What can I expect for an average day in a line unit? What should I get ready for so I can leave a good first impression for my superiors? https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-can-i-expect-for-an-average-day-in-a-line-unit-what-should-i-get-ready-for-so-i-can-leave-a-good-first-impression-for-my-superiors <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Pv2. Immediatly Came straight into S3 for HHC Brigade and become RTO after Basic Trainng.. Only Infantry Training was in Basic. What can I expect for an average day in a line unit? What should I get ready for so I can leave a good first impression for my superiors? Tue, 14 Nov 2017 13:34:48 -0500 What can I expect for an average day in a line unit? What should I get ready for so I can leave a good first impression for my superiors? https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-can-i-expect-for-an-average-day-in-a-line-unit-what-should-i-get-ready-for-so-i-can-leave-a-good-first-impression-for-my-superiors <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Pv2. Immediatly Came straight into S3 for HHC Brigade and become RTO after Basic Trainng.. Only Infantry Training was in Basic. What can I expect for an average day in a line unit? What should I get ready for so I can leave a good first impression for my superiors? SPC Private RallyPoint Member Tue, 14 Nov 2017 13:34:48 -0500 2017-11-14T13:34:48-05:00 Response by SGM Erik Marquez made Nov 14 at 2017 1:49 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-can-i-expect-for-an-average-day-in-a-line-unit-what-should-i-get-ready-for-so-i-can-leave-a-good-first-impression-for-my-superiors?n=3091014&urlhash=3091014 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As a PV2? The only thing you need to do is show up,. listen, do the best you can at accomplishing every task assigned to the best of your abilities, wither that is cleaning the latrine or emplacing a M240 as an AG ...<br />Dont ask stupid questions (&quot;are we going to get sweaty at PT tomorrow Sergeant?&quot;)<br />Dont skip asking good questions (&quot;Sergeant, I ripped my PT shorts this morning, can I take off a few min early so I can go get another pair and be ready for PT in the morning?&quot;)<br />Dont question orders that are morale, legal and ethical <br />Dont be afraid at the appropriate time to ask ...WHY?&quot; HOW?... Not &quot;why do we have to get up so early to do PT?&quot; But &quot;SGT, Why do we loosen the track sprocket bolts before busting track, and not just do it all after the track is off?&quot; SGM Erik Marquez Tue, 14 Nov 2017 13:49:42 -0500 2017-11-14T13:49:42-05:00 Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 14 at 2017 1:52 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-can-i-expect-for-an-average-day-in-a-line-unit-what-should-i-get-ready-for-so-i-can-leave-a-good-first-impression-for-my-superiors?n=3091025&urlhash=3091025 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Being early is on time. Being on time is late. If formation is at 0630, be there at 0620, etc.. Learn all you can from the experienced Soldiers. Otherwise, heed the extremely intelligent words of <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="365577" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/365577-sgm-erik-marquez">SGM Erik Marquez</a> and you shall not fail. MSG Private RallyPoint Member Tue, 14 Nov 2017 13:52:33 -0500 2017-11-14T13:52:33-05:00 Response by SSG Carlos Madden made Nov 14 at 2017 1:53 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-can-i-expect-for-an-average-day-in-a-line-unit-what-should-i-get-ready-for-so-i-can-leave-a-good-first-impression-for-my-superiors?n=3091027&urlhash=3091027 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Check out this discussion too:<br /><a target="_blank" href="https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-should-i-know-before-reporting-to-my-first-unit">https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-should-i-know-before-reporting-to-my-first-unit</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d26horl2n8pviu.