Posted on Jan 12, 2016
SFC Armor Crew Member
Posted in these groups: I want you Retention768bc53d QMP8b460ca1 DrawdownArmyssg SSGArmy usa or 07.svg SFC
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Responses: 33
1SG(P) First Sergeant
It's time to move on for alot of SNCOs. If you have a MSG that had the time in service of 22 to 25 years. I'm sorry pal but your not going to get promoted and now your just holding up promotion for the next SNCO. Thanks for your service and move out. Trust me, when it my time to move out. I will pack my ruck and step. Some people just need that little nudge.
1SG(P) First Sergeant
1SG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Your probibly right. I look at the context of my MOS and the trends that are current and the situation is always depending
SGM Military Police
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
Just remember that when you get your pink slip pal.
1SG(P) First Sergeant
1SG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
SGM Scott dooley I will.
1SG(P) First Sergeant
1SG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
And I will add that when my number is up and the years have past and I have done all that I can in this force. I will leave with honor for what I have contributed to the fight. But I will alway stand by my Convictions when it's time to hang it up. Do not mistake me for a Soldier that will milk the system. I know where I stand.
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SFC Operations Ncoic  (Current Ops)
I would like to say that having gone through this and not being allowed to continue to serve, you may want to look at exactly what each Soldier did. One Article 15 in a 19 year career should not end it. A zero defect Army is impossible. I am not bitter, I loved my service and would do it again. However there was a time when you could make one mistake and recover from it. That is no longer and it is sad.
SFC Armor Crew Member
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Thank you for your service and yes, one situation and your out, I believe that it all depends on the situation our incident. I also believe that all the NCOs that have come down on this program have an option to fight to stay in. I believe most will win if they have shown career progression and been able to move on and not get in more trouble down the road. I am a stickler for things that happen for a reason, I believe that Soldiers will get in trouble throughout their career, even if it's severe or petty. It that Soldier shows promise and excels in his life and career, he should have a second chance. Many Soldiers can learn from that Soldiers experience and be taught that they can rebound from adversity.
SFC Operations Ncoic  (Current Ops)
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Thank you, SFC Patrick. I must add this. Out of 12 NCO's selected, only one made it. He was allowed to continue service beacause it was clerical error on the Army. The rest of us were only allowed to submit factors of mitigation if it only dealt with the reason for selection. At the end of the day, it is a tool to reduce numbers. I am proud to have served and have no hard feelings towards the Army.
SSG Richard Coleman
SSG Richard Coleman
>1 y
Keep your head up it happen to me as well. Like you said I am not bitter I would do it again, but the Army got rid of some great NCOs with the QMP downsizing. It was heartbreaking, but Im resilient. That's what they preach.
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SFC Senior Instructor/Writer
Is QMP the right answer...I would have to go with no. The reason I feel this way is because it's affecting Soldiers and their Family. The Soldier did not promote him/her selves, they were selected by a board after meeting the criteria set. When it comes down to it...we as leaders forget that Soldiers, NCOs and Officers are all human and will make mistake(s). All of the technological advances our society has made hinders the human connections that were once prevalent in our lives. The lack of proper teaching, coaching and mentoring to be an effective (mature) leader has faded away, but in my honest opinion this is what we need to bring back instead of just dismissing Soldiers.
SFC Armor Crew Member
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Very well said.
CSM Chief Medical NCO
CSM (Join to see)
9 y
I don't believe it's a "proper teaching, coaching and mentoring" issue. It's far deeper than that. It's that the senior ranks are farther removed from the troops and societal norms and values. I'm not implying those norms and values are in line with the standards and Army values, but in order for a true leader to be great, they must recognize how to manage their people (talent). Many seniors get set in their ways and try to force the junior personnel to fit their ideal mold, and in today's world that mold may be outdated. For example, reference the "Greatest Generation" and their views toward Gen X, Y, etc. Also, look at our current elected leaders, as most are completely out of touch with modern American society.

I don't believe it's too much to ask to have senior leadership, who are serving at the pleasure of the public, to have excellent track records. Tolerance of indiscretions/violations may be okay in the elected arenas, but it shouldn't be in the military. If we tolerate one deviance from the standard, then why not all of them? Who's to judge what deviation is going to be tolerated? It's a slippery slope and the only true, and fair way to ensure the American public is paying for and receiving the highest quality military service is to institute these boards across all ranks.
SFC Senior Instructor/Writer
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Correct, but you don't think there's a lack of maturity in the equation?
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
9 y
SFC (Join to see) Your not wrong .. but your not pointed in the right direction.
Absolutely agree that the systematic issues which exist today causing, leading to, supporting the decline of the professionalism in todays enlisted ranks must be addressed...
However that is not what QMP is about.... Like it or not, the powers to be said trim the numbers... If the numbers MUST be trimmed and that is the order, and we follow orders..Then how BEST to trim them... And my opinion is ridding the organization of the non performing, then those with less than stellar paths all while continuing to bring in new blood and addressing the issues you see your self that need fixing.. THAT is the path to success.
The idea is great, I wont go so far as to say the process if perfect .. heck even if it is great.. some will still get caught up that should get a second chance. and that sucks..

