RallyPoint News 8357441 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-792248"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Ftexas-veterans-do-you-have-health-or-benefits-questions-ask-your-questions-now%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Texas+Veterans%21+Do+You+Have+Health+or+Benefits+Questions%3F+Ask+Your+Questions+Now%21&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Ftexas-veterans-do-you-have-health-or-benefits-questions-ask-your-questions-now&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0ATexas Veterans! Do You Have Health or Benefits Questions? Ask Your Questions Now!%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/texas-veterans-do-you-have-health-or-benefits-questions-ask-your-questions-now" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="5acf7568d12299490a89bd6c5f8daece" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/792/248/for_gallery_v2/5b022b98.png"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/792/248/large_v3/5b022b98.png" alt="5b022b98" /></a></div></div>On Thursday, July 13th from 1-2pm CT; VA and community partners will be on RallyPoint to answer your questions of benefits, claims, and peer-to-peer support services.<br /><br />You can ask questions in writing (no audio/video), to the following people:<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1951445" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1951445-msg-heidi-martin">MSG Heidi Martin</a> - Senior Human Resource Specialist, VA<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1960794" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1960794-kat-bailey">Kat Bailey</a> - Chief Communications Officer, VA Heart of Texas Healthcare Network<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1940114" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1940114-marianne-delatorre">Marianne Delatorre</a> - HHCC Program Coordinator, Elizabeth Dole Foundation<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1925333" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1925333-sgt-jay-dalrymple">Sgt Jay Dalrymple</a> - Director, National Cemetery Scheduling Office, VA<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1886581" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1886581-sgt-ed-mcevoy">Sgt Ed McEvoy</a> - National Outreach Specialist, VA Vet Center<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1930164" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1930164-sgt-christopher-vidaurre">Sgt Christopher Vidaurre</a> - Senior Program Manager, George W. Bush Presidential Center<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1896898" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1896898-po3-douglas-webb">PO3 Douglas Webb</a> - Management Analyst, Veterans Experience Office, VA<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1961027" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1961027-phillip-wilson">Phillip Wilson</a> - Public Contact Team Supervisor, Waco VBA Regional Office, VA<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1897652" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1897652-sgt-arlene-perez">SGT Arlene Perez</a> - Peer Services Manager, Texas Veterans Commission<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1961041" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1961041-seena-schott">Seena Schott</a> - Chief Experience Officer, VHA VISN 17, VA<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1748749" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1748749-cpo-missina-schallus">CPO Missina Schallus</a> - Communications Manager, Center for Women Veteran<br /><br />Veteran and Military Spouse Talent Engagement Program (VMSTEP):<br />VMSTEP provides employment readiness assistance and outreach to transitioning service members, Veterans, and eligible military spouses while advocating the use of special hiring authorities, employment programs, and Veteran retention strategies to help VA become the employer of choice for Veterans and military spouses.​<br /><br />VA Heart of Texas Healthcare Network:<br />The VA Heart of Texas Healthcare Network&#39;s mission is to offer options to timely, quality healthcare services for Texas Veterans through care and respect for one&#39;s physical, psychological, and spiritual health.<br /><br />VEAC EVENT!<br />Are you a North Texas Veteran, family member, caregiver, survivor, or service member in need of direct assistance with benefits, care, and community resources? Join us from the convenience of your phone for the North Texas Veterans Experience Action Center (VEAC), July 18-20 from 10am-3pm CT. Register Now! <a target="_blank" href="https://rly.pt/TXVEAC">https://rly.pt/TXVEAC</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://rly.pt/TXVEAC">Veterans Experience Office</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description"></p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Texas Veterans! Do You Have Health or Benefits Questions? Ask Your Questions Now! 2023-07-05T10:12:52-04:00 RallyPoint News 8357441 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-792248"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Ftexas-veterans-do-you-have-health-or-benefits-questions-ask-your-questions-now%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Texas+Veterans%21+Do+You+Have+Health+or+Benefits+Questions%3F+Ask+Your+Questions+Now%21&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Ftexas-veterans-do-you-have-health-or-benefits-questions-ask-your-questions-now&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0ATexas Veterans! Do You Have Health or Benefits Questions? Ask Your Questions Now!