Eradicating the Cancer of Sexual Assaults from our Military <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>While serving as the Commanding General of the U. S. Army Ordnance Center and Schools at Aberdeen Proving Ground some two decades ago, I uncovered what was basically a crime ring. Drill sergeants were having a contest to see who could have sex with the most students in our advanced individual training classes. It became readily apparent by reading reports that this abuse of power was occurring not only at Aberdeen but also at other Army installations and within other Services.<br /><br />When all the studies by the Department of the Army were completed and formally announced in September 1997, the Pentagon’s emphasis for correcting the problem of sexual assaults was to allege that Aberdeen was an aberration and that sexual assaults were only a problem within one school’s command. They insisted that the problem that needed to be addressed Army-wide was sexual harassment.<br /><br />If one were to look at sexual assault as the cancer, then sexual harassment is the precursor. Attacking the issue of sexual harassment is vital to ensuring all civilians, military and family members are not subjected to objectionable language and conduct and are able to feel comfortable in the workplace and living areas. The cancer is still sexual assault and it continues to this day in our military.<br /><br />I have had the privilege and honor over the past two years to address hundreds of Sexual Assault Response Coordinators, Victims Advocates, Special Victims Counsels, and leaders who are working hard to eradicate the cancer of sexual assaults. I have also talked with survivors, commanders, family members, law enforcement officials, and medical personnel. I have learned from them that the cancer lives on, DOD-wide.<br /><br />As I go about discussing this issue in the private sector to include colleges, religious groups, civic organizations, and service organizations, I emphasize that it is only 1-2% of the military that are perpetrators of sexual assaults. But this 1-2% cause irreparable damage to survivors while concurrently damaging the reputation of the greatest military ever.<br /><br />My specific recommendations with regard to eradicating this cancer have remained consistent over the past few years. I know the women appointed to positions to work on this issue are working hard, and I mean no disrespect by the following comment: As long as the military keeps putting women in charge of the prevention of sexual harassment/sexual assault, these problems will be seen as women’s issues and not military issues. Prevention of sexual assault is not a personnel or human relations issue; it’s a force protection issue. It needs to be handled in units by the same staffs who are working to prevent injury and death by improvised explosive device attacks, terrorist attacks on facilities and people, etc.<br /><br />When working with the Department of Defense budget, be careful when cutting people who facilitate a commander’s ability to gain situational awareness of what is going on in echelons below him or her. It is essential that all support mechanisms are in place for soldiers and that the flow of information to decision makers is not impeded.<br /><br />Sexual harassment prevention training needs to be continual and frequent.<br />Using sex to get ahead should not be tolerated. Women need to police their ranks just like men must do for theirs. Anyone found guilty of sexual assault and other felonies should be drummed out of the Army (Military). No second chance, no mercy—just as the Army handled drug users beginning in the 1980s.<br /><br />In my simplistic mind, the key to the prevention of sexual harassment and sexual felonies in the military is for every service member and civilian, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, or rank, to be a keeper of the standards. If a soldier or civilian sees someone doing something that even appears to be wrong, he or she needs to call the offender (male or female) out on it. Give that person a chance to stop, unless it is so bad that higher ups need to know right away. If that person doesn’t stop, report them to their leadership.<br /><br />Leaders must do the “tough right” and not the “easy wrong.” They must act on concerns brought to their attention, and their subordinates need to know that it’s okay to take their complaints through other channels to get resolution. The enforcement of the highest tactical, technical, ethical, and moral standards is up to every soldier and civilian in the military. If we are going to stamp out misconduct of all types, every person must enforce the standards. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.