2015-10-08T13:17:04-04:00 2015-10-08T13:17:04-04:00 SPC Private RallyPoint Member 1027284 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I rolled with all the gear CIF provided. I never bought extra that wasn't provided. If it was needed it was acquired. Only exception was boots. I'm a big guy, bigger still in full kit, never trusted those lowest bidder boots. <br />I did find though, the greatest addition I've ever seen to truly compliment my TA-50 in a bazaar. That was a small pouch that would hold two cans of whatever you choice of dip was. The guy wanted a 20$ for it, haggled him down to ten. Best decision ever. Response by SPC Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 8 at 2015 6:40 PM 2015-10-08T18:40:20-04:00 2015-10-08T18:40:20-04:00 SSgt Private RallyPoint Member 1027528 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I actually have a longer list of things I wish I hadn't been issued. I just turned in my sleeping mat a while back as I have no intention of ever using it. My cot, two wool blankets, and the fanny pack and the bandoleer that comes with the LBE are high on the list of useless equipment. When we're in the field I don't have room for a cot. When we're not, I don't have need of a cot. Same with the sleeping mat and wool blankets. Don't feel I need to explain the fanny pack and bandoleer.<br /><br />I would like a good cleaning kit. I've never been issued one. Had to supply my own. Response by SSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 8 at 2015 8:46 PM 2015-10-08T20:46:33-04:00 2015-10-08T20:46:33-04:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 1027550 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Ok I have to ask <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="209691" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/209691-12a-engineer-officer-pacom-hq-pacom">LTC Private RallyPoint Member</a> Sir, why on Gods green earth do you have a breech kit as a pic to this thread?!?! Is that what you wished for? Your own personnel breech kit? Lol Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 8 at 2015 8:58 PM 2015-10-08T20:58:19-04:00 2015-10-08T20:58:19-04:00 MSG Gerry Poe 1027658 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-63285"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWhat is one thing you wish you were issued at CIF?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="532893af0c60c2fafaded0c5d139d1f6" href=""><img src="" alt="Cd8241b" /></a></div></div>Either one of these guys! Response by MSG Gerry Poe made Oct 8 at 2015 9:40 PM 2015-10-08T21:40:07-04:00 2015-10-08T21:40:07-04:00 SGT Philip Roncari 3405571 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I know I’m beating a dead horse and this item would have been issued at the arms room not the CIF but my trusted M14 in lieu of that piece of crap jamming M16 I had in RVN 1966,also pound cake and peaches instead of ham and Lima’s would have been nice. Response by SGT Philip Roncari made Mar 1 at 2018 5:19 PM 2018-03-01T17:19:34-05:00 2018-03-01T17:19:34-05:00 2015-10-08T08:02:08-04:00