%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/texas-veterans-do-you-have-health-or-benefits-questions-ask-your-questions-now" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="5cba14d8405acc40d57b52da024d40b5" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/792/248/for_gallery_v2/5b022b98.png"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/792/248/large_v3/5b022b98.png" alt="5b022b98" /></a></div></div>On Thursday, July 13th from 1-2pm CT; VA and community partners will be on RallyPoint to answer your questions of benefits, claims, and peer-to-peer support services.<br /><br />You can ask questions in writing (no audio/video), to the following people:<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1951445" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1951445-msg-heidi-martin">MSG Heidi Martin</a> - Senior Human Resource Specialist, VA<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1960794" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1960794-kat-bailey">Kat Bailey</a> - Chief Communications Officer, VA Heart of Texas Healthcare Network<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1940114" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1940114-marianne-delatorre">Marianne Delatorre</a> - HHCC Program Coordinator, Elizabeth Dole Foundation<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1925333" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1925333-sgt-jay-dalrymple">Sgt Jay Dalrymple</a> - Director, National Cemetery Scheduling Office, VA<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1886581" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1886581-sgt-ed-mcevoy">Sgt Ed McEvoy</a> - National Outreach Specialist, VA Vet Center<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1930164" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1930164-sgt-christopher-vidaurre">Sgt Christopher Vidaurre</a> - Senior Program Manager, George W. Bush Presidential Center<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1896898" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1896898-po3-douglas-webb">PO3 Douglas Webb</a> - Management Analyst, Veterans Experience Office, VA<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1961027" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1961027-phillip-wilson">Phillip Wilson</a> - Public Contact Team Supervisor, Waco VBA Regional Office, VA<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1897652" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1897652-sgt-arlene-perez">SGT Arlene Perez</a> - Peer Services Manager, Texas Veterans Commission<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1961041" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1961041-seena-schott">Seena Schott</a> - Chief Experience Officer, VHA VISN 17, VA<br />» <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1748749" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1748749-cpo-missina-schallus">CPO Missina Schallus</a> - Communications Manager, Center for Women Veteran<br /><br />Veteran and Military Spouse Talent Engagement Program (VMSTEP):<br />VMSTEP provides employment readiness assistance and outreach to transitioning service members, Veterans, and eligible military spouses while advocating the use of special hiring authorities, employment programs, and Veteran retention strategies to help VA become the employer of choice for Veterans and military spouses.​<br /><br />VA Heart of Texas Healthcare Network:<br />The VA Heart of Texas Healthcare Network&#39;s mission is to offer options to timely, quality healthcare services for Texas Veterans through care and respect for one&#39;s physical, psychological, and spiritual health.<br /><br />VEAC EVENT!<br />Are you a North Texas Veteran, family member, caregiver, survivor, or service member in need of direct assistance with benefits, care, and community resources? Join us from the convenience of your phone for the North Texas Veterans Experience Action Center (VEAC), July 18-20 from 10am-3pm CT. Register Now! <a target="_blank" href="https://rly.pt/TXVEAC">https://rly.pt/TXVEAC</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://rly.pt/TXVEAC">Veterans Experience Office</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description"></p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Texas Veterans! Do You Have Health or Benefits Questions? Ask Your Questions Now! 2023-07-05T10:12:52-04:00 2023-07-05T10:12:52-04:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 8358375 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thanks for the info. Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 5 at 2023 9:17 PM 2023-07-05T21:17:24-04:00 2023-07-05T21:17:24-04:00 CPT David Gowel 8361029 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thanks for taking the time to speak to us today. If a disabled Veteran moves to Texas with an aging parent who becomes a dependent, what type of benefits would they get from VA (elder care, nursing home, etc.)? Thanks again! Response by CPT David Gowel made Jul 7 at 2023 5:00 PM 2023-07-07T17:00:36-04:00 2023-07-07T17:00:36-04:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 8367024 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Come back to me when you actually serve all who served then we can talk. Till then I&#39;ve learned 3 things from the VA.<br /><br />1. I can&#39;t get breast cancer<br />2. If it does happen their responsibility ends with cutting the bresdt off and leaving the scar behind.<br /><br />3. Trans individuals cannot get raped<br />3a. If a Trans Vet shows to a VA and says they have been raped they will be sent home.<br />3b. Begging is required to secure a STD blood test after being raped. <br /><br />Welcome to Texas Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 11 at 2023 7:19 PM 2023-07-11T19:19:08-04:00 2023-07-11T19:19:08-04:00 LCpl Michael Philip Oliver 8369546 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>North Texas here. Have Full Medical with Dallas Med Ctr, Fort Worth Clinics, etc. Overall VA Med has been &quot;good&quot;for me albeit not excellent yet. Have mediocre PC, not the advocate I&#39;d prefer. 2. Let&#39;s talk about CLAIMS/ Benefits or lack thereof. HAVE One Open Claim/Appeal from 2011 with<br />BVA Hearing July 2022 and &quot;Decision&quot; December 2022; The SAME VLJ involved in BOTH! Decision had REMAND; One Only, very specific with NO Time period to complete. SEVEN Months with Zero Action albeit I AM Ädvanced On the Docket&quot;! WAITED 11 years to finally get this last HEARING. Today, 2023 The Line may well be 400,000 because of PACT recently. I&#39;m 77 this past June 2nd. Response by LCpl Michael Philip Oliver made Jul 13 at 2023 9:00 AM 2023-07-13T09:00:44-04:00 2023-07-13T09:00:44-04:00 SPC Eloy Palacios 8369740 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It took me over 20 years to get approved for 100% compensation. <br />Yet many of my comrades are still being denied simply because of lack of education due to post war trauma and called suckers and losers by our own post commander in chief. Now we have the title; &quot;The forgotten veterans &quot;. Please help our veterans. Ty Response by SPC Eloy Palacios made Jul 13 at 2023 11:39 AM 2023-07-13T11:39:31-04:00 2023-07-13T11:39:31-04:00 PO3 Ivan Lang 8369771 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What does it actually take to get mental health support from the VA? Why is the mental health care SO UNBELIEVABLY POOR??? When I got out I was a wreck with PTSD. It took me 10 years to actually get any kind of help from the VA and that was only because everything went online and I was able to do everything myself to get rated. And when I got my PTSD diagnosis and rating I wasn&#39;t given any instructions on HOW to get help. I wasn&#39;t given a follow up, no appointments with mental health care were made, it took 2 years for me to actually get support and it wasn&#39;t until I walked in to a VA hospital in crisis before I was helped, and that help was a temporary prescription and AGAIN no follow ups were made, no appointments were set, NOTHING WAS DONE to help me navigate the insane maze that is VA Healthcare. And even when I tried to reach out to get mental health support I was given 1 hour appointments ONCE A MONTH, ONLY ON WEEKDAYS DURING WORKING HOURS which amounted to nothing but more stress, more anxiety. How are people who work for a living supposed to get support? How is ONE HOUR PER MONTH supposed to help with decades of acute trauma that hasn&#39;t been adressed? And if your answer is &quot;well, we just don&#39;t have enough people&quot; THEN GET MORE PEOPLE!!! I&#39;m disgusted with how unbelievably hard it is to get help from the people whose job it is specifically to help. Us veterans who aren&#39;t 300% disabled and don&#39;t have the time to make hounding the VA our full time job just can&#39;t get help. Response by PO3 Ivan Lang made Jul 13 at 2023 12:07 PM 2023-07-13T12:07:34-04:00 2023-07-13T12:07:34-04:00 1SG Andre Judkins 8369859 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Why does it take so long to get scheduled for a care in community provider Response by 1SG Andre Judkins made Jul 13 at 2023 1:01 PM 2023-07-13T13:01:47-04:00 2023-07-13T13:01:47-04:00 Sgt Danny Clayton 8369902 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Can we prearranged beural in the national sematery in Houston? Response by Sgt Danny Clayton made Jul 13 at 2023 1:27 PM 2023-07-13T13:27:45-04:00 2023-07-13T13:27:45-04:00 Lusterine Williams 8369917 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My husband’s death in 2019 was service related. Prior to his death, he attempted to get benefits for PTSD three times and denied. Can I as a spouse, resume the claim? Response by Lusterine Williams made Jul 13 at 2023 1:35 PM 2023-07-13T13:35:05-04:00 2023-07-13T13:35:05-04:00 SPC Laurie Anne 8369936 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If I don&#39;t get through