SGT Jennifer Rixe 3521096 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Do you currently have a formal mental health diagnosis or believe that you have mental health symptoms but have not been formally diagnosed?<br /><br />If you are a veteran and have a mental health diagnosis or believe you have mental health symptoms but have not been formally diagnosed then you may qualify to be a part of a research study conducted in Tacoma, Washington through the University of Washington. <br />Research is being conducted by Masters in Social Work, Graduate student, Jennifer Rixe and Dr. Charles Emlet, Faculty Sponsor for educational purposes. The goal of this research project is to attempt to uncover more of the &quot;why&quot; as well as dig a little deeper into noted gaps in research by exploring the following question: What have been the experiences of veterans accessing (availability, acceptability, and accessibility) mental health care over time, and are there experiences and/or barriers to accessing treatment that are unique to veterans from different eras? <br /><br />We are in need of participants who fit the following criteria:<br />1. Must be a veteran<br />2. Must have dates of service between 1955 – 2018<br />3. Must have a formal mental health diagnosis or belief that they have mental health symptoms but have not received a formal mental health diagnosis<br />4. Must be willing to be interviewed for the purpose of research<br /><br />All information shared will be kept confidential and treated with the upmost care and respect given the sensitive nature of this topic. <br />*If you would like to participate in this research project, please email me through Rally Point email and I will give you my school contact information from there. Do you currently have a formal mental health diagnosis or believe that you have mental health symptoms but have not been formally diagnosed? 2018-04-07T11:53:43-04:00 SGT Jennifer Rixe 3521096 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Do you currently have a formal mental health diagnosis or believe that you have mental health symptoms but have not been formally diagnosed?<br /><br />If you are a veteran and have a mental health diagnosis or believe you have mental health symptoms but have not been formally diagnosed then you may qualify to be a part of a research study conducted in Tacoma, Washington through the University of Washington. <br />Research is being conducted by Masters in Social Work, Graduate student, Jennifer Rixe and Dr. Charles Emlet, Faculty Sponsor for educational purposes. The goal of this research project is to attempt to uncover more of the &quot;why&quot; as well as dig a little deeper into noted gaps in research by exploring the following question: What have been the experiences of veterans accessing (availability, acceptability, and accessibility) mental health care over time, and are there experiences and/or barriers to accessing treatment that are unique to veterans from different eras? <br /><br />We are in need of participants who fit the following criteria:<br />1. Must be a veteran<br />2. Must have dates of service between 1955 – 2018<br />3. Must have a formal mental health diagnosis or belief that they have mental health symptoms but have not received a formal mental health diagnosis<br />4. Must be willing to be interviewed for the purpose of research<br /><br />All information shared will be kept confidential and treated with the upmost care and respect given the sensitive nature of this topic. <br />*If you would like to participate in this research project, please email me through Rally Point email and I will give you my school contact information from there. Do you currently have a formal mental health diagnosis or believe that you have mental health symptoms but have not been formally diagnosed? 2018-04-07T11:53:43-04:00 2018-04-07T11:53:43-04:00 SPC Margaret Higgins 3521209 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="699849" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/699849-sgt-jennifer-rixe">SGT Jennifer Rixe</a>: The Army diagnosed me with: a 100% s/c mental illness; and, with a 100% s/c stress disorder. Response by SPC Margaret Higgins made Apr 7 at 2018 12:33 PM 2018-04-07T12:33:25-04:00 2018-04-07T12:33:25-04:00 SGT Joseph Gunderson 3521504 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1. Yup, definitely a veteran<br />2. Dates of service 2007-2014<br />3. Bipolar Axis I - formal diagnosis<br />4. Sure, don&#39;t care Response by SGT Joseph Gunderson made Apr 7 at 2018 2:08 PM 2018-04-07T14:08:17-04:00 2018-04-07T14:08:17-04:00 PVT Mark Brown 3522487 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Well, my wife thinks I am crazy as a bed bug. However, I have been diagnosed PTSD by the VA and currently am being treated for such. I want to add that I was given several medications when I was originally diagnosed, some to make me sleep without nightmares, some