MAJ Private RallyPoint Member 428113 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-20053"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0ACan addressing junior service members by rank alone be considered a derogatory term?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="38cbdc1f280e8a902f516fc785f63e23" href=""><img src="" alt="Image" /></a></div></div>Throughout my career, I have noticed that certain rank-titles have been continually used in a derogatory manner. The most glaring of these are &#39;Private&#39;, &#39;Specialist&#39;, &#39;Cadet&#39;, &#39;Lieutenant&#39;, and &#39;LT&#39;. <br /><br />Here are a few examples:<br />- &quot;Hey ________, come here!&quot;<br />- &quot;Hurry up ________!&quot;<br />- &quot;What are you doing ________?&quot;<br /><br />You would never hear someone use those phrases to an NCO or officer of the rank of Captain or higher, especially without adding their name to their rank when addressing them, so why talk down to someone just because they&#39;re of a certain rank?<br /><br />This has always bothered me; especially when it was directed at me while I was serving at each of those ranks. So, as a tiny effort, for the past 10 years or so, I have avoided using those rank-titles in a stand-alone manner. Can addressing junior service members by rank alone be considered a derogatory term? 2015-01-21T00:15:05-05:00 MAJ Private RallyPoint Member 428113 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-20053"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href=";;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0ACan addressing junior service members by rank alone be considered a derogatory term?%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link:" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="1f39327ced9958cdf3744379694435c9" href=""><img src="" alt="Image" /></a></div></div>Throughout my career, I have noticed that certain rank-titles have been continually used in a derogatory manner. The most glaring of these are &#39;Private&#39;, &#39;Specialist&#39;, &#39;Cadet&#39;, &#39;Lieutenant&#39;, and &#39;LT&#39;. <br /><br />Here are a few examples:<br />- &quot;Hey ________, come here!&quot;<br />- &quot;Hurry up ________!&quot;<br />- &quot;What are you doing ________?&quot;<br /><br />You would never hear someone use those phrases to an NCO or officer of the rank of Captain or higher, especially without adding their name to their rank when addressing them, so why talk down to someone just because they&#39;re of a certain rank?<br /><br />This has always bothered me; especially when it was directed at me while I was serving at each of those ranks. So, as a tiny effort, for the past 10 years or so, I have avoided using those rank-titles in a stand-alone manner. Can addressing junior service members by rank alone be considered a derogatory term? 2015-01-21T00:15:05-05:00 2015-01-21T00:15:05-05:00 SGT Jonathan Williams 428127 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You should really do what is the cultural norm for the Army. You must do what the regulation directs. They are the same in this regard. As you have noted, it is in 600-20. To do otherwise; you are breaking the rules. Why join if you did not want to play the game... in its entirety? Response by SGT Jonathan Williams made Jan 21 at 2015 12:24 AM 2015-01-21T00:24:56-05:00 2015-01-21T00:24:56-05:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 428141 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sir, I chose this option because there wasn't one that fit what I wanted to say better. I think a balance needs to be struck. While you're confident that the people subordinate to you understand the rank structure and where they fit within it, referring to them in this manner seems acceptable. However, if it begins to develop a sense of entitlement to be "coddled", as opposed to ordered, this type of behavior should stop. Some may argue that the very practice of this behavior significantly increases the odds that sense of entitlement will occur in the first place. I do not know if this is true.... I will tailor my requests so that they sound like just that… long as both of us know that's not really what they are there isn't an issue. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 12:30 AM 2015-01-21T00:30:27-05:00 2015-01-21T00:30:27-05:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 428142 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>That Soldier is not a mister anymore he is a private, specialist, or lieutenant in the United States Army. From my perspective those titles outweigh mister. Anyone can be mister but you need to raise your right hand to be a private, specialist, or lieutenant. You&#39;re doing your Soldiers a disservice by not addressing them by their proper title. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 12:30 AM 2015-01-21T00:30:45-05:00 2015-01-21T00:30:45-05:00 LTC Stephen C. 428164 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="7246" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/7246-34a-strategic-intelligence-officer-dia-usd-intelligence">MAJ Private RallyPoint Member</a>, much ado about nothing. Just go by the AR. Response by LTC Stephen C. made Jan 21 at 2015 12:49 AM 2015-01-21T00:49:55-05:00 2015-01-21T00:49:55-05:00 SPC(P) Jay Heenan 428170 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I decided since your name is LT Slaughter, you can call me ANYTHING you want! Response by SPC(P) Jay Heenan made Jan 21 at 2015 12:57 AM 2015-01-21T00:57:10-05:00 2015-01-21T00:57:10-05:00 TSgt Private RallyPoint Member 428174 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The prescribed terms are not derogatory by themselves but they can be turned into a derogatory term Response by TSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 12:59 AM 2015-01-21T00:59:50-05:00 2015-01-21T00:59:50-05:00 MSgt Joseph Doyle 428181 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sir,<br /><br />I think I get where you are coming from, but correct me if I'm wrong. You are more referring to the tone in which these ranks are used, which can tend to make them sound like a derogatory term. This is not acceptable, but as another stated, taking the rank itself as derogatory is part of a growing trend that I find disturbing. Yes, these individuals are at the bottom of the food chain, but this does not make their overall worth less than any other. I have had to explain this to my subordinates on a couple occasions.<br /><br />Am I correct also in understanding that when you say you don't call E-1 through E-4 or O-1 through O-2 by their ranks, you mean that you use their last names only? To me, that is a familiarity thing, and completely understandable. But to do so because you see the rank itself as derogatory is feeding into the wrong idea about the beginning ranks.<br /><br />As for calling Captains and above, or SNCOs, by their rank only, I've seen (and done) this on any number of occasions. As stated, it is the tone of the address that shows respect or disrespect. If someone addresses me as Master Sergeant, I answer. It's my title. Response by MSgt Joseph Doyle made Jan 21 at 2015 1:03 AM 2015-01-21T01:03:14-05:00 2015-01-21T01:03:14-05:00 TSgt Terry Hudson 428214 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>C'mon Lt. this is something I'd expect from a "I'm going to change things A1C" not an officer in the Army. This is the military regs are in place for a reason. Not only that, you have to start from the bottom to reach the top. Meaning you have to take the "poop" that rains down from the top until you make it there. That's they way the world is not only the military. A private is a private not a mister or miss. They gave up that title when they signed the contract. Response by TSgt Terry Hudson made Jan 21 at 2015 1:26 AM 2015-01-21T01:26:07-05:00 2015-01-21T01:26:07-05:00 CSM Private RallyPoint Member 428250 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sir - I understand the intent and I have seen it used by field grade officers at the BDE CDR level towards captains and majors, even some battalion commanders. It&#39;s kind of like the &quot;word&quot; Hooah, it has different meanings ranging from yes to go pound sand. A bigger issue that needs to be addressed is calling or referring to an enlisted Soldier or NCO by their pay grade. We are all guilty of it, commisioned officers and enlisted alike. E-5 is just a pay grade a Sergeant is a leader, we need to do a better job of addressing/referring to one another by rank. You should want to be a leader instead of a pay raise. Good post! Response by CSM Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 2:07 AM 2015-01-21T02:07:20-05:00 2015-01-21T02:07:20-05:00 SFC Jeff Gurchinoff 428269 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It is possible that people automatically identifying a soldiers rank as derogatory may unknowingly think they are better than the soldier just because they have a higher rank. That would be a false assumption. Your position determines your rank, we all start and end somewhere. Your rank is what is respected, ALL rank is to be respected. In the case of Officers for example it is the rank, not the man, that gets the salute. Soldiers work hard to earn their positions, some aspire to higher levels but not all can attain the top position that does not make them any less of a soldier. Lest we forget we all take the oath to protect and defend the constitution. That is where our inherent respect is earned. Our rank is merely the position we hold for the period of time we hold it. 32 years ago the Sergeant Major of the Army was a private. Did he deserve less respect then? Was he less of a man? Response by SFC Jeff Gurchinoff made Jan 21 at 2015 2:19 AM 2015-01-21T02:19:53-05:00 2015-01-21T02:19:53-05:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 428315 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>LT Slaughter, I only posted what was written in AR 600-20. Yes, I agree that addressing a Soldier by their rank is sometimes derogatory depending on the users tone and their body language when addressing said Soldier. <br /><br />Sir, I assumed everyone reading my post realized the implied task of also using the Soldiers last name. I apologize for not making my post clearer. <br /><br />Again I apologize if my post from earlier confused anyone. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 4:16 AM 2015-01-21T04:16:18-05:00 2015-01-21T04:16:18-05:00 SPC Larry Mease 428320 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I, personally, have not experienced derogatory addressing by Rank. There are always a few who are snide to anyone of lower rank, but showing unwavering respect for their rank usually leads to them realizing it isn't having the effect they wanted. Response by SPC Larry Mease made Jan 21 at 2015 4:30 AM 2015-01-21T04:30:08-05:00 2015-01-21T04:30:08-05:00 MSG Private RallyPoint Member 428430 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>In spite of occasional evidence to the contrary, I believe that rank at any grade has been earned, and therefor should be respected. Beyond this though, I think that no matter what rank a person holds, they are due professional treatment. Just me growing up with the Golden Rule perhaps, but I try to treat others as people with rank, rather than simply rank. Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 8:06 AM 2015-01-21T08:06:59-05:00 2015-01-21T08:06:59-05:00 SGT(P) Khalid Wise 428505 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As CPT Barden correctly stated, I can appreciate both your reticence given the contextual usages you cited as well as other SMs discomfort as Mister or Miss is the proper address for cadets or WO1s. However, I believe the issue you had with the use of the address was more one of contextual usage from the examples that you cited, Sir. I have found that mutually respectful discourse within between myself and my peers, superiors and subordinates enabled the successes of the teams I led or was a member of (ie. THTs, HCTs, OMTs and higher intel echelons). Moreover, I have found such mutually respectful discourse to be a better barometer or arbiter of the ultimate success or failure of leadership and determinant of a negative or positive impact on the mission at hand whether it was in garrison, deployed or retired and in Law Enforcement as I am now, IMHO... Response by SGT(P) Khalid Wise made Jan 21 at 2015 9:09 AM 2015-01-21T09:09:04-05:00 2015-01-21T09:09:04-05:00 PO2 Kevin LaCroix 428552 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always tried to be respectful when addressing other servicemen. Response by PO2 Kevin LaCroix made Jan 21 at 2015 9:38 AM 2015-01-21T09:38:33-05:00 2015-01-21T09:38:33-05:00 SFC Michael Jackson, MBA 428585 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It&#39;s bothers me. Deviating from the existing standard creates confusion, and in my opinion, unprofessional by being too close to the Soldier. Proper addresses creates a clear line of separation between leadership and subordinate. &quot;Mister&quot; and &quot;Miss&quot; is and should reserved for addressing warrant officers. I don&#39;t consider addressing someone by their rank as derogatory Response by SFC Michael Jackson, MBA made Jan 21 at 2015 9:59 AM 2015-01-21T09:59:29-05:00 2015-01-21T09:59:29-05:00 SFC Richard M. 428654 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Speaking for myself here...<br /><br />Soldiers E-4 and below are normally called by their last name only until they need an "attention getter". Then it's Rank alone or Rank/Last name depending on what's going on. So in that situation, I can see how you would think it's derogatory. Otherwise, it's nothing to worry about.<br /><br />For officers, I imagine it's the same speaking to Lieutenants, but I always go by Sir/Ma'am (or LT if I like you). Again, nothing to get up in arms over. Response by SFC Richard M. made Jan 21 at 2015 10:54 AM 2015-01-21T10:54:47-05:00 2015-01-21T10:54:47-05:00 Cpl Private RallyPoint Member 428718 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Calling a private a private or a Lt an Lt when asking them to do something is not pejorative. Calling someone a private or an LT, because they offer an opinion or idea that isn&#39;t liked is belittling. Rank doesn&#39;t equate to intelligence and that is the only time I would take issue with be called by rank.<br /><br />Edit: Example<br />Bad - I&#39;m a &lt; insert rank here &gt;, your just a &lt; insert rank here &gt;. <br />Good - Dig that foxhole, &lt; insert rank here &gt; Response by Cpl Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 11:45 AM 2015-01-21T11:45:00-05:00 2015-01-21T11:45:00-05:00 Capt Private RallyPoint Member 428775 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I don't have a box to click, and here's why...<br /><br />When people refer to me as LT, I know it's meant in a loving way. I have no problems with folks doing this, and I know it's about paying my dues.<br /><br />I wouldn't refer to an Airman I didn't know by saying, "Hey Airman..." I would use "Sir" or "Ma'am," because regardless of the enlisted/officer factor, I learned in BMT and OTS to render those courtesies. A little respect goes a long way. Response by Capt Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 12:27 PM 2015-01-21T12:27:35-05:00 2015-01-21T12:27:35-05:00 TSgt Private RallyPoint Member 428945 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I think it depends on your intention when you do it. When I&#39;m working the grill at the DFAC and a member of another service is next I will address them according to rank (&quot;what can I make for you Petty Officer?). It is my attempt to honor the culture of their branch of service, the Air Force doesn&#39;t mind being called sir and ma&#39;am, but the other services prefer to be addressed by their rank with the exception of officers Response by TSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 1:55 PM 2015-01-21T13:55:00-05:00 2015-01-21T13:55:00-05:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 428956 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Honestly, what is more important, or is deemed of more respect; the rank or the person wearing the rank? The rank deserves the respect for the level of accomplishment that it takes to reach that level.<br /><br />That is the glory and the test of a Soldier's mettle. If you do not want to be called a Private, then fix it. Work your 'hind-quarters'(as my drill Sergeants used to say) to get to Specialist. If you are tired of the 'Sham-shield' jokes, then fix it. Take the board, and work to become an NCO. At no time is anybody's career not in their hands to improve. <br /><br />And, we are all green. A team of Privates, Specialists, Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains and more. The more we try and step away from the old mentality 'one team, one fight', then the more we are dividing the force. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 2:01 PM 2015-01-21T14:01:47-05:00 2015-01-21T14:01:47-05:00 Lt Col Private RallyPoint Member 428963 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You can use someone's rank without being derogatory. From your example: "Private Smith, could you help me with this?" versus "Private, pick this shit up".<br /><br />The rank is not the part that makes the second example derogatory. Response by Lt Col Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 2:09 PM 2015-01-21T14:09:43-05:00 2015-01-21T14:09:43-05:00 MAJ Private RallyPoint Member 429035 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>At OCS, I accidentally said &quot;Good morning, Captain.&quot; I had forgotten the officer&#39;s name, and didn&#39;t say &quot;Captain XXX.&quot; This being OCS, and he being a less-than-gracious cadre member, I was promptly, amid many F&#39;ings, informed that unless I outranked him that he was either &quot;sir&quot; or &quot;Captain XXX.&quot; Since then, I&#39;ve never made that mistake. <br /><br />Another thing I always do is refer to everyone except other Captains by their rank and name. don&#39;t mind it when senior officers call me &#39;Mike&#39;; however, I don&#39;t call subordinates by their first name because they can&#39;t reciprocate. I do, however, call other Captains by their first name because we&#39;re peers. I was told once, though, that if a senior officer calls you by your first name, that means that he/she has a trust in you and that you&#39;re in good standing. He said that this was especially true if you noticed that he/she didn&#39;t call your peers by their first name. Response by MAJ Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 2:41 PM 2015-01-21T14:41:47-05:00 2015-01-21T14:41:47-05:00 CMSgt Private RallyPoint Member 429140 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I was always under the impression that if the troops called one, &quot;L-T&quot; (pronounced, &quot;Ell Tee&quot;), it was a term of endearment and he/she was well regarded by the masses. If one was just called &quot;Lieutenant&quot;, then uh oh. Stink eye runs amuck. O_o Response by CMSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 3:25 PM 2015-01-21T15:25:20-05:00 2015-01-21T15:25:20-05:00 Sgt Cortney Kangas 429668 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Being addressed by your rank is not derogatory. You earned it. If you are just a PFC keep your chin up, work hard, and your promotion will come. I considered it worse to be called by my last name only unless I had a working relationship with someone. Once a reserve LtCol called me by my first name and it freaked me out. I was only a Sgt but I earned that rank, doggonit. Use it. Response by Sgt Cortney Kangas made Jan 21 at 2015 8:37 PM 2015-01-21T20:37:55-05:00 2015-01-21T20:37:55-05:00 CPL Rick Stasny 429681 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I can't believe that they left us Corporals out of the equation. Lol Response by CPL Rick Stasny made Jan 21 at 2015 8:46 PM 2015-01-21T20:46:39-05:00 2015-01-21T20:46:39-05:00 CW3 Clayton C. 429747 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sir, <br /><br />This doesn't bother me at all because in PLDC (WLC), ALC, and SLC some of the Cadre found a way to make Sergeant sound like a derogatory term. I know you have felt that sting as well. I've always been one that doesn't really sweat those kinds of things though. Some people are just "like that." And by "like that" I mean they can't think of a constructive way to communicate. That or they have an inflated sense of entitlement. Call it what you will but it is my firm belief that those who speak in such tones when