on this call, VISN 17, pain management sucks. <br />I&#39;ve been waiting since before January. Pain management said they needed an &quot;in house MRI&quot; not one from my community care provider. <br />So it took over months for the MRI, which most of that time was a stall tactic. I ended up being outsourced for the &quot;in house&quot; new MRI. Which the community care provider already HAD a current MRI. <br />Fast forward:<br />Now, my PCP had to submit a new referral since its now July. So now I&#39;m waiting for a new community care authorization from the Golden Pen held by the Dallas VA pain clinic pysician. He literally is an jerk. <br />I wrote every VA House Committee Member and every VA Senate Committee Member. <br />Just let me see my civilian pain management doctor!!! PLEASE. <br />The VA doesn&#39;t not hold the keys to any innovative care. And definitely not for pain or PTS. They don&#39;t even meet the minimal standards of care. <br />Just set us free. I hate having to beg to use the Mission Act. <br />After having sedation in a civilian pain management facility for nerve ablation at 170°, I realized just how antiquated the VA really is. Their standard of care does not even come close to their civilian counterparts. <br />Good luck everyone. <br />So in closing, the Dallas VA pain management clinic has only been able to accomplish an outsourced MRI in the last SIX MONTHS. Response by SPC Laurie Anne made Jul 13 at 2023 1:48 PM 2023-07-13T13:48:59-04:00 2023-07-13T13:48:59-04:00 PO3 Douglas Webb 8369940 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thanks to all of YOU for joining us today! The Q&amp;A will be live at 2pm CT; please feel free to ask your questions to all our amazing Community &amp; VA Experts! Response by PO3 Douglas Webb made Jul 13 at 2023 1:50 PM 2023-07-13T13:50:02-04:00 2023-07-13T13:50:02-04:00 CPO Missina Schallus 8369949 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As we all start logging in, I wanted to introduce myself, I am Missina Schallus, the Communications Manager at the VA Center for Women Veterans. I am standing by to answer your questions. <br />Thank you for your service. <br /><a target="_blank" href="https://www.va.gov/WOMENVET/index.asp">https://www.va.gov/WOMENVET/index.asp</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/811/966/qrc/open-uri20230713-106-16155in"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://www.va.gov/WOMENVET/index.asp">VA.gov | Veterans Affairs</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Apply for and manage the VA benefits and services you’ve earned as a Veteran, Servicemember, or family member—like health care, disability, education, and more.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Response by CPO Missina Schallus made Jul 13 at 2023 1:55 PM 2023-07-13T13:55:37-04:00 2023-07-13T13:55:37-04:00 Sgt Jay Dalrymple 8369961 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Did you know the VA National Cemetery Administration (NCA) has 6 National Cemeteries and an additional 5 VA grant funded state cemeteries in Texas? National cemeteries are located in Dallas-Fort Worth, El Paso, San Antonio (2), Houston, and Kerville Texas. <br />State cemeteries are located in Austin, Killeen, Corpus Christi, Mission, and Abilene Texas. <br />To locate a National or VA grant funded cemetery: <a target="_blank" href="https://www.cem.va.gov/find-cemetery/index.asp">https://www.cem.va.gov/find-cemetery/index.asp</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/811/967/qrc/open-uri20230713-25015-1cbb4ht"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://www.cem.va.gov/find-cemetery/index.asp">VA.gov | Veterans Affairs</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Apply for and manage the VA benefits and services you’ve earned as a Veteran, Servicemember, or family member—like health care, disability, education, and more.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Response by Sgt Jay Dalrymple made Jul 13 at 2023 1:59 PM 2023-07-13T13:59:52-04:00 2023-07-13T13:59:52-04:00 MSgt Kevin Maggio 8369963 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If a VA provider is saying I need physical therapy (handing me a booklet of physical therapy exercises for me to do on my own without any professional consultation) but won&#39;t send me because Austin and Killeen are too far from my house, can I then request community care? <br /> There is a physical therapy clinic 5 min from my house. Response by MSgt Kevin Maggio made Jul 13 at 2023 2:00 PM 2023-07-13T14:00:17-04:00 2023-07-13T14:00:17-04:00 Sgt Douglas Mellen 8369966 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am a Viet Nam vet with a 10% service-connected disability (not dental related). I get excellent care from the Central Texas VA, but I’m now 68 years old, retired, dependent only on my Social Security and minimal disability income. Just wondering if any dental benefits might be available? Response by Sgt Douglas Mellen made Jul 13 at 2023 2:01 PM 2023-07-13T14:01:01-04:00 2023-07-13T14:01:01-04:00 Sgt Sherri Eddowes-Plummer 8369967 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am looking for help in obtaining service dog training. Response by Sgt