Posted on Apr 4, 2018
Are you getting the new Veteran ID Card? Do we need it?
Responses: 18
It depends on how much you use the VA as one example; registering for appointments, scripts, travel etc. are all much faster and literally no lines.
SP5 Peter Keane
Georgeann Carter - There is a difference between the Veteran ID card, and the VA Health ID card. If you have the latter, you don't need the former.
Seems redundant when you have a Retired Military ID Card and a driver's license that states "Veteran" on it.
You either see the benefit of it or you don't. I see no reason why wouldn't get one.
I've already have one it says retired on it. and since i turned 6? my new one is indefinite
Does it allow me to use it like a CAC card to log into various VA websites without requiring a 999 non-repeating alphanumerical password with 219 special characters and a signed and notarized letter from my mom that expires every 13 hours? If not, then I'll pass.
Mrs. Georgeann Carter - Answer: no you don't need it. It looks fake, I can make a better one in photoshop and print it on heavy cotton based paper and have it look much more official. Half of the states have a Veteran Identifier on their drivers licenses. It was a solution to there not being a national veterans ID card as only ones that had the VIC were the ones qualified to USE the VA for healthcare or retired Veterans with the dod id card. I had scanned and shrunk DD-214's for Veterans in my county and laminated them. Most business will accept any proof of being a Veteran as long as you have one. So, Do we need it? No, not really. Those with nothing and cant get into the VA like reservists and Guardsmen that don't have a SC disability or Retirement or Title 10 time that isn't active duty for training - cant use the VA. so for them, this might be a way. For the rest of us, don't waste your time or fight with that nightmare.
In the county that I work for, we created a county Veteran card. On it, is the Veterans Picture, the symbol of the branch of service they were in, dates of service, where they deployed - IF they did and type of discharge. Anything above Dishonorable and a BCD qualify. We then talked to businesses and if they offered some sort of discount or discounts during veteran/ military holidays or some sort of incentive, then we gave them a sign with their business name to put in their front window to let the Veterans know who is Veteran friendly. it started out slow, but has since taken off and is now to the point we have county businesses contacting us to get onto the program.
In the county that I work for, we created a county Veteran card. On it, is the Veterans Picture, the symbol of the branch of service they were in, dates of service, where they deployed - IF they did and type of discharge. Anything above Dishonorable and a BCD qualify. We then talked to businesses and if they offered some sort of discount or discounts during veteran/ military holidays or some sort of incentive, then we gave them a sign with their business name to put in their front window to let the Veterans know who is Veteran friendly. it started out slow, but has since taken off and is now to the point we have county businesses contacting us to get onto the program.
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