Posted on Aug 27, 2015
RallyPoint Shared Content
From: ABC 15

PHOENIX - A woman previously accused of faking cancer to get Arizona to pay for her late-term abortion in 2010 has been indicted on charges of defrauding veterans charities, state prosecutors said Monday.

Chalice Renee Zeitner, 29, is facing eight felony charges in the latest case, including theft, money laundering and fraudulent schemes and artifices, according to the Arizona attorney general's office.

Prosecutors said Zeitner fraudulently obtained the personal information of the founder of Veterans Hope charities and his family in July 2012 than used it to open a credit card account under their names without their consent and charged about $25,000.

She also is accused of contacting the Veteran Tickets Foundation under the pretense of working with Veterans Hope and Armed Forces Racing.

Zeitner asked the foundation to sponsor an ad on a race car to be presented at a gala in Washington, prosecutors said. The sponsorship cost $10,000.

She is accused of providing wire instructions to transfer the funds to a personal account.

Authorities also said Zeitner sold the foundation tickets worth thousands of dollars to the non-existent gala and the money wasn't returned to the Veterans Tickets Foundation.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich said the matter is being investigated by his office and the FBI.

Zeitner has been jailed since her May arrest in the cancer case in which she is facing charges of fraud, theft, forgery and taking the identity of another person or entity.

She was extradited from Georgia where she was arrested the previous month.

Arizona prosecutors claim Zeitner falsely told her obstetrician in March 2010 that she had cancer and that her pregnancy put her life in further danger.

According to prosecutors, Zeitner was enrolled in Arizona's Medicaid program and the state paid the abortion costs. She has pleaded not guilty and is awaiting trial in that case.

A call to her attorney for comment on the latest charges wasn't immediately returned.
Posted in these groups: Original Crime
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Responses: 6
SFC Mark Merino
Vile person. What an oxygen thief.
SSG Gene Carroll SR.
SSG Gene Carroll SR.
9 y
I agree, as well as using veterans to collect money'y who aren't veterans and have never be in service. the ones who just want fix,or a easy way out.
SSG Gene Carroll SR.
SSG Gene Carroll SR.
9 y
I agree, they need to be locked up for awhile and maybe no one ever do it again.
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Sgt Kelli Mays
Throw her in jail.
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SSG Leo Bell
I would say hang her out and wait for the buzzards to pick her bones clean then throw them in the trash. She isn't worth the time or money that will be used for court cost and to jail her.
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