But lets face it, the ones QMP are focused on,,,,, the ones the board criteria point to with focus.. If you have a 30 man platoon, and the commander said you can only choose 25 to go on the mission.. a vital one, a required one, one you will be honored to accomplish and believe in your heart it must be done right or else, say protecting the nation, or even the unit on your left or you pick your best 25? or include some of the all others and a few with issues just to be fair? Your answer is valid no matter what it is, because it is yours. I'll give you the answer I choose from 1986 when I pinned Sgt E5 to the last day in 1st Cav as the G3 Sergeant Major … only the best, only the ones I could trust, only the ones that perform EVERYDAY.
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Is QMP the right or just answer for those selected that have 16 or 17 years? The past month has been rough for many senior NCOs.
CPT Mark Gonzalez
Edited 9 y ago
It is a sad day when you cut them off at 15+ without TERA.
SSG Kelly Ferguson
SSG Kelly Ferguson
9 y
Sir you have some guys that should be gone I've seen dirt bags stay in and good soldiers get kick out
CPT Mark Gonzalez
CPT Mark Gonzalez
9 y
Thank you for the vote down SSG Kelly, but I don't disagree with you entirely. Every case is very different as people are more than a file and I have personally served multiple elimination actions.
I have a meeting to go to, but here is a fact.
A medical separation of 10% is roughly 67% larger than 100% separation pay. A lot of Soldiers about to RCP have figured this out as I see it all the time.
SFC Human Resources Specialist
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Agree whol heartedly
SSG Mark Matteson
SSG Mark Matteson
9 y
I would have loved to serve with a Commander like you Sir,
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SSG Platoon/Supply Sergeant
I don't really disagree with QMP as a whole. I think their screening process is done with a very broad brush. A lot of the people identified were due to a very small indiscretion which will now take an immense amount of time to remedy. What I really have a problem with is the dismantling of our military at all levels. We are stripping ourselves down to a skeleton crew. It isn't a new concept, Bill Clinton did the same thing in the 90s and we felt the pain on September 11, 2001. I'm afraid we will see the same thing again in three or four years. We will go back to lowering standards and mass recruitment to fight a war.
SSG Platoon/Supply Sergeant
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
You're right CSM Charles Hayden. Following that, NCOs will have to fight the battle of having unsavory types in their ranks again. I have always been a fan of rehabilitating criminals but the military isn't the place to do it.
SSG Operations Sergeant
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
SSG Murdock, do you know what the turn around time is form the point of submitting documents to finding out what the outcome is?
SSG Operations Sergeant
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
So I had my Company Commander, and my Battalion S-3, and even possibly my Battalion commander write a recommendation letter. Hope I can get through this ok.
SSG Platoon/Supply Sergeant
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SGM Erik Marquez
Edited 9 y ago
Reading the article I just did on what the QMP board this year was looking at, sorry, I have no issue in general. Might a few get caught up, some guy fresh off the block that joined for the wrong reasons so earned an ART 15 for being dumb (drunk at PT, brought a legal girlfriend in to a barracks room, spouted off to the wrong person) but after that first tour of duty, found the path for serving for his country, his buddies and yes of course for himself along the way... Might that guy get caught up and need to submit reasons of mitigation to the board?? Yes and there is a process for that. Sadly it's true, some that should have had qualifying reason for inclusion in this board do not.. lucky, crappy CoC and they did not follow though.. what have you... but if you have 10 job slots and twenty applicants.. lets face it your going to cut the pool down by obvious discriminators first. If out of the 20 only two have a felony arrest record (CM conviction) you drop him and now you have only 19 to look at.. of 19 only three have been fired for cause ... you know darn well your going to drop them from consideration.. ect ect...
SFC Espi Espi
SFC Espi Espi
9 y
Who's policing the ones doing the policing?
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
9 y
SFC Espi Espi - What are your concerns?.. Specifically if you please and please cite the occurrence of that issue that supports the concern.

I ask it in that way not to be sharp tonged or flippant with your response, but because anyone can imagine a wrong that might be done, a possible malicious person in the process.. But to hold weight .. the accusation would need to show specifically what the actual issue is, and a time and place (case/person) it happened to and then show it is a systemic issue, not a single occurrence that will unfortunately happen simply because humans are running the program and even with checks and balances, somebody will make a mistake and it will go un checked.
A follow up question.. Do you KNOW what the QMP process is? Starting with who decides the criteria to be put before the board to the criteria announcement though the board actions, selection, and then the methods of redress the selected NCO has should they feel they were selected incorrectly... After researching all of that.. Do you still feel your question is valid? Again that's not a finger to the chest.. just a question....If you still feel you posed question is valid, ie the system needs policing.. what do you propose?
SFC Espi Espi
SFC Espi Espi
9 y
SGM Erik Marquez - SMG you pose some great questions that I do not have an answer for such as who selects and how they determine criterias for QMP, I have a general understanding. But to find those answers I suggest individuals in leadership positions (Staff) CSM and LTC for example should brief and familiarize their troops with the process. My question was also posed in the content of "leadership" identifying individuals over bad evaluations, no Art !5, GOMAR, but yet the ones imposing punishment or selection for separations are the same categorized leadership recently exposed for committing adultery, embezzlement, Col kissing spouses during ceremonies, etc. Yet they can retire. Forced to retire is their punishment. So yes I still ask who's policing those doing the policing.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
9 y
SFC Espi Espi - All valid wants for information and expectations of your leaders.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
When I read about QMP I am sad we don't have the decency to let them retire or retire at a lesser amount. They gave us their best years and plans of retirement with their families. This reminds me of what we did with the war dogs, disregarded after their best years were finished.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
9 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - " some will never see it coming."

