SSG Private RallyPoint Member 518308 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Why or why not Do you agree or disagree with not being able to wear headphones in the army pt uniform while in the gym? 2015-03-07T22:22:36-05:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 518308 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Why or why not Do you agree or disagree with not being able to wear headphones in the army pt uniform while in the gym? 2015-03-07T22:22:36-05:00 2015-03-07T22:22:36-05:00 Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS 518316 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>There are safety concerns about wearing headphones while exercising, in general. Being indoors, at the gym in specific mitigates many of those, however the regulation was likely built around a &quot;all or nothing&quot; philosophy. Response by Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS made Mar 7 at 2015 10:28 PM 2015-03-07T22:28:03-05:00 2015-03-07T22:28:03-05:00 CW3 Craig Linghor 518322 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>All for freedom of choice. Even if it gets you killed. Response by CW3 Craig Linghor made Mar 7 at 2015 10:37 PM 2015-03-07T22:37:54-05:00 2015-03-07T22:37:54-05:00 SSG(P) Private RallyPoint Member 518501 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I think you should be able to wear headphones while in PTs either in the gym or running on a track. The reason for this is that most people actually work out better when listening to music. Response by SSG(P) Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 8 at 2015 1:40 AM 2015-03-08T01:40:23-05:00 2015-03-08T01:40:23-05:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 518555 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>In the Gym? Absolutely!<br />The problem is that many people are too silly to only utilize them in the gym. Many will think that since it is O.K. in the gym then everywhere is authorized.<br /><br />Many of the young Soldiers these days do not even try to respect the Uniform.<br /><br />Honestly I thought it was O.K. in the gym. I would not bother anyone about that. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 8 at 2015 4:05 AM 2015-03-08T04:05:40-04:00 2015-03-08T04:05:40-04:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 518574 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-28616"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0ADo you agree or disagree with not being able to wear headphones in the army pt uniform while in the gym?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="76ff3ae978dc947c1d6c55603fe2175f" href=""><img src="" alt="Consent card" /></a></div></div>I honestly don&#39;t know if it&#39;s in the regulation per say versus post commander directed. I know on CP Walker here in Korea I&#39;ve seen Soldiers in PT&#39;s wearing headphones in the gym and I wanted to gorilla stomp &#39;em until their great, great grandchildren begged me to stop.<br /><br />But then I&#39;ve been in that mood for the past couple weeks. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 8 at 2015 4:47 AM 2015-03-08T04:47:25-04:00 2015-03-08T04:47:25-04:00 MSG Private RallyPoint Member 518988 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If Soldiers are not allowed to have headphones in the gym while in uniform then NCOs just enforce the standards. Obviously, someone ruined this for everyone else and now this is why this rule exists. In addition, if you do not know how to get a good workout in the gym without headphones then exit the gym immediately and go on a 10-mile run minimum. Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 8 at 2015 12:19 PM 2015-03-08T12:19:49-04:00 2015-03-08T12:19:49-04:00 SPC David Shaffer 519013 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have to agree with many others and say that headphones should never be worn while in uniform. You want to wear headphones? Don't wear the uniform. That's my opinion on the subject. Response by SPC David Shaffer made Mar 8 at 2015 12:35 PM 2015-03-08T12:35:48-04:00 2015-03-08T12:35:48-04:00 SGM Billy Herrington 519084 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I think I know where this is coming from.<br /><br />I will venture to guess that you are prohibited from wearing civilian clothes during a certain time period in the gym unless you are on leave. Those hours are probably &quot;normal&quot; pt time. Also, no headphones in pt&#39;s while working out in the gym.<br /><br />I agree with neither. However, I&#39;m sure someone ruined a good thing. Some jackass was probably walking out of the gym in pt&#39;s with headphones in and pissed off the post CSM. Then the next week he noticed nobody but him wearing pt&#39;s in the gym working out. Response by SGM Billy Herrington made Mar 8 at 2015 1:12 PM 2015-03-08T13:12:04-04:00 2015-03-08T13:12:04-04:00 SSG Trevor S. 519109 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I used to route earbuds through my sleeve and under my shirt to keep the cord from flopping around. Aside from making sure nothing is outlandish, IMO earbuds should be ok. Large head phones may present other issues though. A good idea might be to look in the locker room mirror and figure out if you would correct yourself. Of course some local policies may be a pain in the rump. Instead of fighting those on the spot work up the chain to see if you can influence by logic and reason the policy maker. Response by SSG Trevor S. made Mar 8 at 2015 1:30 PM 2015-03-08T13:30:04-04:00 2015-03-08T13:30:04-04:00 1SG Michael Blount 999646 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Personally, I think it's a stupid idea. I can see not wearing earbuds or headphones while outside running. But in the gym? C'mon man! Response by 1SG Michael Blount made Sep 28 at 2015 11:51 AM 2015-09-28T11:51:17-04:00 2015-09-28T11:51:17-04:00 MAJ Ken Landgren 999770 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What is the rationale for