Is it fair to forgive college loan debt? <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My family made the choice for my son to attend community college for the first 2 years and pay out of pocket. It hurt, but the plan was for him to get through his associates without accumulating any debt. Now there is a push to forgive all college debt. What about those of us who did not rely on loans but used their own money to get an education?<br /><br />Update&quot; Student loan forgiveness not my idea. Blame the AOC crowd. Thu, 21 Jan 2021 15:09:15 -0500 Is it fair to forgive college loan debt? <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My family made the choice for my son to attend community college for the first 2 years and pay out of pocket. It hurt, but the plan was for him to get through his associates without accumulating any debt. Now there is a push to forgive all college debt. What about those of us who did not rely on loans but used their own money to get an education?<br /><br />Update&quot; Student loan forgiveness not my idea. Blame the AOC crowd. GySgt Kenneth Pepper Thu, 21 Jan 2021 15:09:15 -0500 2021-01-21T15:09:15-05:00 Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2021 3:12 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Are they going to go back and reimburse me for my college loans that I and the Army paid off???? No one put a gun to their head and made them sign the loan agreement and many abused the loans getting way more than their books and tuition. SSG Private RallyPoint Member Thu, 21 Jan 2021 15:12:06 -0500 2021-01-21T15:12:06-05:00 Response by SFC Kelly Fuerhoff made Jan 21 at 2021 3:20 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>SSG James P - why would they reimburse the Army for paying someone&#39;s college loans? That&#39;s the whole point of the Army having that as a recruiting tool. Which I used CLRP and the sole reason I initially enlisted. <br /><br />So it&#39;s funny that we say 18 year olds aren&#39;t responsible enough to do x, y, z but it&#39;s okay to give them staggering debt in their late teens, early 20s. How about we stop the predatory loan system? <br /><br />You&#39;re right no one put a gun to their head and made them get a loan. How about fixing the system so people aren&#39;t in staggering debt and can afford college? It&#39;s easy for my dad&#39;s generation (boomers) to talk about all this when college was not an arm and a leg for them to go to college. <br /><br />I know people like you love to stay in the past but times change. (Also see how I can still respond to you even though you blocked me?). <br /><br />Who abused loans? How in the world do you abuse a loan? SFC Kelly Fuerhoff Thu, 21 Jan 2021 15:20:21 -0500 2021-01-21T15:20:21-05:00 Response by SFC Kelly Fuerhoff made Jan 21 at 2021 3:21 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What about you? Good grief &quot;me, me, me&quot; is definitely the older generations. How about we fix the college loan system? How about we fix the system so that tuition isn&#39;t insanely expensive? There&#39;s any number of things to do. SFC Kelly Fuerhoff Thu, 21 Jan 2021 15:21:49 -0500 2021-01-21T15:21:49-05:00 Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2021 3:49 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Did you file FAFSA for grants or try to apply for outside grants or scholarships? A lot of community colleges have these options. SSG Private RallyPoint Member Thu, 21 Jan 2021 15:49:49 -0500 2021-01-21T15:49:49-05:00 Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2021 3:50 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I don&#39;t agree with forgiving student loan debt because there are people who&#39;ve paid their student loans off through hard work, so they&#39;re left out. Will they get reimbursed?? Who knows anymore. SSG Private RallyPoint Member Thu, 21 Jan 2021 15:50:46 -0500 2021-01-21T15:50:46-05:00 Response by SP5 Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2021 3:57 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="685417" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/685417-gysgt-kenneth-pepper">GySgt Kenneth Pepper</a> Who will make the lenders whole when an asset is taken from them by &quot;forgiving&quot; an obligation that was legally incurred? The secondary lesson that the borrowers take away is that at some point they are not responsible for debts that they incur. A long way to answer &quot;NO&quot; to your question. SP5 Private RallyPoint Member Thu, 21 Jan 2021 15:57:26 -0500 2021-01-21T15:57:26-05:00 Response by Sgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2021 5:07 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Absolutely not. Sgt Private RallyPoint Member Thu, 21 Jan 2021 17:07:12 -0500 2021-01-21T17:07:12-05:00 Response by SGM Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2021 5:18 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As far as &quot;how is this fair to you&quot; because you did the right thing and avoided oppressive student loans while others didn&#39;t, it&#39;s not fair or unfair to you, doesn&#39;t impact you.<br /><br />Is it fair to you as a taxpayer, if $1.5 trillion in gov&#39;t student loans gets forgiven? No, it is not fair.<br /><br />But that doesn&#39;t fix the problem, it just forgives current loans, many of which were in default anyway.<br /><br />Fixing the problem means figuring out how the US dollar had an average inflation rate of 2.25% per year between 1990 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 99.29%, while public university in-state tuition increased 1,100% over the same time frame, while increasing overall enrollment (revenue), decreasing total faculty and reducing most faculty positions to lower cost adjunct.<br />Then fix that so that tuition no longer increases 10 times faster than inflation so we don&#39;t keep adding to the student load problem.