it is unnecessary, have a small stature complex. Response by CW3 Clayton C. made Jan 21 at 2015 9:22 PM 2015-01-21T21:22:13-05:00 2015-01-21T21:22:13-05:00 Lt Col Private RallyPoint Member 429795 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I suppose there is a difference in how you address someone. Rank is there for a reason. It acknowledges our place in the world. I have no problem addressing someone by rank. You can address someone by title and can come off snarky or condescending. If I say "Hey private I need to see you." There is nothing wrong in that tone. But if say "Priiiiivaaaate or Kay-det get over here!" Then that comes off with an A-hole tone. <br /><br />If someone has an issue with being addressed by their rank, then they might have a bigger issue and in the wrong line of work. The titles and ranks are there for a reason. Does not mean you have to be demeaning. There is the acknowledgement that one is subordinate to another. Response by Lt Col Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 21 at 2015 9:53 PM 2015-01-21T21:53:48-05:00 2015-01-21T21:53:48-05:00 Sgt Packy Flickinger 429846 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I knew a guy always refered to by his rank. Or was it his name. If forget. His name was sergeant as was his rank. Response by Sgt Packy Flickinger made Jan 21 at 2015 10:21 PM 2015-01-21T22:21:57-05:00 2015-01-21T22:21:57-05:00 SPC John Decker 432443 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When I was in, that's the way it was. It seems to me now, that more and more, the military is treating SMs more and more as individuals. That's a mistake to my way of thinking. While it is individuals that make up the military, to maintain both a uniform discipline system and for unit, from squad to division, cohesion, those individuals needs to be looked at as assets. Throughout all initial training(both basic and AIT) we were treated as numbers i.e. 1st squad, 2nd squad..., Class # 216 of year 1985.. and so on. When in a one on one situation the senior of the two, at least in my experience, would almost always refer to me with rank and name. In my opinion, the individualization of SMs, that seems to be happening, is not a good thing. Response by SPC John Decker made Jan 23 at 2015 3:23 PM 2015-01-23T15:23:48-05:00 2015-01-23T15:23:48-05:00 PO1 John Y. 432456 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Um, how is referring to someone by rank an insult or derogatory?! 1LT you seem to be a bit too sensitive. Your examples seem acceptable to me. I never took offense if someone called me by rank without my name. They either didn&#39;t know me or know me well enough. In the military your rate/rank/specialty are a part of your identity. Get over yourself! If you want to be referred by name, get out and work as a civilian. But I advise staying out of para-military fields (i.e. law enforcement) because you&#39;ll find people calling you &quot;officer&quot;. Response by PO1 John Y. made Jan 23 at 2015 3:32 PM 2015-01-23T15:32:17-05:00 2015-01-23T15:32:17-05:00 SPC Will Keller 432458 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Why wouldn't you refer. To the soldier by rank? Or is it just rank no last name? Response by SPC Will Keller made Jan 23 at 2015 3:35 PM 2015-01-23T15:35:28-05:00 2015-01-23T15:35:28-05:00 1SG Private RallyPoint Member 432463 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>&quot;what are you doing, SERGEANT?&quot;<br /><br />&quot;hey SERGEANT, come here!&quot;<br /><br />&quot;hurry up SERGEANT&quot;<br /><br />(CAPS added for emphasis of the word not to indicate that sergeant was actually inflected during speech. I wish I could embolden letters in RP)<br /><br /> of those bother me. I have had them tossed my way many times, usually for correct reasons.<br /><br />As far as LT goes...I tend to use the more familiar nickname with officers that I know well and usually during relaxed environments such as team-building PTL &quot;I&#39;m open LT..throw the Frisbee&quot;. <br /><br />I also see the term used as a quick reference. &quot;LT&#39;s on the way, get ready to roll.&quot; This is similar to &quot;TOP&quot; and something I am seeing more recently: referring to ranking female officer as &quot;the mam&quot; and ranking male officer as &quot;the sir&quot;. &quot;Have you seen &quot;the mam? I have her report&quot;.<br /><br />I think these terms, used in proper context indicate a level of endearment towards the intended that speaks of good moral, unit cohesion, and comradarie. Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 23 at 2015 3:38 PM 2015-01-23T15:38:27-05:00 2015-01-23T15:38:27-05:00 Cpl Private RallyPoint Member 432485 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Personally I think that addressing by proper rank, which is not really an option in the USMC, is appropriate. If we want to instill in our troops that there is a rank structure and like it or not you are where you are in that rank structure, then we do that with consistent reminders and where we are. As an officer you may be afforded a little more latitude than say a private.<br /><br />Lets swing this to another foot, what would you think would be the general consensus if a private took it upon themselves to call everyone mister? Or lets take it one step further, a Sergeant. Now a Sergeant is in the middle of the mix. They have been around the block, they have seen a thing or two. Presumably they know their stuff, to include customs and courtesies. Would it be acceptable for a Sgt to call a Private a Private? Would it be acceptable for him to call a Private a mister? Tradition alone dictates that the term mister is reserved for the gentleman of which traditions state an officer is. But take tradition aside, is it ok for a Sgt to address a Private as something other than what militarily they are? Is it ok for that Sgt to address a superior NCO as mister or perhaps an Officer? What would be the acceptance level from the many traditionalists in the military?<br /><br />Personally I think this action creates discord and does not readily allow for the chain of command to be reinforced. From the perspective of the Officer administering the non-standard greeting there would be no problem, I mean really who would challenge you? However, what happens when you leave and now an NCO has to pick up the pieces of the issues. Good order an discipline is obtained when everyone knows their place in the structure. You cannot build a pyramid without a base and you cannot build a chain of command without having those being commanded. And they need to KNOW they are being commanded.<br /><br />If individuals do not like being addressed by their rank, they have options: work hard and get promoted to a rank they like be addressed, get out.<br /><br />I really see this as a big picture issue where an individual nicety has the propensity to do far reaching damage. As an NCO I certainly never allowed for the use of anything other than rank and name and avoided any discrepancy regarding authority and where it derived. Response by Cpl Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 23 at 2015 3:58 PM 2015-01-23T15:58:49-05:00 2015-01-23T15:58:49-05:00 CSM Private RallyPoint Member 432504 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have called all ranks by their rank, such as "it's good to see you again, General". When I was a Private, a SSG told me "be proud to be called Private, less than 3% of Americans have earned that title, it's kind of like being knighted in England". I guess that built my mentality toward it. As a MSG, I don't expect anyone to call me "Master Sergeant", I tell them "Sergeant is fine, that is the correct title of address". Honestly, to me this is "PC we don't want to offend someone", when the culture should bee "you earned that rank, be proud" Response by CSM Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 23 at 2015 4:29 PM 2015-01-23T16:29:09-05:00 2015-01-23T16:29:09-05:00 MSG Bo Lathrop 432509 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This is the worst post I've seen on Rally Point. Absolutely amazes me to read this. Waste of time to have written it. <br />A few reasons why:<br />You earn your rank, you should be addressed accordingly. <br />Military personnel aren't meant to be addressed as mister or anything like that. That's why there is a rank structure!!<br />By not calling them by their rank or calling a commissioned officer sir or ma'am you are wrong. Period. <br />Quit being soft on people, that's why things are getting worse in the military.. Not enough people willing to be hard asses to their subordinates and then the subordinates take their kindness for a weakness. Response by MSG Bo Lathrop made Jan 23 at 2015 4:34 PM 2015-01-23T16:34:09-05:00 2015-01-23T16:34:09-05:00 SSG Scott Burk 432526 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Mr. or Ms. is a Civilian or a WO. You should address a soldier by rank and name, especially in the presence of others. I had several Senior NCO's and Officers I was on a first name basis with, but we used rank and name when appropriate...We all knew our place in the "Food Chain", as one E-8 used to say! Response by SSG Scott Burk made Jan 23 at 2015 4:48 PM 2015-01-23T16:48:01-05:00 2015-01-23T16:48:01-05:00 PO2 Robert W. 432549 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Derogatory manner? Today I am a mister, I wear Hawaiian shirts and flip flops to work. <br />To call our active service members Mister or Miss somehow implies they no longer deserve their rank. <br />Your preference should not even be an issue. The ARs tell us what decorum to use, follow them and everyone knows what to expect from the chain. Do your own thing and make up names as you go along and you are begging for unnecessary turmoil. Response by PO2 Robert W. made Jan 23 at 2015 5:13 PM 2015-01-23T17:13:14-05:00 2015-01-23T17:13:14-05:00 SSG Michael Hathaway 432573 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have seen the title of Private conferred as a derogatory term, with the connotation and inflection one would use when calling someone a F***tard or something similar. Personally, I hated being addressed as such when I was a private. I didn't mind being called private, but when said like that, it felt demeaning like my rank was nothing or worse. After getting soldiers to lead after making Specialist, I made it a point to not say rank in such a way, especially lower ranks like Private. Do unto others and such, a rule I try to live by in my leadership skills just like I did when I was a department head in the civilian world. <br /><br />I do believe that rank is earned though and as such, I will use their rank with their name when addressing them. Response by SSG Michael Hathaway made Jan 23 at 2015 5:33 PM 2015-01-23T17:33:52-05:00 2015-01-23T17:33:52-05:00 PO3 John Jeter 432610 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Attitude and tone of voice are far more indicative than the word itself. Anyone who has heard an annoyed 'Gunny' address an errant officer knows what I mean. "Mister" or any rank title can be one of the most insulting terms there is......... **grin** That's funny but it's true! Response by PO3 John Jeter made Jan 23 at 2015 6:06 PM 2015-01-23T18:06:24-05:00 2015-01-23T18:06:24-05:00 1SG David Niles 432721 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Rank, is rank, we are not all equal. If you do not like the title to the rank you currently are at, then work hard and promote and you will get the rank you have earned with the title commensurate with that.  