Sherri Eddowes-Plummer made Jul 13 at 2023 2:01 PM 2023-07-13T14:01:06-04:00 2023-07-13T14:01:06-04:00 COL Leo Tucker 8369968 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How am I able to view this live Q&amp;A? Response by COL Leo Tucker made Jul 13 at 2023 2:01 PM 2023-07-13T14:01:38-04:00 2023-07-13T14:01:38-04:00 Cpl Garrett Goldsmith 8369971 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Can vets get legal assistance with navigating the process of trademark a brand/service to start a business? Response by Cpl Garrett Goldsmith made Jul 13 at 2023 2:02 PM 2023-07-13T14:02:17-04:00 2023-07-13T14:02:17-04:00 Sgt Christopher Vidaurre 8369973 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hello All, My name is Christopher Vidaurre, I am the Senior Program Manager at the George W. Bush Institute. I am here on behalf of the Veterans Wellness Alliance to share “Check-In” Check-In is a first-of-its-kind network that unites peer-led organizations and mental and brain health service providers to connect veterans and their families with high-quality care for mental and brain health services. Please go to veterancheckin.org and fill out our short form to get connected to care. Once you fill out the form within in 72 business hours our Care Coordinator will reach out to you and find the most appropriate care and get you connected. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you.<br /><br /><a target="_blank" href="https://www.veterancheckin.org/s/">https://www.veterancheckin.org/s/</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/811/968/qrc/open-uri20230713-86-2mkl13"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://www.veterancheckin.org/s/">Check In</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Connecting veterans with the support and services they need to live happier, healthier, more successful lives-and to make sure veterans are treated like people, not case numbers, every step of the care journey.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Response by Sgt Christopher Vidaurre made Jul 13 at 2023 2:03 PM 2023-07-13T14:03:21-04:00 2023-07-13T14:03:21-04:00 MSG Heidi Martin 8369974 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Good afternoon. I wanted to introduce myself, I am Heidi Martin, Senior Human Resource Specialist with Veteran &amp; Military Spouse Talent Engagement Program to answer your federal employment questions. I am a retired Army MSG (E-8) and combat Veteran. Please visit our website at <a target="_blank" href="https://www.vaforvets.va.gov/">https://www.vaforvets.va.gov/</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/811/969/qrc/open-uri20230713-106-10nzchy"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://www.vaforvets.va.gov/">VA for Vets: Your Gateway To VA Careers</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">VA for Vets</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Response by MSG Heidi Martin made Jul 13 at 2023 2:03 PM 2023-07-13T14:03:32-04:00 2023-07-13T14:03:32-04:00 CPL Daniel H. 8369977 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How do I join this? All that does is open the picture in full screen. Response by CPL Daniel H. made Jul 13 at 2023 2:04 PM 2023-07-13T14:04:11-04:00 2023-07-13T14:04:11-04:00 PO3 Douglas Webb 8369978 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Veterans Experience Action Center (VEAC) for North Texas on July 18th-20th has reached maximum registration. Unfortunately all appointment availability has been filled. Please connect with today&#39;s experts and organizations! Response by PO3 Douglas Webb made Jul 13 at 2023 2:04 PM 2023-07-13T14:04:32-04:00 2023-07-13T14:04:32-04:00 Cpl Garrett Goldsmith 8369984 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hello, I am a graphic designer and I am trying to create an LLC for my services as a design agency. Are there legal resources to help vets set up a LLC and are their incentives for vet created business? Response by Cpl Garrett Goldsmith made Jul 13 at 2023 2:07 PM 2023-07-13T14:07:09-04:00 2023-07-13T14:07:09-04:00 LtCol David Barker 8369985 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Can someone help me with advice as a 100% P&amp;T disabled vet on getting established in the VA Health System? I have a 1st appointment in Sept with a VA Primary Care provider. However, I believe there are other programs available to me (Prescriptions, supplies for CPAP/APAP, access to Community Care Specialists). Any advice for a 100% Disabled Vet to follow the best steps as a new patient in the VA Health System? Response by LtCol David Barker made Jul 13 at 2023 2:07 PM 2023-07-13T14:07:28-04:00 2023-07-13T14:07:28-04:00 MSG Private RallyPoint Member 8369986 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am having issues to get access into the VA, VSO appointment link. Would you please advise what happens with the link. Thank you Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 13 at 2023 2:07 PM 2023-07-13T14:07:34-04:00 2023-07-13T14:07:34-04:00 Sgt Douglas Mellen 8369987 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am a Viet Nam vet with a 10% service-connected disability (not dental related). I get excellent care from the Central