SGT Michelle Saunders803980<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As a combat veteran (retired 2006), I couldn't fathom serving in today's climate, let alone under this unpredictable administration. (Btw I'm being kind with words). Understanding the parameters and respecting military oath, please try to articulate some of your greatest challenges. I think about this often and can't even imagine. I also wonder if your time is consumed so much that you don't really have the time to focus or care what's going on outside the military world. Would love to hear respectful feedback. <br /><br />Thanks!How difficult is it to serve under the current climate and this administration?!2015-07-09T19:28:47-04:00SGT Michelle Saunders803980<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As a combat veteran (retired 2006), I couldn't fathom serving in today's climate, let alone under this unpredictable administration. (Btw I'm being kind with words). Understanding the parameters and respecting military oath, please try to articulate some of your greatest challenges. I think about this often and can't even imagine. I also wonder if your time is consumed so much that you don't really have the time to focus or care what's going on outside the military world. Would love to hear respectful feedback. <br /><br />Thanks!How difficult is it to serve under the current climate and this administration?!2015-07-09T19:28:47-04:002015-07-09T19:28:47-04:00SSG(P) Private RallyPoint Member803987<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Yes it can be. It grows more difficult to discipline soldiers. Also harder to chapter "bad" soldiers. We spend so much time being politically correct we lose time on training.Response by SSG(P) Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 9 at 2015 7:36 PM2015-07-09T19:36:12-04:002015-07-09T19:36:12-04:00SGT Private RallyPoint Member803989<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I think the worst part is seeing congress consistently drop the ball on veterans issues but constantly wanting to create a new conflict or war. We need to be taking care of our past brothers and sisters a lot better than we have been. Partisan politics shouldn't be used to hold vets hostage. As far s I'm concerned you don't get to say you support vets but refuse to take care of them because it costs too much. You either accept that cost as a factor of your war fighting or you don't fight.Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 9 at 2015 7:36 PM2015-07-09T19:36:53-04:002015-07-09T19:36:53-04:00SSG Private RallyPoint Member803993<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I think you just have to remember that administrations come and go. At the line unit level as an NCO, there is little effect an administration really has on me. As long as I perform my duties and challenge every opportunity to excel and move forward and up through the ranks, then I feel my job remains secure compared to those that I watch "riding the bus collecting a paycheck". Outside of my military life and in my civilian employment I feel the affects of a particular administration far more than I do when I'm in uniform. <br /><br />Apologies for spelling and grammar, I typed this on my phone.Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 9 at 2015 7:40 PM2015-07-09T19:40:17-04:002015-07-09T19:40:17-04:00SGT James Allen803996<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I served under President George H. W. Bush. Thank heaven we had General Schwarzkopf as our Commander on the ground in Desert Storm. I feel sorry for the current troops. I pray for your safety.Response by SGT James Allen made Jul 9 at 2015 7:42 PM2015-07-09T19:42:57-04:002015-07-09T19:42:57-04:00MAJ Bryan Zeski804028<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I think the hardest thing about "dealing" with the climate right now is trying to explain to the <15 year in service Soldiers how the Army was BEFORE 9-11. The last 15 years have been essentially all constant deployments and an essentially limitless budget. Now that people are having to struggle with being accountable for their stuff and actually having to pay for missing things, they just aren't understanding that. <br /><br />I came in the Army under the Clinton administration, and I've served under both the Bush admins and the Obama admin. Personally, I'm kinda partial to the Clinton/Obama Administrations because my deployments have been fewer, shorter, and further apart than under the Bush admin. I'm probably lucky that I've been in the line units that have remained essentially fully funded (even with the cut backs in the last few years) - so we didn't feel that pain as much (although I did hear about it).<br /><br />I think the thing that pains me most is that Soldiers have been deployed so much that they've forgotten how to be garrison Soldiers who actually PMCS their vehicles, weapons and equipment on a regular basis and know how to do the basics of Soldiering. Soldiers today have no idea how much easier things are now than they have been in the past. They also don't understand the massive amount of benefits they can take part of, but choose not to. THAT'S the hardest part for me.Response by MAJ Bryan Zeski made Jul 9 at 2015 7:58 PM2015-07-09T19:58:39-04:002015-07-09T19:58:39-04:00Capt Seid Waddell804057<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I'm glad it isn't something I am faced with having to do.Response by Capt Seid Waddell made Jul 9 at 2015 8:10 PM2015-07-09T20:10:03-04:002015-07-09T20:10:03-04:001SG Private RallyPoint Member804077<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The effects of the political climate absolutely trickles down to the unit level.