Response by 1SG David Niles made Jan 23 at 2015 7:27 PM 2015-01-23T19:27:14-05:00 2015-01-23T19:27:14-05:00 Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS 432736 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Being addressed by rank doesn't bother me at all. I earned it. In the Marine Corps, we address everyone by full rank all the time. It's not just Sgt, It's Staff Sgt, or Gunny, or Master Sgt, Etc.<br /><br />However, when addressing a junior Marine, I always tried to address them by rank AND name. They are both a Marine and a person. It has been my experience that my seniors would always give me direction that way as well. Very seldom was I addressed solely by my rank (from the top down).<br /><br />So as an example:<br /><br />Sgt K: "Corporal Schmukatelli, come here!"<br />"Hurry up PFC Shitbird!"<br /><br />Again, it doesn't bother me. But, it's always trying to maintain that balance of tact, professionalism, setting an example. etc. Response by Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS made Jan 23 at 2015 7:38 PM 2015-01-23T19:38:22-05:00 2015-01-23T19:38:22-05:00 CPT Private RallyPoint Member 432794 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As enlisted we only called Lieutenants "LT" once they gained our trust and confidence. I only know of one Lieutenant who (at LDAC) told us to never call her that (even though we probably wouldn't have anyway). However, no one has ever explained how LT is a pejorative term but I am curious. Anyway, I personally never saw it as much of a problem as people just calling you by your last name and NO rank. Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 23 at 2015 8:27 PM 2015-01-23T20:27:03-05:00 2015-01-23T20:27:03-05:00 MAJ(P) Private RallyPoint Member 432852 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Everything is centered around your intent. If you mean to degrade or belittle the individual by soley addressing their rank, it is blatantly obvious. <br /><br />If you're professional with how you exude yourself and your wording, there is nothing wrong with it.<br /><br />Personally, I address Soldiers by rank and name. It's a common courtesy. Response by MAJ(P) Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 23 at 2015 8:57 PM 2015-01-23T20:57:40-05:00 2015-01-23T20:57:40-05:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 432972 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Its a matter of respect. Young soldiers will respect soldiers of higher rank. It's the same thing I teach my kids when dressing adults, they say maam or sir. I didn't put in 21 years into the Army for a private to disrespect me. I always treat lower enlisted with the respect they deserve as well. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 23 at 2015 10:33 PM 2015-01-23T22:33:41-05:00 2015-01-23T22:33:41-05:00 PO3 Devin Gallagher 432985 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You should a sailor how they feel about the word shipmate sometime. Some things will never change. Response by PO3 Devin Gallagher made Jan 23 at 2015 10:39 PM 2015-01-23T22:39:58-05:00 2015-01-23T22:39:58-05:00 MAJ Private RallyPoint Member 433282 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>CPT Michael Barden, I've seen you make the point that the term LT hold a higher status over Lieutenant on multiple threads. I must say that I think that's quite an over generalization. I've been in the military for 14 years and have served in a variety of units at all echelons and I've seen the two used quite interchangeably. I'm not saying that your claim isn't true from your foxhole, I'm just saying that it isn't the case from everyone else's.<br /><br />Additionally, I never said that people are being negative or demeaning every time someone uses those terms. I simply stated that sometimes they are used in a derogatory manner, which they are. Response by MAJ Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 24 at 2015 4:19 AM 2015-01-24T04:19:36-05:00 2015-01-24T04:19:36-05:00 A1C Private RallyPoint Member 433406 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I went to a unique elementary school where we had acting classes as part of the regular daily schedule. One of our teachers regularly reminded us that it's not so much what you say, it's how you say it. As long as the tone you use when you refer to someone by rank is the same level of respect you would expect them to give you, I don't see a problem with it. Apparently in Air Force basic they started getting people to call everyone air and ma'am regardless of rank, I had a new airman come in from tech school and call me ma'am for months(same rank as me) took months for him to use my name. Response by A1C Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 24 at 2015 8:43 AM 2015-01-24T08:43:50-05:00 2015-01-24T08:43:50-05:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 433477 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When I worked in a Multinational Brigade Headquarters in Afghanistan a few years ago, the use of rank only when addressing anyone was extremely common, however, as a Major, when someone said, "Hey Major" or "OK Major" or "Major, why do you say that?" I always felt as if I was in trouble!<br /><br />BTW, I never felt being called "LT" was derogatory! Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 24 at 2015 10:08 AM 2015-01-24T10:08:08-05:00 2015-01-24T10:08:08-05:00 CPO Randy Francis 433486 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>We really don't have a problem with this in the Navy - we addressed E-6's and below universally as "Shipmate" and O's from 0-3 can be addressed as Mister/Miss. Response by CPO Randy Francis made Jan 24 at 2015 10:13 AM 2015-01-24T10:13:58-05:00 2015-01-24T10:13:58-05:00 1LT Private RallyPoint Member 433490 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I make it a point to address subordinates by their rank, specifically the Junior Soldiers. I also make a habit of addressing NCO's by their full rank, though not required. I think one reason I do this is because I want to attach weight to their rank, to let them know that being a Specialist or being a Private First Class means something and that it shows that every rank has associated responsibility. <br /><br />I reinforce this during promotion ceremonies, when PVT's and PFC's are promoted I ensure that the other soldiers know that this transition means something and that the individual will receive increased responsibility. While I have little influence outside of my little realm, I'd hope that I am giving each of our soldiers a little more respect for what they wear on their chest and to think about how each transition they make towards becoming an NCO is a small building block. It also conveys to the NCO's that my expectations for the performance of their soldiers has increased, and that those soldiers have my trust (and therefore should have theirs) in receiving new responsibility. Response by 1LT Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 24 at 2015 10:15 AM 2015-01-24T10:15:19-05:00 2015-01-24T10:15:19-05:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 433554 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As my Mom would say...."it is not what you say, it is how you say it". Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 24 at 2015 11:03 AM 2015-01-24T11:03:46-05:00 2015-01-24T11:03:46-05:00 PO2 Seth Carron 433642 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No, addressing someone by rank alone is not derogatory, even in potentially disciplinary situations. My superiors would regularly address me by rank alone, in both normal conversation and when getting corrected, and it never bothered me. The rank system is there for a reason, and should be used properly. Response by PO2 Seth Carron made Jan 24 at 2015 12:02 PM 2015-01-24T12:02:34-05:00 2015-01-24T12:02:34-05:00 PFC Zanie Young 433655 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If that bothers you, you should not be in the military, period! Response by PFC Zanie Young made Jan 24 at 2015 12:12 PM 2015-01-24T12:12:11-05:00 2015-01-24T12:12:11-05:00 SPC James Mcneil 433661 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Anything can be offensive if you take it that way. It never bothered me to be called by my rank. Response by SPC James Mcneil made Jan 24 at 2015 12:16 PM 2015-01-24T12:16:28-05:00 2015-01-24T12:16:28-05:00 SFC Royce Williams 433743 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Say whaaaaaaat? To me being called mr/ mrs instead if my rank would be more insulting. I earned each and every rank I ever held and that's what I should be addressed as. Calling someone "private" is only derogatory if you mean it to be that way. Call them by the rank they earned. If you feel that bad about it then put their name at the end of it. Response by SFC Royce Williams made Jan 24 at 2015 1:36 PM 2015-01-24T13:36:32-05:00 2015-01-24T13:36:32-05:00 SFC Nikhil Kumra 433770 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Don't see anything about corporals... I guess they get no love. Response by SFC Nikhil Kumra made Jan 