SSG Robert Ricci5192377<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have a prospective employee to hire who states that his original commitment of military service was for 5 years but that she re-enlisted for an additional two years 14 months prior to the end of her current commitment. She states that the military cancel the remaining 14 months on her current contract causing her to only actually do 10 months additional service time. This does not make sense to me. I was in the military and cannot imagine the military cancelling 14 months because you reenlist early. It would sound more reasonable that the additional 2-year reenlistment would be added to your current enlistment.If someone reenlists for 2 years 14 months before the end of their current commitment, does the military cancel that 14 months?2019-11-01T21:58:58-04:00SSG Robert Ricci5192377<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have a prospective employee to hire who states that his original commitment of military service was for 5 years but that she re-enlisted for an additional two years 14 months prior to the end of her current commitment. She states that the military cancel the remaining 14 months on her current contract causing her to only actually do 10 months additional service time. This does not make sense to me. I was in the military and cannot imagine the military cancelling 14 months because you reenlist early. It would sound more reasonable that the additional 2-year reenlistment would be added to your current enlistment.If someone reenlists for 2 years 14 months before the end of their current commitment, does the military cancel that 14 months?2019-11-01T21:58:58-04:002019-11-01T21:58:58-04:00CSM Charles Hayden5192384<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1313810" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1313810-ssg-robert-ricci">SSG Robert Ricci</a> The DD 214’s read?Response by CSM Charles Hayden made Nov 1 at 2019 10:01 PM2019-11-01T22:01:42-04:002019-11-01T22:01:42-04:00MSG Private RallyPoint Member5192420<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Those are some odd sounding numbers.Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 1 at 2019 10:13 PM2019-11-01T22:13:00-04:002019-11-01T22:13:00-04:00SSG Private RallyPoint Member5192437<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What branch? A 2 year re-up sounds unusual to me. When I did my reenlistments, it was either 3 or 6 years.Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 1 at 2019 10:20 PM2019-11-01T22:20:27-04:002019-11-01T22:20:27-04:00SSG Private RallyPoint Member5192459<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Depends on if she's active or reserve (army). When I was active duty and I reenlisted, my new contract had an effective date way prior to when my first contract was slated to end. Thus it overrode my contract and added 3 years from the time I reenlisted not finished the current contract.<br /><br />On the Army Reserve side, the new contract starts the day after your current ends.Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 1 at 2019 10:38 PM2019-11-01T22:38:20-04:002019-11-01T22:38:20-04:00SFC Ralph E Kelley5192511<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It sounds more like they did a Service Extension. Its not a cancellation but picks up from the point you sign your John Hancock. Retired at 20 years and only reenlisted once (where I ReUpped on my last day of previous tour). The rest of the time I simply extended my service each time till I reached my retirement date. You still have to be eligible for ReUp. No fuss.Response by SFC Ralph E Kelley made Nov 1 at 2019 11:11 PM2019-11-01T23:11:01-04:002019-11-01T23:11:01-04:00SFC Private RallyPoint Member5192521<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>That's exactly how it works. The nitty gritry of it is that you are discharged the day prior, ending your current contract. Then you begin a new one on the date of reenlistment. That's active duty. The Reserve side has different rulesResponse by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 1 at 2019 11:23 PM2019-11-01T23:23:16-04:002019-11-01T23:23:16-04:00SSG Brian G.5192573<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Not the way it works. Sounds more like the SM did not understand their enlistment contract, nor their reenlistment contract, which is not unusual. Most SM's that go in at first really don't. Her time was not cancelled. <br /><br />The way it works is this: <br /><br />A recruit goes in, passes MEPS and signs an initial contract. That contract is for 8 years. No more, no less. Now in that 8 years it can be broken up into 2 year increments up to 6 years of some mix of active duty and reserve. When a SM nears the end of their AD portion they are given the opportunity to re-enlist. This amount varies in year length and simply adds extra active duty time. <br /><br />As long as they still have any time that is reserve or that initial 8 they have not "lost" any time as when they get out they still have that obligation.Response by SSG Brian G. made Nov 2 at 2019 12:35 AM2019-11-02T00:35:49-04:002019-11-02T00:35:49-04:00SMSgt Lawrence McCarter5192699<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I sort of doubt that, You would have to finish the current contract before a new one with two additional years could even start. She will still owe two years once She had FINISHED the current enlistment. Word of mouth isn't a contract, its ALWAYS in writing and don't presume anything that isn't spelled out.Response by SMSgt Lawrence McCarter made Nov 2 at 2019 3:06 AM2019-11-02T03:06:56-04:002019-11-02T03:06:56-04:00CPL Private RallyPoint Member5193283<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It would be added at the end of current enlistment.Response by CPL Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 2 at 2019 8:58 AM2019-11-02T08:58:47-04:002019-11-02T08:58:47-04:00PO1 Rick Serviss5201692<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It sounds way to early to be allowed to reenlist. Maybe I'm wrong but I would be questioning it too,Response by PO1 Rick Serviss made Nov 4 at 2019 5:59 PM2019-11-04T17:59:13-05:002019-11-04T17:59:13-05:002019-11-01T21:58:58-04:00