SGT Private RallyPoint Member 7474591 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Can your command team stop you from going on terminal leave? I know we can only sell 60 days to the Army. Can your command team deny your terminal leave and force you to sell/waste all your leave days? 2022-01-14T11:01:43-05:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 7474591 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Can your command team stop you from going on terminal leave? I know we can only sell 60 days to the Army. Can your command team deny your terminal leave and force you to sell/waste all your leave days? 2022-01-14T11:01:43-05:00 2022-01-14T11:01:43-05:00 SSgt Christophe Murphy 7474597 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Commanders are the ones who approve leave. I&#39;m curious because you said Command Team instead of the CO. <br /><br />Terminal Leave is still ultimately a leave request and isn&#39;t a given. You still have to walk the paperwork. I would recommend just speaking to your leadership and figure out where the point of friction is. Sometimes it can be fixed with a 5 minute conversation. Response by SSgt Christophe Murphy made Jan 14 at 2022 11:08 AM 2022-01-14T11:08:26-05:00 2022-01-14T11:08:26-05:00 Lt Col Jim Coe 7474756 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Commanders approve leave, so, yes, you can be denied leave. Normally, the Commander will need a good reason from your supervisor to deny terminal leave. You can talk to your supervisor, First Sergeant, and Commander (in that order) about a denial. Response by Lt Col Jim Coe made Jan 14 at 2022 12:17 PM 2022-01-14T12:17:27-05:00 2022-01-14T12:17:27-05:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 7474773 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You could use the search function and find that same question asked about a dozen times.<br /><br />Yes. Yes they can. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 14 at 2022 12:26 PM 2022-01-14T12:26:34-05:00 2022-01-14T12:26:34-05:00 SGM Private RallyPoint Member 7475187 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Read all of AR 600-8-10.<br />A commander can approve or deny leave requests.<br /><br />If your departure from the Army falls under any of the reasons listed in AR 600-8-10, Ch 2-5, then your accrued leave is forfeited, a commander is not authorized to approve any leave, and you can not sell it back.. Response by SGM Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 14 at 2022 5:22 PM 2022-01-14T17:22:40-05:00 2022-01-14T17:22:40-05:00 SMSgt Bob W. 7476692 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If the excuse is &quot; are to valuable to the unit...&quot; Get a bucket of water, roll up your sleeve, stick your arm into the water and pull it out. It a &quot;hole&quot; is in the water, they are correct, you are to valuable. The person who replaces you may do the job you are now doing better, worse or slower than you. With practice the replacement will meet the standards. Enjoy your leave. Response by SMSgt Bob W. made Jan 15 at 2022 2:58 PM 2022-01-15T14:58:53-05:00 2022-01-15T14:58:53-05:00 2022-01-14T11:01:43-05:00