Texas VA, but I’m now 68 years old, retired, dependent only on my Social Security and minimal disability income. Just wondering if any dental benefits might be available? Response by Sgt Douglas Mellen made Jul 13 at 2023 2:07 PM 2023-07-13T14:07:39-04:00 2023-07-13T14:07:39-04:00 CPL Daniel H. 8369991 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My question is about having my veteran status show up on my TX drivers license. I went to renew my license and they said I needed my DD214, so I went home and got it. When I got back this so called manager said that I needed two pages, not just one. So, I called the Veterans department and ordered my DD214 thinking that it has changed or something. I got EXACTLY the same one page DD214 from the VA. Now what? I feel like I am stuck in a loop just to solve something that should be super simple. Response by CPL Daniel H. made Jul 13 at 2023 2:08 PM 2023-07-13T14:08:49-04:00 2023-07-13T14:08:49-04:00 MSgt David Sullins 8369995 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Why does it take over 70 days to review one sheet of paper? Response by MSgt David Sullins made Jul 13 at 2023 2:09 PM 2023-07-13T14:09:12-04:00 2023-07-13T14:09:12-04:00 Sgt Ed McEvoy 8369998 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hello, I am Ed with VA’s Vet Center program. Vet Centers have been proudly providing counseling, referral, and community engagement services to Veterans, service members, including members of the National Guard and Reserve, and their families since 1979.<br /><br />Vet Centers offer community based counseling services, community engagement, and referral services to eligible Veterans, active duty service members and their families (when it is found to aid in the readjustment or transition of the Veteran or service member).<br /><br />If you are interested in Vet Center services, you can reach us 24/7 by calling the Vet Center Call Center at [login to see] or find us online at <a target="_blank" href="http://www.vetcenter.va.gov">http://www.vetcenter.va.gov</a>.<br /><br />I am also happy to help link you with your local Vet Center. <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/811/970/qrc/open-uri20230713-7271-1of7tcp"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="http://www.vetcenter.va.gov.">VA.gov | Veterans Affairs</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Apply for and manage the VA benefits and services you’ve earned as a Veteran, Servicemember, or family member—like health care, disability, education, and more.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Response by Sgt Ed McEvoy made Jul 13 at 2023 2:09 PM 2023-07-13T14:09:35-04:00 2023-07-13T14:09:35-04:00 LTC Gary Kaminski 8370000 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>what is the process in preparation for burial upon death? Response by LTC Gary Kaminski made Jul 13 at 2023 2:10 PM 2023-07-13T14:10:28-04:00 2023-07-13T14:10:28-04:00 SPC Jason S 8370001 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;m new on this site and not sure exactly where to ask my question for this event specifically.<br />My question is though: Can I finish my degree program after I&#39;ve been approved for TDIU? Specifically, using the VocRehab route to pay for tuition, supplies, etc.? Response by SPC Jason S made Jul 13 at 2023 2:10 PM 2023-07-13T14:10:30-04:00 2023-07-13T14:10:30-04:00 COL Leo Tucker 8370002 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Currently, I am 100% medical disabled. One of the factors initially identified was mild at the time of my retirement. Now this has progressed to End Stage Renal Disease requiring peritoneal dialysis. What do I need to do to update my findings or records concerning this development? I live near San Antonio, Texas. Thanks Leo Response by COL Leo Tucker made Jul 13 at 2023 2:10 PM 2023-07-13T14:10:35-04:00 2023-07-13T14:10:35-04:00 Marianne Delatorre 8370009 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Good afternoon Texas, my name is Marianne Delatorre and I am the Community Engagement Manager at the Elizabeth Dole Foundation. We are the preeminent organization empowering, supporting, and honoring our nation’s 5.5 million military caregivers known as “Hidden Heroes”; the spouses, parents, family members, and friends who care for America’s wounded, ill, or injured veterans. Our programs include peer support, critical financial assistance, respite, and much more. You can view our programs here: <a target="_blank" href="https://www.elizabethdolefoundation.org/our-programs/">https://www.elizabethdolefoundation.org/our-programs/</a>. To learn more about our Hidden Heroes Caregiver Community, go to our website here: <a target="_blank" href="https://hiddenheroes.org/">https://hiddenheroes.org/</a>. We aim to ensure that families of veterans are supported in their caregiving journey and are recognized for their efforts. You can email me at [login to see] for questions. Look forward to chatting and hearing from you all! <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/811/973/qrc/open-uri20230713-3190-cy463t"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://www.elizabethdolefoundation.org/our-programs/.">Our Programs - The Elizabeth Dole Foundation</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">The Foundation&#39;s programs provide military and veteran caregivers the support they need at the local, state, and national levels.