to wake me up in the AM, mood during the day, anti-depressants, etc. After a few weeks, I stopped taking all of them. The medications were worse than the PTSd symptoms. I have been in the VA mental health system for over 10 years now. Response by PVT Mark Brown made Apr 7 at 2018 7:40 PM 2018-04-07T19:40:13-04:00 2018-04-07T19:40:13-04:00 SSgt Terry P. 3522658 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="699849" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/699849-sgt-jennifer-rixe">SGT Jennifer Rixe</a> Diagnosed with PTSD in 1999 or 2000---still have problems after almost 20 years,maybe if diagnosed and received some treatment 25 years earlier might have made some difference in my life. Semper Fi Response by SSgt Terry P. made Apr 7 at 2018 8:51 PM 2018-04-07T20:51:52-04:00 2018-04-07T20:51:52-04:00 TSgt David L. 3522982 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Some have called us EOD Techs crazy! LOL<br />Not the direction you&#39;re going for though! Hahaha Response by TSgt David L. made Apr 7 at 2018 11:57 PM 2018-04-07T23:57:34-04:00 2018-04-07T23:57:34-04:00 SGT Jennifer Rixe 3536176 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I should have probably lead with this to the very top of my recruitment flier when I posted this - This is a very sensitive topic and not a lot of people like to discuss this personal information with perfect strangers - I can completely understand any hesitation. I am really wanting to know what the veteran&#39;s perspective is rather than gather numbers for data. I want to be able to tell a story about the bigger picture. People have very different opinions about accessing services and I&#39;m in hopes to find out what some of the barriers are from a first person perspective. All information will be kept confidential and participants will choose pseudo names to replace their own names. I have received some volunteers, however, they have primarily been from the Army (which isn&#39;t a bad thing HOOAH). I would like to try to reach out to other branches as well as veterans from other eras... I sincerely want to thank those of you who have volunteered thus far and am looking forward to scheduling interviews with you in the near future. Thank you all for your service! Response by SGT Jennifer Rixe made Apr 12 at 2018 1:59 AM 2018-04-12T01:59:26-04:00 2018-04-12T01:59:26-04:00 COL John McClellan 3536846 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Great effort! Thanks for pursuing this on behalf of our Vets!! Response by COL John McClellan made Apr 12 at 2018 9:27 AM 2018-04-12T09:27:42-04:00 2018-04-12T09:27:42-04:00 MSgt Stephen Council 3537251 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="699849" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/699849-sgt-jennifer-rixe">SGT Jennifer Rixe</a> At the risk of being &quot;Too Candid&quot;, I would NEVER post any statistics on my mental health or lack thereof. We see veterans having their rights subsumed by the VA and government far to often (and to be clear, once is too often) just because they have a &quot;mental issue&quot;. I will never answer questions about my mental or physical wellbeing publicly. Thanx for your information, but I just thought you should know how at least on retired veteran feels about this issue. Response by MSgt Stephen Council made Apr 12 at 2018 11:39 AM 2018-04-12T11:39:04-04:00 2018-04-12T11:39:04-04:00 LTC Joe Likar 3537499 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am currently rated as 90%disabled by the VA. Along with 10% unemployability 100% total and permanent disabled currently enrolled in two mh groups at the VA. Surprising how much combat veterans have in common Response by LTC Joe Likar made Apr 12 at 2018 12:55 PM 2018-04-12T12:55:43-04:00 2018-04-12T12:55:43-04:00 LCpl Private RallyPoint Member 3541096 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I need more info about where the research is to be conducted and for how long of a perod of time I have been diagnosed with ptsd by four Dr.s and people say just forget about it currently the V.A has had my paperwork for three years Response by LCpl Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 13 at 2018 6:28 PM 2018-04-13T18:28:22-04:00 2018-04-13T18:28:22-04:00 SSG Arnett Kamer 3554268 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>???? Response by SSG Arnett Kamer made Apr 18 at 2018 7:24 AM 2018-04-18T07:24:31-04:00 2018-04-18T07:24:31-04:00 SGM Steve Richards 3570476 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I was diagnosed in 2015, although I felt symptomatic since 2005. PTSD, CHRONIC DEPPRESSION, AUDIBLE and VISUAL PYSCHOSIS. Response by SGM Steve Richards made Apr 23 at 2018 4:41 PM 2018-04-23T16:41:07-04:00 2018-04-23T16:41:07-04:00 SSgt Edward Iwanski 3579821 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Can’t say I have any symptoms, just react to gun shots and helicopters. Response by SSgt Edward Iwanski