<br />And that fix is will obviously still involve your taxes, but it&#39;s going to hurt less over the long wrong with a fixed system vs lump sum payments to forgive public loan debt. SGM Private RallyPoint Member Thu, 21 Jan 2021 17:18:06 -0500 2021-01-21T17:18:06-05:00 Response by SGT Chris Padgett made Jan 21 at 2021 5:34 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I got of the Army and really, really wanted to go to college and use my Montgomery GI Bill that I had to pay into. That I thought would be there for me. <br />But, (always a &quot;but&quot; in a true life story) I had a wife and two kids. <br />I had a wife and kids because the Army promoted the idea!<br />So I went to work and took care of my family when I got out. <br />When it got to the point that I could step back a little and actually go to college, I&#39;d been off active duty for 10 years (reserves didn&#39;t count). <br />The GI Bill I was hoping to use, was gone and apparently I couldn&#39;t be educated after being out of the Army for more than 10 years. <br />So in order for me to go to college, I had to take out loans. <br />It&#39;s great you and your wife were able to put your kids through college without them taking loans!<br />My mommy and daddy wasn&#39;t able to pick up my slack!<br />So GySgt Kenneth Pepper, I don&#39;t a tinkers damn if you don&#39;t like it, I welcome the $10K loan forgiveness! He&#39;s going to do it anyway whether you like it or not and I&#39;m fully plan to take full advantage of it! SGT Chris Padgett Thu, 21 Jan 2021 17:34:15 -0500 2021-01-21T17:34:15-05:00 Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2021 5:36 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;m of the thought of supply and demand. <br /><br />If you are going to give away higher education it should be for things that will overall benefit society. EXAMPLE: Medical Students that get their license to practice could get their debts reduced/paid off. <br /><br />That way, tax payers aren&#39;t paying for education in 12th century art degrees. <br /><br />College tuition went out of control because of easy to get student loans. Period. It&#39;s what cause the mortgage loan collapse in 2007/2008. Everyone get&#39;s everything and all the capital investment barriers are removed. <br /><br />Everyone thinks they deserve a Harvard education when a common state university checks that same education box. <br /><br />No one is thinking about the ECONOMICS of a degree and the PAY OFF it will grant them after graduation. Don&#39;t get a $200K loan to get a $40K job. CPT Private RallyPoint Member Thu, 21 Jan 2021 17:36:37 -0500 2021-01-21T17:36:37-05:00 Response by MAJ Ken Landgren made Jan 21 at 2021 6:07 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Nothing is completely fair. The question is will Americans in general be better off with loan forgiveness? MAJ Ken Landgren Thu, 21 Jan 2021 18:07:19 -0500 2021-01-21T18:07:19-05:00 Response by SGM Bill Frazer made Jan 21 at 2021 7:07 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1. I put myself thru 3 yrs of college. 2. The Nation cant afford to bail out all. They say the average student accumulates between $60k and $130K of college debt. Now multiple that be maybe more than a million kids. 3. Most of this is thru private loan companies, not the Gov&#39;t, so they will want their money pay, how can you forgive it? What company/stock holders can afford these days to just forget about millions of dollars? SGM Bill Frazer Thu, 21 Jan 2021 19:07:38 -0500 2021-01-21T19:07:38-05:00 Response by Cpl Vic Burk made Jan 21 at 2021 7:18 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I don&#39;t feel it is right. I had the means when I got my electronic engineering degree to pay (with the help of the GI Bill) and stayed away from loans and debt. When I went back twenty years later (I had a family and was the sole supporter) for my mathematics degree so I could teach the subject I had to take out loans knowing full well I had to repay them in the future. It was a decision and I owned that decision. I accumulated almost $30,000.00 in debt over five year of going back to school. <br /><br />What I found out after I started was if I taught in a Title 1 school for five years I could get $17,500.00 of those loans waived for teaching a critically short subject area. Yes, I took advantage of that but I earned it; it didn&#39;t simply disappear.<br /><br />My daughter (who didn&#39;t need to take out any loans because we were paying) is in debt out the butt and thinks the government should make them go away. She has been out of college for eight or nine years and still owes a bundle. I even told her to her face it is her own fault and she should have to pay it back. She didn&#39;t like it but, tough! Cpl Vic Burk Thu, 21 Jan 2021 19:18:49 -0500 2021-01-21T19:18:49-05:00 Response by MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P made Jan 21 at 2021 7:54 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Have you ever noticed every time the Gub&#39;ment says they are going to fund something (ie: tuition costs) those same costs skyrocket within weeks of the announcement? Maybe the better question is &quot;How do we get control of runaway tuition costs for degrees with little to no market value?&quot; MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P Thu, 21 Jan 2021 19:54:46 -0500 2021-01-21T19:54:46-05:00 Response by SSG Greg Miech made Jan 21 at 2021 10:44 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Lets forgive Mortgage Debt next okay? I can see perhaps for degrees that were of use like the medical, engineer, computer section and perhaps by half. SSG Greg Miech Thu, 21 Jan 2021 22:44:36 -0500 2021-01-21T22:44:36-05:00 Response by PO3 Donald Murphy made Jan 22 at 2021 7:29 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hey why not? We bailed the banks and the car companies right? <br /><br />But...<br /><br />But...<br /><br />Bottom line? If the nations gonna blow a billion, let em blow it on American kids.