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/232/273/qrc/39a8fb72.JPG?1510685556"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-should-i-know-before-reporting-to-my-first-unit">What should I know before reporting to my first unit? | RallyPoint</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">I graduate AIT in exactly a week and I report a few days following that. Is there anything I need to know about the regular Army before reporting to my first unit? (To include things to buy, and, or do before reporting) I&#39;m headed to a Heavy Attack Reconnaissance Squadron at FT. Hood.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> SSG Carlos Madden Tue, 14 Nov 2017 13:53:21 -0500 2017-11-14T13:53:21-05:00 Response by SGT Philip Roncari made Nov 14 at 2017 1:55 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-can-i-expect-for-an-average-day-in-a-line-unit-what-should-i-get-ready-for-so-i-can-leave-a-good-first-impression-for-my-superiors?n=3091034&urlhash=3091034 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>First things first, listen to the current Service members that are in line units they will be the best resources for your question, as for me a rather ancient member of the Infantry tribe be prepared to walk a lot with unbearable loads on your back and then repeat the next day ,good luck young man,oh and don&#39;t even think of quitting. SGT Philip Roncari Tue, 14 Nov 2017 13:55:11 -0500 2017-11-14T13:55:11-05:00 Response by SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth made Nov 14 at 2017 1:58 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-can-i-expect-for-an-average-day-in-a-line-unit-what-should-i-get-ready-for-so-i-can-leave-a-good-first-impression-for-my-superiors?n=3091049&urlhash=3091049 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Do what is expected of you and nothing less. SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth Tue, 14 Nov 2017 13:58:58 -0500 2017-11-14T13:58:58-05:00 Response by SPC David Willis made Nov 14 at 2017 3:15 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-can-i-expect-for-an-average-day-in-a-line-unit-what-should-i-get-ready-for-so-i-can-leave-a-good-first-impression-for-my-superiors?n=3091277&urlhash=3091277 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Never say &quot;in basic/hhc we did this&quot; you may have had some experience with the military as an RTO for HQ but you&#39;re a FNG to the line units. Be prepared to do lots of pushups. You&#39;ll be expected to make mistakes, everyone does as long as no one dies they&#39;re minor mistakes in an infantry unit, but never make the same mistake twice. Always always always be early. If you&#39;re a pv2 you volunteer for everything. When you hit pfc volunteer for almost everything, when you hit spc don&#39;t get caught letting anyone with a combat patch volunteer for something you already haven&#39;t volunteered. Maintain your professionalism. In a line unit you&#39;ll become friendly with some junior ncos, it just happens as peers get promoted and you eventually prove yourself, but never confuse being friendly with being best buds. If you need help, ask for it. Nothing is worse than failing a task because you didn&#39;t utilize all your resources. If you can&#39;t accomplish a task or hit muscle failure on exercises just keep going half assing pushups isn&#39;t great but it&#39;s always better than quitting which leads me to my last piece of advice which is never, ever quit. If you fall behind in a ruck March or company run you may be called a shit bag, but if you quit and get on the fallout truck no one will talk to you. SPC David Willis Tue, 14 Nov 2017 15:15:10 -0500 2017-11-14T15:15:10-05:00 Response by SGM Bill Frazer made Nov 14 at 2017 3:39 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-can-i-expect-for-an-average-day-in-a-line-unit-what-should-i-get-ready-for-so-i-can-leave-a-good-first-impression-for-my-superiors?n=3091330&urlhash=3091330 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>OK, being an RTO was a good thing. 