SGT Private RallyPoint Member3836685<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Any reg stating if a Single soilder can or can’t move out of the barracks (knowning they would have to maintain a barracks room) Leadership has told him that he can not move out, but was not gave a reason as to why he couldn’t. Soilder wants to move in with his friend that is married, the friend is in the military and has said he wouldn’t have to pay rent, just to pay for his on groceries.What Army regulation addresses a situation where a single soldier who wants to move out of the barracks?2018-07-29T19:57:35-04:00SGT Private RallyPoint Member3836685<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Any reg stating if a Single soilder can or can’t move out of the barracks (knowning they would have to maintain a barracks room) Leadership has told him that he can not move out, but was not gave a reason as to why he couldn’t. Soilder wants to move in with his friend that is married, the friend is in the military and has said he wouldn’t have to pay rent, just to pay for his on groceries.What Army regulation addresses a situation where a single soldier who wants to move out of the barracks?2018-07-29T19:57:35-04:002018-07-29T19:57:35-04:00SGM Bill Frazer3836709<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1. What rank. 2. If not drawing BAH, the Command does not have to approve his moving out, even if he would maintain a room. 3. It is not what He wants, but what the Service wants.Response by SGM Bill Frazer made Jul 29 at 2018 8:06 PM2018-07-29T20:06:34-04:002018-07-29T20:06:34-04:00SGT Private RallyPoint Member3836783<div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-256185"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image">
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<a class="fancybox" rel="d7c89aa75c8b9cb2aa124983bc390fe4" href=""><img src="" alt="E0a6fb53" /></a></div></div>Unless I’m reading something incorrectly, please see DoD manual NUMBER 4165.63, updated 29DEC2017. <br />Regarding single soldiers, it states on page 12:<br />“b) Unaccompanied Military Personnel. Each Military Service may determine which segments of the unaccompanied population will be required to live in military housing. This requirement may include Service members of a certain pay grade and/or Service members defined as key and essential.”<br /><br />Additionally, the attached photo from the same manual (pg.26) indicates the minimum standards of living quarters according to rank.<br /><br />Best of luck.Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 29 at 2018 8:34 PM2018-07-29T20:34:44-04:002018-07-29T20:34:44-04:00SFC Private RallyPoint Member3836881<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It should be in AR 420-1 which replaced AR 210-50. I don't remember which paragraph it is in but I believe it's chapter 3. It states that E5 and below if not meeting certain criteria must get Garrison Commander approval to move off post.Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 29 at 2018 9:36 PM2018-07-29T21:36:32-04:002018-07-29T21:36:32-04:00SGM Bill Frazer3836924<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No, freedom of choice went away with his oath of enlistment. I had few PFC's. I would have trusted to be away from the billetsResponse by SGM Bill Frazer made Jul 29 at 2018 10:07 PM2018-07-29T22:07:11-04:002018-07-29T22:07:11-04:00SFC Private RallyPoint Member3836945<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>He can move off post, he'll just be required to maintain a barracks room and won't be authorized BAH. There's nothing that requires him to sleep in his room or maintain his gear in a barracks.Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 29 at 2018 10:28 PM2018-07-29T22:28:25-04:002018-07-29T22:28:25-04:00SPC Henry Francis3837004<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Times have changed. In 1973 the reg was you had to make formation in the morning... but then all we had to maintain on post was a locker and a bunk in the platoon bay... always ready for inspection.<br /><br />I had a Honda 450 to make the 40 mike trip to 82nd Div. on Ft Bragg from our house in Southern Pines (my new wife from Texas flatly refused to live in the mobile home I had rented in Fayetteville). Gas was in short supply back then and the price was way up to about $0.70/gal. I had a 3:00 AM jump manifest to make and before I got out of So. Pines my chain broke. My 73 Chevelle was out of gas and there was a standing General Order not to hitchhike on Front Bragg so I didn’t. I missed the jump manifest. I repaired the chain after the parts store opened and got in by about 10:00 AM. I got an Art-15 for missing formation. (Lost some pay for a little while).