<br /><br />“Well we need to bring back the trades..”<br /><br />Yeah - enough homey good time feely wisdom. Wearing a Notre Dame shirt? Or a Gators ball cap? Well there’s your answer why college is so expensive. I live in a college town with four colleges - you’re not getting a job without a degree. Period.<br /><br />Hey, we all looked at the stimulus bill and railed at the billions given to foreign gender studies, etc. Right? <br /><br />Pay your kids loans off. PO3 Donald Murphy Fri, 22 Jan 2021 07:29:30 -0500 2021-01-22T07:29:30-05:00 Response by MAJ Ron Peery made Jan 22 at 2021 9:17 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I hate it when people talk about what is &quot;fair&quot;. Nothing is ever &quot;fair&quot; in politics. Someone always takes it in the shorts when politicians come up with new ways to waste tax dollars. &quot;Fair&quot; doesn&#39;t enter into the equation. It took me eight years to earn my BA. I got no grants, no loans. I did not ask my parents for support to go to college. I paid my own way through. I had a small scholarship, but that went away when I changed schools after 2 years. I spent 4 1/2 years just figuring out what I wanted to do with my life, changed my major three times, and thought about quitting college altogether. But I learned a lot from those 4 1/2 years that helped me focus when I finally decided what I wanted. I am not in favor of student loan forgiveness, or indeed, for taking out loans to go to college. Student loan forgiveness, in my opinion, is all about making other people pay for your bad decisions. Others here have commented on the high cost of a degree, and they are not wrong. You could argue that so much &quot;free money&quot; being pumped into the system is a direct cause of the higher cost. Then, too, there is the idea that without a college degree you cannot earn a good salary, a false belief. Just ask a journeyman in any of the trades. I had an uncle who never went to college. He had a career with the ATSF railroad, which he loved. And the false idea that you must finish your under graduate degree in 4 years creates a kind of desperation that drives folks to take out loans they can&#39;t afford. I can&#39;t speak of higher degrees, because I never wanted one, or sought one. If you are seeking a degree just to say you have one, don&#39;t borrow money to get it. If you are going to college, but haven&#39;t settled on a major yet, don&#39;t borrow to pay for it. Take your time. You&#39;ll figure it out. In the meantime, hang out with students and some networking. Don&#39;t go to college with the idea that you can&#39;t study and have a job at the same time. Having to work your way through is part of the education. If you can get grants, great. Go for it. If not, and you take out loans, know going in that only you are responsible for paying the loan back. MAJ Ron Peery Fri, 22 Jan 2021 09:17:32 -0500 2021-01-22T09:17:32-05:00 Response by Lt Col Jim Coe made Jan 22 at 2021 9:39 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No. The people who did not sign up for a loan should not be asked to pay for others stupid moves. <br /><br />The underlying problems:<br />-secondary schools selling the perception that a 4 year degree is necessary to get a good job<br />-infusion of liberal agenda items as subject areas for college degrees, e.g., gender studies, that have few job opportunities in the real world<br />-false perception among college students that future employers will pay them hefty salaries for entry level jobs allowing them to pay the loans<br />-Government control of student loan programs making loan money easy to get allowing colleges to raise tuitions Lt Col Jim Coe Fri, 22 Jan 2021 09:39:31 -0500 2021-01-22T09:39:31-05:00 Response by SSG Greg Miech made Jan 22 at 2021 10:20 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Paying your own way through college or receiving scholarships/benefits gives you more integrity and personality than those getting their education for free. This should be indicated on your resume and interview as well. Perhaps the first two years should be the basic college courses for free if the person scores high enough in the exams or GPA. And with difficult courses in the High School elective such as physics, calculus and such. I could see if a person with a degree does not pay a lot, living in a high cost area would making the repayment such as a Sociology. SSG Greg Miech Fri, 22 Jan 2021 10:20:21 -0500 2021-01-22T10:20:21-05:00 Response by CWO3 Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 22 at 2021 11:02 AM <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-555106"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AIs it fair to forgive college loan debt?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="43560f73624f61a6575793a1d64ab37b" href=""><img src="" alt="5049ddf7" /></a></div></div>No. Many gave far more. CWO3 Private RallyPoint Member Fri, 22 Jan 2021 11:02:41 -0500 2021-01-22T11:02:41-05:00 Response by SMSgt Bob W. made Jan 22 at 2021 5:56 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>NO. Much of the student loan money is wasted, I know 3 people who went to school for 5 [not 4, but 5] years using student loans and READY, still don&#39;t have a degree. However, they have a great amount of student loans, and cry that the &quot;...Feds should forgive the loans...