Can you believe a student was suspended for wearing a shirt with an American flag on it?
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<a target="blank" href="">Texas high school student suspended over American flag T-shirt</a>
<p class="pta-link-card-description">A Texas high school student was punished with in-school suspension last Monday after a teacher discovered he was wearing an American flag T-shirt, FOX 4 reported.</p>
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Sun, 20 Sep 2015 19:03:27 -0400Can you believe a student was suspended for wearing a shirt with an American flag on it?
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<a target="blank" href="">Texas high school student suspended over American flag T-shirt</a>
<p class="pta-link-card-description">A Texas high school student was punished with in-school suspension last Monday after a teacher discovered he was wearing an American flag T-shirt, FOX 4 reported.</p>
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SSgt Alex RobinsonSun, 20 Sep 2015 19:03:27 -04002015-09-20T19:03:27-04:00Response by SSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 20 at 2015 7:04 PM
<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Yes!!!! lolSSgt Private RallyPoint MemberSun, 20 Sep 2015 19:04:47 -04002015-09-20T19:04:47-04:00Response by SSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 20 at 2015 7:18 PM
<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This was posted by Fox News 4 in Dallas 4-5 days ago! It is NOT old news SFC Jerry C. . The principal has apologized and said it was allowable.. How about that?? <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="628831" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/628831-ssgt-alex-robinson">SSgt Alex Robinson</a>SSgt Private RallyPoint MemberSun, 20 Sep 2015 19:18:21 -04002015-09-20T19:18:21-04:00Response by CPO Andy Carrillo, MS made Sep 20 at 2015 9:30 PM
<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>In Texas no less? CA, to be expected (reference to Morgan Hill High School t-shirt controversy). Somebody's messin' with Texas unless they've gone Katelyn on US...CPO Andy Carrillo, MSSun, 20 Sep 2015 21:30:49 -04002015-09-20T21:30:49-04:00Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 21 at 2015 2:03 AM
<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Why does any busybody worry about what a student is wearing UNDER a hoodie?<br />I understand dress codes, but who does that?1SG Private RallyPoint MemberMon, 21 Sep 2015 02:03:55 -04002015-09-21T02:03:55-04:00Response by SGT Jeremiah B. made Sep 21 at 2015 2:08 AM
<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Read the article. He wasn't suspended for the flag, he was suspended for violating dress code, which requires plain colored shirts. Why do people think they can use patriotism to break any rule they want?<br /><br />Want to be an asshole? Put a flag on whatever you're going to use to be one and it's like an instant free pass.SGT Jeremiah B.Mon, 21 Sep 2015 02:08:47 -04002015-09-21T02:08:47-04:00Response by SGT Jerrold Pesz made Sep 21 at 2015 2:35 AM
<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Actually I can believe it.SGT Jerrold PeszMon, 21 Sep 2015 02:35:42 -04002015-09-21T02:35:42-04:00Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 21 at 2015 4:21 AM
<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>At least the school back tracked and identified it as mistake. I would have been quite upset if they had supported the teacher.1SG Private RallyPoint MemberMon, 21 Sep 2015 04:21:31 -04002015-09-21T04:21:31-04:002015-09-20T19:03:27-04:00