<br /><br />--<br /><br />MG(Ret) Robert D. Shadley served in key leadership and staff positions during his 33-year career. He is the author of &quot;The GAMe: Unraveling a Military Sex Scandal&quot; which documents sexual misconduct and abuse of power at an Army school. The book is on the Army Chief of Staff Professional Reading List. Wed, 26 Aug 2015 08:55:29 -0400 Eradicating the Cancer of Sexual Assaults from our Military <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>While serving as the Commanding General of the U. S. Army Ordnance Center and Schools at Aberdeen Proving Ground some two decades ago, I uncovered what was basically a crime ring. Drill sergeants were having a contest to see who could have sex with the most students in our advanced individual training classes. It became readily apparent by reading reports that this abuse of power was occurring not only at Aberdeen but also at other Army installations and within other Services.<br /><br />When all the studies by the Department of the Army were completed and formally announced in September 1997, the Pentagon’s emphasis for correcting the problem of sexual assaults was to allege that Aberdeen was an aberration and that sexual assaults were only a problem within one school’s command. They insisted that the problem that needed to be addressed Army-wide was sexual harassment.<br /><br />If one were to look at sexual assault as the cancer, then sexual harassment is the precursor. Attacking the issue of sexual harassment is vital to ensuring all civilians, military and family members are not subjected to objectionable language and conduct and are able to feel comfortable in the workplace and living areas. The cancer is still sexual assault and it continues to this day in our military.<br /><br />I have had the privilege and honor over the past two years to address hundreds of Sexual Assault Response Coordinators, Victims Advocates, Special Victims Counsels, and leaders who are working hard to eradicate the cancer of sexual assaults. I have also talked with survivors, commanders, family members, law enforcement officials, and medical personnel. I have learned from them that the cancer lives on, DOD-wide.<br /><br />As I go about discussing this issue in the private sector to include colleges, religious groups, civic organizations, and service organizations, I emphasize that it is only 1-2% of the military that are perpetrators of sexual assaults. But this 1-2% cause irreparable damage to survivors while concurrently damaging the reputation of the greatest military ever.<br /><br />My specific recommendations with regard to eradicating this cancer have remained consistent over the past few years. I know the women appointed to positions to work on this issue are working hard, and I mean no disrespect by the following comment: As long as the military keeps putting women in charge of the prevention of sexual harassment/sexual assault, these problems will be seen as women’s issues and not military issues. Prevention of sexual assault is not a personnel or human relations issue; it’s a force protection issue. It needs to be handled in units by the same staffs who are working to prevent injury and death by improvised explosive device attacks, terrorist attacks on facilities and people, etc.<br /><br />When working with the Department of Defense budget, be careful when cutting people who facilitate a commander’s ability to gain situational awareness of what is going on in echelons below him or her. It is essential that all support mechanisms are in place for soldiers and that the flow of information to decision makers is not impeded.<br /><br />Sexual harassment prevention training needs to be continual and frequent.<br />Using sex to get ahead should not be tolerated. Women need to police their ranks just like men must do for theirs. Anyone found guilty of sexual assault and other felonies should be drummed out of the Army (Military). No second chance, no mercy—just as the Army handled drug users beginning in the 1980s.<br /><br />In my simplistic mind, the key to the prevention of sexual harassment and sexual felonies in the military is for every service member and civilian, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, or rank, to be a keeper of the standards. If a soldier or civilian sees someone doing something that even appears to be wrong, he or she needs to call the offender (male or female) out on it. Give that person a chance to stop, unless it is so bad that higher ups need to know right away. If that person doesn’t stop, report them to their leadership.<br /><br />Leaders must do the “tough right” and not the “easy wrong.” They must act on concerns brought to their attention, and their subordinates need to know that it’s okay to take their complaints through other channels to get resolution. The enforcement of the highest tactical, technical, ethical, and moral standards is up to every soldier and civilian in the military. If we are going to stamp out misconduct of all types, every person must enforce the standards. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.