made Apr 26 at 2018 6:35 PM 2018-04-26T18:35:34-04:00 2018-04-26T18:35:34-04:00 MSG Louis Alexander 3590737 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Never been diagnosed to do so was a sign of weakness just worked through it on my own, crazier then hell since 69, does that qualify me? Response by MSG Louis Alexander made May 1 at 2018 5:55 AM 2018-05-01T05:55:06-04:00 2018-05-01T05:55:06-04:00 MAJ Derrick Johnson 3624652 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>First, I am a Licensed Mental Health Professional. There’s a lot that has been advancemented in PTSD treatment. The problem is, with the mental health system, particularly the VA and how they provide services and the connection between benefits evaluators and mental health records. Not only that, but 9-5 hours and nothing extra from the VA in services just makes matters worse. Furthermore, the over medication of Vets is astounding and unconscionable.... just my 2 cents worth. Response by MAJ Derrick Johnson made May 13 at 2018 2:54 PM 2018-05-13T14:54:35-04:00 2018-05-13T14:54:35-04:00 PO2 Sam Vanderburg 3628176 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Yes, I do have a mental health diagnosis. It is Major Depression. I personally think it started while in the Navy as a Hospital Corpsman at the age of 19 and having to deal with death and dying of my patients - folks in a Coronary Care Unit. I came how one day after a few months on the job to my wife (still married to her after marrying at 18 and now 62!) and son to have her ask what was wrong with me. I was changed she said. I simply told her that too many people were dying. I did not know how to express it further. Later, when this had blown to a full blown problem, the only help I got was that the Leading Petty Officer for Nursing Service at my hospital told me that I was suffering from burn-out and would recover. I got better, and went on a hardened person who could not accept his own wife being ill... I worked surgery for 30 years - most of it civilian - after training in the Navy and this continued to roll over me. It was terribly aggravated by a nerve injury that I suffered in my 30&#39;s. I became suicidal in my 50&#39;s and dern near succeeded. Thank God I did not! Now we know burn out to be PTSD, but without any official records on it, it is not considered military related by the VA even though I know that is where it happened.<br />Take care of yourself. If you are having challenges with mental health, seek out care. I have high praise for how the Dallas VA mental health pros helped me. I realized I needed serious help and sought it out...and they came through in spades and still are! Response by PO2 Sam Vanderburg made May 14 at 2018 8:23 PM 2018-05-14T20:23:56-04:00 2018-05-14T20:23:56-04:00 Sgt Dale Briggs 3664226 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Diagnosed over 20 years ago, I saw a neuropsychologist in Durham for years, mainly treated with meds. The nightmares come and go, the Panic attacks further a part, you just get better as dealing with the bs. Response by Sgt Dale Briggs made May 27 at 2018 9:07 AM 2018-05-27T09:07:28-04:00 2018-05-27T09:07:28-04:00 SP5 Geoffrey Vannerson 3714757 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sorry to say but 75% of the worlds population is &quot;bat-crap&quot; crazy! Problem is most don&#39;t know it, and the ones who do don&#39;t care and probably don&#39;t mind. Good luck fishing in that pond!!! Response by SP5 Geoffrey Vannerson made Jun 15 at 2018 4:40 PM 2018-06-15T16:40:08-04:00 2018-06-15T16:40:08-04:00 SSG William Patton 3718289 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I would like to learn more about this research program. Response by SSG William Patton made Jun 17 at 2018 12:14 AM 2018-06-17T00:14:25-04:00 2018-06-17T00:14:25-04:00 SFC Harry (Billy) Tison 3738895 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have been diagnosed with PTSD, but I don&#39;t know exactly why Response by SFC Harry (Billy) Tison made Jun 24 at 2018 2:58 PM 2018-06-24T14:58:00-04:00 2018-06-24T14:58:00-04:00 Sgt Dale Briggs 4873984 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Good luck with your endeavor, I know there’s many who suffer and ptsd is a terrible thing to live with for many. Thank you. Response by Sgt Dale Briggs made Aug 2 at 2019 11:16 AM 2019-08-02T11:16:39-04:00 2019-08-02T11:16:39-04:00 SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth 5385861 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Showed all the signs of PTSD after a childhood trauma, never was diagnosed until later in life, have had a lot of great support from family and friends in my trial of living through it, tried to self medicate for years, left that stuff behind with family support. Response by SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth made Dec 27 at 2019 12:42 PM 2019-12-27T12:42:00-05:00 2019-12-27T12:42:00-05:00 2018-04-07T11:53:43-04:00