<p>Have a challenging career question? Do you have a career decision, or are you about to transition to a new career field/branch, or are you about to transition from or back to the civilian community? Well then you've come to the right place... this is your forum to ask whatever's on your mind. This is your place for career-related question & answer (Q&A); frequently asked questions; a "mentor's corner;" leader, mentor, and service member virtual meeting area, as well as a place to capture and share lessons learned for career-related questions (as well as answers and solutions) for the following:</p><p> </p><p> - Career Transition (to civilian community, career field/branch transfers, etc.)</p><p> - Inter-Service Transfer (e.g. "blue to green," cross-service transfer, etc.)<br> - Component Transfer (from 'AC to RC' or from 'RC to AC')</p><p> - Officer Producing Programs (ECP/MCP, "green to gold," ROTC, etc.)</p><p> - Mentorship (for mil/civ career or any/all other questions)</p><p> - Military Career Questions (promotions, assignments, career planning, etc.)</p><p> </p><p>Service Members and Veterans seeking answers: </p><p>Please post any current questions as well as your lessons learned, stories, resources, etc., from resolved career-related situations (as there's probably someone else out there with the same question or situation). </p><p> </p><p>Leaders/Mentors/Veterans/SMEs: <br>Please post a brief background to include your areas of expertise (as well as any helpful info or resources) to let SMs know you're available for questions. <br><br>With numerous changes on the horizon, we have members w/ career and life impacting questions, who are in need of solid mentorship & guidance to make decisions for their families. So, the idea here is to help folks get timely answers and make informed decisions, and our network of experienced leaders and SMEs can act guides in the process; thank you for your time and for all that you do, best wishes for continued success, and... see you all in the discussion threads!</p><p> </p><p>-----------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>Those who will be particularly helpful in answering career-related questions: </p><p> </p><p> - Career Counselors/Mentors/Leaders</p><p> - Recruiters/Manpower/Personnel specialists</p><p> - Medical/Staff/Headquarters personnel</p><p> - SMEs and/or experienced Retirees and Veterans</p><p> </p><p>Also, all are of course welcome, though those with inter-service transfer (IST), PEB/MEB, transition assistance, career counseling and related subjects, and those with any valuable lessons learned may be particularly helpful in the months to follow. Thanks again! V/r, mwb </p>
(1) This is a great assignment. If you don't take it right now, someone else will.
(2) A Pentagon assignment would be a great career move. (3) A TRADOC assignment w...
With the current military personnel actions and the
reduction in force, I'm looking to start a thread to help transitioning Service
Members in thinking about the next step.
Here's a great thread that addresses what many of us have probably either thought or encountered, join in the discussion here:
Best resources for Veterans & Service Members | RallyPoint
Without a doubt, there are truly some great resources available to active and Reserve component personnel and veterans. Of course, if folks don't know that they're out there, members and their families couldn't possibly benefit from some of these amazing offers and services. So, the idea here is to share those helpful tidbits of information, tips, links, lessons learned, processes, resources, wisdom and/or POCs to help members find the...
Here are just a few helpful threads for those considering transition to the "1st Civ Div," I hope this information is helpful, and please feel free to share any helpful articles, resources, info, contacts, or links to related or helpful RP threads. Thank you for all that you do, and best wishes for continued success! https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/transitioning-and-the-career-search?c=1&page=1&urlhash=82101#82101
Here's another helpful thread for those who will be (or are considering) SMs considering transition to the civilian world... best of luck, and best wishes for continued success!