What are the possible outcomes of fraudulent entry as an Officer? https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>currently flagged and titled by CID for fraudulent entry and pandering<br />soemone reported this to the brigade commander and CID. Wed, 29 Jan 2020 02:12:48 -0500 What are the possible outcomes of fraudulent entry as an Officer? https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>currently flagged and titled by CID for fraudulent entry and pandering<br />soemone reported this to the brigade commander and CID. 2LT Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 29 Jan 2020 02:12:48 -0500 2020-01-29T02:12:48-05:00 Response by SSG Laurie Mullen made Jan 29 at 2020 2:58 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5494885&urlhash=5494885 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>So much for integrity... SSG Laurie Mullen Wed, 29 Jan 2020 02:58:09 -0500 2020-01-29T02:58:09-05:00 Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 29 at 2020 4:39 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5494949&urlhash=5494949 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I recommend you not make statements or consent to searches without consulting JAG.<br />This post sounds like an admission of guilt. LTC Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 29 Jan 2020 04:39:32 -0500 2020-01-29T04:39:32-05:00 Response by MAJ Javier Rivera made Jan 29 at 2020 5:49 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5495005&urlhash=5495005 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Stop immediately, delete this posting and shut the hell up! Stay away for all social media regarding this issue and consult with your legal advisor. MAJ Javier Rivera Wed, 29 Jan 2020 05:49:49 -0500 2020-01-29T05:49:49-05:00 Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 29 at 2020 9:53 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5495746&urlhash=5495746 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Well, you are gonna get burned. How severe the burns, I don&#39;t know. But the simple fact that you just admitted to hiding information and fraudulently commissioned......this will NOT help your case. You better hope that someone doesn&#39;t see this and adds it to the investigation packet. MSG Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 29 Jan 2020 09:53:31 -0500 2020-01-29T09:53:31-05:00 Response by SGM Bill Frazer made Jan 29 at 2020 12:46 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5496371&urlhash=5496371 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sir SHUT UP- self incrimination you know? If it is up, and posting this, it becomes public knowledge and can be used against you. Once this charge is reported to an O6 and higher, it&#39;s going to be a court-martial, no chapters. SGM Bill Frazer Wed, 29 Jan 2020 12:46:07 -0500 2020-01-29T12:46:07-05:00 Response by SPC Erich Guenther made Jan 29 at 2020 2:20 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5496661&urlhash=5496661 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>He-he-he, you do know, I hope the DoD probably has backend access to this website so they can nail people violating their confidentiality agreements. They did for military dot com when that website had a discussion forum. So yes they can track you down by your comments here even if your registered as anonymous. SPC Erich Guenther Wed, 29 Jan 2020 14:20:58 -0500 2020-01-29T14:20:58-05:00 Response by 1LT Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 29 at 2020 3:17 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5496813&urlhash=5496813 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You just told on yourself in a public forum..... 1LT Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 29 Jan 2020 15:17:21 -0500 2020-01-29T15:17:21-05:00 Response by SGT Aaron Tollman made Jan 29 at 2020 3:48 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5496906&urlhash=5496906 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You must remember your right to remain silent. This should only be discussed with counsels&#39; advice. Cease this immediately, only talk to your council. SGT Aaron Tollman Wed, 29 Jan 2020 15:48:20 -0500 2020-01-29T15:48:20-05:00 Response by Maj J B made Jan 29 at 2020 3:54 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5496922&urlhash=5496922 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As an officer you will most likely just go to a board of inquiry and be separated. Being an officer requires integrity beyond approach. Maj J B Wed, 29 Jan 2020 15:54:37 -0500 2020-01-29T15:54:37-05:00 Response by Lt Col Jim Coe made Jan 29 at 2020 4:40 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5497043&urlhash=5497043 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="287550" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/287550-maj-javier-rivera">MAJ Javier