Were you "impressed" at the way former VP Joe Biden suggested he would ask former 1st Lady Michelle Obama to be the VP? https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/were-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp <div class="images-v2-count-3"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-419467"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwere-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Were+you+%22impressed%22+at+the+way+former+VP+Joe+Biden+suggested+he+would+ask+former+1st+Lady+Michelle+Obama+to+be+the+VP%3F&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwere-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWere you &quot;impressed&quot; at the way former VP Joe Biden suggested he would ask former 1st Lady Michelle Obama to be the VP?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/were-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="0240fb3ae11a904eb4cfcf5fc24087d0" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/419/467/for_gallery_v2/ad39faa2.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/419/467/large_v3/ad39faa2.jpg" alt="Ad39faa2" /></a></div><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-2" id="image-419468"><a class="fancybox" rel="0240fb3ae11a904eb4cfcf5fc24087d0" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/419/468/for_gallery_v2/e9cbc622.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/419/468/thumb_v2/e9cbc622.jpg" alt="E9cbc622" /></a></div><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-3" id="image-419469"><a class="fancybox" rel="0240fb3ae11a904eb4cfcf5fc24087d0" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/419/469/for_gallery_v2/12f20f5b.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/419/469/thumb_v2/12f20f5b.jpg" alt="12f20f5b" /></a></div></div>I hear that former VP Joe Biden wants to ask former 1st Lady Michelle Obama to be his VP. <br /><br /><a target="_blank" href="https://nypost.com/2020/01/29/joe-biden-says-hed-want-michelle-obama-to-be-his-running-mate/">https://nypost.com/2020/01/29/joe-biden-says-hed-want-michelle-obama-to-be-his-running-mate/</a><br /><br />Besides his tone and demeanor spoke volumes about his real mindset, at least to me. Seemed obvious and not honest or genuine! <br /><br />First, I don&#39;t believe she&#39;d accept for a host of reasons. <br /><br />Second, why live as VP in Biden&#39;s shadow, when in 2024 the Presidential field for both Democrats and Republicans would be wide open. I think she&#39;d rather be at the top of the ticket than playing second fiddle. <br /><br />Third, ff she does run in 2024 she might choose say a Tulsi Gabbard type instead of others to be her running-mate for a host of reasons. That would be a very interesting ticket on so many fronts / levels. <br /><br />Beside, data from the US Census (American Fact Finder site) is interesting to consider (<a target="_blank" href="https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=CF">https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=CF</a>) when thinking about all female tickets:<br /><br />US Population (18+ yo) estimates:<br /><br />- 119,526,965 males (~48.5%) / 17,351,288 male veterans (~91.6%)<br />- 126,852,354 females (~51.5%) / 1,587,931 female veterans (~8.4%) and rising<br /><br />Given this data and as a possible counter a Democrat ticket of this makeup would you also expect to see perhaps, say a Nikki Haley / Condoleezza Rice kind of ticket in 2024.<br /><br />So, the question is this to the RP family:<br /><br />In 2024 what would motivate you to support a Michelle Obama/Tulsi Gabbard (OR) Nikki Haley / Condoleezza Rice kind of Presidential ticket? <br />---------------<br />As always, people will have heated feelings regarding 2024 and such a ticket. While 2020 is just heating up people are looking to 2024 and envisioning what kind of Presidential and Policies should be forming the bridge to the next 250 years of America&#39;s Leadership in the world. What will Americans want and more importantly tolerate. It is NOT too early to consider the future on this nation on so many levels. <br /><br />Please be respectful, yet honest in your responses. Regardless of the what side of the aisle you support, those her on RP have paid various prices to preserve the right to be free ourselves and to assure others have the same chance at genuine freedom. We can disagree, but we have to also remember that regardless who we support / favor - on the battlefield or at sea we all bleed! <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d26horl2n8pviu.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/477/731/qrc/joe-biden-michelle-obama.jpg?1580398141"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://nypost.com/2020/01/29/joe-biden-says-hed-want-michelle-obama-to-be-his-running-mate/">Joe Biden says he’d want Michelle Obama to be his running mate</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Former Vice President Joe Biden expressed his desire to have former First Lady Michelle Obama be his running mate — something that would be a first in presidential politics.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Thu, 30 Jan 2020 10:29:01 -0500 Were you "impressed" at the way former VP Joe Biden suggested he would ask former 1st Lady Michelle Obama to be the VP? https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/were-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp <div class="images-v2-count-3"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-419467"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwere-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Were+you+%22impressed%22+at+the+way+former+VP+Joe+Biden+suggested+he+would+ask+former+1st+Lady+Michelle+Obama+to+be+the+VP%3F&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fwere-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AWere you &quot;impressed&quot; at the way former VP Joe Biden suggested he would ask former 1st Lady Michelle Obama to be the VP?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/were-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="54908f97c51dd978b6221cfbdb02b141" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/419/467/for_gallery_v2/ad39faa2.