24 at 2015 1:50 PM 2015-01-24T13:50:52-05:00 2015-01-24T13:50:52-05:00 SSG Corry Struve 433944 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have noticed through out the years everyone has different ways of addressing soldiers. This is especially the case in different branches and even more so in the different MOS fields. Some soldiers need to be addressed in a more stern and direct manner and some don't. I am guilty of not using rank with lower enlisted, E4 and below. I usually call them by last name. I have always addressed officers with sir or mam and NCO's by there respective ranks. We have to be aware of our surroundings at all times. Everyone needs to remember where they came from, we all started from the bottom and had to work our way up. Response by SSG Corry Struve made Jan 24 at 2015 3:45 PM 2015-01-24T15:45:33-05:00 2015-01-24T15:45:33-05:00 SSG (ret) William Martin 434051 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am glad it refers all SMs in the Army as Soldiers. Response by SSG (ret) William Martin made Jan 24 at 2015 5:11 PM 2015-01-24T17:11:39-05:00 2015-01-24T17:11:39-05:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 434264 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You raise some interesting points regarding treating others with respect. Calling an Army warrant officer or a cadet "Mr./Miss" is acceptable. Addressing a naval officer in the grades of O-1 through O-4 is acceptable as well (if you outrank him). You can call an Army warrant officer, "Chief", but if you refer to a naval warrant officer as "Chief", he/she will think you're talking to a Navy NCO. <br /><br />It is an honor to serve in the military; therefore one serving should have pride in being addressed by the rank they earned. With that said, there are times when people address subordinates in ways that might convey tones to remind them of their station. Sometimes, the ranks are used to address others in contemptible ways. That is wrongfully, however, I can't help feeling as if you are trying to over correct. Sometimes addressing people by their rank can be a sign of respect, but I don't get that from your post.<br /><br />When you continuously address everyone as "Mr./Miss", you risk offending those military professionals who worked to attain the rank/station which allows them to be addressed as such. Therefore, in trying to make everyone feel respected, you are disrespecting some. <br /><br />I've noticed some people throw in a "Mr" or "Miss" occasionally in conversations, but is usually done in a very informal setting. <br /><br />Don't call a private, corporal, or sergeant, "Mr", around Army warrants. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 24 at 2015 7:54 PM 2015-01-24T19:54:18-05:00 2015-01-24T19:54:18-05:00 SFC Walter Mack 434482 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The words you use have little to do with belittling a person. If a human being wants to be derogatory, then they will find a way. I can demean you using your first, middle or last name. This comes down to inflection &amp; tone of voice. Don't think for a minute that by changing the language you can change the message. I've known leaders that cursed every other word but were loveable as *#&amp;$. I've also known some that were clean as the wind driven snow &amp; could cut you to the bone. The military is all about teamwork, but leadership is an individual sport. There are good leaders &amp; bad leaders. There are good communicators &amp; bad communicators. There are those who can extrapolate from incomplete data... Response by SFC Walter Mack made Jan 24 at 2015 10:34 PM 2015-01-24T22:34:05-05:00 2015-01-24T22:34:05-05:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 434836 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The rank you wear replaces any Mr. or Miss etc. That is what you are while in the military,and there fore it is how you should be addressed. Some branches, (Marines) use a full rank to address their NCOs Staff Sergeant, Sergeant First Class etc. Personally that sounds to formal in a normal daily conversation. The Military is made of ranks, and that is how we address the people to show respect. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 25 at 2015 4:43 AM 2015-01-25T04:43:20-05:00 2015-01-25T04:43:20-05:00 PO2 Private RallyPoint Member 434857 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am not bothered if people call me by my rate/rank (IT2), I am however bothered by "Petty Officer" if the person i am speaking with knows who i am. The thing I believe is the worst to call someone is "Shipmate". The term "Shipmate" seems to be synonomous with F'ing up, like a counseling chit, regardless that it can be used as a negative or a positive. Response by PO2 Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 25 at 2015 5:56 AM 2015-01-25T05:56:50-05:00 2015-01-25T05:56:50-05:00 PFC Private RallyPoint Member 434896 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Private was only demeaning at basic when the drill sergeants were screaming at us. The norm in my unit is calling lower rank just by their last name. Officers and sir and mam. Warrant is "chief" and as a junior enlisted I refer to nco as sergeant, first sergeant etc. if you called me mister egan I would be weirded out. Refer to by name or rank and name. It's not demeaning to call me PFC egan or private egan. That's what I am. I've earned that so far. Response by PFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 25 at 2015 7:31 AM 2015-01-25T07:31:56-05:00 2015-01-25T07:31:56-05:00 CPT Private RallyPoint Member 434901 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I've been told by senior NCO's at my Battery that it's best to call privates by their last names since they don't need to be reminded that they're privates and they prefer to be called by their last names anyway.<br /><br />Specialist and above I refer to by their rank + last name or just rank for the top two because they're ranks that must be earned: "Specialist Snuffy," "Sergeant(E5-E7) Smith," "Master Sergeant Pricky," "First Sergeant," "Sergeant Major." <br /><br />WO1's are always Mr./Ms. I do not call them Chief because they have not earned the rank of CW2 and thus the right to be called chief. CW2 and above are Chief. <br /><br />Lieutenants I always refer to by either their first name or their rank + last name such as "Joe" or "Lieutenant Schmitty." I always ask their preference first and follow by that. <br /><br />Captains and above are sir/ma'am unless they're with another at which point it's "Captain America" followed by a sir or ma'am in there to show the due deference. <br /><br />I dislike when people require Soldiers to refer to their status / rank twice in the course of a single statement "sir, yes sir." This isn't the Marine Corps. A single sir, ma'am or sergeant will suffice. <br /><br />Also, a group of male officers is gentlemen but I also refer to a group of male mixed enlisted ranks as gentlemen (it's too awkward to say "sergeants, specialists, and privates" and ladies / gentlemen will usually suffice. <br /><br />As last resort I'll just call them "Soldiers" or by the name of their platoon. A group of female senior officerd is ladies. A female and male senior officer of the same rank are ma'am then sir. And so on. Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 25 at 2015 7:42 AM 2015-01-25T07:42:08-05:00 2015-01-25T07:42:08-05:00 MSG(P) Private RallyPoint Member 435113 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This not directed specifically AT the 1LT, it's a general statement toward the topic: <br />There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. It is their rank. I have addressed many soldiers high and low by rank alone. There is nothing derogatory about being referred to as your rank. It is what you have earned. You address a general not as sir, but as General. If you do not like being called Private, then work hard and get promoted. If you are addressed by a higher rank and you don't quite like how you're addressed well, it's the army. Not the Girl Scouts. Develop thicker skin. We are trying to builder tougher soldiers and war fighters. If your feelings are so easily hurt or you are so easily disrespected by being called by your rank, then I would suggest the flaw is internal to you and not the other way around and that you probably aren't exactly ready for the harsh and brutal world of combat. Sometimes, I'm not going to have time to scream more than "get your fucking ass over here with that ammo Private!". It's not derogatory, it's reality. Response by MSG(P) Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 25 at 2015 11:06 AM 2015-01-25T11:06:24-05:00 2015-01-25T11:06:24-05:00 PV2 Private RallyPoint Member 435361 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>i dont really consider it disrespectful when other service members call me private Response by PV2 Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 25 at 2015 2:11 PM 2015-01-25T14:11:08-05:00 2015-01-25T14:11:08-05:00 SFC Private RallyPoint Member 435371 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It all boils down to context and tone. In tradoc you are supposed to call them warriors but it is often said in a demeaning tone. On the flip side I can call one of my Joe's and F-er in a tone that will make him feel complimented. Anything can be made derogatory or complimentary just in the way it is said. It's time for everyone to stop getting so boo-boo lipped. Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 25 at 2015 2:14 PM 2015-01-25T14:14:16-05:00 2015-01-25T14:14:16-05:00 CPT Private RallyPoint Member 435825 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I believe the new regulation does give an E8 "Master Sergeant" and not just "Sergeant". But a junior member addressing a senior office rank as just the rank is irritating. Hello - ma'am and Sir are just too freaking easy. Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 25 at 2015 7:36 PM 2015-01-25T19:36:04-05:00 2015-01-25T19:36:04-05:00 SSG Sara Sutton 435879 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As a Medic on Sand Hill back in the early 2000's, I cannot tell you how many times I was hemmed up by the Drill Sergeants (permanent party wasn't safe back then either) for not addressing the trainees as Soldiers. <br />This was before ACU's and having your name conveniently sewn on the back of your headgear. Being a somewhat salty CPL at the time, it was easy to just yell out "Hey Private, come here..". As I saw it most of them were Privates anyway and hadn't attained the title of Soldier yet and I definitely had a massive rock on my shoulder being a female Medic on Sand Hill. <br />After MULTIPLE counseling sessions and back to back to back to back consideration of others courses it eventually got through my thick skull, that I was basically being an ass to these Soldiers. These men had enough on their plates and they just wanted to become infantrymen after we had become a nation at war. And that alone was more than commendable. I learned a bit more about the rank structure and its applicability after my 2 years there and it definitely helped me to diversify. Response by SSG Sara Sutton made Jan 25 at 2015 8:15 PM 2015-01-25T20:15:51-05:00 2015-01-25T20:15:51-05:00 1SG Private RallyPoint Member 435944 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="7246" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/7246-34a-strategic-intelligence-officer-dia-usd-intelligence">MAJ Private RallyPoint Member</a> Understand and kudos for your wanting to show your respect to your Soldiers. I do question your disregard for Army protocol. You would e bshowing "the proper respect" if you would call your Soldiers by the rank and name instead of coming up with "personally perferred" titles. You've stated you know what the AR says about referring to Soldiers, NCOs, Officers by their rank, yet you choose to ignore it.<br /><br />I was never offended when someone said to me, "Hey, First Sergeant!" or shouted to get my attention from across the street, motor pool or in the field. I was never offended if I heard them say, "HEY...TOP!" <br /><br />Good move on respecting the SSG's wishes that you address him by his rank! Each and everyone of us are different in our opinions, preferences, likes and dislikes. This is one reason we have regulations that guide everything we do ...or are supposed to do. <br /><br />Of the countless Soldiers who told you they appreciated it, there remains the "unknown" countless Soldiers (except 1 SSG) who do/did not appreciate. They never spoke up. Kudos to the SSG for speaking up! Even though addressing a person only by their rank isn't disrespectful, always using their name with it is showing respect and a leadership tool for both positive feedback, constructive criticism, and general conversation.<br /><br />The AR is specific and there is not an appendix titled: 1LT Slaughter's perferences! If I were your 1SG I would have a conversation with you about it and if that didn't make the correction, the commander would be the next door. <br /><br />Your desire is commendable...focus is yet a little blurry!<br /><br />Appreciate the share! We need to hear more things like this! Good and not so good! Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 25 at 2015 9:15 PM 2015-01-25T21:15:21-05:00 2015-01-25T21:15:21-05:00 Capt Private RallyPoint Member 436171 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sometimes you just have to fire for effect. There are plenty of folks who need the mental jolt to get their head out and focus on what the heck is going on. Response by Capt Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 25 at 2015 11:40 PM 2015-01-25T23:40:29-05:00 2015-01-25T23:40:29-05:00 SSG Jim Foreman 436223 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As a staff sergeant I liked hearing my rank called out. If it was the captain or another officer they needed my guidance, my unique look on life, for whatever problem they need help in fixing. At least that is what I like to think.<br /><br />As a private I hated hearing my rank called out because it was some sergeant that was looking for a body to accomplish a meaningless task that some captain or other officer needed done.<br /><br />I do not believe there is any issue using rank either up or down the chain. It should be seen as an honor to hold any rank in our military. Response by SSG Jim Foreman made Jan 26 at 2015 12:10 AM 2015-01-26T00:10:56-05:00 2015-01-26T00:10:56-05:00 SGM Erik Marquez 436232 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Can it be of course, but I can use you name, rank in a derogatory manner as well..<br /><br />When I don't know your name, yet i see you standing between a non moving vehicle and a moving tank,, I'll likely say "Hey ________, come here!" Its not derogatory, it's getting your attention so your not dead at the end of the day.<br /> When I see a SSG standing in the MP and watching a tank move and a privet standing between the moving tank and a row of stationary vehicles I'd likely say "What are you doing ________?" Its not derogatory, its attention grabbing combined with you better think about what your job is and what your not doing right.<br /><br />I found those most offend by being called by there rank were the ones that were doing the wrong thing, failing at their job and getting called on it. Then feverishly deflecting what should be personal responsibility for transference of blame to another in hops no one will notice how screwed up there were. Response by SGM Erik Marquez made Jan 26 at 2015 12:15 AM 2015-01-26T00:15:14-05:00 2015-01-26T00:15:14-05:00 SGT Richard Domenden 436269 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It did not bother when I was at those ranks. You are in the military and you call that soldier by their rank. It also gave me the motivation and desire to do the best I can to move up rank. Political correctness does belong in the military. IMHO if you are not comfortable calling lower enlisted by their rank work in the civilian sector. Response by SGT Richard Domenden made Jan 26 at 2015 12:47 AM 2015-01-26T00:47:27-05:00 2015-01-26T00:47:27-05:00 1LT David Moeglein 436307 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I don't necessarily see anything wrong with referring to someone by their rank alone. However, the tone that one uses may be derogatory. In basic training, one of the nicest drill sergeants called us "maggot." The way he said it almost felt like respect. Response by 1LT David Moeglein made Jan 26 at 2015 1:50 AM 2015-01-26T01:50:52-05:00 2015-01-26T01:50:52-05:00 SSG Ronald Limbaugh 436472 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sir, the reg you posted says it all. Each rank should be addressed in the manner prescribed, however the tone in which the title is used shows how the speaker feels toward the intended subject. Granted, sometimes the use of rank only may sound derogatory and usually is with some folks, but it is the correct manner of address within the Army. Response by SSG Ronald Limbaugh made Jan 26 at 2015 8:38 AM 2015-01-26T08:38:04-05:00 2015-01-26T08:38:04-05:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 436490 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I think you are making a mountain out of a mole hill, and you also could be setting up some of these young soldiers for some pain when they get to their next unit. <br />I took time to learn every soldiers name within my formation as a battery commander, but the easiest way I can describe how I or any of my leaders talked to our soldiers is how parents talk to their children. They do not always use their formal names, and when they do they generally know that something is up. You build unit resiliency by lumping groups of individuals together and forcing them to work together. There is a lot to be said of the SPC that ran the barracks, not out of the fear, but out of respect and because he was generally a peer of the junior enlisted they listened to him without bitching. <br />It is similar with Officers. The XO is the leader of the LTs in a BTRY/CO/Troop, but because they are all the seen in a semi-similar light to the commander they are lumped together.<br /><br />I don&#39;t know if any of that makes sense, but I am going to go with it for now. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 26 at 2015 8:50 AM 2015-01-26T08:50:04-05:00 2015-01-26T08:50:04-05:00 CW3 Private RallyPoint Member 436505 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If someone senior to me addresses me solely by rank, I look at it the same way as if my mother addressed me by all three names (first, middle, last). Some of you will know EXACTLY what I mean. Response by CW3 Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 26 at 2015 9:04 AM 2015-01-26T09:04:15-05:00 2015-01-26T09:04:15-05:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 436741 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You have to be insane to be offended by that kind of BS. Find something else to be offended by LT. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 26 at 2015 12:28 PM 2015-01-26T12:28:48-05:00 2015-01-26T12:28:48-05:00 SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA 437353 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I thought this was a duffleblog question I was laughing so hard. Response by SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA made Jan 26 at 2015 5:55 PM 2015-01-26T17:55:51-05:00 2015-01-26T17:55:51-05:00 PO2 Stephen Brinkley (Scott) 437397 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="7246" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/7246-34a-strategic-intelligence-officer-dia-usd-intelligence">MAJ Private RallyPoint Member</a>. It bothers me, because you as an officer are treating an individual or individuals who are ranked lower than you as though they are equally ranked to you. I'm more than positive that a Major is not going to come up to you and say Mr. Slaughter please come to my office. He is going to look at you and say First Lieutenant in my office now. In the civilian world if someone calls me Mister, I look at them and ask them to call me by my first name for two reasons. One I was not an officer in the military and two I'm looking around for my Dad. I understand you are trying to portray a better example for your jr ranks, but they hold the rank they hold for a reason, just like you hold the rank you hold for a reason. <br />In the Navy I would refer to my e-4's as Petty Officer and my e-3's and below as Seaman, because that is the title they own. If I'm talking to a 1st class Petty Officer I would call him ET1 or IT1 or FC1, etc because he or she outranked me. <br />It's the same reason that we on the enlisted side address you as Sir or Ma'am, because it's a title you have earned. You may feel that it is derogatory, but when they quit showing you the respect that you deserve or don't address you correctly in front of senior officers you will understand why. Response by PO2 Stephen Brinkley (Scott) made Jan 26 at 2015 6:23 PM 2015-01-26T18:23:55-05:00 2015-01-26T18:23:55-05:00 2d Lt Private RallyPoint Member 437590 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As someone in the Air Force this is actually pretty common. Higher ranking officers often address junior ranks by their first name or Mr/Mrs so and so. NCOs ALWAYS call me 'sir' (or LT which I think is also fine) even in casual environments, which I appreciate because I ALWAYS refer to NCOs as 'sergeant'. (A SSgt that I work with told me I can just call him by his first name so I'll do that for him because he prefers it). <br /><br />I actually kind of prefer how the army does it. I think calling someone by their rank as equivalent to calling someone with an MD or PhD 'doctor'. Their rank is a deserved title and I think it shows respect.