Johnathon Greer 3784782 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How tough is AIT? What do I need to know before starting? Do anyone have notes? im the type that likes to know what im getting myself into How tough is MP AIT? What do I need to know before starting? 2018-07-11T14:22:02-04:00 Johnathon Greer 3784782 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How tough is AIT? What do I need to know before starting? Do anyone have notes? im the type that likes to know what im getting myself into How tough is MP AIT? What do I need to know before starting? 2018-07-11T14:22:02-04:00 2018-07-11T14:22:02-04:00 SGM Steve Wettstein 3784796 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You need to know nothing. They will teach you what you need to know. You just need to have the correct requirements to get in. Also, a lot of what you will learn, you will learn at your first unit during OJT (On the Job Training). Response by SGM Steve Wettstein made Jul 11 at 2018 2:27 PM 2018-07-11T14:27:47-04:00 2018-07-11T14:27:47-04:00 SSG Warren Swan 3784891 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Best thing you can do before shipping out, is to ditch everything you think you know, and openly go in knowing nothing, yet ready to soak it all up in a short time. TV and dramas are just that. Get down there keep your mouth shut, eyes open, and ear to the ground, and before you know it, you&#39;ll be at your first unit, signing for your ticket books, pulling your first traffic stop, and enjoying the hell out of yourself while still learning how to do a shitload of paperwork.<br /><br />If you wind up in the 795th MP BN and one of it&#39;s companies, ask the CSM or 1SG to move you to 787 MP BN and one of it&#39;s training companies. You&#39;ll be challenged more often and the demands are harder. You&#39;ll be harder than a PVT in a strip club once they&#39;re done with you. D co/787 is where you wanna be. Trust me!!! 795 ain&#39;t shit, won&#39;t be shit, and I hope you scream it every time you pass them (which will be often).<br /><br />Assist, Protect, Defend Response by SSG Warren Swan made Jul 11 at 2018 3:15 PM 2018-07-11T15:15:36-04:00 2018-07-11T15:15:36-04:00 SMSgt Thor Merich 3784997 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You need to relax and get used to rolling with the punches. You need to know that you will be in a high stress environment that you have no control over whatsoever. The Army will tell you when to get up and when to sleep, what to eat and how much. Everything in your life will be out of your control. What you need to bring with you is the ability to absorb new material, have no expectations, and the willingness to work with people you don’t know. Working as a team is key. Unless you have past military experience or maybe team sports experience, anything you bring to the table will be useless. Close your mouth and open your ears and you will be fine. They will teach you the academic portion so trying to study ahead of time will be a waste of effort.<br /><br />Get in good physical condition before you go, start running, practice pushups, sit-ups and pull-ups. <br /><br />It will suck at first but don’t worry, it’s supposed to. But by the end it’s a lot of fun. Response by SMSgt Thor Merich made Jul 11 at 2018 3:56 PM 2018-07-11T15:56:36-04:00 2018-07-11T15:56:36-04:00 PFC Private RallyPoint Member 3835877 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Tip #1 you chose the wrong mos Response by PFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 29 at 2018 3:50 PM 2018-07-29T15:50:53-04:00 2018-07-29T15:50:53-04:00 SSG Angela Koch 5926862 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The MP OSUT means same Drill Sergeants, same barracks same everything. Keep your eyes open and mouth shut. I was an MP Drill Sergeant from 2002-2005, MP&#39;s go through 5 phases. They are Red, White, Blue, Black and Gold which is your final phase. Had a cycle in Black Phase and they thought they were done, just cruising along. They were getting late to formation, talking ECT, then it happened one day. 1SGT had us roll the Black Phase banner, and just like that they were once again in Red Phase! No passes, shower drills, counting off. For them the worse part of rolled phase banner was they weren&#39;t allowed to do cadence&#39;s. All they could do when any other company walk by was march to the tune of left, right, left. I saw many heads drop when a Red Phase company sang a cadence&#39;s and all they could do was march silently by with embarrassment. After 2 1/2 weeks they got to go back to Black Phase! Response by SSG Angela Koch made May 23 at 2020 3:34 PM 2020-05-23T15:34:00-04:00 2020-05-23T15:34:00-04:00 2018-07-11T14:22:02-04:00