SGT Brandon Cook145897<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I was deployed to Afghanistan in 08 and to make a long story short contracted/came down with something that turrned out to be an incurable but treatable nerve disease. I spent 9 months in a WTU and was medically retired. I couldn't walk without assistance 15 feet was 130lbs and couldn't feel anything from my waste down. I battled hard and can now run and walk unassisted again. So I decided to start working again. For some crazy reason I thought sales would be a good idea and became a REALTOR. My question for everyone is I want to help military members with anything pertaining to real estate it is my passion to help anyone wearing or that has worn the uniform. My problem is I don't know whom to reach out and how. Any ideas?Medically retired and started a new career after a 5 year recovery2014-06-06T21:08:59-04:00SGT Brandon Cook145897<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I was deployed to Afghanistan in 08 and to make a long story short contracted/came down with something that turrned out to be an incurable but treatable nerve disease. I spent 9 months in a WTU and was medically retired. I couldn't walk without assistance 15 feet was 130lbs and couldn't feel anything from my waste down. I battled hard and can now run and walk unassisted again. So I decided to start working again. For some crazy reason I thought sales would be a good idea and became a REALTOR. My question for everyone is I want to help military members with anything pertaining to real estate it is my passion to help anyone wearing or that has worn the uniform. My problem is I don't know whom to reach out and how. Any ideas?Medically retired and started a new career after a 5 year recovery2014-06-06T21:08:59-04:002014-06-06T21:08:59-04:00MSgt Private RallyPoint Member145926<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I know in the Air Force we have a place called The Airmen and Family Readiness Center. They have many classes and courses that people can take. If there was a way for you to talk to them and be able to have a class for house buying or renting, I know that would help out a lot of service members. Also there are websites like AHRN which is exclusively for military members to rent from. If you were able to get in contact with them, they might be able to give you advice and help in this particular area.Response by MSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 6 at 2014 9:35 PM2014-06-06T21:35:55-04:002014-06-06T21:35:55-04:00SFC Mark Merino239104<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I just saw this thread, how are you doing these days <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="261845" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/261845-sgt-brandon-cook">SGT Brandon Cook</a> ??Response by SFC Mark Merino made Sep 12 at 2014 11:57 PM2014-09-12T23:57:29-04:002014-09-12T23:57:29-04:00CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR239643<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I recommend a book for you to read is called "The Power of Personal Branding" By Tim O'Brien. It will help you identify and reach your target audience. You want to position yourself as the person to see when it comes to military servicemembers needing realty services.<br /><br />I would first say you have to get your story together of who you are, what services you plan to offer (can you offer everything or something's-you get to define and fine tune your message) then identify your target audience.<br /><br />I think it is a great vision and goal. But if I wanted to share and promote what you do through my network I could not because I am not clear of what you have to offer right now and who you are trying to target. Tighten that up as you are finding resources to assist you.Response by CW3 Dylan E. Raymond, PHR made Sep 13 at 2014 2:00 PM2014-09-13T14:00:31-04:002014-09-13T14:00:31-04:00MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca239935<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Good for you <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="261845" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/261845-sgt-brandon-cook">SGT Brandon Cook</a> Its nice to read a good success story and see someone want to give back. Get in touch with your local VA they should be able to point you in the right direction. Hooah!Response by MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca made Sep 13 at 2014 6:58 PM2014-09-13T18:58:30-04:002014-09-13T18:58:30-04:00MSG Private RallyPoint Member249772<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am really curious about the rank SP5. If you deployed in 08, this would be impossible as SP5 was discontinued in 1985. Maybe it was just a mistake.Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 21 at 2014 3:32 PM2014-09-21T15:32:37-04:002014-09-21T15:32:37-04:00COL Private RallyPoint Member517531<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hello Brandon,<br />I am new to Rally Point so just now reading your thread. If you are still interested in the realtor path as a way to fund your life and help others, I have a few ideas. Just let me know.Response by COL Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 7 at 2015 1:12 PM2015-03-07T13:12:00-05:002015-03-07T13:12:00-05:001LT Christopher Goss517734<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>SGT Cook, I'm in Williamstown. We should get together for some coffee, maybe at the Anchor Grill in Covington? I've got many ideas on reaching out to vets. I started a little program working with some vets that had no marketable skills, learning a trade and getting employment. I'd like to link up with you, maybe we could exchange ideas and network something out!Response by 1LT Christopher Goss made Mar 7 at 2015 3:26 PM2015-03-07T15:26:57-05:002015-03-07T15:26:57-05:00CPT Endre Barath867690<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Brandon, I have been a Realtor for the past 20 years, 17+ years in the local Beverly Hills area market and 3 years in the Boston market. The key is to be in a market where there are military bases, that is the best way to get clients who served in the military. There are military friendly websites where you can advertise your skills and market area. The VA loans are great if you are not in a major market like mine. Feel free to reach out to me directly for a more detailed conversation. RLTW! EndreResponse by CPT Endre Barath made Aug 5 at 2015 4:23 PM2015-08-05T16:23:43-04:002015-08-05T16:23:43-04:00SSG Private RallyPoint Member907259<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I too am a Realtor. What I did was start a veteran networking group on fb. You'll be surprised on how many Vets in and out of service of all ranks who are not informed of their VA benefitsResponse by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 21 at 2015 5:27 AM2015-08-21T05:27:33-04:002015-08-21T05:27:33-04:00SGT Brent Ellis922355<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sponsor some events for local VFW/American Legion/Wounded Warrior. Network with Vets and let them know what you do. Don't be afraid to talk about being a Vet in your business and around your office. Create and sponsor a 'Home Buyers' seminar geared solely toward vets, if your office can't be the venue, partner with local Vet Post. Create a page on your website, or stand alone blog/website/FB business page, and share information of interest to Vets and the home buying/selling process. This is a place to showcase all your vendors that are vet-friendly or offer vet discounts, start building that list.....again, being the source of the source. All take time but will bring leads/referrals. Or you can also consider hanging your license with a Broker that is a USAA Preferred Broker (or similar type program), you pay a higher referral fee, but as you build your referral network up, you ween off the broker provided leads. That is what helped me solidify my vet client core. Don't want to make this a novel, msg me for some other suggestions. Biggest mistake was not talking about being a Vet for the first half of my career. If you don't like to talk about it, wear a lapel pin from your unit, or something that tells people for you.Response by SGT Brent Ellis made Aug 27 at 2015 2:13 PM2015-08-27T14:13:15-04:002015-08-27T14:13:15-04:00PV2 Wayne Carmichael3891720<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Good for you.<br />I’m at the 10 yr mark of my attempt at a comeback.<br />Due to a tore-up leg, broke back, and fused neck.<br /><br />Never give up....hardship thing to do is...<br />Ask for help.Response by PV2 Wayne Carmichael made Aug 19 at 2018 1:35 AM2018-08-19T01:35:15-04:002018-08-19T01:35:15-04:00PO3 Redmond Ramos5066235<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Have you gotten the help you wanted for this yet? Thank you for your serviceResponse by PO3 Redmond Ramos made Sep 27 at 2019 11:58 AM2019-09-27T11:58:24-04:002019-09-27T11:58:24-04:002014-06-06T21:08:59-04:00