<br /><br />--<br /><br />MG(Ret) Robert D. Shadley served in key leadership and staff positions during his 33-year career. He is the author of &quot;The GAMe: Unraveling a Military Sex Scandal&quot; which documents sexual misconduct and abuse of power at an Army school. The book is on the Army Chief of Staff Professional Reading List. MG Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 26 Aug 2015 08:55:29 -0400 2015-08-26T08:55:29-04:00 Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 26 at 2015 8:56 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I could have sworn I posted on this one already. LTC Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 26 Aug 2015 08:56:58 -0400 2015-08-26T08:56:58-04:00 Response by SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S. made Aug 26 at 2015 10:10 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I just don&#39;t see how this can be prevented in a highly emotionally charged environment where young and aggressive males and females are mixed in close proximity. SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S. Wed, 26 Aug 2015 10:10:30 -0400 2015-08-26T10:10:30-04:00 Response by SGT Kristin Wiley made Aug 26 at 2015 12:49 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>&quot;If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.&quot;<br />There are too many people in our ranks that are not a part of the solution, this isn&#39;t just about sexual assault and harassment it&#39;s about a decline in ethics. We need to eradicate these individuals who do not meet the ethical standards of the United States Military. This ethical standards is far more important, in my opinion, than any PT test, weapons test, or technical aptitude. SGT Kristin Wiley Wed, 26 Aug 2015 12:49:55 -0400 2015-08-26T12:49:55-04:00 Response by SCPO David Lockwood made Aug 26 at 2015 2:19 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Nice thought, but unfortunately as long as women and men are serving together this will be a problem. SCPO David Lockwood Wed, 26 Aug 2015 14:19:33 -0400 2015-08-26T14:19:33-04:00 Response by MSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 26 at 2015 3:26 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Until the military decides to handle this issue it will always be an issue. Handling does not mean four hour training sessions every other month in which we are taught that &quot;ALL&quot; Females are victims and &quot;ALL&quot; Males are sexual predators just waiting for their chance.<br />Rape is a horrible crime and the DoD has turned it into a joke through its Sexual Assault Prevention initiative. We have watered the crime down so much that we are desensitized to it now. <br />How can you expect service members to take sexual assault seriously when it includes consensual sex between two adults? Yes that is correct, currently consensual sex can be considered sexual assault. In fact I would go so far as to say that every member of this community, who has partaken in sexual activities, has committed a sexual assault based off of current guidance. Have you or your partner ever consumed alcohol prior? Have you ever not asked permission for each and every act? Have you ever not received a clear &quot;yes&quot; for each and every one of those questions? Have you ever been involved with another military member in which you were not the exact same rank with the same DOR? Afterwards has either one of you ever regretted your decision to engage in sexual activity? Or any of the other rules and requirements that must be completed prior to, during, and after sexual activity for it to be considered &quot;consensual&quot;.<br /><br />When the DoD decides to handle this like adults instead of letting civilians handle it with their kid gloves, then maybe we can fix this issue. MSgt Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 26 Aug 2015 15:26:31 -0400 2015-08-26T15:26:31-04:00 Response by SSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 26 at 2015 4:59 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This probably is shown in Hollywood with depictions of naked girls, sex with teachers (Porky&#39;s), Fast Times at Ridgement High (topless Phoebe Cates), Dazed and Confused (Matthew McConaghey) being graduated and saying that he gets older but the girls don&#39;t (pedarast) and all those movies with girls in scant clothing and big boobs being slaughtered by Freddy or the Chain Saw Massacre. <br /><br />I see the message coming out of Hollywood and teens see this before entering the service. Then they have the audacity to make commercials that invariably depict women as weak and unintelligent. I also know that females can shoot themselves in the foot but when young women come onto a Campus and see signs talking about their virginity may be taken or that kind of thing, I find this appalling and while I totally agree with your premise, this is country-wide. Too many laws that no one respects and no real solutions outside of punitive ones. Any TIs that resort to pimping our female members or sexually abuse them in any way is a horrific crime.<br /><br />For those considering such behavior you need to take a second look at your behavior and ask yourself, &quot;could that be my mother, sister, aunt, cousin or grandmother? Good post by the way, even for an officer.. lol. Just teasing but I have all the respect in the world to solving mindsets that perpetuate this immorality and disrespect and a force protection problem as you alluded to.<br /><br />Respectfully,<br />Larry SSgt Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 26 Aug 2015 16:59:48 -0400 2015-08-26T16:59:48-04:00 2015-08-26T08:55:29-04:00