Rivera</a> is exactly correct. Lt Col Jim Coe Wed, 29 Jan 2020 16:40:17 -0500 2020-01-29T16:40:17-05:00 Response by MSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 29 at 2020 9:09 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5498030&urlhash=5498030 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Pandering? That is hilarious! <br /><a target="_blank" href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9pX1Gn3rCPw">https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9pX1Gn3rCPw</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-youtube"> <div class="pta-link-card-video"> <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9pX1Gn3rCPw?wmode=transparent" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9pX1Gn3rCPw">Big Pimpin&#39;</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Big Pimpin&#39; · JAY-Z The Hits Collection Volume One 1999 S. Carter Enterprises, LLC., Distributed by Roc Nation Released on: 2010-11-19 #JayZ</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> MSgt Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 29 Jan 2020 21:09:40 -0500 2020-01-29T21:09:40-05:00 Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 29 at 2020 9:32 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5498117&urlhash=5498117 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would assume that since you are asking this question, you are very much guilty sir of a fraudulent entry. I don&#39;t think anyone would come out with this question if they knew that they were without question innocent. With that being said, walk in to your JAG office tomorrow and speak with your lawyer. A public forum is not the place for a question like this, even if you believe that you are truly being anonymous. SFC Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 29 Jan 2020 21:32:39 -0500 2020-01-29T21:32:39-05:00 Response by MAJ Ken Landgren made Jan 29 at 2020 9:32 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5498118&urlhash=5498118 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I hope the officer is kicked out. No tolerance for liars, cheaters, and thieves. If you cross the line once, what does it indicate? MAJ Ken Landgren Wed, 29 Jan 2020 21:32:45 -0500 2020-01-29T21:32:45-05:00 Response by 2LT Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 29 at 2020 9:44 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5498164&urlhash=5498164 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This is not me, so dont report this to DOD IG or CID because i&#39;m not talking about myself. 2LT Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 29 Jan 2020 21:44:51 -0500 2020-01-29T21:44:51-05:00 Response by SGM Bill Frazer made Jan 29 at 2020 11:06 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5498368&urlhash=5498368 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Damn LT, a CID rpt/investigation and a rpt to O6 or highet, if proved, Hell Yes a Court Martial if they want, about the only way to put you out and prove a point SGM Bill Frazer Wed, 29 Jan 2020 23:06:14 -0500 2020-01-29T23:06:14-05:00 Response by CSM Charles Hayden made Jan 29 at 2020 11:21 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5498391&urlhash=5498391 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Years ago, in the USAR we had a 2LT poser for a short time. <br /><br />One of my troops, as a LEO noted the poser’s presence in the county jail. A pack of cigarettes to another inmate insured the poser received lessons on safely going down stairwells! CSM Charles Hayden Wed, 29 Jan 2020 23:21:19 -0500 2020-01-29T23:21:19-05:00 Response by LTC Trent Klug made Jan 30 at 2020 12:58 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5498524&urlhash=5498524 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-419342"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=What+are+the+possible+outcomes+of+fraudulent+entry+as+an+Officer%3F&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwhat-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWhat are the possible outcomes of fraudulent entry as an Officer?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="da2a746d111ce6624ab4141dd2824fdc" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/419/342/for_gallery_v2/1c4b6ad9.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/419/342/large_v3/1c4b6ad9.jpg" alt="1c4b6ad9" /></a></div></div> LTC Trent Klug Thu, 30 Jan 2020 00:58:08 -0500 2020-01-30T00:58:08-05:00 Response by LTC Jason Mackay made Jan 30 at 2020 7:54 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/what-are-the-possible-outcomes-of-fraudulent-entry-as-an-officer?n=5501645&urlhash=5501645 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If it was reported to CID, officer misconduct is reportable to HQDA. Your CG knows LTC Jason Mackay Thu, 30 Jan 2020 19:54:24 -0500 2020-01-30T19:54:24-05:00 2020-01-29T02:12:48-05:00