What is happening at FT Meade? https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-happening-at-ft-meade <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Given I&#39;ve been med-ret for 3 years, however to hear a Specialist/E4 verbally signal a Master Sergeant/E8 earlier as &quot;hey you b***h&quot; at the PX was quite against the doctrine and culture that I was raised in. <br /><br />This is simply an N+1, however several other interactions are worthy of note if request in a very short timeframe. <br /><br /> What is taking place on FT Meade? May CSM take note. Fri, 16 Mar 2018 20:34:58 -0400 What is happening at FT Meade? https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-happening-at-ft-meade <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Given I&#39;ve been med-ret for 3 years, however to hear a Specialist/E4 verbally signal a Master Sergeant/E8 earlier as &quot;hey you b***h&quot; at the PX was quite against the doctrine and culture that I was raised in. <br /><br />This is simply an N+1, however several other interactions are worthy of note if request in a very short timeframe. <br /><br /> What is taking place on FT Meade? May CSM take note. SGT Mike Taylor Fri, 16 Mar 2018 20:34:58 -0400 2018-03-16T20:34:58-04:00 Response by SSgt Boyd Herrst made Mar 16 at 2018 10:43 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-happening-at-ft-meade?n=3454567&urlhash=3454567 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>That Spc. Must of had an acute head injury to say s’thing like that. I had a TBI<br />and even I know NOT to use abusive language like that ! There been a few times I got frustrated with an Airman and before I said something I’d stop... count to about 50., go out to the back dock and catch a break. Or if I heard some comments.. I tried hard to ignore.. <br />There was one SRA that tried to bait me,<br />Try to get me to explode.. stop, deep breath and count.. 1-3-5-7-... “I need you to meet me after for a discussion” and I’d have me a witness, usually our <br />Supervisor.. and another Airman as a back-up witness. Had a sit-rep onetime and picked one of his groupies to be my witness.. bad mistake? I’d find out.. at end of meal we met over in our break area.. and went back to the office.. his groupie came through for me. I thought I’d have to treat that Airman as a “hostile witness”. I documented what happened.. and the Airman’s statement pretty much reflected mine..(I’d made a copy of both in the copier and put them in my folder. Later we had to “stand tall before the man”.. Since our Super had included both of our statements in his official report and the Cmdr. Now had them.. I and the Airman studied the copies I made .. The SRA was already there and we went in, went through the protocol.. He seen we each had a copy and told us He’d read both statements.. asked a few confirming <br />Statements then asked to step out.. it didn’t take but about 5 minutes and the Lt. Who was there also ushered us back in.. The SRA has manned up and admitted his wrong.. Cmdr.administered him a suspended bust, a $50 fine for 6 mo... additional OJT.. I didn’t think he’d go that serious on him.. So he’d be ‘walking on eggshells’ for awhile. He got reassigned out of the D.H. For a while.. He was ordered to stay clear of me for that time .. I wasn’t concerned, I didn’t think there’d be retribution, the SRA couldn’t afford that.. I did my best to steer clear of him.. he had his clique.. <br />I heard they all got called in and read the “riot act” about retribution.. They’d seen Cmdr. wasn’t putting up with any “bull play”... they even stayed asay from him.. <br />He had no followers.. kinda ostracized ... <br />He went to work, got done, back to Qtrs and stayed locked in his room until time to go eat, or back to work.. The Cmdr. Seen what was going down ... He made a recommendation for a mental evaluation for the SRA . He still had the Art. 15 and suspended bust hanging over his head.. <br /> The SRA played it out.. they think he feigned a mental breakdown because of the loss of his peer group and blamed the Cmdr. And myself for his being ostracized.. He was out of the AF in three months.. with a medical discharge.. The VA gave him 50% disability pay.. He got Amvets to get him a lawyer and he applied for 100% non-workability...and Comp pay due to mental stress .. I don’t know if he got it.. might of had a better chance with DAV.. maybe..<br />He stayed at the Phoebus VA Hospital for a short while some of his buds relayed info back.. it was heresy.. He finally got sent home.. VA thought the AF should of paid his way.. AF argued they were ready to..It was the VA wanted further evaluation, they could pay his way back to <br />Kentucky.. which was his home of record..<br />A relative had to go to Va. to get him.. they gave him the papers to file to get comped for travel.. he’d get it when he got home. I don’t think he was a happy camper.. that was the last I heard of that guy.. As for me... I was quite satisfied.. I had a great support team (my Cook crew).. eventually his alledged buds seemed to forget him.. We all worked together as we should.. got the products on the line.. served the troops .. and life went on ! SSgt Boyd Herrst Fri, 16 Mar 2018 22:43:53 -0400 2018-03-16T22:43:53-04:00 Response by CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana made Mar 17 at 2018 9:00 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-happening-at-ft-meade?n=3455306&urlhash=3455306 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>SPC due for demotion and extra duty, till that SPC can conform to rank, respect and other military standards. A soldier is on duty 24/7/365 and soldiers must never lose composure, because he or she is on air all the time and sets an impression.<br /><br />We usually believe that what takes place within the four walls of our homes is only known to us. Well we are wrong to even conceive such beliefs, because someone is watching your life like a TV serial and has every detail of your life at home too. For instance, a SGT was beating his spouse at home and kept taking out his frustration on his wife. If she went out to the store, he would abuse her physically and accuse his own spouse of an extramarital affair, so she stayed indoors and met nobody. A neighbor brought the SGT&#39;s violence to my attention and asked me whether we train to accuse, abuse and then, dump or kill women in the Army. I was so ashamed of the SGT that I consulted with my 1SG and the CSM on the issue. The next day the SGT was restricted to base, demoted and placed on extra duty, till a full investigation was concluded. This punishment helped that once demoted SGT to achieve MSG and his wife is happy with her freedom, love and unsuspecting husband - &quot;He is a true Soldier, Husband and Father now; I am in love with him again today&quot; is what she said to me.<br /><br />Taking action in time can put a stray back on track and with a fresh approach to succeed. CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana Sat, 17 Mar 2018 09:00:26 -0400 2018-03-17T09:00:26-04:00 Response by SFC Kelly Fuerhoff made Mar 17 at 2018 2:57 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-is-happening-at-ft-meade?n=3456252&urlhash=3456252 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Do you think the base CSM is trolling around social media sites looking for this stuff? Did you correct that soldier? Doesn&#39;t matter if you&#39;re not in anymore. Did you say anything to either of them? If the MSG let it go that&#39;s his or her fault as a SNCO. <br /><br />Like the other post says write the base CSM. It probably gets you as far as this. <br /><br />I don&#39;t think it&#39;s indicative of a base wide problem unless you see that every day you&#39;re on base. SFC Kelly Fuerhoff Sat, 17 Mar 2018 14:57:12 -0400 2018-03-17T14:57:12-04:00 2018-03-16T20:34:58-04:00