<br /><br />But I see where you're coming from with people sort of confusing 'private' for 'dumbass'. I would just do what you think is best your guys, but maybe keep addressing your NCOs by their rank. Response by 2d Lt Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 26 at 2015 8:30 PM 2015-01-26T20:30:07-05:00 2015-01-26T20:30:07-05:00 SPC Stewart Smith 437725 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have mixed feelings about this. <br /><br />Basic Training - I never once heard a drill use private as a derogatory remark. It never once crossed my mind as disrespectful. <br /><br />AIT - Same thing as basic<br /><br />First duty station - My leadership was awesome. Was called everything from 'private' to 'asshole' and never once did I feel insulted. The senior enlisted would even call E5 and E6 'Sergeant' in a sort of sarcastic 'you fucked up' sort of way. But I still never found this disrespectful and we all seemed to get a huge kick out of it. <br /><br />Last duty station - Was called 'specialist' like it was the lowest form of scum on the planet after I crushed my foot with a dumbell. The NCOs and higher would call privates as if they were dogs. I didn't like my leadership there. Response by SPC Stewart Smith made Jan 26 at 2015 9:29 PM 2015-01-26T21:29:07-05:00 2015-01-26T21:29:07-05:00 FN Rurik Schutte 437980 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>In the Navy as Enlisted our pay grade is attached to our job. So there is more than 1 way to call someone: <br />E1-E3 = Firemen, Airmen, Seamen<br />E4= Petty Officer, or MM3, Shipmate<br />E5= Petty Officer, or MM2, Shipmate<br />E6= Petty Officer or MM1/BT1, Shipmate<br /><br />When speaking to a group of sailors of any rank: Shipmates<br /><br />no one called me Sr. unless I was wearing street clothes. Response by FN Rurik Schutte made Jan 26 at 2015 11:24 PM 2015-01-26T23:24:32-05:00 2015-01-26T23:24:32-05:00 SFC Cindy Paris 438043 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>1LT Christopher Slaughter I am somewhat confused by all of your comments. You use ma'am or sir, instead of rank because of it being given derogatory to use rank and you ask them first if it is an issue. Right? So if you are not being derogatory with them then how does going against regulations (orders basically) and calling them what you want stop others from using the terms of rank in a derogatory manner. Would it not be more effective and appropriate to use the correct terms in a respectful tone and correcting others when you hear it being used disrespectfully? As. Military members and leaders it is our responsibility to uphold and follow all orders and regulations not just those you deem appropriate. Call your team by their ranks and uphold the regulations. Response by SFC Cindy Paris made Jan 27 at 2015 12:14 AM 2015-01-27T00:14:46-05:00 2015-01-27T00:14:46-05:00 MAJ Karen Wall 449150 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It's not the most important thing in my life to think about this trivia. I was glad to be acknowledged at all as a Junior officer. Being called L.T., just like that, not even Lieutenant, made me feel kind of endeared by my superiors and subordinates. Response by MAJ Karen Wall made Feb 1 at 2015 10:15 PM 2015-02-01T22:15:24-05:00 2015-02-01T22:15:24-05:00 PO1 Private RallyPoint Member 528657 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Possibly, but it is professional to address someone by their rank. It is all about tone of voice and delivery. If I say "Lieutenant, we need to address the troops at formation about XXX" it is cold and blunt but not pejorative. If I said "LIEUTENANT, WHY HAVENT WE FIXED THOSE F***-UPS YET?" it would be quite disrespectful. One of the stumbling blocks we all face is the desire to be unique instead of professional. If I make a habit of dropping/suspending standard professional courtesies then I fail to properly develop my subordinates. The same is true for all of us. Response by PO1 Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 13 at 2015 12:19 PM 2015-03-13T12:19:48-04:00 2015-03-13T12:19:48-04:00 LCDR Rabbah Rona Matlow 551927 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>In the Navy/CG/USPHS there are two that are weird by themselves:<br /><br />Ensign<br />Petty Officer<br /><br />To me these always felt awkward without a name attached.<br /><br />Also, it is appropriate to address officers LCDR and below as Mister/Ms vice rank. "Mister" said with lots of dripping sarcasm has always been an attack... Response by LCDR Rabbah Rona Matlow made Mar 25 at 2015 7:54 PM 2015-03-25T19:54:03-04:00 2015-03-25T19:54:03-04:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 552044 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="7246" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/7246-34a-strategic-intelligence-officer-dia-usd-intelligence">MAJ Private RallyPoint Member</a> First, how is this different than addressing a civilian with a certain title to their name (e.g Doctor). Being called by your rank is a not a derogatory term, it is merely a fact about what rank you are. If someone takes offense to be called by their rank, I would suggest they are in the wrong business because they are too thin skinned for what we have to do. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 25 at 2015 8:50 PM 2015-03-25T20:50:09-04:00 2015-03-25T20:50:09-04:00 CPT Annie B. 552153 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>With all due respect, I suggest that one of the key responsibilities of a leader is to lead by example. When one speaks to a military service member and refers to her/him in any way other than that such is prescribed by regulation, i.e. Private Brock, you are demonstrating to that service member that it is okay to abide by some regulations and not by others. Ever wonder why paperwork wasn't processed right or equipment wasn't fixed right? Perhaps because the service member decided they didn't have to do it the correct way every time because their superiors didn't do the simple things like address them correctly every time. It works the same way with children and in the civilian sector...monkey see, monkey do. Response by CPT Annie B. made Mar 25 at 2015 9:40 PM 2015-03-25T21:40:18-04:00 2015-03-25T21:40:18-04:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 562573 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I'd prefer being called by last name by a familiar NCO, officer, etc. But if a higher-up I'm not familiar with addressed me by anything other than my rank, I think THAT would come off as slightly unprofessional. <br /><br />Maybe those who find their rank derogatory are afraid to put in the work to get a better one? Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 30 at 2015 10:17 PM 2015-03-30T22:17:43-04:00 2015-03-30T22:17:43-04:00 MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P 562589 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Any term, title, name, or moniker can be "derogatory" if used as such. I never minded being called "Airman" or "Sergeant" because that's what I was. Heck, I was even called "Soldier" or "Private" even though I was Air Force when serving in a joint unit. Response by MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P made Mar 30 at 2015 10:27 PM 2015-03-30T22:27:15-04:00 2015-03-30T22:27:15-04:00 SPC Donald Tribble 562610 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It's more about the attitude behind what's said than what is actually said. Response by SPC Donald Tribble made Mar 30 at 2015 10:35 PM 2015-03-30T22:35:20-04:00 2015-03-30T22:35:20-04:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 565232 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I think you are right...I was talking with USMA Cadets yesterday (I work here right now) and we discussed the same thing...I think tone of voice and context of situation is what conveys the attitude.<br /><br />As a correction, I have heard "MAJOR" used in a derogatory manner (to me)...regardless of how high we go, we still make mistakes, and still have bosses. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Apr 1 at 2015 11:17 AM 2015-04-01T11:17:02-04:00 2015-04-01T11:17:02-04:00 SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA 574959 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It totally depends on tone. Nearly any rank used as a form of address can be either respectful or disrespectful depending on the tone of voice. I don't mind being addressed as Specialist; it does bother me a bit when people (who have never known me as a Private) address me as Private.