SGT(P) Karen Lonn 213985 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am not an expert on the TSP and Roth IRA, but I do know that it is important to invest in our futures. Does anyone have a Power Point Presentation that I could use. I want to give a class to my soldiers. It was never explained to me, and now looking back I wish that I had started earlier in my career. Do you have a class on Retirement/Savings Plans that I can give to my Soldiers? 2014-08-23T01:57:17-04:00 SGT(P) Karen Lonn 213985 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am not an expert on the TSP and Roth IRA, but I do know that it is important to invest in our futures. Does anyone have a Power Point Presentation that I could use. I want to give a class to my soldiers. It was never explained to me, and now looking back I wish that I had started earlier in my career. Do you have a class on Retirement/Savings Plans that I can give to my Soldiers? 2014-08-23T01:57:17-04:00 2014-08-23T01:57:17-04:00 CW4 Private RallyPoint Member 221149 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Greetings SGT Lonn,<br /><br />I don't have the power point any more but if you contact First Command Financial they could probably connect you with someone to give the class. Hope this helps... Response by CW4 Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 29 at 2014 8:32 AM 2014-08-29T08:32:41-04:00 2014-08-29T08:32:41-04:00 MAJ Daniel Buchholz 372531 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Make sure that you emphasize that the TSP is one of the better long term solutions for any retirement money. Even the cheapest ETF's have fees around .09 (not counting fees to purchase those ETF's) compared to the TSP's .03 fee. The performance is comparable to the ETF's the mirror each of the funds. Response by MAJ Daniel Buchholz made Dec 16 at 2014 12:16 PM 2014-12-16T12:16:42-05:00 2014-12-16T12:16:42-05:00 SSG Timothy McCoy 375356 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>SGT (P) Karen Lonn,<br /> KISS it, Sargent. <br /> Our jobs as NCOs are to prep our soldiers for either the Battle Field or the Board Room. This is one of the point I would cover on Integrate and monthly counseling. I TRIED kept it very simple. Investing is a multi- level, time, risk item. here is a couple of points to ponder<br /> The Rule of 72. Simple Interest compounding. example &lt; % interest received divided into 72 = years to double investment. or % / 72=time ex. 10%/72=7.2 years. Ex 7.2%/72=10 years. Ex. 5%/72=20 years. Ex. 2%/72=35years <br />Be and owner not a loaner as above.<br /> Think of a triangle. Bottom level, highest safety, lowest risk 60% of total investment ie. 6 months of living expenses in saving accounts, life issuance, land, trees, Education.<br /> Next level, less safety, higher risk, 30% of total investment, stocks, Bonds (no Saving Bonds, If you wnat to know I will tell you) invest what you can afford to loose.<br /> Next higher 7% of T.I. Gold, silver, Gems, artworks<br />Highest level 3% of T.I. LOTTO tickets No safety and you take on all the risk. Who knows you might be the next Million $$ soldier like the one in Texas(?).<br /><br />this is a very large nut schell if you want some more help LMK and I will give you what I know and this was a lot of it.<br />HtH<br />Tim Response by SSG Timothy McCoy made Dec 18 at 2014 1:32 AM 2014-12-18T01:32:00-05:00 2014-12-18T01:32:00-05:00 SFC John Birks 1312882 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I don't have them and more since I retired, but I found them by either searching Google and/or AKO for them (ex. TSP Brief.ppt, or Retirement brief.ppt, ect.) When searching for them I found it very helpful to add ".ppt" or ".pdf" in the search box and it would greatly narrow the results. Response by SFC John Birks made Feb 18 at 2016 5:21 PM 2016-02-18T17:21:03-05:00 2016-02-18T17:21:03-05:00 2014-08-23T01:57:17-04:00