1. Always engage ears 1st, brain second, mouth last. 2. Never mind what your last unit did or how they did it- all that counts is what/how the new unit does it. 3. Stay joined at the hip with your new Team leader, and watch/learn from the old timers. 5.Always be either early or on time for every thing. 6. Always have you and your gear squared away. SGM Bill Frazer Tue, 14 Nov 2017 15:39:25 -0500 2017-11-14T15:39:25-05:00 Response by SSG Robert Webster made Nov 14 at 2017 4:32 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-can-i-expect-for-an-average-day-in-a-line-unit-what-should-i-get-ready-for-so-i-can-leave-a-good-first-impression-for-my-superiors?n=3091473&urlhash=3091473 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am a bit confused. Where did you go to Basic Training? Or did you go to Infantry OSUT at Fort Benning?<br />Next, are you an RTO in the Brigade S3? A Brigade HHC is not a &#39;line unit.&#39;<br />Finally, are you just an RTO or are you an RTO/Driver? If you are an RTO make a good friend in the Commo Shop (I believe it is called S6, in today&#39;s world); and if you are also a driver, make a good friend in the Motor Pool. SSG Robert Webster Tue, 14 Nov 2017 16:32:37 -0500 2017-11-14T16:32:37-05:00 Response by SSG James Behnke made Nov 15 at 2017 12:05 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-can-i-expect-for-an-average-day-in-a-line-unit-what-should-i-get-ready-for-so-i-can-leave-a-good-first-impression-for-my-superiors?n=3092429&urlhash=3092429 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You can expect long days and a lot of time in the field. You can expect PT to be emphasized and low scores on the APFT to reflect poorly on you by your superiors and peers. You should invest in a Soldiers Manual of Common Tasks study guide and train to be proficient in ALL of your skill level 1 tasks. Know your battle drills inside and out.<br /><br />Lastly, you better know what makes the grass grow, and why the sky is blue. SSG James Behnke Wed, 15 Nov 2017 00:05:09 -0500 2017-11-15T00:05:09-05:00 Response by Sgt Wayne Wood made Nov 15 at 2017 1:36 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-can-i-expect-for-an-average-day-in-a-line-unit-what-should-i-get-ready-for-so-i-can-leave-a-good-first-impression-for-my-superiors?n=3093949&urlhash=3093949 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Do. Your. Job. Sgt Wayne Wood Wed, 15 Nov 2017 13:36:37 -0500 2017-11-15T13:36:37-05:00 Response by SSG James Behnke made Nov 15 at 2017 9:18 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-can-i-expect-for-an-average-day-in-a-line-unit-what-should-i-get-ready-for-so-i-can-leave-a-good-first-impression-for-my-superiors?n=3095156&urlhash=3095156 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><br />Study this. All of your Skill Level 1 tasks as an Infantryman.<br /><br /><a target="_blank" href="http://www.apd.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/stp7_11b1.pdf">http://www.apd.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/stp7_11b1.pdf</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="http://www.apd.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/stp7_11b1.pdf">stp7_11b1.pdf</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">+MYU:ZJªåÚîØ %Àj w[(é9ý!üiÖV}rÒYÔ7GÅdl&amp;hÝp*ÚÎ#kSô=:xr ÖlöÀHj ¡kÐ9«|&#39;ÄÕ!ÜJZ%;àÃNRÂØðKdª CþdÂTê d[F5Ð7¡ÖaV@=Ôá*j?3ÉDQÝ\Ñ+,t»,Þ@ÇÉl1Àe2þ$ÝIq æçµaebÀÃ}f¶çä6Í`ÊÓéS?î&amp;iÀãÄàùoxÑnÂÈËõúóc·þÀ5~î{$+eA sÐoið87ÁK}º&quot;:&amp;ÿ2QU}4Yyn%Ó ;CÀ h-ºø¶oÙc!6µÎóÝÕh=ixÖ[B?KÙSüêÝWrÆXx&amp;ãßxçëÖêÂx:EþXsD#ò+xõùqñªÒ#þÀºÉ@ÍBGm:D8eðÇWçrÙ^ÿöÖ¿faÎ350^ÊÚÄÐMÂ#Dfâ_åÍQÃ%éÅÞ«bF¶p) TÚÀEôàPjöÉw{ Jglð7`}Q VZ&quot;âï&amp;ëám.ÍÓæHeÏ¡ÏáDkR§ÇøÆÔÕz^ÂÇÂ/Wc`-Ìl:?#:äBBÂeÿJÁQz(nÐÀ*eÌ[ªÃËPE#øXArùIéfùOè{NtZÙX9§...</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> SSG James Behnke Wed, 15 Nov 2017 21:18:04 -0500 2017-11-15T21:18:04-05:00 2017-11-14T13:34:48-05:00