&quot; Flip the coin. I also know that 1000s of people went to school, used the money wisely, got a degree, and have paid or in the process of paying their MANAGEABLE debt back. A lot of the students got a USELESS degree in &quot;outdoor basket weaving&quot;, political science, oceanography, philosophy, etc and WASTED the money and can&#39;t get a job. I would be in favor of a loan structured whereby the maximum interest would be 3% annually and a maximum loan would be 90% based on that schools tuition, books and lodging for 5 years. No loans after five years; unless, the student was a part-time student DURING THE FIVE YEARS. Advance degrees are on the student. SMSgt Bob W. Fri, 22 Jan 2021 17:56:33 -0500 2021-01-22T17:56:33-05:00 Response by Sgt Dale Briggs made Jan 23 at 2021 6:04 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It forces debt on the colleges, so they will raise tuition rates. Nothing is free, if you forgive loans they need to make up that deficit. It’s not that hard to figure despite its the stupid liberal logic, just kicking that can down the road that, and it will affect future students. Sgt Dale Briggs Sat, 23 Jan 2021 18:04:29 -0500 2021-01-23T18:04:29-05:00 Response by SFC Melvin Brandenburg made Jan 23 at 2021 10:08 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Not fair at alll SFC Melvin Brandenburg Sat, 23 Jan 2021 22:08:42 -0500 2021-01-23T22:08:42-05:00 Response by MCPO Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 24 at 2021 11:12 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What is the idea behind, &quot;I suffered, so everyone has to suffer&quot;??This idea just boggles my mind. MCPO Private RallyPoint Member Sun, 24 Jan 2021 23:12:20 -0500 2021-01-24T23:12:20-05:00 Response by Cody Rauh made Jan 24 at 2021 11:18 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Kenneth, while I appreciate the sacrifice made, it isn&#39;t about others wanting to diminish your hard work. It is about a broken system that turns those with a degree into indebted workers for most of their life for jobs that don&#39;t pay for the cost of tuition. If you don&#39;t go then you get closed out through knock questions in ATS&#39;s of so many jobs and are so economically disadvantaged you end up in a similar position due to the rising cost of living.<br /><br />Employers are paying next to the minimum wage for students who have 50k-100k of student debt. They are also seriously exploiting the current job seeker market and it will have an impact on employees for decades.<br /><br />It isn&#39;t about me vs. you, it is about a very broken system that hurts people in both our positions. Cody Rauh Sun, 24 Jan 2021 23:18:31 -0500 2021-01-24T23:18:31-05:00 Response by SSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 25 at 2021 9:48 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>There is a bit to unpack here. Bottom line up front: the VA picked up the total tab for my bachelor’s degree. My employer at the time helped fund my MBA.<br /><br />1. With all of the financial aid programs available to students, it’s in the college’s best business interest to raise tuition. That doesn’t make it right, just financially sound. It’s a vicious cycle; the more financial aid there is, the higher tuition will go.<br /><br />2. We, as a society, have convinced ourselves that in order to get a fulfilling, good-paying job, a person has to have a college degree. Meanwhile, my plumber is making $100/hr. <br /><br />3. Last year, Georgetown University estimated that 35% of job openings will require at least a bachelor’s degree. It seems that the job might require a bachelor’s degree only because the hiring authority says it does. If the hiring manager has 100 resumes on his desk to go through, he might select only those resumes that highlight secondary education to minimize the time and effort required to find a suitable candidate. He’ll weed out viable applicants to make his job easier. It’s a glass ceiling, an artificial barrier for people that didn’t go to college.<br /><br />4. This is my best conspiracy theory. If we insist that the federal government forgive student loans, or outright pay for college, we sell the college to the federal government, and give the government the ability to dictate what that college teaches. At a time when college students are already over-exposed to liberal socialist ideologies, we will have just ensured the federal government and whoever is running it at the time can insist the colleges teach a certain agenda or risk losing funding. SSgt Private RallyPoint Member Mon, 25 Jan 2021 09:48:54 -0500 2021-01-25T09:48:54-05:00 Response by LTC Jason Mackay made Jan 26 at 2021 1:10 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No. Full stop.<br />- people make choices. You deal with consequences <br />- if they took a business course they’d learn Return on Investment ROI. From that, they’d learn that holistic quantum aesthetics and other majors may be quirky and interesting but don’t pay bills. <br />- student loans are payments over time for goods and services rendered. You took The classes,now you pay for it. <br />- people wonder why we have policies like you can’t buy a car without your squad leader. No, you won’t sign the loan at 28% for that used Mustang. These poor people don’t have squad leaders to tell them 10 years of debt for a soft liberal arts degree and being under employed will crush them. Sorry. Not sorry.<br />- I do feel bad for teachers. Less restrictions on handling nuclear waste. They keep heaping requirements on them and the pay doesn’t change. Paying for prodev training to stay current in their license. $80 a piece for state endorsements on the license. This is one case where the public delivery of goods and services should receive some reprieve LTC Jason Mackay Tue, 26 Jan 2021 13:10:07 -0500 2021-01-26T13:10:07-05:00 Response by SP5 Larry (Lawrence) Pitman made Jan 29 at 2021 11:34 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Education is the cornerstone of America&#39;s national security. Our military is the best educated in the world and able to operate highly complex technologies. However, it is unreasonable to ask our youth to spend 4 years of their life (unpaid) in college while incurring enormous debt, just so you and I can feel safe from outside aggression. As a result of that crippling debt, American universities find themselves graduating fewer and fewer technical engineers and scientists. In a few years, we will be importing the high tech military &quot;muscle&quot; rather than designing and building it here in the USA. National Security depends on getting our youth to pursue higher education. China already knows that. SP5 Larry (Lawrence) Pitman Fri, 29 Jan 2021 23:34:27 -0500 2021-01-29T23:34:27-05:00 Response by 1SG James Kelly made Jan 31 at 2021 5:40 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You want help paying for college SERVE.