<br /><br />I do like your method of address. SM's sometimes seem to forget that respect goes both ways. Certainly there's a time for corrective training and such, but normally there's no reason not to treat junior SM's with normal human dignity. Response by SPC Elijah J. Henry, MBA made Apr 6 at 2015 2:33 PM 2015-04-06T14:33:38-04:00 2015-04-06T14:33:38-04:00 SGT Jeremy Slaughter 656582 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have read quite a few of the posts and there are many I have to agree with. I think the underlying point is that some, not all, do use it as derogatory. From my experience, quite a few of the people that use it to be derogatory are usually piss poor leaders. <br /><br />There was one that did this constantly while I was a private even after I had been with the unit a while and had worked my butt off. It wasn't personal he did it to everyone that didn't go out drinking and doing drugs with him. He was obviously not the best leader. <br /><br />On the other hand, there was another that would start out with using it not as a derogatory term but as a way to remind you of your position in the unit. He was one of the hardest but best NCO's I had and still have the utmost respect for him. The more you proved yourself to him and his peers the more "human" he would treat you. <br /><br />The last example, there was one NCO that presented himself the same you do. This was the same that mentored me and helped me get my rank. He is still the best leader I've had in and out of the military. That being said you did not want to piss him off he could smoke people like non other.<br /><br />So I believe the way you address someone is not the most important, but what your actions portray. That being said using it as derogatory will be noticed and will usually make your soldiers have less respect for you. Response by SGT Jeremy Slaughter made May 10 at 2015 1:42 AM 2015-05-10T01:42:42-04:00 2015-05-10T01:42:42-04:00 LCpl Mark Lefler 758964 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I never took it that way, its just part of our names in the military. come here "lefler" come here "lance corporal", it made no nevermind to me. I'd listen for tone, that ment more. Response by LCpl Mark Lefler made Jun 19 at 2015 8:21 PM 2015-06-19T20:21:12-04:00 2015-06-19T20:21:12-04:00 SFC Chris Gomez 1237776 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!!! Stop crying about the stupid crap and do your job; how about that!!! Response by SFC Chris Gomez made Jan 15 at 2016 11:59 AM 2016-01-15T11:59:54-05:00 2016-01-15T11:59:54-05:00 SPC Stacey Lowell 1237791 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I was called by my last name, my first name, rank or whathaveyou. As long as they did not call me late for the weekend, all was good. I never made E-5 at all, but as a specialist, I did all right and did my jobs. People should get over it and just get on with it, I am sure it is nothing personal. Response by SPC Stacey Lowell made Jan 15 at 2016 12:07 PM 2016-01-15T12:07:50-05:00 2016-01-15T12:07:50-05:00 SPC Aaron Stephens 1237802 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Will the bitching and constant looking for offense please stop. I am sorry Sir, is this what your time at University taught you? Response by SPC Aaron Stephens made Jan 15 at 2016 12:12 PM 2016-01-15T12:12:41-05:00 2016-01-15T12:12:41-05:00 CPT Keith Steinhurst 1237841 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Never shrink from calling a member by their rank - it is always correct to do so . . . Response by CPT Keith Steinhurst made Jan 15 at 2016 12:29 PM 2016-01-15T12:29:36-05:00 2016-01-15T12:29:36-05:00 MSgt Private RallyPoint Member 1237903 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I guess the term butter bar is not ok either? I think this view that some of these terms may seem derogatory may have more to do with more experienced people getting frustrated with newly enlisted and commissioned personnel. Kind of like the term "LT proof". <br /><br />I'm from the Air Guard so we really don't address people with rank until they are at least a Major or MSgt or we are doing something in an official capacity. For us it has nothing to do with a lack of respect since we show that respect by getting the job done. Response by MSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 15 at 2016 12:55 PM 2016-01-15T12:55:45-05:00 2016-01-15T12:55:45-05:00 SGT Dave Tracy 1237915 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If I may weigh in on this old topic; to me, it's sounds like the issue is not so much WHAT is said, but HOW it is said that determines if what is being said (rank in this case) has a derogatory subtext. Personally, it's never bothered me. Response by SGT Dave Tracy made Jan 15 at 2016 12:59 PM 2016-01-15T12:59:55-05:00 2016-01-15T12:59:55-05:00 SFC Chris Weaver 1237927 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If they don't like their Rank get promoted and be addressed by a different Rank. We need to stop being so damn sensitive. It is their Rank they earned it. We don't address by first or last names.. Yes of equal rank it is different. Higher to Lower or Lower to Higher we address by Rank. Response by SFC Chris Weaver made Jan 15 at 2016 1:06 PM 2016-01-15T13:06:01-05:00 2016-01-15T13:06:01-05:00 SFC Pete Kain 1237947 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>The only times I addressed a Lt. as Lieutenant, was when he screwed the pooch and needed a reminder that he was not a god, but a rather fallible person and needs to listen more and talk less. <br />As for all the enlisted, why is being addressed by rank a problem? Beats beieg called hey you or shithead.<br />My biggest problem came the CSM's who insisted on being addressed as "COMMAND SARGENT MAJOR" . Oh well, that's all behind me now. Response by SFC Pete Kain made Jan 15 at 2016 1:12 PM 2016-01-15T13:12:19-05:00 2016-01-15T13:12:19-05:00 SGM William Gabbard 1238031 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I like the idea of always including their last name. Shows that you at least have some recognition of who they are. One of my proudest moments upon graduating from basic was when my drill addressed me as "PFC Gabbard," and not "Private," or worse. Response by SGM William Gabbard made Jan 15 at 2016 1:48 PM 2016-01-15T13:48:44-05:00 2016-01-15T13:48:44-05:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 1238098 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have always hated hearing "LT" and Sarge. Correct titles please. I have been taught to address officers junior to me by their first name, but NCOs seem to hate it, so I always address them by their rank. I refrain from addressing more junior officers by their first name in the presence of NCOs. If the more junior officer insists on being addressed by has rank and last name only, well so be it. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 15 at 2016 2:29 PM 2016-01-15T14:29:14-05:00 2016-01-15T14:29:14-05:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 1238265 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Omg I wish I had known the exact AR that stated this so clearly. I had the misfortune of running into a soldier and his buck Sgt (I was a buck Sgt at the time) during a TAG match a few years ago. The soldier, a PFC, in question was disrespecting one of my junior medics (i was the medical NCO in charge of the range coverage). The soldier apparently had a bad experience once with another medic and was talking smack, harassing my joe. So I wandered over to square the troop away. In the conversation, I referred to him as Private, because my NCOS taught me the difference between title and rank. The Joe entry off saying I was disrespecting him as he was a PFC. He went and whined to his Sgt. I explained what transpired and the SGT, to my great disbelief started to call me out for disrespecting his soldier by calling him private (not in front of the soldiers). I was ready to lose my shit. I simply asked if he called his Plt Sgt "sergeant first class" all the time, and he said yes. I told him he was failing his troop not only by teaching him improper courtesy but fostering such poor attitude, and told hem he needed to reread his regulation. I walked away before I said anything I would regret. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 15 at 2016 3:52 PM 2016-01-15T15:52:20-05:00 2016-01-15T15:52:20-05:00 SFC Joseph Weber 1238917 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When I wanted to be derogatory I preferred dickbird. No confusion there. Response by SFC Joseph Weber made Jan 15 at 2016 10:31 PM 2016-01-15T22:31:05-05:00 2016-01-15T22:31:05-05:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 1238933 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Tone probably comes in to play here more than word choice. <br /><br />I always go with rank and name for everyone, superiors, peers, and subordinates alike. You earned that, and I'll respect it. If you don't have the time to put an extra word in when addressing someone, you just told me how much respect you have for them. <br /><br />"Private Jones, let's move out." <br />"Specialist Jones, please come over here."<br />"First Sergeant Jones, I have a question for you."<br />"Lieutenant Jones, I just sent that file to you."<br />"Colonel Jones, we'll get it done."<br /><br />Too easy. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 15 at 2016 10:38 PM 2016-01-15T22:38:35-05:00 2016-01-15T22:38:35-05:00 CSM Charles Hayden 1239000 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Just call me First Sergeant or - Sergeant Major. Response by CSM Charles Hayden made Jan 15 at 2016 11:15 PM 2016-01-15T23:15:56-05:00 2016-01-15T23:15:56-05:00 MAJ Private RallyPoint Member 1239580 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If you don't want to use the rank as a stand-alone title, add their last name to it. Instead of "Private," say "Private Jones," etc. I also use "Gentlemen" when addressing more than one (in an all male unit). I see no problem with it. Response by MAJ Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 16 at 2016 11:04 AM 2016-01-16T11:04:31-05:00 2016-01-16T11:04:31-05:00 SSgt Christopher Brose 1240079 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>One of the first things I was taught in the Marines was that it is never inappropriate to call someone by their rank. Response by SSgt Christopher Brose made Jan 16 at 2016 3:22 PM 2016-01-16T15:22:38-05:00 2016-01-16T15:22:38-05:00 CSM Michael Chavaree 1249881 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Would you call your CSM Mister Xxxx? You do outrank him.. If not, I dont think it is appropriate to call his Soldiers that either.. Response by CSM Michael Chavaree made Jan 21 at 2016 11:41 AM 2016-01-21T11:41:39-05:00 2016-01-21T11:41:39-05:00 2015-01-21T00:15:05-05:00