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/419/467/large_v3/ad39faa2.jpg" alt="Ad39faa2" /></a></div><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-2" id="image-419468"><a class="fancybox" rel="54908f97c51dd978b6221cfbdb02b141" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/419/468/for_gallery_v2/e9cbc622.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/419/468/thumb_v2/e9cbc622.jpg" alt="E9cbc622" /></a></div><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-3" id="image-419469"><a class="fancybox" rel="54908f97c51dd978b6221cfbdb02b141" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/419/469/for_gallery_v2/12f20f5b.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/419/469/thumb_v2/12f20f5b.jpg" alt="12f20f5b" /></a></div></div>I hear that former VP Joe Biden wants to ask former 1st Lady Michelle Obama to be his VP. <br /><br /><a target="_blank" href="https://nypost.com/2020/01/29/joe-biden-says-hed-want-michelle-obama-to-be-his-running-mate/">https://nypost.com/2020/01/29/joe-biden-says-hed-want-michelle-obama-to-be-his-running-mate/</a><br /><br />Besides his tone and demeanor spoke volumes about his real mindset, at least to me. Seemed obvious and not honest or genuine! <br /><br />First, I don&#39;t believe she&#39;d accept for a host of reasons. <br /><br />Second, why live as VP in Biden&#39;s shadow, when in 2024 the Presidential field for both Democrats and Republicans would be wide open. I think she&#39;d rather be at the top of the ticket than playing second fiddle. <br /><br />Third, ff she does run in 2024 she might choose say a Tulsi Gabbard type instead of others to be her running-mate for a host of reasons. That would be a very interesting ticket on so many fronts / levels. <br /><br />Beside, data from the US Census (American Fact Finder site) is interesting to consider (<a target="_blank" href="https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=CF">https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=CF</a>) when thinking about all female tickets:<br /><br />US Population (18+ yo) estimates:<br /><br />- 119,526,965 males (~48.5%) / 17,351,288 male veterans (~91.6%)<br />- 126,852,354 females (~51.5%) / 1,587,931 female veterans (~8.4%) and rising<br /><br />Given this data and as a possible counter a Democrat ticket of this makeup would you also expect to see perhaps, say a Nikki Haley / Condoleezza Rice kind of ticket in 2024.<br /><br />So, the question is this to the RP family:<br /><br />In 2024 what would motivate you to support a Michelle Obama/Tulsi Gabbard (OR) Nikki Haley / Condoleezza Rice kind of Presidential ticket? <br />---------------<br />As always, people will have heated feelings regarding 2024 and such a ticket. While 2020 is just heating up people are looking to 2024 and envisioning what kind of Presidential and Policies should be forming the bridge to the next 250 years of America&#39;s Leadership in the world. What will Americans want and more importantly tolerate. It is NOT too early to consider the future on this nation on so many levels. <br /><br />Please be respectful, yet honest in your responses. Regardless of the what side of the aisle you support, those her on RP have paid various prices to preserve the right to be free ourselves and to assure others have the same chance at genuine freedom. We can disagree, but we have to also remember that regardless who we support / favor - on the battlefield or at sea we all bleed! <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d26horl2n8pviu.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/477/731/qrc/joe-biden-michelle-obama.jpg?1580398141"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://nypost.com/2020/01/29/joe-biden-says-hed-want-michelle-obama-to-be-his-running-mate/">Joe Biden says he’d want Michelle Obama to be his running mate</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Former Vice President Joe Biden expressed his desire to have former First Lady Michelle Obama be his running mate — something that would be a first in presidential politics.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> CPO Nate S. Thu, 30 Jan 2020 10:29:01 -0500 2020-01-30T10:29:01-05:00 Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 30 at 2020 10:39 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/were-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp?n=5499663&urlhash=5499663 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What Joe doesn&#39;t realize that if she accepted and he did actually get elected, in 6 months Michelle would be running the show and Joe would just be the puppet. SSG Private RallyPoint Member Thu, 30 Jan 2020 10:39:52 -0500 2020-01-30T10:39:52-05:00 Response by Capt Jeff S. made Jan 30 at 2020 10:51 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/were-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp?n=5499734&urlhash=5499734 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Am totally unimpressed. Obama rightly ought to be in jail for willfully violating the law as President (such as when he made the prisoner swap without informing Congress in advance as required by law) yet he STILL continues his subversion through his proxies using MoveOn.org and Netflix to reach his target audience (our impressionable youth) who also are being programmed in our schools and universities to believe Socialism is the panacea to cure America’s problems. Capt Jeff S. Thu, 30 Jan 2020 10:51:41 -0500 2020-01-30T10:51:41-05:00 Response by Capt Jeff S. made Jan 30 at 2020 11:38 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/were-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp?n=5499874&urlhash=5499874 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Obama should be kept as far away from the White House as possible! They spent eight years vacationing on America’s dime and screwing up our country pitting people against each other and polarizing this country with their class warfare and race-baiting rhetoric. It’s a shame that America’s first black President was an incompetent gay Muslim fraud who misrepresented himself to the American people. He was installed by the Globalists with the help of Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi who certified him as eligible and removed the words “constitutionally qualified” from the DNC’s standard endorsement that had been in use for decades. Why bother to change the wording unless you aren’t sure of his background and