Is Capitalism to blame for the world's poverty?
Any serious look at the history of human beings over the millennia shows that the species began in poverty. It is not poverty, but prosperity, that needs explaining. Poverty is automatic, but prosperity requires many things – none of which is equally distributed around the world or even within a given society.
"Actually, in that case, it's the opposite of what you're saying. He's not keeping it low because he has no competition and can create a barrier though artificially high pricing. By the time anyone develops a means to compete with him, he has made enough money to tank them out of business, Then he either buys out the patents or raises it back up when the threat is past. All the while, he holds the market by the balls as it's something that the person who needs it simply can't say no to."
The problem with this line of thought and the reason it isn't feasible is there is ALWAYS A THREAT, as soon as the price goes up high enough someone will enter the market, and people have a tendency to be bitter about the high price guy. Capitalism will work out in the end. There has to be a way to keep people from entering the market historically that has meant big businesses bribing Government officials into keeping other's out. (Pan AM is a great example, until WWII they had a Government sponsored monopoly in international flights as soon as their lobbying failed and competition was allowed prices hit the floor and the airline slowly dwindled towards bankruptcy.)
"My greater point originally though was that while Capitalism is certainly a great system, it has not always been great for everyone and has actually contributed to some of the problems around the world. Iran, much of Africa and parts of South America have paid heavy prices for private industry exploiting people and corrupt governments. Some of those messes will take decades to fix..if we're lucky."
In all of those cases Government Socialism is the problem, those corporations always bribe the government officials to establish and maintain a monopoly. If capitalism were actually facilitated their rates would be lowered.
In other words "Government isn't the solution to our problem, Government is the problem" Ronald Regan
Private industry has been the cause of enormous suffering around the world. We as Americans just tend not to pay much attention because it's those people over there somewhere and aren't they better off now than they were before?
The challenge, of course, is..yeah, how do we fix it? People suck.
Shell agrees to pay compensation for execution of Saro-Wiwa and Ogoni protesters
Oil giant agrees settlement after accusations of collaboration in execution
Capitalism is the solution not the problem.
Competition is the key the more businesses the better. I'd take seven competing small businesses any day over one large business.
Our big issues is neither the Republicans or Democrats support free commerce, they both want control and funding donations from their supportive big businesses.
For those doubters that still think Socialism is a better system because of our high poverty levels in this country take a look at these facts which compare what poverty actually looks like in this country and what it looks like in Socialist countries.
Poverty in America
76 percent have air conditioning.
66 percent have more than two rooms of living space per person.
97 percent own at least one color television.
62 percent have either cable or satellite television.
Almost 75 percent of households own a car (30 percent own two or more).
73 percent own microwave ovens.
More than 50 percent have stereos.
33 percent have automatic dishwashers.
99 percent have refrigerators.
Virtually none lack running water or flushing toilets.
46 percent own their own home, the average of which is a three bedroom house with 1.5 baths, that has a carport and porch or patio, and the average value of which is 70 percent of the median American home.
Poverty in Socialist States
0% have air conditioning
50% have four bodies or more per room
0% have satellite TV (cable usually doesn't exist)
0% own a car
Most have not seen a microwave
0% have dishwashers
Most have refrigerators
Most have intermittent running water or use an outhouse
Most have a minimum wage of $2 or less a day.
7 Reasons Socialism Will Make You Poorer Than Capitalism
Given what we know in 2012, saying that capitalism will make a society richer than socialism should be about as controversial as saying the earth is round, not flat.
Socialism as defined by Government controlling private business ventures has a horrible past record.
I was initially going after your first post where you supported a ludicrous statement like "Poverty in Socialist States" where for example 0% has a car - and this is of course a lie. An absolute lie.
I then suggest that socialist Sweden where probably 95% of those who live in poverty has a car, but you didn't want to hear these facts.. when it was easier to call Sweden or Norway "not socialist"... because they are not 3rd world country.
If you are gonna post something, support it with facts.
Also Scandinavia also have much less people per capita that lives in poverty. Must be that pesky Socialism that prevent them from living in poverty with all the cars and microwaves.
I love when people don't support their facts and tell me to support mine.
Here is a few reasons why poverty doesn't mean what you think it means. The world's objective definition of poverty is % of families making less than half the mean household income. Obviously that would be lower in Socialist countries, however that doesn't translate across countries. The poverty level isn't the same thing as relative household purchasing power, which is a much better tool for actually explaining level of wealth of the individuals in poverty. Here's a forbes article articulating the difference between poverty levels in Sweden and the U.S.
Here is another explaining some pro's and cons with Nordic economies note "not only do the Nordic nations top the charts in health and happiness they are also some of the most economically competitive countries in the world." As this is a topic discussing economics of Socialism pointing to a country that uses a more right wing economic model follows Capitalism closer than the US is not the same thing as a Socialist economic model.
Here is the difference a Socialist economy has the Government in control of businesses they regulate day to day operations, in a capitalist there is minimal governement control the economy uses competition as the controlling factor. Here is another source
An economic model based on competition doesn't meet the economic definition of Socialism.
Note everyone realizes the Brain dump of talented individuals leaving the country for tax haven countries.
America Has Less Poverty Than Sweden
This might seem very surprising indeed but it could be said that the United States actually has less poverty than Sweden. I know this isn't the story you're used to hearing but bear with me. Given that elections are looming it must be time for the Economic Policy Institute to release [...]
Sweden poverty car ownership rates 12.5%
US poor car ownership rates 75%
Obviously, there is a difference between "census poor" and Swedish poverty definitions and there are substantially different levels for requiring a vehicle in this country.
United States antitrust law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
United States antitrust law is a collection of federal and state government laws, which regulates the conduct and organization of business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers. The main statutes are the Sherman Act 1890, the Clayton Act 1914 and the Federal Trade Commission Act 1914. These Acts, first, restrict the formation of cartels and prohibit other collusive practices regarded as being in...
The global poverty rate had been cut in half in 20 years.
IN SEPTEMBER 2000 the heads of 147 governments pledged that they would halve the proportion of people on the Earth living in the direst poverty by 2015, using the...
Btw did you change your moniker from CPT Servicemember to CPT L S and change your photo?? Is this a new you Sir??
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