<br />I feel it in retention.<br />I see it in morale.<br />I eat the loss of readiness as rotational missions and exercises are cancelled or curtailed.<br />Ammunition is getting hard to come by.<br />The pressure to "look ready" means that BN and BDE-level commanders spend much of their time on "metrics" instead of training. I have to chase every flu shot and eye exam, but getting a troop into WLC is getting increasingly difficult.<br />Soldiers are increasingly pressured to use their own time to do misc required training while at home, since unit computers don't work or are preposterously slow.<br />I really don't see leaders able to articulate a purpose or direction, and because of that we are under resourced as well.<br />It is tough, but we Soldier on.Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 9 at 2015 8:20 PM2015-07-09T20:20:36-04:002015-07-09T20:20:36-04:00SGT Michelle Saunders804115<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Amen, Cpt! My heart is heavy for our fellow comrades. Sigh.Response by SGT Michelle Saunders made Jul 9 at 2015 8:37 PM2015-07-09T20:37:20-04:002015-07-09T20:37:20-04:00SrA Edward Vong804143<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I joined at the beginning of the administration, and just left towards the end. I personally wanted to serve under this administration. I separated honorable and now as a veteran started a great career as analyst. My career while in was great. But....keep in mind, this is my story. Everyone else has had different experiences.Response by SrA Edward Vong made Jul 9 at 2015 8:51 PM2015-07-09T20:51:05-04:002015-07-09T20:51:05-04:00LTC(P) Private RallyPoint Member804549<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As long as Soldiers and Leaders realize that their service provides for the overall greater good of the does not matter what "administration" is currently in office. If you find an administration that pleases everyone, you better look up, because you will probably find yourself in the fiction section of the library. As far as morale, readiness, and retention go...those are a direct reflection of the leadership. I have seen units serving right beside each other in the same foreign country have totally opposite command climates. What was the difference maker? LEADERSHIP! And please do not feel sorry for today's Soldiers. I can tell you that pay has increased and equipment is better today than when I joined the military 22 years ago. And guess what...three different administrations in that timeframe and the military is still here.Response by LTC(P) Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 9 at 2015 11:43 PM2015-07-09T23:43:28-04:002015-07-09T23:43:28-04:00SGT Private RallyPoint Member804585<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am personally not affected by any of this. Whether it is administrations or Congress; these “noblemen” come and go. I belong to the Warrior Class and we are here to stay. What I am seeing happening within our ranks is disheartening (senior leaders included-Yeah I said it). I took the Oath of Enlistment to the Army in 2009, not because Obama made president like some have advocated as their reason for joining but so I can get some education. So what if the person you did not vote for is now your commander in chief? Should that affect your heart and alter your purpose?<br /><br />When I joined, I was just a high school graduate; today, I have a BA in Intelligence Studies, working on my MA in Homeland Security, and I still have not touched my GI Bill which I plan to use for Law School. The lessons I have learned are worth volumes. As <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="50198" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/50198-25a-signal-officer">MAJ Bryan Zeski</a> *inferred*, too many Soldiers are great at whining and complaining but not utilizing the resources available at their disposal. Don’t forget your reason (purpose) for joining; it ought to be stronger than any policy discussed.<br /><br />I care less who is president. When I was affected one semester with the temporary Tuition Assistance freeze (thanks to the legislative branch playing ping-pong with executive branch), I did not complain, I took out a financial aid loan-just like my civilian friends do and moved on.<br /><br />In today’s military, we ALL made a choice to serve; none of us were forced to join. My oath was a sacred act between God and me regarding this country and this uniform. When knights in service were given a job to execute, they accepted it with honor – regardless of who the “overloard” was. A lukewarm acceptance, in contrast is NEVER a good thing for that individual knight (Bushidō: Code of the Samurai, Part III-5 “Verbal Expression”).Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 10 at 2015 12:01 AM2015-07-10T00:01:00-04:002015-07-10T00:01:00-04:00SSgt Private RallyPoint Member804654<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The biggest issue I see is uncertainty in some of my troops. When the administration(congress and presidential) come out ant talk about cutting troops and force reductions it makes it hard to stay focused on the mission if you are not sure you will have a carrier. The stability of having a job/carrier makes a big difference in wanting to continue with your carrier. I have seen people that wanted to stay have to go home and explain to there spouse that they need to start looking for a house and a job "back home".Response by SSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 10 at 2015 12:52 AM2015-07-10T00:52:04-04:002015-07-10T00:52:04-04:00CH (CPT) Heather Davis804689<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I came in this military at 17, in 1984, and I will share with you the heart and soul are the NCOs. NCO's lead from the front, mentor, and develop their junior officers. When we stop caring about the sacred mission that we have is serving one another. <br /><br />Administrations come and go and when we lose sight of God and Country and the big picture of pouring into the next generation. We don't see past what is in front of us.