Besides many of us who were drafted, if we had to it over again,would you go into a different branch of service and why? <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Did you get the Career field you always wanted or was promised and got stuck with something different you didn&#39;t like as a career Wed, 28 Oct 2020 21:36:54 -0400 Besides many of us who were drafted, if we had to it over again,would you go into a different branch of service and why? <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Did you get the Career field you always wanted or was promised and got stuck with something different you didn&#39;t like as a career A1C Gus Mimikos Wed, 28 Oct 2020 21:36:54 -0400 2020-10-28T21:36:54-04:00 2020-10-28T21:36:54-04:00