Sir, frankly.... Then they were not looking.. likely the same mentality that put them in the center mass block or below more than a few times, the same attitude that EARNED them a slot before a QMP board. All that said,,,, as I've mentioned in a few response now,, even the best system, the most planned and perfected one will capture a few that deserve a second chance.. and I don't like that.. But I don't have a better plan either.... one that address the hard requirement. Please remember the service chiefs do not have an unlimited budget to address the ORDER they were handed.. cut the numbers.. do that without spending more of your budget because that is what we must have to continue the fight.
So if you Wish for a reality without QMP to cut the force, your fight is with the POTUS and congress ..and that I'll stand with you on.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
9 y
SGM Erik Marquez - I agree no system is perfect.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
9 y
SFC Karen Lassiter - Have you been QMP because of the numbers game?
SFC Karen Lassiter
SFC Karen Lassiter
9 y
Sir, no I was not QMPd.
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SFC Terry Murphy
I remember 2 different soldiers (both SSG/E-6) being QMPed. One had a couple DUIs and didn't fight it, the other was a female that had a recent DUI in her records. She appealed and was allowed to stay in the Army. Funny thing was that the very next year she was promoted to E-7. Not good enough to remain in the Army one year and then so good she gets promoted the next!
MSG Marcel Guaring
MSG Marcel Guaring
9 y
I saw a similar situation with a female SSG on Battalion extra duty when I pulled Staff Duty. That same year the list for SFC came out and she was on the list and subsequently got promoted. Just shook my head and wondered how that could be possible.. I guess there were more to the story.
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SGM Psychological Operations Specialist
Yes, it's absolutely the right answer. We as SNCOs are charged with ensuring the right leaders are in the right positions, even if that position is out of the Army. Thanks for your service, time to do something else.
SFC Armor Crew Member
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Yes, I agree with you. As NCOs we know we need to act professional on and off duty, our actions and choices can hurt the force in many ways. What do you think of these NCOs only getting a severance package and not a retirement after serving 15 plus years?
SGM Psychological Operations Specialist
SGM (Join to see)
9 y
That's how other jobs work as well. For *most* in the Army, their job isn't any more demanding than their civilian counterparts. I've seen a lot of fraud, waste, and abuse by SNCOs doing things just because they could. Where else do you get a retirement after 15 years?
SSG Stacy Carter
SSG Stacy Carter
9 y
SGM (Join to see) - you don't get a retirement after 15 years. Unless things have changed drastically in the 2.5 years since I retired, the retirement requirement is 20 years of active federal service. They may institute a 15 year retirement on very rare occasions, but it is not the norm.
SGM Psychological Operations Specialist
SGM (Join to see)
9 y
SSG Stacy Carter - I understand that, I was responding to SFC Aaron Patrick.
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GySgt Carl Rumbolo
So being a dumb ole jarhead, i got curious after reading this thread, went and dug up what I could in QMP - it appears all the service branches have something similar - we also see it in the civilian sector, and it's significantly quicker than the QMP process.

I am sure some good soldiers get caught up in the process but there are a lot of folks holding slots and clogging up promotions for other folks. As some have noted, if you have been stuck in the same grade for 10 years, and there is no reasonable shot at promotion - move on before some one moves you.

It appears if you are retirement eligible you can still retire. For folks who aren't retirement eligible, that is a problem- you usually get some sort of separation pay in civilian jobs past a certain level. Not the best thing, but needed
SFC Logistics Management Specialist
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Some oxygen thieves want to be QMP'd so they qualify to receive severance pay GySgt Carl Rumbolo. I believe that if a Soldier is passed over for promotion three times that they should be considered for separation. Of course there are mitigating factors whereby many will be retained bases on promotions...some MOS's for what ever reason are impossible to promoted in...this is why QSP and affording other options such as reclassification are great alternatives...raters, senior raters, reviewers need to take a hardline and be objective in evaluating the Soldiers they are charged with providing purpose, motivation, and direction by teaching, coaching, and mentoring them in that much of a Soldiers success is as a result of who they are led by...

SSG(P) Joshua Degraw it's a sad day when I see a fellow Drill Sergeant refer to military rank by pay grade Battle. So were you an E-4, SPC, or CPL...
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