the rule? Response by MAJ Ken Landgren made Sep 28 at 2015 12:30 PM 2015-09-28T12:30:03-04:00 2015-09-28T12:30:03-04:00 CSM David Heidke 1000203 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>At the McGuire AFB gym, they had TVs in front of all the treadmills and ellipticals, how were you supposed to listen to them without headphones? Response by CSM David Heidke made Sep 28 at 2015 3:23 PM 2015-09-28T15:23:29-04:00 2015-09-28T15:23:29-04:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 1354707 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Here's what I got from talking to a civilian employee working at a gym on Ft. Drum (this was about 5 years ago): concerning uniform standards when a person or group of people come into the gym in the IPFU they assume that they are doing official PT, which means that they are working according to an approved plan, with a risk assessment and someone knowing that they are there and not without oversight. When a person is in the gym not in the IPFU the staff assumes they are there on their own. 90% of the time this doesn't matter, but in the case of an emergency this slightly alters how they respond to that situation. Now, when I asked about this, it was in reference to using the pool, and if anyone would care if I was or was not in the Army shorts or not. The lifeguards told me that if I am alone, it would be better if I was NOT in any kind of Army uniform. <br /><br />So, my opinion: wear of the IPFU in the gym should not be done unless you are doing PT as a group in the gym, with oversight, an approved PT plan and a risk assessment. The uniform indicates organization, and tells the staff that the group is supervised. Use of ear buds inside a gym should be fine, if there is an emergency requiring evacuation or something like that there are measures in place to ensure that hearing impaired people can be alerted. We can't all be motivated to run faster and harder with Fox News on half the TVs that we can't hear anyway. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 4 at 2016 1:40 PM 2016-03-04T13:40:07-05:00 2016-03-04T13:40:07-05:00 MSG Private RallyPoint Member 1514804 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Army Directive 2016-20 dated 6 May 2016, Effective immediately, unless the unit or installation commander prohibits otherwise, Soldiers may use headphones, including wireless or non-wireless devices and earpieces, in uniform only while performing individual physical training in indoor gyms or fitness centers. Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made May 10 at 2016 12:49 AM 2016-05-10T00:49:04-04:00 2016-05-10T00:49:04-04:00 SPC Sheila Lewis 1874333 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Gym only, this keeps the confusion down. Response by SPC Sheila Lewis made Sep 8 at 2016 3:25 PM 2016-09-08T15:25:51-04:00 2016-09-08T15:25:51-04:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 2273755 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="439402" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/439402-00g-drill-sergeant-689th-rpoe-833rd-transpo">SSG Private RallyPoint Member</a> common sense should apply. If inside and it is not loud enough so everyone in the room hears it and it does not create a safety issue (if long cord and using machines that can suck it in) then they should be allowed. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 23 at 2017 4:31 AM 2017-01-23T04:31:26-05:00 2017-01-23T04:31:26-05:00 CPT Private RallyPoint Member 2274500 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>In today&#39;s atmosphere yes I agree. You lose situational awareness when using them. Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 23 at 2017 10:25 AM 2017-01-23T10:25:00-05:00 2017-01-23T10:25:00-05:00 SP5 Briborne 18 Wolf 2623149 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Respect the uniform, respect the code. If you can&#39;t handle a simple policy like no ear phones while in pt&#39;s then maybe you should consider another career. Response by SP5 Briborne 18 Wolf made Jun 4 at 2017 3:19 PM 2017-06-04T15:19:26-04:00 2017-06-04T15:19:26-04:00 SFC Stephen King 3817615 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>In the Gym yes. However, if approached by a known higher ranking individual one must still listen to those above them &quot;Tact is key&quot; Response by SFC Stephen King made Jul 23 at 2018 10:24 AM 2018-07-23T10:24:15-04:00 2018-07-23T10:24:15-04:00 SFC William Stephens 3818318 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>WTF?&gt; Response by SFC William Stephens made Jul 23 at 2018 2:11 PM 2018-07-23T14:11:32-04:00 2018-07-23T14:11:32-04:00 MSgt Neil Greenfield 3819173 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Kind of, no, a really assine rule. I wouldn’t call the Army PT “uniform” a uniform. Are you expected to keep creases, spit shine your gym/running shoes, salute, etc? <br />When I was in the Army, the gym uniform was a white t-shirt, fatigue trousers, and combat boots. Response by MSgt Neil Greenfield made Jul 23 at 2018 7:20 PM 2018-07-23T19:20:07-04:00 2018-07-23T19:20:07-04:00 MSG Danny Mathers 3819176 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What if there is an active shooter, fire, whatever? Response by MSG Danny Mathers made Jul 23 at 2018 7:21 PM 2018-07-23T19:21:57-04:00 2018-07-23T19:21:57-04:00 SSG Warren Swan 3819616 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Didn’t they change that to where you could as long as you’re inside the gym proper? Response by SSG Warren Swan made Jul 23 at 2018 10:35 PM 2018-07-23T22:35:08-04:00 2018-07-23T22:35:08-04:00 1SG Clifford Barnes 6299592 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>l agree with not wearing them because they can be a distraction especially if something happens and you may not be aware of their surroundings Response by 1SG Clifford Barnes made Sep 10 at 2020 9:53 PM 2020-09-10T21:53:25-04:00 2020-09-10T21:53:25-04:00 2015-03-07T22:22:36-05:00