qualification to be President?!! The whole idea of running Michelle Obama is just to put Barack back in the White House. It would be a huge setback for Democracy. The Democratic Party is hell-bent on subjugating America’s sovereignty to International control of a one world government with themselves in charge. They have been selling this country out and trying to take away our ability to select our leaders because they are intent on transforming America into a Euro-style nanny welfare state. <br /><br />As a patriot, I believe America has no future with Progressive Democratic Socialism. It is rule by a very small ruling class of Progressive elitists who believe themselves to be given a mandate by the Universe to use their superior intellects to make all decisions for the people, who aren’t as capable of making good decisions for themselves and who aren’t as equipped to deal with the complex issue of Climate Change which must be addressed in order to save the planet.<br /><br />People who sign on to this crap are easily duped and easily influenced. And that’s pretty much the Democratic base. Their agenda is toxic and we should be distancing ourselves as far as possible from the Democratic Party. I once was a Democrat and grew up in Chicago. Back in the day there used to be such a thing as a Conservative Democrat. But whatever the Party was disappeared with the assassination of JFK and the DNC has moved so far Left that it left its base. The Democratic Party has been hijacked by Socialists and has become synonymous with corruption. <br /><br />I can’t in good conscience support anyone that belongs to a party of sellouts that for three years has been trying to overturn the will of the people who voted for our current President. Trump’s election was a repudiation of the scandals and corruption that are the Obama’s legacy. I don’t want either one of them anywhere near the White House. <br /><br />I don’t care what race or male/female gender (there are only two!) our President is... but they MUST govern with integrity and put the interests of the country first and seek to protect our citizens. I support the wall, which we need unfortunately, to help stem the flow of illegal immigrants into this country. As the grandson of a Russian immigrant, I believe in immigration but it must be LEGAL immigration! The Democrats need votes because no sane adult would support their toxic agenda and policies which detriment this nation in order to bring in more Democratic voters. California is stuck on stupid and the cities controlled by the Democrats are turning into slums. America deserves better.<br /><br />I do NOT think a person should vote for a two woman ticket just because it’s a novel idea, nor do I think this country is best served by fixating on the color of the candidates either. You should vote for the candidates that are most qualified and capable of running this country... and who have the requisite honor, integrity and courage to say no to special interests (especially foreign special interests!) and who will honor the vision of our Founding Fathers and who will hold themselves accountable to do what’s right by this country. Capt Jeff S. Thu, 30 Jan 2020 11:38:52 -0500 2020-01-30T11:38:52-05:00 Response by SFC(P) John McLaughlin made Jan 30 at 2020 4:19 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/were-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp?n=5500756&urlhash=5500756 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No. That is hard NO. SFC(P) John McLaughlin Thu, 30 Jan 2020 16:19:52 -0500 2020-01-30T16:19:52-05:00 Response by Sgt Kelli Mays made Jan 30 at 2020 4:38 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/were-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp?n=5500832&urlhash=5500832 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="892990" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/892990-hm-hospital-corpsman">CPO Nate S.</a> Nope...and don&#39;t care. never gonna happen and besides I seriously doubt Michelle would take him up on his offer. Sgt Kelli Mays Thu, 30 Jan 2020 16:38:40 -0500 2020-01-30T16:38:40-05:00 Response by SSG Rick Austin made Jan 30 at 2020 4:47 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/were-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp?n=5500881&urlhash=5500881 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I want to see him..and his Dishonorably Discharged son answer a few questions..how about you SSG Rick Austin Thu, 30 Jan 2020 16:47:39 -0500 2020-01-30T16:47:39-05:00 Response by CPL Gary Pifer made Jan 30 at 2020 7:09 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/were-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp?n=5501471&urlhash=5501471 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Michelle Kardashian..... no way... CPL Gary Pifer Thu, 30 Jan 2020 19:09:55 -0500 2020-01-30T19:09:55-05:00 Response by MAJ Raymond Haynes made Jan 30 at 2020 8:19 PM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/were-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp?n=5501725&urlhash=5501725 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Why not..I&#39;m all for more &quot;bush&quot; in the White House MAJ Raymond Haynes Thu, 30 Jan 2020 20:19:23 -0500 2020-01-30T20:19:23-05:00 Response by SPC Allen Moore made Jan 31 at 2020 5:07 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/were-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp?n=5502616&urlhash=5502616 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>He just wants her for votes and not a person who qualifies for the job, SPC Allen Moore Fri, 31 Jan 2020 05:07:41 -0500 2020-01-31T05:07:41-05:00 Response by PO2 Charles Brey made Jan 31 at 2020 7:03 AM https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/were-you-impressed-at-the-way-former-vp-joe-biden-suggested-he-would-ask-former-1st-lady-michelle-obama-to-be-the-vp?n=5502836&urlhash=5502836 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This is overt pandering for the woman and minority vote, trying to recover from his weakness and slipping appeal.<br />I personally don&#39;t think either of them have the competence to run a convenience store, much less the greatest military and economic force in history. PO2 Charles Brey Fri, 31 Jan 2020 07:03:54 -0500 2020-01-31T07:03:54-05:00 2020-01-30T10:29:01-05:00