SGT(P) Private RallyPoint Member 2950515 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am Active duty and looking to get my firefighter certification while I am here. The local college doesnt have the program and the one college that does is over 400 miles away. So I reached out to a Voulnteer fire department and they have classes. Is there certain restrictions that the Army will put for me with volunteering, Etc? Ive spoken to my NCOIC and the 1SG neither have had this scenario. Can you be a volunteer firefighter on active duty? 2017-09-26T23:28:37-04:00 SGT(P) Private RallyPoint Member 2950515 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am Active duty and looking to get my firefighter certification while I am here. The local college doesnt have the program and the one college that does is over 400 miles away. So I reached out to a Voulnteer fire department and they have classes. Is there certain restrictions that the Army will put for me with volunteering, Etc? Ive spoken to my NCOIC and the 1SG neither have had this scenario. Can you be a volunteer firefighter on active duty? 2017-09-26T23:28:37-04:00 2017-09-26T23:28:37-04:00 SPC Private RallyPoint Member 2950545 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Yes, you can volunteer while on active duty. I am stationed at Fort Lewis and am currently doing just that. There are no restrictions for soldiers holding volunteer positions outside of normal duty hours. However, since it is a life threatening job, your chain of command must be notified. Also, most fire departments require some sort of commitment over a set period of time maybe before and/or after going through the academy. You can&#39;t just get the certs and leave. Response by SPC Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 26 at 2017 11:45 PM 2017-09-26T23:45:40-04:00 2017-09-26T23:45:40-04:00 SGT Christopher Hayden 2950799 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I know of a few AD here at Hood that Volunteer at one of the Departments. I&#39;d imagine it&#39;s just like getting a second job, just getting approval from your CO. Response by SGT Christopher Hayden made Sep 27 at 2017 4:52 AM 2017-09-27T04:52:37-04:00 2017-09-27T04:52:37-04:00 SGT Matthew S. 2952092 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As far as I know you can, as long as your chain of command signs off. The military is still your primary obligation and takes precedence, but most volunteer departments I know of are familiar with that in regards to members regular jobs. Response by SGT Matthew S. made Sep 27 at 2017 1:51 PM 2017-09-27T13:51:17-04:00 2017-09-27T13:51:17-04:00 SGT Eric Knutson 2952145 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Like several others have said, get the check mark from your Chain and go for it, it never got my attention for myself, but everywhere I have served, there was always at least one, and many times 4 or 5 that were part of one of the local volunteer depts from the surrounding area. The Depts love it because they get a fit person who is kept in shape, and the Army likes it as well because it gives us many people with a higher level of lifesaving and firefighting than the average troop. which makes everyone safer in the long run. Response by SGT Eric Knutson made Sep 27 at 2017 2:02 PM 2017-09-27T14:02:32-04:00 2017-09-27T14:02:32-04:00 SGT Dave Tracy 2952319 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If your chain is okay with it, yes. I had a buddy at Ft. Bliss who was a volunteer fire fighter. Response by SGT Dave Tracy made Sep 27 at 2017 2:56 PM 2017-09-27T14:56:54-04:00 2017-09-27T14:56:54-04:00 SPC Daniel Rankin 2952324 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I do not know about the full time army, but when I got out of I went into full time National Guard in Washington State for the duration of my 8 years and fought fires then. In This state the military has fought fires and has a training program for forest fires and desert fires that is because we live in a state that is plagued by fires every summer. Check with your local departments on the post and see what you can do and also with your commanders. Response by SPC Daniel Rankin made Sep 27 at 2017 2:59 PM 2017-09-27T14:59:04-04:00 2017-09-27T14:59:04-04:00 Cpl Justin Goolsby 2952825 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Yes you can, but typically your command has to be in the loop. Furthermore, outside employment typically can&#39;t interfere with your primary military duties. I knew a Marine who worked his regular military job, then he also did medic and firefighter in his offtime. Typically he saved up his leave time so that he could take a day off here and there if he had a long shift. But I would recommend being at the top of your game in your MOS. You command doesn&#39;t have to approve your request to seek outside employment. They could even deny it if they feel your job proficiency is lacking. Response by Cpl Justin Goolsby made Sep 27 at 2017 6:46 PM 2017-09-27T18:46:10-04:00 2017-09-27T18:46:10-04:00 SPC Brandon Israel 2954893 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If ur Commander signs off on it, but u have to already be trained and certified before enlisting, like I was. Response by SPC Brandon Israel made Sep 28 at 2017 1:49 PM 2017-09-28T13:49:24-04:00 2017-09-28T13:49:24-04:00 Jeffrey Peddie 3857565 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You can take classes from the Forest Service for Type 1, Type 2, or Fire Science Degree. Most Districts have a scholarship program. Response by Jeffrey Peddie made Aug 6 at 2018 2:38 PM 2018-08-06T14:38:13-04:00 2018-08-06T14:38:13-04:00 MAJ Byron Oyler 4038667 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I did it while at FT Sam Houston and the grey area is if you need to do an off duty employment packet (even for volunteers). My unit at Sam did not care however here at Bliss I have to do an off duty packet to volunteer anywhere. Response by MAJ Byron Oyler made Oct 12 at 2018 12:47 AM 2018-10-12T00:47:46-04:00 2018-10-12T00:47:46-04:00 2017-09-26T23:28:37-04:00