…</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Response by Marianne Delatorre made Jul 13 at 2023 2:12 PM 2023-07-13T14:12:53-04:00 2023-07-13T14:12:53-04:00 Phillip Wilson 8370016 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hello everyone, my name is Phillip Wilson and I supervise the Public Contact Team at the VBA Regional Office in Waco. I&#39;ll be standing by to answer any VBA-related questions anyone might have. Thanks! Response by Phillip Wilson made Jul 13 at 2023 2:14 PM 2023-07-13T14:14:01-04:00 2023-07-13T14:14:01-04:00 MSgt Sandra Smith 8370019 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Can you give me a POC to assist in coordinating the non-govt agencies available for vets in the San Antonio area that I have compiled? Response by MSgt Sandra Smith made Jul 13 at 2023 2:15 PM 2023-07-13T14:15:03-04:00 2023-07-13T14:15:03-04:00 SGT Arlene Perez 8370021 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hello Everyone,<br />I am Arlene Perez and I am the Peer Services Manager with the Military Veteran Peer Network at the Texas Veterans Commission and I am here to connect you to supportive services in your community. <br /><br /><a target="_blank" href="https://veteransmentalhealth.texas.gov/military-veteran-peer-network/">https://veteransmentalhealth.texas.gov/military-veteran-peer-network/</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/811/974/qrc/open-uri20230713-23483-kzfa45"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://veteransmentalhealth.texas.gov/military-veteran-peer-network/">Military Veteran Peer Network - VMHD</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">The Military Veteran Peer Network is made of TVC-Certified Peer Service Coordinators and their peer volunteers strategically placed across Texas.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Response by SGT Arlene Perez made Jul 13 at 2023 2:15 PM 2023-07-13T14:15:16-04:00 2023-07-13T14:15:16-04:00 SFC Travis Reed 8370022 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Is there Audio? I am a first timer <br />I need assistance Response by SFC Travis Reed made Jul 13 at 2023 2:15 PM 2023-07-13T14:15:24-04:00 2023-07-13T14:15:24-04:00 SFC David Griswold 8370027 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Pact Act Claim denied. Stage 4 Prostate cancer(reproductive cancers of any type) presumptive or not?? Desert Storm and OIF veteran. Denied because no toxic exposure on file?? Then it isn’t presumptive?? Response by SFC David Griswold made Jul 13 at 2023 2:16 PM 2023-07-13T14:16:32-04:00 2023-07-13T14:16:32-04:00 Sgt Jay Dalrymple 8370033 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My name is Jay Dalrymple. I am the Director for the VA National Cemetery Administration&#39;s (NCA&#39;s) scheduling office. The National Cemetery Scheduling Office (NCSO) is responsible for determining eligibility for burial and scheduling of burials for 155 VA national cemeteries across the United States. To find out more about NCA and burial benefits available to Veterans, check out <a target="_blank" href="https://www.cem.va.gov/">https://www.cem.va.gov/</a> .<br /><br />I am here to assist you with questions you may have for burial benefits. <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/811/975/qrc/open-uri20230713-107-1m5lg0r"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://www.cem.va.gov/">VA.gov | Veterans Affairs</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Apply for and manage the VA benefits and services you’ve earned as a Veteran, Servicemember, or family member—like health care, disability, education, and more.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Response by Sgt Jay Dalrymple made Jul 13 at 2023 2:17 PM 2023-07-13T14:17:46-04:00 2023-07-13T14:17:46-04:00 AN David Dentinger 8370040 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Why can I Not get an appointed VA doctor? I also went for lab work, came home and was told my follow up appointment was cancelled and be re-scheduled for 2 MONTHS Later ! The VA does not care about our needs. I have no VA doctor. Response by AN David Dentinger made Jul 13 at 2023 2:19 PM 2023-07-13T14:19:12-04:00 2023-07-13T14:19:12-04:00 SFC David Griswold 8370044 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Pact Act denial. Is Prostate cancer presumptive for DS/DS and OIF ?? Response by SFC David Griswold made Jul 13 at 2023 2:19 PM 2023-07-13T14:19:49-04:00 2023-07-13T14:19:49-04:00 SGT John F Grant 8370053 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Good Afternoon!! Response by SGT John F Grant made Jul 13 at 2023 2:23 PM 2023-07-13T14:23:34-04:00 2023-07-13T14:23:34-04:00 1SG Jerome Gaillard 8370061 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have been trying to contact the Austin VA mental health clinic using the only number listed for several days. My experience has been very disappointing and frustrating because I can NEVER get in touch with an actual person. Every time I call no matter what time