MAJ Private RallyPoint Member 194025 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Have any of you read this rather fantastic piece from what I gather is around 2006/2007 from a seriously disgruntled junior officer that has submitted his REFRAD paperwork? An excerpt:<br /><br />“REFRAD Justification Paper”<br /><br />Top ten justifications for separation, in order:<br /><br />1. Incompetence of leadership<br />2. Condescension of senior officers<br />3. The “OC mentality”<br />4. Officer-NCO relationship<br />5. Lack of Human Resource Management<br />6. Legalistic Treatment of Soldiers<br />7. Sententious codification of moral behavior<br />8. Dismissal of merit in the hierarchy of the officer corps<br />9. Bullying structure of the officer corps<br />10. Lack of opportunities that promote personal development<br /><br />I happened upon this while searching the internet to gain insight into the ongoing release of the results of the 2014 Major OSB results. To read the full document, search for REFRAD_Justification_Paper1_1_<br /><br />I think the author loses the plot a bit at some points, but the overall message is quite interesting; valid, I think. &quot;90s officers&quot; and &quot;GWOT officers&quot; have much, much different perspectives on &quot;the Army&quot; and how to lead, based largely on the different experiences these officers have had as lieutenants and junior captains. These different perspectives can create tension between the two groups. <br /><br />I especially appreciate the author&#39;s comments on the state of the Officer-NCO relationship.<br /><br />Thoughts? Army Office Culture: the "90s officer" vs. "the GWOT officer" 2014-08-04T13:52:05-04:00 MAJ Private RallyPoint Member 194025 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Have any of you read this rather fantastic piece from what I gather is around 2006/2007 from a seriously disgruntled junior officer that has submitted his REFRAD paperwork? An excerpt:<br /><br />“REFRAD Justification Paper”<br /><br />Top ten justifications for separation, in order:<br /><br />1. Incompetence of leadership<br />2. Condescension of senior officers<br />3. The “OC mentality”<br />4. Officer-NCO relationship<br />5. Lack of Human Resource Management<br />6. Legalistic Treatment of Soldiers<br />7. Sententious codification of moral behavior<br />8. Dismissal of merit in the hierarchy of the officer corps<br />9. Bullying structure of the officer corps<br />10. Lack of opportunities that promote personal development<br /><br />I happened upon this while searching the internet to gain insight into the ongoing release of the results of the 2014 Major OSB results. To read the full document, search for REFRAD_Justification_Paper1_1_<br /><br />I think the author loses the plot a bit at some points, but the overall message is quite interesting; valid, I think. &quot;90s officers&quot; and &quot;GWOT officers&quot; have much, much different perspectives on &quot;the Army&quot; and how to lead, based largely on the different experiences these officers have had as lieutenants and junior captains. These different perspectives can create tension between the two groups. <br /><br />I especially appreciate the author&#39;s comments on the state of the Officer-NCO relationship.<br /><br />Thoughts? Army Office Culture: the "90s officer" vs. "the GWOT officer" 2014-08-04T13:52:05-04:00 2014-08-04T13:52:05-04:00 COL Private RallyPoint Member 194051 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I didn't see the link to the original document. What people seem to be forgetting is that the 90's officer...has spent the majority of their career as a GWOT officer. The difference is that for about 4-8 years, they saw an army in training...relatively. Those "non-GWOT" 90's officers also deployed to Somalia, Haiti, the Balkans, Panama, te first Fulf War, etc. What you have here is a full fledged member of the LDM (the League of Disgruntled Majors)...look it's hillarious. The officers of the 90's were a part of the Army that prepared a beautiful machine of warfare that was prepared and agile and adaptive enough to fight, win, change and continue to win. Seriously...who gave the 1LT's and CPT's and SFC's the space to maneuver within commander's guidance in the last 13 years? Battalion, Brigade and Division Commanders, that's who. Those same 90's officers everyone is bitching about. Time to come off the ledge..whoever penned this needs to sign up with the LDM and buy a hat. Response by COL Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 4 at 2014 2:14 PM 2014-08-04T14:14:58-04:00 2014-08-04T14:14:58-04:00 2014-08-04T13:52:05-04:00