SGT(P) Private RallyPoint Member35302<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When I joined the Army in 2007 I was unfamiliar with the program, and really the Army in general. At the time I was excited by the challenge, and opportunities that came with them. However in hindsight I've come to believe that while some men can come in off the street and perform the necessary requirements to don the Green Beret, they simply do not have the overall knowledge that comes with growing up in a regular unit. I acknowledge that not being indoctrinated to the regular Army has advantages in such an unconventional unit, but I wonder if they outweigh the drawbacks. What are your thoughts?Is the 18X Progam a good idea?2014-01-09T07:36:37-05:00SGT(P) Private RallyPoint Member35302<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When I joined the Army in 2007 I was unfamiliar with the program, and really the Army in general. At the time I was excited by the challenge, and opportunities that came with them. However in hindsight I've come to believe that while some men can come in off the street and perform the necessary requirements to don the Green Beret, they simply do not have the overall knowledge that comes with growing up in a regular unit. I acknowledge that not being indoctrinated to the regular Army has advantages in such an unconventional unit, but I wonder if they outweigh the drawbacks. What are your thoughts?Is the 18X Progam a good idea?2014-01-09T07:36:37-05:002014-01-09T07:36:37-05:00SGT(P) Private RallyPoint Member35306<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have several friends who came in as 18X's and have had great success. So I'm not trying to bag on the program, so much as looking for an insider's perspective on the matter.Response by SGT(P) Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 9 at 2014 7:47 AM2014-01-09T07:47:03-05:002014-01-09T07:47:03-05:001SG Private RallyPoint Member35321<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I was a direct support Soldier in the SOF community for well over a decade in total, and have seen both good and bad 18X's come down the pipeline. The good ones always had their heads on straight, and more often than not already possessed the level of maturity that most regular SF candidates would having grown up in the regular Army. The ones that had problems lacked that maturity level, and could have used the time outside the community to gain experience and perspective. <div><br></div><div>As you point out, spending an entire career inside SOF will have some hindrance when it comes to a lack of understand of how the rest of the Army functions, but that is just the nature of the beast. Even those that went to Selection a few years into their enlistment, given enough time, will forget a lot about what it was like, and have a little difficulty coping at first if they had to transition back.</div><div><br></div><div>When looking at the big picture, as MSG Cunningham pointed out, there are very few who can function well in both worlds. That being said, the attrition rate of two wars necessitated the rebirth of the program, and it not only shored up the force, but did bring in many quality SF Soldiers. As for not being "indoctrinated", I do not see that as being too much of a drawback, other than dealing with the occasional lack of maturity. The lack of regular Army experience can actually be a good thing at times, as it helps foster the unconventional, outside the box thinking that is needed in SF, rather than attempting to do things the "old Army way", and yes that does still happen in SF.</div>Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 9 at 2014 8:19 AM2014-01-09T08:19:47-05:002014-01-09T08:19:47-05:001SG(P) Private RallyPoint Member35335<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I'd like to throw some considerations out there, neither for nor against:<br><br>- Since 1952 the majority of USSF's history has seen the Regiment permit off the street enlistment. That ended around 1988, coincidentally when Selection and the Branch were established.<br><br>- Unconventional Warfare, Foreign Internal Defense, and Security Assistance are all USSF missions that require working with foreign forces and are enhanced by an understanding of how conventional units are organized and work.<br><br>- According to one source, approximately 10% of 18X candidates get tabbed. Most quit prior to Selection<br><br>- USSF's sole MoH recipient since 9/11, SSG Robert MILLER of 3rdSFG(A), was an 18X.<br>Response by 1SG(P) Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 9 at 2014 9:04 AM2014-01-09T09:04:11-05:002014-01-09T09:04:11-05:00SFC Jim Neel35527<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Speaking as someone who has great admiration for the Special Forces, and has seen a few of my friends make the jump from conventional Army medic to SF medic, one of the things in my mind that Special Forces has always had throughout its ranks was maturity. The exceptional level of evaluation in SFAS, both by Special Forces senior NCOs and specially trained psychologists weeds out the types of Soldiers who are not SF material. Those SF NCOs are picking the men who they will serve with on the ODAs, but also the men who will carry on the legacy. I think it is safe to say that the SF community is still very much in control of "the gateway" to becoming a Green Beret. So if the smart kid that just came in the Army has the intelligence, resiliency, and maturity to make the cut, I am glad that there is a program to put them in the right place. <br>Response by SFC Jim Neel made Jan 9 at 2014 3:21 PM2014-01-09T15:21:48-05:002014-01-09T15:21:48-05:00LTC Jason Bartlett36589<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>18X is a great program I am bias of course. Obviously there is a need and I am not so sure the quality of Soldier is any better coming from conventional Army channels. Out of a particular basic training class of 58 that I am familiar with only two 18X's made it all the way to earn the long tab. I believe one or two more were recycled and graduated at a later date. Response by LTC Jason Bartlett made Jan 11 at 2014 10:58 PM2014-01-11T22:58:41-05:002014-01-11T22:58:41-05:00CSM Private RallyPoint Member36622<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I had a lot of great kids as a Drill Sergeant that signed up for and were excited about the 18X program, and even got dozens of kids added to the program during basic because I felt they had the maturity and fitness needed to be SF. Unfortunately, only a handful made it all the way through to earn their Green Berets. Response by CSM Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 11 at 2014 11:22 PM2014-01-11T23:22:51-05:002014-01-11T23:22:51-05:00CPL Private RallyPoint Member1417733<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am currently preparing to go to selection as we speak. Staying awake for 48 hours at a time doing pt test at 2 am. Just preparing for the worst. There has only been 2 thing I have wanted my entire miltary career my CIB and my long tab got the first and I am working my ass off to get the 2nd. My wife knows how much it means to me and she is even pushing meResponse by CPL Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 31 at 2016 2:28 AM2016-03-31T02:28:33-04:002016-03-31T02:28:33-04:00SSG Private RallyPoint Member1417738<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If I had the chance to go back I would have gone directly the 18X program. I might still have a chance now but I feel there are great opportunities as a Green Beret but when it comes down to it, you are the one who must ask himself if you want to the "Quiet Proffesionals".Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 31 at 2016 2:42 AM2016-03-31T02:42:11-04:002016-03-31T02:42:11-04:00SPC Private RallyPoint Member3982481<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>So for me at least, I am glad they have this program. Coming into the pipeline a "blank slate" has allowed me to fully develop myself into fitting the mold for the values and methods of SF training. The downside being a trainee for the first 2-3 years of my contract and not really establishing a place in a unit. In my opinion having this contract is a bonus because it allows me to be a part of the pipeline and maintain the hunger and mental fortitude needed to become on of the elite.Response by SPC Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 21 at 2018 12:46 PM2018-09-21T12:46:16-04:002018-09-21T12:46:16-04:002014-01-09T07:36:37-05:00