How do I get my senior wings now that I have over ten years experience as a C-130 crew chief and a UH-60 Blackhawk Repairer? <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have over ten years experience September of 2001 to Jan 2007 c-130 and from March 2014 till current . <br />I’ve read the regulations but have seen others same situation that had their wings . I want to help others get theirs as well if possible. <br />If it’s over ten years should you not be able to get that ? Fri, 18 Sep 2020 18:24:46 -0400 How do I get my senior wings now that I have over ten years experience as a C-130 crew chief and a UH-60 Blackhawk Repairer? <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have over ten years experience September of 2001 to Jan 2007 c-130 and from March 2014 till current . <br />I’ve read the regulations but have seen others same situation that had their wings . I want to help others get theirs as well if possible. <br />If it’s over ten years should you not be able to get that ? SSG Private RallyPoint Member Fri, 18 Sep 2020 18:24:46 -0400 2020-09-18 18:24:46 -0400 Response by SGT Robert Pryor made Sep 18 at 2020 6:40 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Have you discussed this with your First Sergeant yet? Top Sergeants know everything about everything. SGT Robert Pryor Fri, 18 Sep 2020 18:40:43 -0400 2020-09-18 18:40:43 -0400 Response by WO1 Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 18 at 2020 8:34 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>b. Ten years (not necessarily consecutive, see para 8–29d) of experience in a principal duty assignment of the<br />following CMF/MOS:<br />(1) CMF 15.<br />(2) CMF 67 (from 7 April 1983 through 31 August 2005).<br />(3) MOS 68 (from 31 December 1985 through 30 September 2003).<br />(4) MOS 93C and 93P (after 31 December 1985); 93B (from 7 April 1983 through 1 January 1998); 93D (from 7<br />April 1983 through 30 September 1996).<br />(5) MOS 71P (prior to 30 June 1984).<br />(6) MOS 96U (from 1 April 1991 through 30 September 2007).<br />(7) MOS 35K (from 1 April 2007 through 31 October 2008). WO1 Private RallyPoint Member Fri, 18 Sep 2020 20:34:53 -0400 2020-09-18 20:34:53 -0400 Response by CW4 Keith Dolliver made Sep 18 at 2020 9:11 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Don&#39;t quote me on it, but I&#39;m 95% sure only your time in the Army will count. (I&#39;m assuming your C-130 time is in another service) If I&#39;m wrong and you are eligible, then you need to request award of the badge on a 4187 to the first O-6 Aviator in your chain of command.<br /><br />AR 600-8-22, Par. 8-13. Aviation Badges<br />f. To be eligible for award of the Senior Aviation Badge, individuals must have met all the requirements for the permanent award of the Basic Aviation Badge as defined below in paragraph 8-13f(1) as well as either paragraphs 8-13f(2) or 8-13f(3).<br />(1) All individuals must—<br />(a) Display complete competence in the principal duty or duties performed leading to this award.<br />(b) Attain the grade of sergeant/E–5 or higher.<br />(c) Be recommended by the unit commander of the unit to which presently assigned.<br />(2) Ten years (not necessarily consecutive, see para 8–13(f)(4)) of experience in a principal duty assignment of the following CMF/MOS:<br />(a) CMF 15.<br />(b) CMF 67 (from 7 April 1983 through 31 August 2003).<br />(c) Aviation MOS 68 series (from 31 December 1985 through 30 September 2003).<br />(d) MOS 93; 93C and 93P (after 31 December 1985); 93B (from 7 April 1983 through 1 January 1998); 93D (from 7 April 1983 through 30 September 1996).<br />(e) MOS 71P (prior to 30 June 1984).<br />(f) MOS 96U (from 1 April 1993 through 30 September 2007).<br />(g) MOS 35K (from 1 April 2007 through 30 September 2008). MOS 35L, 35Q, and 35W for Soldiers who graduated from CMF 67 prior to 30 September 1996.<br />(h) MOS 52D with ASI U2 (from 1 April through 30 September 2009).<br />(i) MOS 33W with ASI U2 (from 1 April 1991 through 30 September 2010).<br />(j) MOS 68W Health Care Specialist, ASI F2 (from 1 October 2012 to present).<br />(k) AOC or MOS (68W ASI F3, 68W ASI W1, 73B ASI N7) and (66H with completion of the Joint Enroute Care Course) within the AMEDD that meet the criteria of paragraphs 8–13f(3) and 8–13f(4).<br />(3) Seven years (not necessarily consecutive) on flying status in accordance with AR 600–106 (see flying status for nonrated personnel) while holding a primary MOS in CMF 15 MOS or AMEDD personnel in a designated flight position.<br />(4) Time served while performing career progressive assignments such as drill instructor, recruiter, career management NCO, career advisor, instructor, or equal opportunity advisor may be used towards the 10-year requirement listed in paragraph 8–13(f)(2), not to exceed 36 months. Time served after a CMF 15 Soldier reclassifies to MOS 79R will not count towards this requirement. CW4 Keith Dolliver Fri, 18 Sep 2020 21:11:19 -0400 2020-09-18 21:11:19 -0400 Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 18 at 2020 9:17 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>There’s gotta be some sort of prior service aviation , Ie marines and navy and Air Force coming over .. we all have aircraft. SSG Private RallyPoint Member Fri, 18 Sep 2020 21:17:14 -0400 2020-09-18 21:17:14 -0400 Response by SFC Paul Smith made Sep 22 at 2020 4:16 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Ten years of servic in the army you have to request them SFC Paul Smith Tue, 22 Sep 2020 16:16:29 -0400 2020-09-22 16:16:29 -0400 Response by SSG Michael Montoya made Feb 5 at 2021 7:24 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You just got to get the memorandum together and push it up to get signed because, at least in my experience, S-1 or command won&#39;t be paying attention to such things. I found the format somewhere in my time and printed out my own memorandum for both my senior and then master wings....sent them, got signed no problem. Then just share the format to you subordinates and peers so they can get theirs. SSG Michael Montoya Fri, 05 Feb 2021 19:24:25 -0500 2021-02-05 19:24:25 -0500 2020-09-18 18:24:46 -0400