<br />I did. 1SG James Kelly Sun, 31 Jan 2021 17:40:57 -0500 2021-01-31T17:40:57-05:00 Response by Crowbar OByrne made Feb 10 at 2021 9:03 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>NO<br />WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO PAY FOR THEIR MISTAKE? Crowbar OByrne Wed, 10 Feb 2021 09:03:25 -0500 2021-02-10T09:03:25-05:00 Response by Crowbar OByrne made Feb 10 at 2021 9:08 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>why should TAX PAYERS HAVE TO PAY FOR THEIR MISTAKE? nobody forced them to take out these loans and it is not our fault you did not LEARN ANYTHING YOU COULD USE TO PAY BACK YOUR LOAN! do not PUT YOUR DEBT OFF ON US WORKING PEOPLE MOST OF US NEVER WENT TO SCHOOL FOR THIS VERY REASON WE DID NOT WANT TO GO IN DEBT! Crowbar OByrne Wed, 10 Feb 2021 09:08:02 -0500 2021-02-10T09:08:02-05:00 Response by Sgt Sheldon Best made Feb 18 at 2021 10:15 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The MAJORITY of countries that fund post-secondary education have a REQUIRED curriculum. The universities are run like American high schools, with the government setting guidelines for the curriculum. Want free college? Fine, but you have to get a degree in social work or elementary education. (We already have programs to pay off debt for civil servants) Sgt Sheldon Best Thu, 18 Feb 2021 10:15:27 -0500 2021-02-18T10:15:27-05:00 Response by CPT Lawrence Cable made Feb 18 at 2021 10:47 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The correct response to the student loan crisis has always been to allow them to be discharged in bankruptcy like any other debt. Currently, it&#39;s debt bondage. The second part of the solution is to quit guaranteeing the loans. This is pretty simple, but they won&#39;t do it because too many people from the financial institutions to the schools make too much money of of the poor saps. CPT Lawrence Cable Thu, 18 Feb 2021 10:47:18 -0500 2021-02-18T10:47:18-05:00 Response by SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D made Feb 18 at 2021 8:07 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Does the current Administration realize that their policy would give all higher educational institutions an open policy to charge students any thing they want knowing the Government (you and me) will pay for it? How stupid is that? SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D Thu, 18 Feb 2021 20:07:49 -0500 2021-02-18T20:07:49-05:00 Response by SMSgt Bob W. made Feb 18 at 2021 10:50 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Ken, that was a great move on your part. Many others should look at that to cut the cost for the general studies and trying out the proposed major. Should the student not like the chosen major; it&#39;s cheaper to change it at the community college level. I had one who changed her major in year #3. Pissed is an understatement. SMSgt Bob W. Thu, 18 Feb 2021 22:50:33 -0500 2021-02-18T22:50:33-05:00 Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 19 at 2021 9:33 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No, why should someone have their debt forgiven which means I pay for it thru my taxes when I paid my loans off, my kids paid their loans off. Who put a gun to their head and made them take these loans, hell some people actually abused the loan system and now they want out of that loan, no. SSG Private RallyPoint Member Fri, 19 Feb 2021 09:33:00 -0500 2021-02-19T09:33:00-05:00 Response by 1SG James Kelly made Feb 19 at 2021 10:55 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Gunny; with liberals in control; do the right thing and you&#39;ll get screwed every time. 1SG James Kelly Fri, 19 Feb 2021 10:55:43 -0500 2021-02-19T10:55:43-05:00 Response by MAJ Ken Landgren made Feb 19 at 2021 12:58 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If it does not help me but it helps another person I am not going to bitch about it. It sucks to be me but good for them. I would not want to deny them the benefit because I am envious. Some of you want everyone to suck it. MAJ Ken Landgren Fri, 19 Feb 2021 12:58:25 -0500 2021-02-19T12:58:25-05:00 Response by SSG Bill McCoy made Feb 19 at 2021 1:15 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The entire issue was rooted in the intent to pander to that specific segment or people in order to get their votes. My daughter is paying off her college loans and I think it would be idiotic for the government, or rather the TAXPAYERS, to do it for her or anyone else! Whenever you &quot;BORROW,&quot; anything - money or otherwise - the moral and legal thing to do is to pay it back. SSG Bill McCoy Fri, 19 Feb 2021 13:15:04 -0500 2021-02-19T13:15:04-05:00 Response by CW3 Michael Bodnar made Feb 19 at 2021 1:27 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="685417" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/685417-gysgt-kenneth-pepper">GySgt Kenneth Pepper</a> you have picked open a scab that doesn&#39;t seem to want to heal. Forgiving student loan on a large scale would have disastrous results that nobody seems to fully grasp. First and foremost, I offer this as a solution to this ever-growing problem:<br /><br />1. Reform the student loan program in its entirety with the following stipulations:<br />a. the interest will not start accruing until the student graduates the program and that interest rate will not go above 3%.<br />b. if the student wants to pay on those loans while is school, they are encouraged to do so with no penalty against them. <br />c. the loans need to be paid off within 5-7 years. It needs to be treated like a car payment.