Posted on Nov 5, 2014
SSG(P) Instructor
Well, the people have spoken. Rpelican have now taken over the Senate and House. We are the majority. If this doesn't scream dissatisfaction with the status quo...nothing will. Did your state turn red or blue or no change at all? Why is a Republican dominated house important for the miliatary? I have my own theories and ideas that I have contrived over the years, but do you see this being a good thing or bad thing for us? Share how you voted...and if you didnt, why not? Our state of Oregon legalized recreational marijuana, I wonder how legal marijuana use will impact our recrunit selection process...more waivers I predict.
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Responses: 11
LTC Student
Work will continue to stagnate in Washington, D.C. as both sides will be fully entrenched in not compromising. Thus in 2 years this will work to the Democrats advantage, and so on and so forth with one group changing every 2 years as the "self-licking ice cream cone" conitnues in the debacle that national politics has become.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
10 y
This group especially. Worthless, the whole lot.
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MSgt Electrical Power Production
This was a mandate to the Republican Party that the citizens do not agree with POTUS or his policies. They need to send all the legislation that was being held by Harry the horrible to the President and see what he does. Then we will know who really wants to get anything accomplished.
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
10 y
1SG Michael Blount I am also not a big fan of the bailouts.
MAJ Deputy Director, Combat Casualty Care Research Program
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
MSgt (Join to see) Obama pretty much lost me at the bailouts. We could have done so much better with the trillion we spent. Instead, we made rich people richer.
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
10 y
MSgt (Join to see) - I had two problems with the bailouts and they show Washington's preference for half-measures. First problem is: how do you justify bailing out big banks and insurance companies (AIG, BofA, Citi), but let Lehman fail, KNOWING there was going to be a huge ripple effect with Lehman? Second problem: by just paying attention to creditors and not delinquent mortgages, how do you prevent a repeat recession? Dealing with the first question but not the second is a waste of time.
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
10 y
MSgt (Join to see) - it'll be interesting to see if Boehner extends across the aisle to get some Democratic support on some of these bills. Otherwise, the Tea Party's going to drag the Republicans too far to the right, making legislation nearly impossible to pass. Stay tuned, see film at 11.
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CW5 Desk Officer
The Army Times says that "Experts [are] optimistic Republicans-led Congress will benefit Army." I'm optimistic too. Let's hope for the best.
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