SFC Private RallyPoint Member 7895394 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have recently promoted to SFC. I have about 17 months left on station; I will spend at least the next 6 or so months filling my current 30 slot, and I hope to get a 40 slot for the remaining time (which I should get 11 months KD time). <br /><br />I have had buddies who are currently recruiting who tell me not to do it, and that seems to be the consensus across the interwebs. However, I have always felt like I wanted a piece of that mission because I believe in it and what the Army has done for me, and I want to give others that opportunity. <br /><br />Though it might not happen as I am now an E7, and I am in a small MOS, I am highly considering putting in a recruiter packet. <br /><br />My question: seeing as I would only have 11 months at the most in a KD position, and I would get evaluated two years from now, would not meeting the 18 months in a KD position put me as NFQ? <br /><br />I know that it is not the best move for career progression, but I am honestly not holding my breath to reach MSG. And, as I have stated, I believe in the recruiting mission, and I believe it&#39;s an experience that I would like to have instead of regretting the decision not to try.<br /><br />Thanks for any input. Does going recruiter without necessary KD time put you at risk for NFQ by the promotion board? 2022-09-24T14:55:12-04:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 7895394 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have recently promoted to SFC. I have about 17 months left on station; I will spend at least the next 6 or so months filling my current 30 slot, and I hope to get a 40 slot for the remaining time (which I should get 11 months KD time). <br /><br />I have had buddies who are currently recruiting who tell me not to do it, and that seems to be the consensus across the interwebs. However, I have always felt like I wanted a piece of that mission because I believe in it and what the Army has done for me, and I want to give others that opportunity. <br /><br />Though it might not happen as I am now an E7, and I am in a small MOS, I am highly considering putting in a recruiter packet. <br /><br />My question: seeing as I would only have 11 months at the most in a KD position, and I would get evaluated two years from now, would not meeting the 18 months in a KD position put me as NFQ? <br /><br />I know that it is not the best move for career progression, but I am honestly not holding my breath to reach MSG. And, as I have stated, I believe in the recruiting mission, and I believe it&#39;s an experience that I would like to have instead of regretting the decision not to try.<br /><br />Thanks for any input. Does going recruiter without necessary KD time put you at risk for NFQ by the promotion board? 2022-09-24T14:55:12-04:00 2022-09-24T14:55:12-04:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 7897200 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>In order to be considered NFQ for promotion, you would have to be serving in a position below your grade or seriously messing up bad. If you have seen the grading system the board uses, a 3 out of 6 is Barely Qualified, a 2 is do not promote, a 1 is refer to QMP. NFQ is a 2 out of 6 on the grade scale. Unless your evals say did not meet standard, you shouldn&#39;t ever be at risk of being NFQ. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 26 at 2022 12:40 PM 2022-09-26T12:40:42-04:00 2022-09-26T12:40:42-04:00 2022-09-24T14:55:12-04:00