Capt Richard DeVaux 8411836 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have imminent surgeries that will require general anesthesia. I have no friends or family to accompany me to and from the surgery. Is there a service through the VA that can allow me to have a surgery under general anesthesia, that will take me to the surgery then to my home after the surgery? I am a 100% disabled retired veteran. Does the VA have a program or consideration for a veteran with no family or friends? 2023-08-08T14:15:57-04:00 Capt Richard DeVaux 8411836 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have imminent surgeries that will require general anesthesia. I have no friends or family to accompany me to and from the surgery. Is there a service through the VA that can allow me to have a surgery under general anesthesia, that will take me to the surgery then to my home after the surgery? I am a 100% disabled retired veteran. Does the VA have a program or consideration for a veteran with no family or friends? 2023-08-08T14:15:57-04:00 2023-08-08T14:15:57-04:00 Sgt Private RallyPoint Member 8411990 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1963690" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1963690-capt-richard-devaux">Capt Richard DeVaux</a> One of these gentlemen may have an idea. I have looked at the VA website and did not find anything that I thought would apply. Have you contacted the VFW, DAV or the local government to see if they can provide assistance to a disabled veteran?<br /><br /><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="224659" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/224659-30a-information-operations-officer">COL Randall C.</a>, <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="198196" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/198196-68s-preventive-medicine-specialist-807th-mdsc-hhc-807th-mdsc">MSG Private RallyPoint Member</a> Response by Sgt Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 8 at 2023 3:29 PM 2023-08-08T15:29:30-04:00 2023-08-08T15:29:30-04:00 PO1 H Gene Lawrence 8411992 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would contact a VSO office in your area. I am sure that they would be helpful. Response by PO1 H Gene Lawrence made Aug 8 at 2023 3:30 PM 2023-08-08T15:30:32-04:00 2023-08-08T15:30:32-04:00 COL Randall C. 8412136 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Often times your local Veterans Affairs (VA) Centers have programs (called &quot;Medical Companion Program&quot;) or know of volunteers who can provide companionship and assistance to veterans for appointments. This varies by center, so call the main number and request to speak to the patient advocate. <br /><br />As <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="1286819" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/1286819-po1-h-gene-lawrence">PO1 H Gene Lawrence</a> said, there are many VSOs that do &quot;peer support&quot; with veterans that require someone to accompany them. For example, the &quot;Volunteers for Veterans&quot; program with the DAV connects veterans up with volunteers. Don&#39;t forget to check with your local Red Cross office as well.<br /><br />Check with your local community centers, senior centers, or churches as well. This isn&#39;t unique to veterans having surgeries and often have programs that you might be eligible for.<br /><br />Also, contact your State&#39;s Veterans Affairs Office and (depending on how old you are) your state&#39;s Office for Aging Services to see if there are any state specific programs.<br /><br />Finally, you can do a search for programs near you. Some key terms you would use are:<br />Companion Service for Medical Appointments<br />Assisted Transportation Services with Companion Care<br />Medical Escort programs<br /><br />Bottom line is that most (all?) programs are local, so what would work for someone in Northern Virginia isn&#39;t going to work for someone in Eastern Kentucky. Response by COL Randall C. made Aug 8 at 2023 5:21 PM 2023-08-08T17:21:40-04:00 2023-08-08T17:21:40-04:00 SGT Tiffanie G. 8412433 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If you fall in the categories for various war-times, you can join the American Legion, and they might be able to help. Also, the DAV as suggested. Getting in touch with these organizations can help you find friends, too, who will understand your problems and experiences. Response by SGT Tiffanie G. made Aug 8 at 2023 8:34 PM 2023-08-08T20:34:19-04:00 2023-08-08T20:34:19-04:00 SGT Daniel Wright 8413728 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Believe me, you have a lot of family out here. Just ask someone from your local VFW or American Leigion........Or if you&#39;re close to DFW area I&#39;ll help you. Response by SGT Daniel Wright made Aug 9 at 2023 4:16 PM 2023-08-09T16:16:12-04:00 2023-08-09T16:16:12-04:00 SSG Laurie Mullen 8419141 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I don&#39;t know if anyone has addressed this, but my surgeon would not sign off on my release from out-patient surgery without someone saying that they would be responsible for me until the next day. Response by SSG Laurie Mullen made Aug 12 at 2023 11:20 PM 2023-08-12T23:20:07-04:00 2023-08-12T23:20:07-04:00 1st Lt Mary James 8537280 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Same problem here. I freaked during the pandemic when many of us were forced out by high rents or landlords selling their rentals. I was literally homeless for a year after I exhausted trips going to motels that cost too much and didn&#39;t afford a decent nights sleep. Was having weird symptoms in my legs and was kicked out of the Ears because they thought I was just trying to get a warm bed. Finally got an MRI that revealed multilevel problems and finally got into the Domiciliary. Had to have surgery in Knoxville which is over an hour away and couldn&#39;t drive myself. Social Workers at the VA called around.