SMSgt Private RallyPoint Member833262<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This is a discussion I have had at every PME I have attended. My opinion of a warrior is someone that has been in combat and survived honorably. In the Air Force they say everyone has a warriors mentality because they joined the military knowing they could potentially get sent to combat zones. I call b.s. due to personal experiences of seeing personnel of different services run after an attack instead of helping the injured. So I am curious how you all define a warrior.In your opinion what is a warrior?2015-07-21T21:18:18-04:00SMSgt Private RallyPoint Member833262<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This is a discussion I have had at every PME I have attended. My opinion of a warrior is someone that has been in combat and survived honorably. In the Air Force they say everyone has a warriors mentality because they joined the military knowing they could potentially get sent to combat zones. I call b.s. due to personal experiences of seeing personnel of different services run after an attack instead of helping the injured. So I am curious how you all define a warrior.In your opinion what is a warrior?2015-07-21T21:18:18-04:002015-07-21T21:18:18-04:00LTC Private RallyPoint Member833436<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If you want to get philosophical about the definition. All of us Army guys are soldiers as definied by US Army regardless of rank MOS or assignment. Can all soldiers be called warriors? I dont know I let you all fight this one out. Its a semantics issue. I just know that, although I never deployed, am proud to be a retired soldier and to have worn the same uniform of my comades who did go. We are all on the sam team and Im proud to be part of that team!Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 21 at 2015 10:20 PM2015-07-21T22:20:22-04:002015-07-21T22:20:22-04:00COL Charles Williams833752<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Being a warrior is a mindset. This about sums it up...<br />I am an American Soldier.<br />I am a warrior and a member of a team.<br />I serve the people of the United States, and live the Army Values.<br />I will always place the mission first.<br />I will never accept defeat.<br />I will never quit.<br />I will never leave a fallen comrade.<br />I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills.<br />I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself.<br />I am an expert and I am a professional.<br />I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy, the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.<br />I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life.<br />I am an American Soldier.<br /><a target="_blank" href=""></a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default">
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<a target="blank" href="">Soldier's Creed - Army Values</a>
<p class="pta-link-card-description">The following is the Soldier's Creed</p>
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Response by COL Charles Williams made Jul 22 at 2015 1:29 AM2015-07-22T01:29:11-04:002015-07-22T01:29:11-04:00PO1 William "Chip" Nagel833853<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Good Question. Can go in a lot of directions with that one. 21 years never had to shoot at anyone and no one ever shot at me (Some Jackass in London attempted to use a bomb to give me and my shipmates a face full of glass, Timer wasn't set right oops/missed hour too early). Warrior as an Communicator and an Intel man, No not directly but my Actions were most definitely those of a Warrior. I helped the Powers that be pick targest and I passed executive orders that resulted in Death and Destruction.Response by PO1 William "Chip" Nagel made Jul 22 at 2015 4:41 AM2015-07-22T04:41:43-04:002015-07-22T04:41:43-04:00SFC Stephen King833880<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div> by Jon Hooper<br /><br />I am a warrior, <br />I fight not for glory or fame, <br />For they are momentary. <br />I fight for those who can't. <br />I fight for justice, the oppressed and the down trodden. <br />And if I should lose my life for these just causes, <br />Then I have no regrets, <br />For I serve to protect the innocent. <br />It matters not where or when, <br />For evil knows no boundaries. <br />Be it fire, flood or the threat of tyranny, I will not flee. <br />Justice is my weapon. Faith my sheild and Hope my armor. <br />Cry not at my passing for it was my Honor to figt for you. <br />Shed not tears of sorrow but tears of Joy, <br />For now, I stand with God. <br /><br />This was written for the first responders of 911 but it rings true of all who choose to support and defend regardless of service. I often have to convey to those who have not deployed their decision to serve is just as important as those who have.Response by SFC Stephen King made Jul 22 at 2015 5:34 AM2015-07-22T05:34:45-04:002015-07-22T05:34:45-04:00CPT Private RallyPoint Member833957<div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-52473"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image">
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<a class="fancybox" rel="bade93b680e2c5a5b73612f0f26e02b3" href=""><img src="" alt="13303e8e" /></a></div></div>I think this is often misunderstood. There is the warrior mentality and there is actually being warrior. The warrior mentality is what all soldiers should have. They should never surrender and always fight on to accomplish their mission. They should persevere for in the worst conditions. <br /><br />But the Warrior is a unique breed. They are the ones that only strive for nothing more than to fight in battle. There are very few that do that. Soldiers fight. I don't think that necessarily makes them a warrior. If you think that you are just fooling yourself. Just be honest. If you were to go into battle and you have the option sending only one unit. Would you send an infantry company or would you send a Field Support Company to fight. One of them has true warriors in it. I know where I would be.<br /><br />I think the video does this justice. Not all of us are Spartans. <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-youtube">
