PFC Private RallyPoint Member6187704<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am headed to OSUT at Ft Leonard Wood for my prerequisite for 37F and was wondering if we got to bring Go Pros and record (record things like regular videos, airborne jumps, etc)Are we able to use Go Pros in the Army?2020-08-08T22:43:32-04:00PFC Private RallyPoint Member6187704<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am headed to OSUT at Ft Leonard Wood for my prerequisite for 37F and was wondering if we got to bring Go Pros and record (record things like regular videos, airborne jumps, etc)Are we able to use Go Pros in the Army?2020-08-08T22:43:32-04:002020-08-08T22:43:32-04:00SPC Private RallyPoint Member6187808<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>no, you will not be able to wear a go pro at basic training/ait/osut. Even out of training, civilian devices are not permitted in uniform (maybe if you got special permission, but you're not going to get that at basic) and the military is iffy about people recording stuff on the job anyhow. If they want something recorded they will have their own people doing that. <br /><br /><br />when i went through basic they did have an organization that would record your company doing some of the big stuff, but I say "company" because you might see yourself in that video once. Twice if you count the wide video of everyone at graduation.Response by SPC Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 8 at 2020 11:04 PM2020-08-08T23:04:54-04:002020-08-08T23:04:54-04:00SGM Bill Frazer6187897<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If you show up with ANYTHING not on the packing list, it is likely to be taken and locked up where will may be able to earn limited use of it.Response by SGM Bill Frazer made Aug 8 at 2020 11:40 PM2020-08-08T23:40:56-04:002020-08-08T23:40:56-04:00Sgt Private RallyPoint Member6187950<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Have you not reviewed the packing list?Response by Sgt Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 9 at 2020 12:06 AM2020-08-09T00:06:37-04:002020-08-09T00:06:37-04:00MSG Private RallyPoint Member6188012<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Do yourself a HUUUUUUUGE favor. Well, a couple of them. First, leave the GO PRO at home. Seriously. Leave it at home. Second, what ever is on the packing list you were given, take only that. Take nothing else except what is on the packing list.Response by MSG Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 9 at 2020 1:08 AM2020-08-09T01:08:56-04:002020-08-09T01:08:56-04:00SSG Roger Ayscue6188087<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Follow the packing list to the letter and well....Follow the packing list to the letter and do what the drill sergeants say.<br />Just for Giggles and Grins, picture in your mind a trainee that wants to get out of formation to film stuff and bugs the drill sergeant about it and the drill sergeant reacts like a drill sergeant is likely to act and the next time that soldier sees his Go Pro it is filming from the holding tank of a field latrine.<br />Basically son, that drill sergeant is likely to take it away from you and you will never see it again. You want to avoid becoming what we used to call the "Spotlight Ranger" The "Spotlight Ranger" found it hard to just graduate. It would suck to film stuff you did not pass.Response by SSG Roger Ayscue made Aug 9 at 2020 2:12 AM2020-08-09T02:12:46-04:002020-08-09T02:12:46-04:00SPC Private RallyPoint Member6190056<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Do the recording on how the DS respond Response by SPC Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 9 at 2020 3:57 PM2020-08-09T15:57:16-04:002020-08-09T15:57:16-04:00SFC Private RallyPoint Member6190066<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You cannot wear GoPros on jumps anymore. The only ones allowed are the ones authorized in the ASOP.Response by SFC Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 9 at 2020 4:01 PM2020-08-09T16:01:06-04:002020-08-09T16:01:06-04:00CWO3 Private RallyPoint Member6190305<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>What's with all the toys? First it's alterations to weapons (if/when) you become SF, now video. Learn to walk before trying to run. Be patient and stay the course, maybe your time will come. Now it's all a dream, but stick to your dreams. Just be conscious when you're supposed to be awake. For now.Response by CWO3 Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 9 at 2020 5:41 PM2020-08-09T17:41:10-04:002020-08-09T17:41:10-04:00SPC(P) Private RallyPoint Member6191397<div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Focus on Training man, you will have ample amount of times to record memories once you become Perm Party, or even on future jumps, but your focus should be learning all you can about your W. Task and Drills...once complete you can easily talk to a 25V(Combat Doc) Civilian or Drill taking photos of the Cycle and ask can you get copies of the journey. As for packing list, there are 3 things alot of troops usually forget about which are Direct, Optional, and Implied Orders/Task<br /><br />Direct Orders: Usually Primary Orders that should be followed to the T, in order to accomplish said mission (usually Packing List, Locations, Targets, BE AT PT/LOCATION AT SUCH TIME) <br /><br />Optional Orders/Task: Optional Orders that aren't needed to complete mission, but are usually helpful in completing quicker, or more easier. Examples( Extra Uniforms, Mags, Intel on Mission, ect)<br /><br />And my favorite: Implied Task<br /><br />Implied usually do not need to be explained, and usually up to Soilder or Command discretion. Examples are (Be at PT 15 minutes prior, Hoagie Bait, Acogs, and yes GoPros and cameras) I for one have a GoPro attached to my ACH (but that is because I am a photographer/filmmaker on the side) The issue with Implied Orders/Task is that IF it hinders the mission (distractions/ to much weight) they are usually discouraged.<br /><br />That said man, you will have ample amount of time to do thing like that and though BCT/OSUT is exciting I would focus on learning what I can than filming.Response by SPC(P) Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 10 at 2020 4:15 AM2020-08-10T04:15:03-04:002020-08-10T04:15:03-04:002020-08-08T22:43:32-04:00