Posted on May 27, 2015
SSG Donald Smith
There isn't a day that goes by, that I don't remember being around good people with like hearts and minds, when I was serving. I was fortunate to have good NCO's during my years of service.

The one I remember most was 1SG Dean F. Samarjian, he was the first one to show me the ropes, and he mentored me well for several years. Unfortunately he was taken all too quickly, by cancer. I hope I have honored him in my endevors.

What about you? Do you have a mentor that you appreciate? Maybe a short story about a good NCO? Post up if you do.

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Responses: 4
COL Jean (John) F. B.
SSG Donald Smith

I have been blessed to have had so many mentors in my career, both officer and NCO.

As a battalion commander I had three of the greatest CSMs anybody could hope for: CSM Jim Armour, CSM David Stalter and CSM Leyton Benson. As a brigade commander, I was blessed with CSM Charles McGee. I could spend hours telling stories of what these outstanding NCOs meant to me (and still do).

One story I will share is about my first Platoon Sergeant, SFC Benjamin J. Burgess, when I was a young, hard charging second lieutenant Infantry platoon leader. He took to heart his responsibility for training me and took it all in. One memorable day, following a hard day of training, SFC Burgess and I were in our platoon CP, winding down from the day's activities and discussion our plan for the next, when he stated. "You know L T, you are going to be a great general one day." I was thrilled to hear that comment and ask him why he thought that. He stated, "I have known and observed a great many generals in my career and one thing I observed is that they all had some quirk. You have a lot of them". I'll never forget that (and he was correct -- I did have a lot of quirks and still do).

I will never forget the great NCOs I was blessed to have served with.
SSG Donald Smith
SSG Donald Smith
>1 y
That's awesome!
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
I remember how 1SG Conroy made me memorize the NCO Creed.
Once I had it down, I had to tell him what it meant to me. Line by Line.

I never forgot that lesson, and it has guided my path significantly in the years since.
I don't think he ever knew how much impact that had, but if he is out there:

Thank you, Top. I wouldn't have become the NCO I have without you.
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Look for other great Vets out here in the Civilian work force... We are out here! Let me know how I can help!
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