Visiting with Vets at the VA today! (Have you done something similar?)
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<a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AVisiting with Vets at the VA today! (Have you done something similar?)%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:"
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<a class="fancybox" rel="a7c740ae60011f9035b32c400c057d9d" href=""><img src="" alt="Vets" /></a></div></div>My mother began her career as a nurse working for the VA when I was 13 years old. She worked in the Geriatric unit, and about 6 weeks after she started working there, she took our family up to the VA on a Saturday to visit with the veterans in the hospital. She cried a lot when she worked there. These men and women had sacrificed so much for their country only to be essentially abandoned by their families. They never had any visitors, and so my Mom brought us up to visit.<br /><br />These men and women got such big smiles on their faces when they saw us. Many of them also cried. Some were "only" stricken with nagging injuries and the bodily curses of old age, but they couldn't care for themselves anymore. Others were in the merciless throes of dementia, and except for the medical professionals caring for them, were completely alone.<br /><br />We visited every other weekend for about 4 months. Two of them "adopted" me and my sister as their grandkids; RDML (ret) Noble, and SFC (ret) Sanneman. Both WWII veterans. I remember my mother telling me years later about how they each got up early and made sure to be dressed up and well-groomed on the days they knew we were coming. They both died about 3 weeks apart, and our visits to the VA came to an end. some 26 years later and I still get teary-eyed thinking of these gentlemen.<br /><br />These visits changed my life. <br /><br />I have visited each VA medical center nearest where I was stationed during my career, and today is my first visit to a VA Medical Center as a retiree. I'm more emotional about it than I anticipated being. My wife is coming with me, and she made purple origami butterflies with thank you messages to hand out to our heroes. I'll post pics later if I remember to ask my wife to take them. <br /><br />The VA here in Houston was only too willing to set up a time for us to come visit. If you live near a VA care facility, I'd suggest you make a trip there when you have time. Your visit will brighten a lot of people's faces, and you will gain much more from your time with them than you might think.Tue, 12 May 2015 09:21:36 -0400Visiting with Vets at the VA today! (Have you done something similar?)
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<a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AVisiting with Vets at the VA today! (Have you done something similar?)%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:"
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<a class="fancybox" rel="a9e77354c79cfe47cc22deb4335f1aaf" href=""><img src="" alt="Vets" /></a></div></div>My mother began her career as a nurse working for the VA when I was 13 years old. She worked in the Geriatric unit, and about 6 weeks after she started working there, she took our family up to the VA on a Saturday to visit with the veterans in the hospital. She cried a lot when she worked there. These men and women had sacrificed so much for their country only to be essentially abandoned by their families. They never had any visitors, and so my Mom brought us up to visit.<br /><br />These men and women got such big smiles on their faces when they saw us. Many of them also cried. Some were "only" stricken with nagging injuries and the bodily curses of old age, but they couldn't care for themselves anymore. Others were in the merciless throes of dementia, and except for the medical professionals caring for them, were completely alone.<br /><br />We visited every other weekend for about 4 months. Two of them "adopted" me and my sister as their grandkids; RDML (ret) Noble, and SFC (ret) Sanneman. Both WWII veterans. I remember my mother telling me years later about how they each got up early and made sure to be dressed up and well-groomed on the days they knew we were coming. They both died about 3 weeks apart, and our visits to the VA came to an end. some 26 years later and I still get teary-eyed thinking of these gentlemen.<br /><br />These visits changed my life. <br /><br />I have visited each VA medical center nearest where I was stationed during my career, and today is my first visit to a VA Medical Center as a retiree. I'm more emotional about it than I anticipated being. My wife is coming with me, and she made purple origami butterflies with thank you messages to hand out to our heroes. I'll post pics later if I remember to ask my wife to take them. <br /><br />The VA here in Houston was only too willing to set up a time for us to come visit. If you live near a VA care facility, I'd suggest you make a trip there when you have time. Your visit will brighten a lot of people's faces, and you will gain much more from your time with them than you might think.TSgt Christopher D.Tue, 12 May 2015 09:21:36 -04002015-05-12T09:21:36-04:00Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made May 12 at 2015 9:27 AM
<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Great to see this I do this a few times a year and it is always a good time.1SG Private RallyPoint MemberTue, 12 May 2015 09:27:02 -04002015-05-12T09:27:02-04:00Response by SPC Private RallyPoint Member made May 12 at 2015 9:28 AM
<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>LOVE!!!!! I try to spend my lunch periods on the hopsice ward. I love spending time with veterans. I love hearing about thier stories and families.SPC Private RallyPoint MemberTue, 12 May 2015 09:28:07 -04002015-05-12T09:28:07-04:00Response by CMSgt Mark Schubert made May 12 at 2015 9:54 AM
<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I hope you set a record for up votes with this post. You have 42 views now and only 5 up votes - crazy. How can anyone view this and not vote it up? It's too simple!<br /><br />When I was deployed to Bagram, it was a daily stop for me - the hospital was on my way to/from my BHut and there were warfighters in there that literally had NOBODY to care for them other than the staff. I was not one to "force" my troops to do anything like that, however, I did "strongly encourage" them to visit these warfighters in the hospital on a regular basis.CMSgt Mark SchubertTue, 12 May 2015 09:54:32 -04002015-05-12T09:54:32-04:00Response by SGT Jim Barrows made May 12 at 2015 10:53 AM
<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>After ets way back in 1988 I went to work for the V.A. I know how your mommy felt it's sad to see how lonely these guys are I applaud you for the love you are showing God bless you brotherSGT Jim BarrowsTue, 12 May 2015 10:53:06 -04002015-05-12T10:53:06-04:00Response by TSgt Christopher D. made May 12 at 2015 2:25 PM
<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>AFTER ACTION REPORT:<br /><br />I am pleased to report that we got to meet and spend time with approximately 45 of my brothers and sisters today. We visited the hospice ward, and both spinal trauma/injury wards.<br /><br />It was my wife's first trip to a VA hospital. One of our brother's wife was with him as he was prepping for a grueling session of physical therapy. They were both happy to see us, but my wife was moved by his wife's steadfastness. "I'm always here. They have to ask me to leave, and sometimes I just don't feel like leaving." <br /><br />Though not new to me, my wife was inspired by the pride and "spark" in the men and women, even as some lie in a bed they know they will never leave. She had tears on her cheek a couple of times. <br /><br />I want to thank Michelle at the Houston VA center, herself a Navy Veteran who now helps coordinate visits and tours of the VA for people and groups. She was extremely patient with us, even as conversations went on... war stories, how they got injured etc.<br /><br />There were more than a few spouses with their veteran today. I was so pleased to see this. Apparently, a few of the veterans groups in Houston keep pretty busy with our vets in the hospital. Looks like I might have to get on board with a more active American Legion group in my area. <br /><br />Every single one of the people we met today were pleased to see us, and thankful that we took time out to come by and say thank you. I can't stress this enough: if you live near a VA hospital, please go by and see the vets there. You will brighten their day, and take something home with you that I simply can't describe with words.TSgt Christopher D.Tue, 12 May 2015 14:25:18 -04002015-05-12T14:25:18-04:002015-05-12T09:21:36-04:00