SPC Erich Guenther 4352215 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am wondering if this is me or if generally the definitions are mixed up among the U.S. Electorate / Politicians. I always thought a Democratic Socialist thinks Capitalism is evil and cannot exist in any form with Socialism whereas a Social Democrat believes in Capitalism with some reforms in the social areas. I tend to think I have the more common interpretation because both the PM of Denmark and the PM of Sweden have corrected Bernie Sanders in stating they are actually &quot;Social Democrats&quot; versus Democratic Socialists. BTW, both Denmark and Sweden are Constitutional Democracies. Anyways another main tenet is that Democratic Soclalists believe that all means of production are in public vs private hands. Which means all manufacturing is Nationalized which we don&#39;t see in the countries that Bernie Sanders point to. The major companies are still privately owned and most are publicly traded on stock exchanges. So I am curious do the Democrats have the wrong title and are they meaning to say &quot;Social Democrats&quot; instead of &quot;Democratic Socialists&quot; ? Or are my definitions incorrect? Is it "Democratic Socialist" or "Social Democrat"? 2019-02-08T18:09:19-05:00 SPC Erich Guenther 4352215 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am wondering if this is me or if generally the definitions are mixed up among the U.S. Electorate / Politicians. I always thought a Democratic Socialist thinks Capitalism is evil and cannot exist in any form with Socialism whereas a Social Democrat believes in Capitalism with some reforms in the social areas. I tend to think I have the more common interpretation because both the PM of Denmark and the PM of Sweden have corrected Bernie Sanders in stating they are actually &quot;Social Democrats&quot; versus Democratic Socialists. BTW, both Denmark and Sweden are Constitutional Democracies. Anyways another main tenet is that Democratic Soclalists believe that all means of production are in public vs private hands. Which means all manufacturing is Nationalized which we don&#39;t see in the countries that Bernie Sanders point to. The major companies are still privately owned and most are publicly traded on stock exchanges. So I am curious do the Democrats have the wrong title and are they meaning to say &quot;Social Democrats&quot; instead of &quot;Democratic Socialists&quot; ? Or are my definitions incorrect? Is it "Democratic Socialist" or "Social Democrat"? 2019-02-08T18:09:19-05:00 2019-02-08T18:09:19-05:00 MSG Private RallyPoint Member 4352228 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1) Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market or some form of decentralized planned socialist economy.<br /><br />2) Social democracy is a political, social, and economic ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a liberal democratic polity and capitalist economy. Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 8 at 2019 6:15 PM 2019-02-08T18:15:22-05:00 2019-02-08T18:15:22-05:00 1SG Private RallyPoint Member 4352238 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>A turd by any other name... still smells the same. Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 8 at 2019 6:20 PM 2019-02-08T18:20:02-05:00 2019-02-08T18:20:02-05:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 4352280 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The communists don&#39;t like the social democrats. Social democrats (lowercase, common noun version) favor mixed-market economies with lots of state intervention. Communists consider them to be a competitor for the affections of the same Left-wing target market. Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 8 at 2019 6:34 PM 2019-02-08T18:34:30-05:00 2019-02-08T18:34:30-05:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 4352289 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I’d ask, regardless of the name, what is their endstate? Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 8 at 2019 6:36 PM 2019-02-08T18:36:49-05:00 2019-02-08T18:36:49-05:00 1SG Private RallyPoint Member 4352459 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Socialist Democrats = capitalism leveraged for egaltarian and social benefit of people and a participatory democracy.<br />Democratic Socialist = Working people run the economy for the good of the many, not enrichment of the few. (Socialism)<br />The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) are what most folks think when they hear socialism.<br />From their webpage.<br />DSA is the largest socialist organization in the United States. We believe that working people should run both the economy and society democratically to meet human needs, not to make profits for a few. We are a political and activist organization, not a party; through campus and community-based chapters, DSA members use a variety of tactics, from legislative to direct action, to fight for reforms that empower working people. (Google this name, they have a website)<br /><br />From Wikipedia.<br />Social democracy is a political, social, and economic ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a liberal democratic polity and capitalist economy. The protocols and norms used to accomplish this involve a commitment to representative and participatory democracy; measures for income redistribution and regulation of the economy in the general interest; and welfare state provisions.[1][2][3] Social democracy thus aims to create the conditions for capitalism to lead to greater democratic, egalitarian and solidaristic outcomes. Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 8 at 2019 7:45 PM 2019-02-08T19:45:48-05:00 2019-02-08T19:45:48-05:00 Cpl Private RallyPoint Member 4352904 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It&#39;s called branding and they are using the entire population as a focus group. They will continue to alter the &quot;brand&quot; until people stop shuddering. There is no difference, it&#39;s still authoritarian socialism which always leads to venezuela, cuba, et.al. Response by Cpl Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 9 at 2019 12:22 AM 2019-02-09T00:22:59-05:00 2019-02-09T00:22:59-05:00 2019-02-08T18:09:19-05:00