As Sgt At Arms for our Americian Legion Post, I want to know how can we reach our Brothers and Sisters now serving and vets?
I hope I have not come across as disrespectful of what the organizations stand for, but you are asking a general question about boosting recruitment. As I consider myself a fairly representative example of the average Vet, I am providing you with my thought process as to why I have not signed up.
One reason I do my best to support the American Legion and VFW is because of all the work they do representing our interests on Capital Hill. I know without a doubt, if I reach out to my local VFW or American Legion over a problem that needs higher attention, they have my back.
I feel like no one will ever represent us quite as well as our own.
Join The American Legion | The American Legion
The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation's largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.
One other aspect is I don't want to go to post where everyone gathers to drink and everyone is older than me. I get the older part, that's a gimme, I know full well that there are older Vets than me. I know they have been an immense driving force on some of the benefits we all enjoy today. I was a member at large, never had the time to go. I have a motive to want to join one now and that's in part that I want to be trained to be a VSO. However I have to get my foot in the door first.
Some of us mid 30 to mid 40 types still have families and as PO2 William Allen Crowder brought up a good point, some are single parents and would like to bring their kids. CW5 (Join to see) suggested an outreach night or day. Perhaps a family day/night at the post several times a month so everyone gets to be a part of it. When you take in a new member its not just the service member. There are those that may shy away because they still think its a dark smelly place serving alcohol all day.
I linked some articles that may shed some light on this topic and give you some idea why there's not a large number of Post 9/11 Vets not joining. :
Even a post on that subject right here on RP:
American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars posts struggle -
VFW and American Legion posts struggle to survive as older members die and younger veterans decide not to join.
How well are veterans organizations serving our veterans? Enough to induce active duty personnel...
It seems that some veterans harbor ill will towards veterans organizations such as the American Legion and the VFW, especially among Vietnam Vets. My wife frequently goaded me to join, but I told her that those organizations were for “real” veterans. I didn't feel that they wanted an old Adjutant hanging around. However, as the Veterans Administration was exposed as failing in their mission I was tempted to look into membership. I wanted to...
I am a life member of the VFW, but I choose not to participate locally for many reasons. When I was home, the location was in the middle of no where. My post (the Vietnam-one) has combined with another (the WWII one), closer in. The facility is more convenient, but run down, smoke-laden, dark, and mostly just a bar full of dudes. Not much of a draw.
It was hard to tell when the meetings started and ended, and what was supposed to be achieved during them. There was no real orientation as to why different projects are being undertaken or "who's who in the zoo" -- people need to wear name tags every.single.time.
Thanks, but I'm not here for the Ladies Auxillary. But even if I wanted to join (since folks were oh, so kind to let me know that I could be, since my spouse is also VFW-eligible), I couldn't, since they met at the same time. So maybe there are scheduling/membership eligibility matters to consider.
But when it gets right down to it, I don't attend because I disagree with their politics. If I were not already a life VFW member, I would not become one now. For too long, it's seemed like the VFW (national) has been Chicken Little, fighting for benefits that I don't want, don't believe are necessary, and with which I don't want to be associated. The VFW has done great things, but I quickly grew tired of the beating drums demanding more benefits, declaring all was being taken from "us." That's not my orientation for solving problems, and it just doesn't speak to me.
We've discussed having family nights, a dinner party at the post where members are encouraged to bring their families and involve them, meet each other, and become friends instead of just fellow veterans.
Another one that I'm wanting to organize is a fun run type event to promote health and fitness for veterans. Team RWB has done a lot in that area and it wouldn't hurt the older vet associations to take heed and follow suit.
I will follow this thread to get ideas as well since my post seems to be in the same boat as yours.
CONNECT WITH LOCAL BUSINESS.... I can guarantee they would be will to put up donations, sponsorships, or help in anyway they can. There is a strong commitment in this country to be "involved" with military organizations. You just have to ask. Get the message out. I own a portable restroom company. If you called me and said you were putting on an event and asked if I could donate restrooms for the added people, I would simple ask, when and where.
One other thought. Find the nearest military installation. Retired military tend you reside near these installations. Make sure your radio adds cover these areas. Or even have a remote event on the installation itself..
Please don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about pride in your branch or good natured ribbing. But, the real reason IMHO why veterans arn't shown the full respect by this nation that we should is that we don't show it to each other. It is one thing to "write things on RP" and it's another to act and do the right thing in person.
For this next part, I would like everyone to take an honest step back and do some selfreflextion. The next time that you are out in the real world and you think to yourself, look there is a (SM or vet) Marine over there...I hate Marines, or I can't stand arrogant Navy pilots, or everyone in the Army is stupid, or look the chair force, and those Coasties arn't even in the REAL military....the problem is you! If we can't get our shit together as a family (albeit a military family) we can never expect to have the political power or respect from this nation that we deserve. So take a look back at the other responses that people have written...which one doesn't fit my premise? Would you allow a new younger member of your family walk the first time into your house and not great them? Would you want to create an environment that was good for you (smoking) but caused other members of your family to not want to come to your home? My response is if everyone of us treated SM and veterans the way that we do here on RP, with our words, these organizations would be booming. I for one make this pledge, "I treat all SM and veterans of all ages, sexes, branches, MOS's, rates, living or deceased, with the honor and respect that they ALL deserve, in my words, thoughts and actions."