<br /><br />Make sure you have a good backup plan for getting to work on time no matter what!Response by SPC Henry Francis made Jul 29 at 2018 11:17 PM2018-07-29T23:17:54-04:002018-07-29T23:17:54-04:00CSM Darieus ZaGara3837317<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>He cannot. If he chooses to sleep elsewhere he is subject to all rules associated with living in quarters. This rule is in place to ensure that the military is providing for the health and welfare of our Service members. Thank you for your service.Response by CSM Darieus ZaGara made Jul 30 at 2018 6:06 AM2018-07-30T06:06:08-04:002018-07-30T06:06:08-04:00SPC Bill Payne3838258<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Back in 1969 I moved in with a lady off post at Ft Bragg. My job was working nights, and I didn't stand any inspections, and only had to jump once every 3 months to keep my jump pay. It was sweet duty, so of course the army sent me to Nam.Response by SPC Bill Payne made Jul 30 at 2018 11:50 AM2018-07-30T11:50:34-04:002018-07-30T11:50:34-04:00SGT Aric Lier3838328<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>4 of us decided to rent a house and moved out, I kept just the stuff for inspections, and we'd go in just before to make sure it was clean.... one inspection uh where are your clothes? at my house.... you dont live here? No ..1Sgt wtf are they taking up a space and they dont live here, move them out and get them paid!!Response by SGT Aric Lier made Jul 30 at 2018 12:17 PM2018-07-30T12:17:00-04:002018-07-30T12:17:00-04:00SGT Eric Davis3838684<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The soldier can sleep anywhere they choose to sleep but must maintain that barracks and no BAH, The soldier still has responsibility of the room and inspections. No one can make him sleep in his room unless the solder is on restrictions!Response by SGT Eric Davis made Jul 30 at 2018 2:03 PM2018-07-30T14:03:01-04:002018-07-30T14:03:01-04:00PFC Private RallyPoint Member3841211<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would ask barracks management. See if they have that covers this situation.Response by PFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 31 at 2018 11:17 AM2018-07-31T11:17:32-04:002018-07-31T11:17:32-04:00CPL Any Jim3842710<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Probably no reg ' but if tell you comand they will probably just nit pic and attack you wit paperwork and get it in writing on paper that you plsce is barracks ... Sumtimes just gotta maintain barracks and get quite lil place off post .. But brodcast to command and they will probably give you and ecxcuse to why you cant wit no rhyme or reason ? Google barracks standards for single solidersResponse by CPL Any Jim made Jul 31 at 2018 9:16 PM2018-07-31T21:16:35-04:002018-07-31T21:16:35-04:00CPL Any Jim3842722<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Just better make sure you number is correct on alert roster and can be contacted by phone on non duty hours !....Response by CPL Any Jim made Jul 31 at 2018 9:21 PM2018-07-31T21:21:26-04:002018-07-31T21:21:26-04:001SG Ed Bernas7182151<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>A soldiers ability to live on off post depends on his service record not his marital status, if a soldier has a terrible record, ie late to work, missing gear, bad uniform, they can be restricted to post. Maybe more to this story then being presented?? Also the wife may have called the command, and voiced concern?Response by 1SG Ed Bernas made Aug 14 at 2021 11:38 AM2021-08-14T11:38:35-04:002021-08-14T11:38:35-04:00CSM Darieus ZaGara7182894<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Other than the responsibilities that come with having a room assigned there is no reason why he cannot move off Post. They may not approve officially as that may give a Soldier the feeling that they have no responsibility with the room assigned. <br /><br />Bottom line is he has to maintain the room and meet any other commitments that the unit or housing has based on the Garrison environment.Response by CSM Darieus ZaGara made Aug 14 at 2021 7:28 PM2021-08-14T19:28:15-04:002021-08-14T19:28:15-04:00Sgt Dale Briggs7183996<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How could you possibly stop him, there’s no bed checks. As long as the room is maintained and he’s always on time who would care?Response by Sgt Dale Briggs made Aug 15 at 2021 10:31 AM2021-08-15T10:31:05-04:002021-08-15T10:31:05-04:002018-07-29T19:57:35-04:00