TSgt Private RallyPoint Member 7861421 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;m prior service Air Force Reserve, went through the full recruiting/waiver process and was approved to rejoin the Air Force. However, my command (fully supported and endorsed by JAG) feel my enlistment should be void based on AFMAN 36-2032 paragraph I&#39;m trying to contest this because chapter 5 doesn&#39;t even apply to me as an Enlisted member. The command is aware of this but still dead set on unfairly voiding my enlistment. Please advise Thank you Can a command just void an enlistment without a valid reason? What would cause an enlistment to be void? 2022-09-05T01:13:18-04:00 TSgt Private RallyPoint Member 7861421 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;m prior service Air Force Reserve, went through the full recruiting/waiver process and was approved to rejoin the Air Force. However, my command (fully supported and endorsed by JAG) feel my enlistment should be void based on AFMAN 36-2032 paragraph I&#39;m trying to contest this because chapter 5 doesn&#39;t even apply to me as an Enlisted member. The command is aware of this but still dead set on unfairly voiding my enlistment. Please advise Thank you Can a command just void an enlistment without a valid reason? What would cause an enlistment to be void? 2022-09-05T01:13:18-04:00 2022-09-05T01:13:18-04:00 MSG Private RallyPoint Member 7861492 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It&#39;s not AFMAN 36-2032, it&#39;s DAFMAN. But I digress. That DAFMAN reads worse than stereo instructions written in cuneiform.<br /><br />Are you trying to come back in with a commission? Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 5 at 2022 5:11 AM 2022-09-05T05:11:47-04:00 2022-09-05T05:11:47-04:00 CPT Private RallyPoint Member 7861992 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Wouldn&#39;t all your unit&#39;s efforts to get your enlistment terminated be nullified by Legal at the higher levels of command that would approved such a termination?<br /><br />What I&#39;m not understanding is the unit itself is going down this path. What is their motivation? <br /><br />If a service member showed up on my books, and then showed up to battle assembly with a CAC ID in hand and in uniform I&#39;d presume the guy is legit. <br /><br />So what gives? Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 5 at 2022 12:56 PM 2022-09-05T12:56:28-04:00 2022-09-05T12:56:28-04:00 A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney 7862511 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>From My PERSONAL Experience...<br />A Paperwork Screw-Up..<br />I Was Removed From My Job One Evening, IMMEDIATELY..<br />They Walked In, Asked &quot;Are You Airman Medrick C. DeVaney&quot;?<br /> I Said &quot;YES&quot;. They Said &quot;COME With Me&quot;...<br /> I Was Transferred To A Different Unit The Next Day...And LOVED Being There...<br />About a YEAR Later I Was Notified To Return To My Previous Unit.... I Went To My CO&#39;s Office &amp; He Managed To Get The New Orders Resented..<br />Here&#39;s What The Issue Was: I Lived In Panama For A Couple Years Or So &amp; Had 2 Good Friends: Johnny Volov &amp; Natasha Sucre. Both Have Parents Whom Left Russia &amp; Went To Panama, Just As The CZAR Was About To Take Over,<br />That&#39;s WHY The Removal...I Socialized With Possible Communists <br />( I Was 14 To About 16 1/2 At The Time)<br /> NOW: Here&#39;s What They Discovered During The Investigation.....<br />And THIS Took Them a YEAR?.. <br />Johnny Volov Is The PRESIDENT Of Panama&#39;s &quot;ANTI-COMMUNIST PARTY&quot;..... NATASHA Sucre His VICE PRESIDENT.... Case Closed !! Fum Ducks./. Response by A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney made Sep 5 at 2022 8:05 PM 2022-09-05T20:05:18-04:00 2022-09-05T20:05:18-04:00 MSgt Allen Chandler 7956988 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Your question &quot;with out a VALID reason&quot; what you really asking is does he have a valid reason. we don&#39;t know what he and the JAG are saying so we can not tell you if it valid. Response by MSgt Allen Chandler made Oct 30 at 2022 12:25 PM 2022-10-30T12:25:37-04:00 2022-10-30T12:25:37-04:00 PO1 Woody W. 7957888 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As a former recruiter, and Command Career Counselor..... one thing that will shake a command to it&#39;s knees.... a Congressional inquiry. Caveat: you better be damn correct all your eggs are in a row &lt;read all your recruiting/personnel &amp; waiver documentation&gt;. Response by PO1 Woody W. made Oct 31 at 2022 12:37 AM 2022-10-31T00:37:30-04:00 2022-10-31T00:37:30-04:00 2022-09-05T01:13:18-04:00