<br />Most VAMCs have in house vans and shuttle services, so with a mileage radius plus they have contracts with other transport services arranged through the travel office at the hospital. I got a ride from Johnson City Tenn with CPC to Knoxville where I spent a night in a motel. The following morning of surgery, a local DAV van took me to the hospital. If you lived anywhere near me I&#39;d go with you because I&#39;ve been in your shoes. (When I had family they were never there snyway)<br />So anyway, most larger cities have senior centers and programs that can offer rides or support, or know of services (apologies, don&#39;t know your age), of course the VA Clinics or Hospitals should have Social Workers that know this information. Also reach out to your local American Legion or DAV, many do have vehicles for transport which they also use to take Vets to services for other Vets or community events like Veterans Day parades. I hope this helps, you are not alone, there are many others like us. Good luck with your surgery I&#39;ll be thinking of you Response by 1st Lt Mary James made Nov 1 at 2023 9:15 PM 2023-11-01T21:15:37-04:00 2023-11-01T21:15:37-04:00 PO1 John Smith 8537294 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>A service connected veteran who re injures the service connection gets no assistance. Rides for appt are easy to find for a resourceful adult. Or the local vso will assist usually.<br /><br />What about if treatment of that service connection requires a full time attendant for a period of a few weeks?<br /><br />What if that veteran already had to travel 4500 miles from home during a pandemic to recieve a consult and has no available resources to assist?<br /><br />You are on your own...<br /><br />Treatment for that service connection can take years when the surgical requirement is a full time attendant.<br /><br />I had to pay for my own attendant and it took almost 2 years to undergo the primary surgery. That service connection blossomed into many more injuries. Neverending story... I&#39;m on year 4 and I&#39;m still in the same situation. All the secondary injuries are untreated still because I can&#39;t do them alone.<br /><br />Total travesty Response by PO1 John Smith made Nov 1 at 2023 9:20 PM 2023-11-01T21:20:10-04:00 2023-11-01T21:20:10-04:00 PO1 John Smith 8537367 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It does suck when you choose to stay single etc. <br /><br />City&#39;s that have public transportation usually also contract &quot;short bus&quot; services and you would definitely qualify. I registered and was accepted in my community just in case I ever needed it. Driving can be an issue and a guy/girl gotta work to eat!<br /><br />Hope that&#39;s useful<br /><br />If you were in ak I&#39;d be here for ya! Response by PO1 John Smith made Nov 1 at 2023 9:53 PM 2023-11-01T21:53:42-04:00 2023-11-01T21:53:42-04:00 LCDR Michael Pumilia 8537812 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As a Life Time member of the DAV since &#39;95, I heartedly endorse all the wonderful things they do for disabled vets. Fifteen years later I filed for increased VA compensation as my service connected disability got progressively worse as expected. They had my back throughout the years as the VA rating went higher and higher. The medical situation is very rare and something the VA had a hard time understanding. In the end the VA brought in experts after a DAV-paid law firm showed all the legal errors they had found. The doctors quickly confirmed my diagnoses and the desired VA result was given. As any vet will probably say, &quot;I only want what is fair.&quot; Response by LCDR Michael Pumilia made Nov 2 at 2023 11:23 AM 2023-11-02T11:23:35-04:00 2023-11-02T11:23:35-04:00 Sgt Michelle Leblanc 8537818 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Search up community providers that offer the same procedure and ask if they provide necessary transportation. Many now provide a driver to go with you, wait and take you home again. Once you find one, send a secure message to your provider and let them know you do not have a driver and would like community care with (Dr or facility name) because they provide a driver. <br />I waited almost 3 years (yes 3) for a procedure because I did not have a driver. I explained this over and over every time I had to reschedule, as well as the additional distress it caused to have to repeatedly explain that, not to mention the ongoing distress from my condition needing the procedure. I gave the name of a Surgeon and facility that would provide the necessary transportation and I’d like to be referred to that facility. A few days later I received a call from the scheduler that I could drive myself to and from the procedure but I would have to wait there a bit before I could leave because of the anesthesia. I asked why it took 3 years to decide that was acceptable and she replied there was a new exception to that rule from the White House? <br />I hope that helps if you can’t find an organization to drive you. If not, call the White House Hotline- they will find a solution. I wish I’d known that sooner. Response by Sgt Michelle Leblanc made Nov 2 at 2023 11:27 AM 2023-11-02T11:27:43-04:00 2023-11-02T11:27:43-04:00 CW3 Kevin Storm 8538219 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Not directly, but you can coordinate with your local DAV, VFW, or American Legion post to get aid with transportation. Response by CW3 Kevin Storm made Nov 2 at 2023 5:53 PM 2023-11-02T17:53:44-04:00 2023-11-02T17:53:44-04:00 TSgt Kyle Wright 8638560 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I know for a fact the DAV provides free transportation to and from a doctors visit, appointment, surgery, etc. All you need to do is reach out to the or through the VA facility and they will assist you. I also recommend you look into “Care Giver” support for your recovery as well as your future medical appointments, and anything associated with your care. Response by TSgt Kyle Wright made Jan 25 at 2024 2:40 PM 2024-01-25T14:40:12-05:00 2024-01-25T14:40:12-05:00 2023-08-08T14:15:57-04:00