<br />d. when the student begins repaying their loans, the payment will be broken up this way: 95% of the amount towards principal and the remaining 5% towards interest. <br />e. if there&#39;s a hardship and the student cannot repay the loan (loss of job, family emergency, etc) and shows proof, the loan will be paused and no interest will accrue. The period will only last six months and then the payments will resume.<br />f. offer other ways for the student to repay their debts - community programs, work programs, etc. If the student performs actions in these types of things (and it&#39;s documented properly), it comes off of their student loan debt.<br />g. the funding from the loan cannot be used for anything other than payments to the school - period. I know plenty of students actually use this money for other things - that has to stop.<br />h. if the student is a dean&#39;s list, honor roll, etc student, a percentage of the debt is forgiven. Incentivize the students.<br /><br />There are plenty more but this at the very least will start the discussions. I&#39;m also a firm believer that if you borrow money, you have have to and should pay it back in full. I do believe the government has taken some of these kids to the cleaners with these loans. I get it, the government is a business and has to make money somehow but not at the expense of students. CW3 Michael Bodnar Fri, 19 Feb 2021 13:27:55 -0500 2021-02-19T13:27:55-05:00 Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 19 at 2021 1:30 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Loan forgiveness is a big FU to anyone who didn&#39;t go to school or paid their own way. LTC Private RallyPoint Member Fri, 19 Feb 2021 13:30:40 -0500 2021-02-19T13:30:40-05:00 Response by SSgt Ronald Krogel made Feb 19 at 2021 5:32 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I do not agree with getting rid of debt. But I also do not think an education should cost so much, or the system be set up for profit. Healthcare, education, and even prison systems turned into profit centers. But I also have no idea why someone would saddle themselves with up to hundreds of thousands in debt for a poor-paying job. Debt forgiveness to make up for bad decisions makes no sense. We would be a better country overall with a better-educated populace. People wise enough to not go into that debt for a $15 an hour job. SSgt Ronald Krogel Fri, 19 Feb 2021 17:32:41 -0500 2021-02-19T17:32:41-05:00 Response by SMSgt Billy Cesarano made Feb 19 at 2021 9:49 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Hmmm. Well, there are a great deal of people on welfare and food stamps, or whatever they call it now. Should we have the government coffers pay those of us who never used it? How about we get the government the hell out of our lives altogether. These are all things that have no place in our Constitution. The snakes have slithered their way into dissolving cohesive communities, faith based and other local charities that not so long ago provided such assistance, with over-site, to those in need of it. Our constitution says nothing on education and for good reason. A founding father did state that a well educated public is encouraged. The 14th amendment was used to desegregate schools and later provide illegals access but nowhere is it a federal or state right but instead it is a privilege. It is also an incredibly burdensome tax on individuals. You pay for public schools and state schools all your life long. But any state can stop at anytime it chooses under the constitution. Private all the way. That is why they are so afraid of vouchers. I digress. No, to be blunt, they should instead give back my tax dollars for producing the lowest caliber students of the western culture. But then there are ways to work it off like Peace Corps, certain teacher, doctor, nurse, military, etc. occupations, but hey why work off debt if they&#39;ll offer to make it go away? SMSgt Billy Cesarano Fri, 19 Feb 2021 21:49:13 -0500 2021-02-19T21:49:13-05:00 Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 20 at 2021 10:08 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No. SSG Private RallyPoint Member Sat, 20 Feb 2021 22:08:50 -0500 2021-02-20T22:08:50-05:00 Response by LTC Jason Mackay made Feb 20 at 2021 11:19 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If they do blanket waiver of student debt, I want my GI Bill and ROTC scholarship paid in cash. LTC Jason Mackay Sat, 20 Feb 2021 23:19:47 -0500 2021-02-20T23:19:47-05:00 Response by SFC Casey O'Mally made Feb 22 at 2021 10:04 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have no problem with forgiving student loan debt. As long as it ain&#39;t my tax dollars doing it.<br /><br />There is a lot of talk on this about &quot;don&#39;t compare it to what you did, look at today,&quot; etc. Fine. We won&#39;t look at how I got my education paid for. We will pretend, for now, that in a question of &quot;fairness&quot; which is what the post discusses&quot; comparison to others is completely irrelevant, somehow. We will look at the specific cases of student loan debt in question. So.... let&#39;s start with a series of questions:<br />1) Did the student in question take out a loan?<br />2) Did the student in question sign a legal contract regarding the terms of repayment of that loan?<br />2A) In the event that the student had not reached the age of majority did a parent or legal guardian sign a legal contract?<br />3) Was the student of sound mind and mentally / legally competent to sign said contract?<br />4) Do we, as a society, believe that legal contracts should be honored by all signatories to said contract?<br />5) Do we, as a society, feel that the government should subsidize poor decisions?