Melanie Glascoe7577964<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The REMOTE Act amended the policy for Rounding Out. With this new policy: is the goal of this policy to get students to just over half time enrollment so they get a small amount of MHA? Can more than one class be certified if needed to get to just over half time enrollment? Does the extra class(es) need to be within the original degree plan, similar to the previous rounding out policy?Where can I learn more about the new Rounding Out policy?2022-03-17T17:29:10-04:00Melanie Glascoe7577964<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The REMOTE Act amended the policy for Rounding Out. With this new policy: is the goal of this policy to get students to just over half time enrollment so they get a small amount of MHA? Can more than one class be certified if needed to get to just over half time enrollment? Does the extra class(es) need to be within the original degree plan, similar to the previous rounding out policy?Where can I learn more about the new Rounding Out policy?2022-03-17T17:29:10-04:002022-03-17T17:29:10-04:00Sgt Private RallyPoint Member7578088<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1915700" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1915700-melanie-glascoe">Melanie Glascoe</a> This is RallyPoint. You need to contact the VA.Response by Sgt Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 17 at 2022 7:06 PM2022-03-17T19:06:26-04:002022-03-17T19:06:26-04:00SSgt Christophe Murphy7578127<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The purpose of the Remote act was described as:<br /><br />Extend remote learning waivers for student veterans through the Spring 2022 term;<br />Ensure student veterans continue receiving full housing benefits despite participating in remote learning;<br />Allow U.S. universities to continue recruiting foreign students and ensure student bodies remain diverse; and<br />Simplify the verification process for tuition reimbursement so student veterans minimize unneeded paperwork.<br /><br />If you hVe specific questions about eligibility I would recommend speaking to your schools veteran rep or contact the VA directly.Response by SSgt Christophe Murphy made Mar 17 at 2022 7:44 PM2022-03-17T19:44:19-04:002022-03-17T19:44:19-04:002022-03-17T17:29:10-04:00