of day I have been listening to the same recorded messages and menus for sometimes up to an hour without ever talking to someone or the call simply hangs up. I&#39;ve contacted other clinics in the area and they expressed to me that they know and hear all the time how difficult it is to get in touch with anyone at that clinic and to keep trying and provided me with the same unreliable number. There is no excuse for this poor service! What is the problem and how and when will it be resolved? Response by 1SG Jerome Gaillard made Jul 13 at 2023 2:26 PM 2023-07-13T14:26:00-04:00 2023-07-13T14:26:00-04:00 SFC Travis Reed 8370083 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Are Title 32 Soldiers that where Medically retired get BOTH retirement and VA Disability C&amp;P Response by SFC Travis Reed made Jul 13 at 2023 2:31 PM 2023-07-13T14:31:40-04:00 2023-07-13T14:31:40-04:00 Sgt M Jenn 8370094 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Pact Act indicates Agent Orange presumptive conditions High blood pressure. The VA decision has granted service connection with non-compensable evaluation based on Systolic pressure previously above 160 uncontrolled, is now below the threshold and being controlled by my cardiologist. I&#39;m on three meds to control the blood pressure. Explain the non-compensable? Response by Sgt M Jenn made Jul 13 at 2023 2:37 PM 2023-07-13T14:37:46-04:00 2023-07-13T14:37:46-04:00 Kat Bailey 8370104 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hello - Kat Bailey here, Chief Communications Officer for VA Heart of Texas Healthcare Network. I&#39;m a retired Air Force Senior Master Sgt and combat Veteran. VA Heart of Texas Healthcare Network oversees seven healthcare systems covering most of Texas with the exception of Houston. Find a VA health facility near you and manage your health online: <a target="_blank" href="https://www.va.gov/find-locations/">https://www.va.gov/find-locations/</a>. <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/811/979/qrc/open-uri20230713-117-174u599"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://www.va.gov/find-locations/.">Find VA Locations | Veterans Affairs</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Find a VA medical center, clinic, hospital, national cemetery, or VA regional office near you. You can search by city, state, postal code, or service. You&#39;ll get wait times and directions.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Response by Kat Bailey made Jul 13 at 2023 2:39 PM 2023-07-13T14:39:36-04:00 2023-07-13T14:39:36-04:00 PO3 Douglas Webb 8370112 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Continued thanks for everyone who&#39;s joined so far! We&#39;re working to review and respond to all posted questions and comments as quickly as possible. Response by PO3 Douglas Webb made Jul 13 at 2023 2:43 PM 2023-07-13T14:43:07-04:00 2023-07-13T14:43:07-04:00 MSgt Kevin Maggio 8370147 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If a VA provider is saying I need physical therapy (handing me a booklet of physical therapy exercises for me to do on my own without any professional consultation) but won&#39;t send me because Austin and Killeen are too far from my house, can I then request community care?<br />There is a physical therapy clinic 5 min from my house. Response by MSgt Kevin Maggio made Jul 13 at 2023 2:56 PM 2023-07-13T14:56:45-04:00 2023-07-13T14:56:45-04:00 Sgt Albert Zamora 8370170 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Need someone to help file VA disability claim.... Response by Sgt Albert Zamora made Jul 13 at 2023 3:07 PM 2023-07-13T15:07:44-04:00 2023-07-13T15:07:44-04:00 1SG Jerome Gaillard 8370253 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>First I would like to thank you all for your service and for your service to Veterans and this platform to assist Veterans. Thank you all for your responses to my comment. I have tried all the numbers provided prior to this especially the dreaded 512-823--4040. My last resort would be to go to the clinic in person when and if my schedule permits which I shouldn&#39;t have to when there is a number provided. That should not be the solution and I should not have to bear that burden. The solution and burden should be that of the VA specifically that clinic. The other VA clinics I was able to reach said they could only cancel appointments by another clinic and notify that clinic of the cancellation. They said they could not access the scheduling or availability of appointments of the other clinics so therefore I would have to continue trying to call or wait for that clinic to call me. Think about the more senior Veterans that may not be able to physically go to the clinic or those that are not technically inclined to go online to get an appointment and their only means of seeking assistance is by phone. If I&#39;m frustrated I know they are as well. Can I request that one of you try to contact the Austin VA mental health clinic and share your experience as it relates to getting to speak with a person? Thank you for your time. Response by 1SG Jerome Gaillard made Jul 13 at 2023 3:45 PM 2023-07-13T15:45:46-04:00 2023-07-13T15:45:46-04:00 2023-07-05T10:12:52-04:00