<br /><br />From my fox hole, adversity and prosperity build character, and obstacles create out of the box thinkers. We are raising a generation that wants everything automatic. I was raised in a generation where you stewed in the rank you were in, and you kept problems in house and worked them out.Response by CH (CPT) Heather Davis made Jul 10 at 2015 1:39 AM2015-07-10T01:39:48-04:002015-07-10T01:39:48-04:00SGT Mike Rudd804751<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This administration and both house has given every country what they have made us look weaker than we ever have in the history of this nation, and it really bugs me we made deals with Iran and Cuba that were not made before for a reason!! I'm retired and everything I fought for is now in vain, it's hard to focus on things out side the. Military because of all the crap this current admin. Has done. They have stooped so low as to NEGOIATE a terriost trade for a deserter . I probably couldn't be in the military right now because there isn't a reason to fight anymore everything is just turned away from , we can't even thank GOD for anything anymore . In the near future the terriost will be given our rights and we will be charged for their crimes. If the constitution was that wrong how come we lived better back when every other day it's changed because someone says it isn't fair and I'm being discriminated against. My thought is if you can live by the way the constitution was written then get the hell out of our country I didn't put my life on the line for all you USA haters!!!!Response by SGT Mike Rudd made Jul 10 at 2015 2:53 AM2015-07-10T02:53:07-04:002015-07-10T02:53:07-04:00SGT William Howell804974<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I think there is challenges with every administration. I have served with some who I thought were too soft and some I thought were war mongers. <br /><br />General George Washington was one of the most debated Generals we ever had. There were so many debates at the time to remove him from command by everyone. Yet, we prevailed because we ultimately supported him. <br /><br />What I never forgot was the oath we took and I did the best to keep the faith of those who served before me.Response by SGT William Howell made Jul 10 at 2015 8:07 AM2015-07-10T08:07:56-04:002015-07-10T08:07:56-04:00SGT Mark Rhodes805410<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>SGT Saunders I too could not serve or would find it very difficult to serve under this administration. I think I would have found myself in Ft Leavenworth for the comments I have made.Response by SGT Mark Rhodes made Jul 10 at 2015 11:42 AM2015-07-10T11:42:53-04:002015-07-10T11:42:53-04:00SGT Private RallyPoint Member805469<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Doesn't effect me in any way positive or negative. That I realize as least. I just want more deployment opportunity.Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 10 at 2015 12:12 PM2015-07-10T12:12:11-04:002015-07-10T12:12:11-04:00LTC Bink Romanick806783<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You don't get to pick who you serve under SGT Saunders. Your Oath Keepers TAG says it all, your politics are showing.<br /><br />I served under 6 presidents Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan , Bush Sr and Clinton. Some I liked, some I hated but I served them all as a soldier should. To the utmost of my ability. Administrations come and go but the Army and it's values and traditions endure. Soldiers soldier.<br /><br />Stay on the tank.Response by LTC Bink Romanick made Jul 10 at 2015 9:33 PM2015-07-10T21:33:58-04:002015-07-10T21:33:58-04:00LTC Private RallyPoint Member806791<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have served in many climates over the years. And believe me when I tell you I have had times of frustration. My solution has been to just swallow the s*"t sandwich and Soldier on.Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 10 at 2015 9:38 PM2015-07-10T21:38:12-04:002015-07-10T21:38:12-04:00SGT Jason Weisbrich807125<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>To put it plainly, I elected to get out in 2013 because of the shenanigans. The current administration relieving commanders for disagreeing and shoving yes men in their place is terrible. Add to that the whole anti-christian, pro-islam crap going on, as well as the looming threat of a court martial if you even say the word God. I could hardly stand the first four years, and when the reelection was in the bag I decided to call it quits before I landed in jàil.Response by SGT Jason Weisbrich made Jul 11 at 2015 1:32 AM2015-07-11T01:32:39-04:002015-07-11T01:32:39-04:00SFC Joseph Weber807418<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I worried about my Soldiers and my unit. Who care what the politicians are up to. I find it kind of funny yah some people who speak out the most about how Obama is destroying America never served under anybody but him. Why did anyone join if he is such evil?Response by SFC Joseph Weber made Jul 11 at 2015 8:46 AM2015-07-11T08:46:26-04:002015-07-11T08:46:26-04:00SSG Private RallyPoint Member808120<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The hardest part about serving under this administration has got to be all the hypocrisy. <br /><br />During the 8 years of service under George W. Bush, any time anybody said anything bad about W. Bush, hordes of people would angrily say, "It doesn't matter if you don't like the *man*, you should still respect the office he holds!" and would shout down any and all criticism of him as "un-American". <br />Now, a lot of those exact same people cannot seem to find it within themselves to conduct themselves in accordance to the exact same standards they demanded of others, and freely excoriate President Obama at every turn. <br /><br />So, for me, it's putting up with the hypocrisy.Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 11 at 2015 6:17 PM2015-07-11T18:17:50-04:002015-07-11T18:17:50-04:00SGT Jack Stevens809084<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Saunders, I too retired in 2006, and twice in a 16 year military career, I had toxic command structure. From Battalion, that filtered down to Troop level, to even Platoon Level. I do believe those of us that were and are in the NCO Corp have to shelter our troops from it. From what I hear from friends that are still in that, yes it is. Think about the mixed messages that are filtering from the White House to the Pentagon all they way to Platoon Levels. Its enough to fill your craw. I can only say and have been told by mentors of mine. That if I was still in I would constantly be in trouble.Response by SGT Jack Stevens made Jul 12 at 2015 10:25 AM2015-07-12T10:25:19-04:002015-07-12T10:25:19-04:00SGT Timothy Rocheleau809838<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As I have been out of military service since 1995 I can not comment about this but I'd like to comment that this a great question to be posed to the current military population.Response by SGT Timothy Rocheleau made Jul 12 at 2015 4:34 PM2015-07-12T16:34:45-04:002015-07-12T16:34:45-04:00SSG Private RallyPoint Member809914<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>For the most part, in the military you do your job and don't worry about the politics. In the military we're a microcosm of society so I imagine some are very happy with this administration and some are pissed-either way you do your job.Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 12 at 2015 5:34 PM2015-07-12T17:34:05-04:002015-07-12T17:34:05-04:00SGT Anthony Bussing816007<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>i served under this current admin id served under in 25 years....Response by SGT Anthony Bussing made Jul 15 at 2015 7:50 AM2015-07-15T07:50:36-04:002015-07-15T07:50:36-04:00SFC Michael Hasbun817617<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Not at all difficult. Rhetoric aside, nothing really changes. We are all just doing what the mission requires, and that looks a lot more like field problems, powerpoint presentations, meetings, schools, emails, weapons cleaning, ranges and countless other day to day Army tasks than it does imaginary gun confiscations or guard duty at illuminati run FEMA death camps...Response by SFC Michael Hasbun made Jul 15 at 2015 4:55 PM2015-07-15T16:55:32-04:002015-07-15T16:55:32-04:00SGT Private RallyPoint Member820106<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would ask these question bit different, if you could serve under any administration in our history which administration would that be and why, what policies of that time you like verses policies of today. Please give a response with substance and articulated response (kiss does not apply)Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 16 at 2015 2:09 PM2015-07-16T14:09:44-04:002015-07-16T14:09:44-04:00SSG James Arlington825289<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Ours is, was, not to ask why, but to do or die!Response by SSG James Arlington made Jul 18 at 2015 3:42 PM2015-07-18T15:42:27-04:002015-07-18T15:42:27-04:00SPC George Rudenko825727<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I used to work in Customs and Border Protection. (one of the three immigration agencies) A team doing a sweep found a previously deported alien, with active warrants in the USA. They arrested him. Later, the chief said good job, "but that wasn't what you were there to do". Hinting, don't do immigration, only customs.Response by SPC George Rudenko made Jul 18 at 2015 7:37 PM2015-07-18T19:37:33-04:002015-07-18T19:37:33-04:00TSgt Kenneth Ellis826256<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I had a friend when he retired he did not want any certificates signed by Bill Clinton.Response by TSgt Kenneth Ellis made Jul 19 at 2015 2:05 AM2015-07-19T02:05:58-04:002015-07-19T02:05:58-04:00SGT Alvin Balerio826483<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Well Sarge: I have to agree with you on both parts,the climate is pretty tough to deal with, as unpredictable as is, I would much rather deal with mother nature than an administration like the Obama admin. I feel that he has spit on every soldier who is serving, but a DAV like myself makes me feel that the sacrifices that we all made, was made for nothing. I am a combat Vet. as well thank GOD that this administration is almost over with. My hope is that America would rise up and be the best nation in the world like it has always been.The only way this can happen is when we finally get a leader who can lead. P.S. Thank you Sgt. for a subject that I could release some of my frustration.Response by SGT Alvin Balerio made Jul 19 at 2015 8:47 AM2015-07-19T08:47:39-04:002015-07-19T08:47:39-04:002015-07-09T19:28:47-04:00