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<p class="pta-link-card-title">
<a target="blank" href="">Spartans, What is your Profession?</a>
<p class="pta-link-card-description">In 300, King Leonidas Meets Daxos and the other Arcadians</p>
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Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 22 at 2015 7:17 AM2015-07-22T07:17:37-04:002015-07-22T07:17:37-04:00CPT Private RallyPoint Member834344<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>A “warrior” is men and women who have the ability and will to fight to protect themself, their friends, their family, the defenseless,their ideals, and at the same time, seeks the perfection of his or her own character through a life lived with honor, integrity, and an unflinching dedication to what is right.Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 22 at 2015 10:07 AM2015-07-22T10:07:37-04:002015-07-22T10:07:37-04:00SGT William Howell834511<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am the Sword of my Family and Shield of my Nation.<br />If sent, I will crush everything you have built, burn all that you love, and kill every one of you.Response by SGT William Howell made Jul 22 at 2015 11:06 AM2015-07-22T11:06:53-04:002015-07-22T11:06:53-04:00CPT Private RallyPoint Member835127<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The questions I also have is can you be a basket ball player if you never play ball? You might practice and go to the court everyday. You could training and study but if you are not on a team that plays ball are you really a ball player?Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 22 at 2015 2:34 PM2015-07-22T14:34:18-04:002015-07-22T14:34:18-04:00SSG (ret) William Martin835159<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>A warrior's ultimate training is based on protecting the tribe, protecting the village, protecting his or her people's way of life. This is a warrior.Response by SSG (ret) William Martin made Jul 22 at 2015 2:48 PM2015-07-22T14:48:23-04:002015-07-22T14:48:23-04:00SSG (ret) William Martin835417<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I need to ask CSM Davis.Response by SSG (ret) William Martin made Jul 22 at 2015 4:19 PM2015-07-22T16:19:44-04:002015-07-22T16:19:44-04:00A1C Charles D Wilson835528<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>To me a warrior is one who rises to the challenge when it is time. Firefighters, Police and all our Military soldiers are warriors to point. Yes some people have the flight (Run) or fight built in. It is at a time of conflict when one will shine. Until this happens one can not tell. Training does help and repetitive training makes it flow easier once the shock factor has worn of. <br /><br />Just my 2 cents on this subject.Response by A1C Charles D Wilson made Jul 22 at 2015 5:11 PM2015-07-22T17:11:06-04:002015-07-22T17:11:06-04:00MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht835544<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>true warriors were Geronimo and Cochese. Us Air Force guys see combat but in the air. I read that more Airforce personnel (probably support people) were killed in Korea that any other service. When they were overrun, they were unorganized, no weapons and could not protect themselves.Response by MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht made Jul 22 at 2015 5:21 PM2015-07-22T17:21:07-04:002015-07-22T17:21:07-04:00SPC David S.836508<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I don't think combat is a qualifier for the "warrior" stamp as your own statement proves that point. A warrior is the grim f'ing reaper on the battle field who wants to kill everything - these individuals only limit their carnage by the rules that govern them. They don't cry for their victims nor expect mercy from their foes - they die on their feet with honor as surrender is not in their vocabulary. This is the mindset I would expect from a warrior.Response by SPC David S. made Jul 22 at 2015 11:58 PM2015-07-22T23:58:30-04:002015-07-22T23:58:30-04:001LT Private RallyPoint Member836665<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>In the eyes of manpower, it's a deployable person under regulations. They pass a PT test, qualify on the M-16, healthy, military occupation specialty qualified, passed initial entry training, does sharp, cyber-security training, and completes all the SRP requirements. Then, you have an ethical and loyal individual ready to wear the uniform and represent the United States in foreign conflicts.Response by 1LT Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 23 at 2015 2:36 AM2015-07-23T02:36:48-04:002015-07-23T02:36:48-04:00SGT Private RallyPoint Member837022<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I do not think warrior is someone that has fought in battle only I believe that a warrior is someone that believes in something that is good something that is righteous and something that makes the world a better place for all people and stands and his convictions whether he is going to battle or notResponse by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 23 at 2015 8:48 AM2015-07-23T08:48:49-04:002015-07-23T08:48:49-04:00MSgt Alan H838532<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>After serving fifteen years in Special Operations I think it's ridiculous to think you have to serve in combat to be a warrior. There are warriors in every facet and area of the military. Just because you don't draw the bead on a bad guy does not mean you're not a true warrior that contributes to the fight. Yes, being at the end of a weapon takes formidable skill sets and mind sets. So do many other jobs in the military.Response by MSgt Alan H made Jul 23 at 2015 4:45 PM2015-07-23T16:45:02-04:002015-07-23T16:45:02-04:00CPL(P) Nathaniel Burke846314<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The defining characteristic of a warrior is the willingness to close with the enemy. <br /><br />That's the Army's textbook answer as written into the MAC POI.Response by CPL(P) Nathaniel Burke made Jul 27 at 2015 2:28 AM2015-07-27T02:28:10-04:002015-07-27T02:28:10-04:002015-07-21T21:18:18-04:00