<br /><br />OK.... so assuming that all those questions have been answered in the affirmative, save the last one, which is negative (which should be the case for the OVERWHELMING majority of student loans), why then are we even DISCUSSING repaying student loans? Seriously... these kids (or their parents) are signing LEGAL contracts to take loans. THEY are responsible for their decisions. I didn&#39;t ask them to take a loan, I didn&#39;t ask them to go to college, I didn&#39;t tell them what college to go to. Why is anyone asking me to pay for their poor life choices? SFC Casey O'Mally Mon, 22 Feb 2021 22:04:38 -0500 2021-02-22T22:04:38-05:00 Response by CW4 Richard A. Dropik made Feb 25 at 2021 12:37 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>And there is NO reason for the taxpayers to pay Hugh loans for students when they do nothing to help ,but engage in a career of partying and the parent have baby sitters they do not pay. Where is the responsiblity here, and by the way my Cadillac loan is overdue and can&#39;t or don&#39;t want to pay it now so I guess the taxpayers will take care of it for me soon. CW4 Richard A. Dropik Thu, 25 Feb 2021 12:37:32 -0500 2021-02-25T12:37:32-05:00 Response by Dawn Boyer made Mar 4 at 2021 9:07 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would base ANY college tuition debt forgiveness on the current economic situation of the student. For instance, those making over $80K a year and have a good job and chances those jobs will continue, no. For those making minimum wage, with no relief in sight (my daughter for instance, had a $4K loan for Massage School, ended up graduating, pregnant, and now two kids later as single-mom on DSS has no foreseeable way to repay student debt while the interest rate continues to build), forgive loans up to $10K. This student loan forgiveness should be based on the lower socio-economic status of the borrower, not just across the board to everybody. Dawn Boyer Thu, 04 Mar 2021 09:07:38 -0500 2021-03-04T09:07:38-05:00 Response by Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis made Mar 7 at 2021 2:18 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>There is a consideration to &quot;suspend&quot; college loans, and then when the individual gets a job, part of that person&#39;s pay will go to the loan. If there is any consideration towards easing the massive burden of debt that college graduates, this might be the most practical solution. <br /><br />Of course, there is also thought about Colleges and Universities &quot;guaranteeing&quot; the value of their degree. It happens like this: No repayment of student loan is required until graduate gets a job. Then Colleges and Universities would be faced with making sure that their product (the degree) will have some value to the person who gets it. Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis Sun, 07 Mar 2021 14:18:21 -0500 2021-03-07T14:18:21-05:00 Response by SFC Randy Hellenbrand made Mar 7 at 2021 7:58 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This isn&#39;t as easy to answer as you would like since your obviously a Trumpkin and have made up your mind before you even asked this question. I know who caused this mess and it was that great republican W. He told everybody to go back to school and then never provided any jobs. Therefore people got stuck with huge debt and no way to pay it off. Your billionaire republicans should pay off these debts as they are the ones who caused them. So there Pepper, go ask old man Koch for some money; I&#39;m sure he fork it right on over. LOL!!! SFC Randy Hellenbrand Sun, 07 Mar 2021 19:58:27 -0500 2021-03-07T19:58:27-05:00 Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 8 at 2021 7:14 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Ask anyone who received college student loans and paid them back. You&#39;ll get your answer. <br /> SGT Private RallyPoint Member Mon, 08 Mar 2021 07:14:18 -0500 2021-03-08T07:14:18-05:00 Response by CW3 Kevin Storm made Mar 8 at 2021 12:51 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I think it gets down too what are you doing for the greater good. If you took out a whopper loan to go to a high dollar school to get a liberal Arts degree in Ancient Mongolian Poetry, maybe not (I hope I didn&#39;t offend any Mongolians out there). If you incurred a huge debt to go to med school and are working in an underserved area, I would be okay with that. If you are going to school to be a nurse, paramedic, Fire Fighter, Law Enforcement, public service positions, no issues. How to invest in stock markets to rip us all off, hell no. CW3 Kevin Storm Mon, 08 Mar 2021 12:51:53 -0500 2021-03-08T12:51:53-05:00 Response by 1SG Patrick Sims made Mar 13 at 2021 5:43 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>LET&#39;S BE CLEAR ABOUT FORGIVING COLLEGE DEBT. The politicians doing it are trolling for voters. You&#39;re a fool if you think they give a shit about anyone who accumulated education debt. 1SG Patrick Sims Sat, 13 Mar 2021 17:43:45 -0500 2021-03-13T17:43:45-05:00 Response by SPC James Drury made Mar 14 at 2021 2:28 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>FREE, FREE, Everything for FREE! Hmm, how can we get tax payers to pay for Democrats to get future voters? I know, FREE college tuition, that&#39;ll guarantee us (dumb) voters for years to come, and the stoopid tax payers will end up paying for it... LOL! SPC James Drury Sun, 14 Mar 2021 14:28:43 -0400 2021-03-14T14:28:43-04:00 Response by SPC James Drury made Mar 14 at 2021 2:30 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>FREE, FREE, Everything for FREE! Hmm, how can we get tax payers to pay for Democrats to get future voters? I know, FREE college tuition, that&#39;ll guarantee us (dumb) voters for years to come. and the stoopid tax payers will end up paying for it... LOL! SPC James Drury Sun, 14 Mar 2021 14:30:26 -0400 2021-03-14T14:30:26-04:00 Response by SSG Walter R Cooke JR made Mar 14 at 2021 10:01 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If, the main stream youth of America would all volunteer for at least one hitch in the military they could get the GI Bill and the following:<br />1. A true understanding of FREEDOM!