SSG Private RallyPoint Member4636399<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am PCSing soon and have put in two leave forms. Both over 30 days. My 1SG keeps kicking them back saying that it is against regulation to take more than 30 days of leave. I can’t find any actual black and white in the regs. If not what should my next course of action be?Is taking more than 30 leave days against regulation?2019-05-15T00:24:40-04:00SSG Private RallyPoint Member4636399<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am PCSing soon and have put in two leave forms. Both over 30 days. My 1SG keeps kicking them back saying that it is against regulation to take more than 30 days of leave. I can’t find any actual black and white in the regs. If not what should my next course of action be?Is taking more than 30 leave days against regulation?2019-05-15T00:24:40-04:002019-05-15T00:24:40-04:00SFC Private RallyPoint Member4636410<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Your 1SG is definitely wrong, people take more than 30 days of leave all the time. You didn't find anything in the regs because there is no limit in the reg.Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made May 15 at 2019 12:32 AM2019-05-15T00:32:04-04:002019-05-15T00:32:04-04:00SPC Private RallyPoint Member4636440<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>is not against regulation, specially if is PCS leave. it just need to be sign by your Battalion Commander since is more than 30 days thats all. Good Luck.Response by SPC Private RallyPoint Member made May 15 at 2019 1:00 AM2019-05-15T01:00:42-04:002019-05-15T01:00:42-04:00SSG Private RallyPoint Member4636489<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>That’s definitely wrong. I’m in my PCS leave right now and I took 40 days. For that, I needed my BDE Commanders signature. That’s all. You can definitely take 30 days.Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made May 15 at 2019 2:40 AM2019-05-15T02:40:26-04:002019-05-15T02:40:26-04:00SGT Robert Wager4636520<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Probably a Battalion policy not a regulation. You would need to justify your reason for requesting more than 30 days. Also would your leave amount put you in the hole for leave? Do you have more than 30 days accrued?Response by SGT Robert Wager made May 15 at 2019 4:48 AM2019-05-15T04:48:03-04:002019-05-15T04:48:03-04:00CSM Darieus ZaGara4636530<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No it is not. It is often required Battalion level approval. Generally, as long as you are not borrowing leave you can take what you have. Thank you for your service.Response by CSM Darieus ZaGara made May 15 at 2019 5:09 AM2019-05-15T05:09:39-04:002019-05-15T05:09:39-04:00SFC Private RallyPoint Member4636562<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No it is not. I think your 1SG is being some type of way. He probably doesn't want to bring it up higher to your BN/SQDRN CDR. <br />If he gives you issues, split the leave days. For example 25 days PCS leave then 10 days permissive TDY. That's 35 days on one leave form. Just write, under remarks that from this X date to X date is Permissive TDY where it says chargeable leave. You'll see it. I've done it multiple times.Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made May 15 at 2019 5:30 AM2019-05-15T05:30:00-04:002019-05-15T05:30:00-04:00MAJ Javier Rivera4636628<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>He’s wrong! 20 or more leave days is allowed. It requires an O5 of higher approval most of time.Response by MAJ Javier Rivera made May 15 at 2019 5:56 AM2019-05-15T05:56:00-04:002019-05-15T05:56:00-04:00SFC(P) Private RallyPoint Member4637229<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Anything above 30 days just requires an O5’s approval.Response by SFC(P) Private RallyPoint Member made May 15 at 2019 9:48 AM2019-05-15T09:48:57-04:002019-05-15T09:48:57-04:002019-05-15T00:24:40-04:00