SGT Private RallyPoint Member 819497 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-51711"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AIs President Obama Incorrect In Using John Kennedy&#39;s Foreign Policy Record?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="db2be6a6d80a609052787d9d1ec9c4c0" href=""><img src="" alt="763af2e5" /></a></div></div>FOREIGN POLICY<br />No, President Obama’s Not Channeling John F. Kennedy On Iran:<br /><br />If President Obama is going to exhume John F. Kennedy to use him as a spokesman, the least he can do is to be accurate in describing Kennedy’s foreign-policy record.<br /><br />President Obama’s initial public pitch in favor of his deal with Iran mentioned only one of his predecessors by name—John F. Kennedy.<br /><br />Describing the Iran deal as “in line with a tradition of American leadership,” Obama said, “It’s now more than 50 years since President Kennedy stood before the American people and said, ‘Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.’ He was speaking then about the need for discussions between the United States and the Soviet Union, which led to efforts to restrict the spread of nuclear weapons.”<br /><br /><a target="_blank" href=";utm_campaign=039812d8eb-RSS_The_Federalist_Daily_Updates_w_Transom&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-039812d8eb-83810921">;utm_campaign=039812d8eb-RSS_The_Federalist_Daily_Updates_w_Transom&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-039812d8eb-83810921</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href=";utm_campaign=039812d8eb-RSS_The_Federalist_Daily_Updates_w_Transom&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-039812d8eb-83810921">President Obama’s Not Channeling John F. Kennedy On Iran</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">If President Obama is going to exhume John F. Kennedy to use him as a spokesman, the least he can do is be accurate about Kennedy’s foreign-policy record.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Is President Obama Incorrect In Using John Kennedy's Foreign Policy Record? 2015-07-16T11:28:06-04:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 819497 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-51711"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AIs President Obama Incorrect In Using John Kennedy&#39;s Foreign Policy Record?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="1a092cbbc15597e47c4025c814c2b0fd" href=""><img src="" alt="763af2e5" /></a></div></div>FOREIGN POLICY<br />No, President Obama’s Not Channeling John F. Kennedy On Iran:<br /><br />If President Obama is going to exhume John F. Kennedy to use him as a spokesman, the least he can do is to be accurate in describing Kennedy’s foreign-policy record.<br /><br />President Obama’s initial public pitch in favor of his deal with Iran mentioned only one of his predecessors by name—John F. Kennedy.<br /><br />Describing the Iran deal as “in line with a tradition of American leadership,” Obama said, “It’s now more than 50 years since President Kennedy stood before the American people and said, ‘Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.’ He was speaking then about the need for discussions between the United States and the Soviet Union, which led to efforts to restrict the spread of nuclear weapons.”<br /><br /><a target="_blank" href=";utm_campaign=039812d8eb-RSS_The_Federalist_Daily_Updates_w_Transom&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-039812d8eb-83810921">;utm_campaign=039812d8eb-RSS_The_Federalist_Daily_Updates_w_Transom&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-039812d8eb-83810921</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src=""> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href=";utm_campaign=039812d8eb-RSS_The_Federalist_Daily_Updates_w_Transom&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_term=0_cfcb868ceb-039812d8eb-83810921">President Obama’s Not Channeling John F. Kennedy On Iran</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">If President Obama is going to exhume John F. Kennedy to use him as a spokesman, the least he can do is be accurate about Kennedy’s foreign-policy record.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Is President Obama Incorrect In Using John Kennedy's Foreign Policy Record? 2015-07-16T11:28:06-04:00 2015-07-16T11:28:06-04:00 Capt Seid Waddell 819553 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Kennedy backed down the Russians; Obama caved into the Iranians.<br /><br />Big difference. Response by Capt Seid Waddell made Jul 16 at 2015 11:46 AM 2015-07-16T11:46:52-04:00 2015-07-16T11:46:52-04:00 1SG Private RallyPoint Member 819691 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Quoting the late Senator Lloyd Benson, Vice Presidential candidate, directed at then Senator Dan Quayle:<br />&quot;Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you&#39;re no Jack Kennedy.&quot;<br />Somewhere out there, Dan Quayle would be smiling at the irony.<br />I guess that Libya DOES have a lot in common with the Bay of Pigs... Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 16 at 2015 12:30 PM 2015-07-16T12:30:27-04:00 2015-07-16T12:30:27-04:00 MSgt Manuel Diaz 819849 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Well he couldn't blame Bush Response by MSgt Manuel Diaz made Jul 16 at 2015 1:13 PM 2015-07-16T13:13:42-04:00 2015-07-16T13:13:42-04:00 SCPO Private RallyPoint Member 819928 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This human waste of oxygen has to channel someone else in everything he says or does. Nothing about him is his own. Everything that goes wrong on his watch doesn't belong to him either. Response by SCPO Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 16 at 2015 1:30 PM 2015-07-16T13:30:25-04:00 2015-07-16T13:30:25-04:00 PFC Private RallyPoint Member 3525338 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The presidents in modern US History that had the best in terms of overall accomplished foreign policy are Presidents Reagan, Bush 41, Nixon, Eisenhower, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Response by PFC Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 8 at 2018 6:52 PM 2018-04-08T18:52:59-04:00 2018-04-08T18:52:59-04:00 PO1 David Shepardson 7454473 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Obama is incorrect on everything as he is an illegal immigrant of Indonesian citizenship due to being adopted by his mothers second husband, an Indonesian citizen...... before this he was a British subject. (now lets see what response this promotes!) Response by PO1 David Shepardson made Jan 2 at 2022 5:02 PM 2022-01-02T17:02:39-05:00 2022-01-02T17:02:39-05:00 2015-07-16T11:28:06-04:00