<br />2. THE TRUE MEANING of Sacrifice and service!<br />3. The opportunity to grow into a person understanding self worth!<br />4. For the most part the ELIMINATION of Most If not all of thier Student debt.<br />Career choice will have an effect on Degrees and additional cost.<br /><br />The cancel culture and the me me mentality is like a bad cartoon.<br />I chose the military over college and eventually got an AA in SCIENCE and a BA IN BUSINESS so my total cost was long hours, sweat and competing with kids who I could have been the parents of. Very little out.of pocket expenses.<br />You choose to get student loans you need to repay them. I have witnessed kids the criers taking out way to many loans just because they could. They used the money for parties, designer clothes, cars, and bragged about it! Well you contracted it so repay it! Take responsibility for your actions and put your big boy or girl clothes on and saddle up!<br />God Bless America<br />Those who have served!<br />Those who are serving!<br />Those who will serve!<br />To all REAL AMERICANS SSG Walter R Cooke JR Sun, 14 Mar 2021 22:01:25 -0400 2021-03-14T22:01:25-04:00 Response by SPC Mitch Saret made Mar 15 at 2021 7:06 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I went back to get a master&#39;s degree and needed loans for it. I do not believe they should forgive student loans, but I&#39;m not stupid and I won&#39;t turn it down. SPC Mitch Saret Mon, 15 Mar 2021 07:06:51 -0400 2021-03-15T07:06:51-04:00 Response by LCpl Sidney Green made Mar 15 at 2021 10:54 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Its as fair as loan forgiveness is for big corporations and foreign nations. But of course anyone that doesn&#39;t stand to benefit directly from it would be against it. LCpl Sidney Green Mon, 15 Mar 2021 22:54:22 -0400 2021-03-15T22:54:22-04:00 Response by SFC Howard Holmes made Mar 16 at 2021 4:21 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No there should be no forgiveness for college debt. I raised my boys how to navigate and get their BA&#39;s with very little college debt. They were allowed to live at home and I paid their car insurance and cell phone bills, and that&#39;s it. They didn&#39;t go to some big fancy college, nor they did not have to go live in the dorms. These kids sign these contracts knowing that they are going to pay, say $75,000 a year. They know that four year degree will put them, $300,000 in the hole. They need to take responsibility, and if they take that responsibility, they need to follow through with it. That&#39;s the problem, people get bailed out of stupid moves. It&#39;s like in 2008, just prior, people were moving every couple of years making a greater profit. Some people taking out, interest only loans and a year or two later moving again and making $50k profit on their house. When people start playing games like this, they are artificially driving up the prices in hopes of making money. Well, if you get caught at the end of the boom, and you go bust, guess what time it is. Nobody rescues you out of the stock market. People want to play their games and when they get caught in crap, they don&#39;t hold themselves responsible. SFC Howard Holmes Tue, 16 Mar 2021 16:21:00 -0400 2021-03-16T16:21:00-04:00 Response by TSgt Ken Vandevoort made Apr 3 at 2021 1:41 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Those of us that paid our own college loans will be the ones that end up paying the loans for anyone forgiven college debt. The entitled people will expect everything be given to them throughout life. TSgt Ken Vandevoort Sat, 03 Apr 2021 01:41:58 -0400 2021-04-03T01:41:58-04:00 Response by SGT Bobby Ewing made Apr 16 at 2021 11:02 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Is it Fair? is it fair that I already paid back my Student loans, and my Wife has Paid her student loans? You know going in that they are LOANS! You know you will be paying them back! What is to forgive? You won&#39;t get loan forgiveness for your car or house loan. Try missing a couple of payments on either one of those. A loan is just that. I have worked extra as a janitor, cleaning peoples shit from toilets, just to make sure everyone got paid and we could eat! Anybody going to forgive that? These people need to get off their collective asses and get a job! SGT Bobby Ewing Fri, 16 Apr 2021 11:02:22 -0400 2021-04-16T11:02:22-04:00 Response by SPC Chris Ison made Apr 17 at 2021 10:49 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No, it is not right to forgive student loan debt; However, it would be better if they would stop the predatory lending practices. The current prime rate right now is 2%, abut student loan debt is still 7% interest, and that is unfair.<br /><br />Plus the agencies that handle loans that are in default have too much power, and you have no recourse through the department of education.<br /><br />Finally, i would not allow private agencies like Harvard which has a 10 billion dollar endowment, receive any federal money through loans, Pell Grants etc. If you can&#39;t afford Harvard, you don&#39;t get to go. Or they, Harvard, can use that endowment to help under privileged people.<br /><br />it is stupid to borrow 250,000 dollars for an education, and start your life with basically a mortgage.<br /><br />50,000 dollars over 10 years is 5k a year for about 300.00 dollars a month. Even if you don&#39;t ever make a huge salary that is a doable payment. Its i a car payment and not a mortgage payment. SPC Chris Ison Sat, 17 Apr 2021 22:49:03 -0400 2021-04-17T22:49:03-04:00 Response by PO3 Robert Dollahite made May 7 at 2021 11:49 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>NO! If an individual serves time in the military, the VA will help and or pay for schooling. I depleted my education funds going to school. PO3 Robert Dollahite Fri, 07 May 2021 23:49:49 -0400 2021-05-07T23:49:49-04:00 2021-01-21T15:09:15-05:00